Search found 1641 matches

by Eleri
14 Feb 2018, 17:30
Forum: News and Announcements
Topic: Waterfall Middies and Fasties - Trial of earlier start time Feb 18th and 25th
Replies: 1
Views: 4437

Re: Waterfall Middies and Fasties - Trial of earlier start time Feb 18th and 25th

There's a big event happening on Sunday on Carrington Road, Marrickville. It's a heavily advertised plant sale starting 8AM. it is advertised as "Due to expected demand, the sale will be held in four sessions on both days (8-10am, 10am-noon, 12-2pm and 2-4pm), and attendees will need to registe...
by Eleri
18 Nov 2017, 09:26
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride for Nick 2017
Replies: 10
Views: 8327

Re: Ride for Nick 2018

1. Jarrad
2. Jo
3. Olaf
4. Eleri
by Eleri
30 Oct 2017, 19:08
Forum: Road
Topic: 10th Annual Fixie Century - 6th November2016
Replies: 29
Views: 20137

Re: 10th Annual Fixie Century - 6th November2016

I'll be in Jindabyne that day - it's the day after L'Etape. But don't change it on my account.
by Eleri
29 Oct 2017, 15:01
Forum: Road
Topic: 10th Annual Fixie Century - 6th November2016
Replies: 29
Views: 20137

Re: 10th Annual Fixie Century - 6th November2016

I'm up for another one. There's talk of a Macquarie Pass descent this time...
by Eleri
20 Aug 2017, 21:36
Forum: Track
Topic: Try the track - who's interested?
Replies: 4
Views: 6530

Try the track - who's interested?

Would you like to Try the Track? The club will run a session at Tempe Velodrome if there is sufficient interest. A tentative booking has been made for the afternoon of Sunday Sept 10th with some club racing afterwards.  We've got bikes that you can borrow and you'll just need to bring helmet, shoes ...
by Eleri
11 Jun 2017, 21:09
Forum: Road
Topic: Monday 12 June 2017 4 Gorges Ride 6.30am
Replies: 1
Views: 4049

Re: Monday 12 June 2017 4 Gorges Ride 6.30am


Jonathan C
Paul L
by Eleri
22 Apr 2017, 13:24
Forum: Road
Topic: 4 Gorges Tuesday 25 April 2017 Anzac Day
Replies: 5
Views: 6293

Re: 4 Gorges Tuesday 25 April 2017 Anzac Day

Jonathan C
Simon D
by Eleri
10 Apr 2017, 20:59
Forum: Road
Topic: Easter Fri 2017 Narrabeen-West Head: Drive-Ride or Ride-Ride
Replies: 5
Views: 5301

Re: Easter Fri 2017 Narrabeen-West Head: Drive-Ride or Ride-Ride

OMG - I had forgotten about that thread. Can't believe that was 4 years ago. I may well join you.
by Eleri
29 Jan 2017, 19:58
Forum: Conversation
Topic: close shave this morning
Replies: 11
Views: 12352

Re: close shave this morning

That is great! Well done you and worth following up.
by Eleri
13 Jan 2017, 20:39
Forum: Track
Topic: Track Training
Replies: 60
Views: 111976

Re: Track Training

Hi Justin Yes you can come down. You will need to get there at 6:30 to get set up on a bike. There are some larger ones you can borrow, although we did deem 2 of them as needing repair. Unless it's raining in which case we can't ride on the track. There are pedal spanners at the track and you use th...
by Eleri
10 Dec 2016, 12:45
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Newcastle Overnighter
Replies: 7
Views: 6357

Re: Newcastle Overnighter

Christmas Party is on tonight ...
by Eleri
14 Nov 2016, 19:01
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

There's a couple of places available now due to late withdrawals. Anyone interested?
by Eleri
12 Nov 2016, 12:26
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

I've sent an email to everyone I think is going just now with details of where we are staying. If you didn't get this email, let me know ASAP.
by Eleri
07 Nov 2016, 19:22
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

Update on the accommodation. Well, there's been a bit of a SNAFU and the Blizzard Bunny Lodge went a bit feral on us and the wrong dates got booked - right dates got ordered, but a slip between order and booking went unnoticed til last week. But ... Good news : I noticed before we actually turned up...
by Eleri
02 Nov 2016, 18:42
Forum: Road
Topic: Waterfall Cancelled this Sunday 6th of November - GongRide
Replies: 3
Views: 3030

Re: Waterfall Cancelled this Sunday 6th of November - GongRide

Or you could make a last minute decision to join the Fixie Imperial Century. Go on. You know you want to!
by Eleri
01 Nov 2016, 18:13
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Our club challenges and direction
Replies: 2
Views: 5136

Re: Our club challenges and direction

I think we pride ourselves on being inclusive and participation really works for us. Our sheer size (I think we are now the biggest club in NSW) means that with something around 40% of our members holding a race licence, we still have more race licence holders than the majority of NSW clubs! We've g...
by Eleri
28 Oct 2016, 20:06
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

I promise to get around to finalising this soon.
by Eleri
14 Oct 2016, 05:00
Forum: Road
Topic: 10th Annual Fixie Century - 6th November2016
Replies: 29
Views: 20137

Re: 10th Annual Fixie Century - 6th November2016

The List:
1. Andrew B.
2. John C (I better find a fixie)
3. Lindsay
4. Eleri (as long as someone drives my car from Bundanoon to Sydney)
by Eleri
03 Oct 2016, 20:11
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Race Weight
Replies: 167
Views: 58990

Re: Race Weight

I caught 2 women measuring Strawburger's dimensions in a skin suit this morning. We all agreed he's skinny. :-)
by Eleri
03 Oct 2016, 20:10
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Breakfast before training rides?
Replies: 15
Views: 12840

Re: Breakfast before training rides?

Maybe give Perpeteum a go too :)
Warning: it's an acquired taste that some never acquire.
by Eleri
01 Oct 2016, 08:55
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Breakfast before training rides?
Replies: 15
Views: 12840

Re: Breakfast before training rides?

I eat a light breakfast before and second breakfast after. If I'm going to RNP, say, or anything 100km+ I'll usually take a bottle of Perpeteum (liquid food) because I ride faster and better if I've got energy coming in (as Mike says) and I'm not much of a snacker. Also, intensity is harder without ...
by Eleri
24 Sep 2016, 12:21
Forum: Road
Topic: Tour of Canberra Race report
Replies: 4
Views: 3181

Re: Tour of Canberra Race report

Great reports Simon! I even had a text from Mark Lacey saying "All he needs to do is stay upright" to win the GC! That's an impressive average HR in the crit ... Well all the reports really.
by Eleri
17 Sep 2016, 17:44
Forum: Conversation
Topic: FOUND: Info on DHBC 'Life Members' 1908-2000
Replies: 3
Views: 6546

Re: FOUND: Info on DHBC 'Life Members' 1908-2000

There's a provision included in the Constitution when it was revised in 2012 It reads: 8. Life membership (1) On the nomination of the Committee, life members may be elected by the AGM by a Special Resolution. (2) Life membership shall be restricted to those whose association with the Club extends f...
by Eleri
14 Sep 2016, 07:26
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Stolen bikes - Wolli Creek
Replies: 3
Views: 6048

Stolen bikes - Wolli Creek

Message from Matt I was wondering whether it would be possible to put the word out about to road bikes we had stolen from Wolli Creek whilst we were on holiday? They were taken between the 9th August and 10th September from a secure cage at Discovery Point. The first bike is a planet X pro carbon in...
by Eleri
21 Aug 2016, 18:45
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Kid's racing (9 years old, very tall)
Replies: 3
Views: 5098

Re: Kid's racing (9 years old, very tall)

Kids race on the track as juniors and there are some road / crit races as well. I suggest heading down to Juniors track training on a Wednesday from 5:30pm to check it out. Your son will need a CA juniors licence, not necessarily a race licence to start with. More info is on the DHBC website Most ra...
by Eleri
17 Aug 2016, 21:13
Forum: News and Announcements
Topic: Try the Track – Sunday, 11 September 2pm – 4pm
Replies: 0
Views: 4357

Try the Track – Sunday, 11 September 2pm – 4pm

Have you always wanted to have a spin on the Velodrome? Well now is your opportunity. On Sunday the 11th of September from 2 – 4pm the track will be open to novices to take a track bike for a spin. There will be some Track riders on hand to offer tips and assistance. Please bring your own pedals and...
by Eleri
05 Aug 2016, 18:42
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Wanted: Shimano 11 sp freehub for fulcrum 7 wheel
Replies: 1
Views: 4026

Re: Wanted: Shimano 11 sp freehub for fulcrum 7 wheel

Can't help with a hub, but I do have a slightly used 11 sp 11-28 cassette you can have.
by Eleri
05 Aug 2016, 18:41
Forum: Road
Topic: 2016 DHBC Individual Time Trial Championship Sunday 7th August
Replies: 62
Views: 71418

Re: 2016 DHBC Individual Time Trial Championship Sunday 7th August

I'm a late withdrawal due to a family visit this weekend.
Michael O'Reilly out too bcoz sick (and no lift from me, but mostly sick)
by Eleri
24 Jul 2016, 16:23
Forum: Road
Topic: 2016 DHBC Individual Time Trial Championship Sunday 7th August
Replies: 62
Views: 71418

Re: 2016 DHBC Individual Time Trial Championship Sunday 7th August

Attendees list for the DHBC 2016 ITT competition: (name and type of bike) 1. Marc Rerceretnam - either a 1985 Raleigh Panasonic or a 1985 Rossin Cronos TT 2. Francisco Arraiza - 2015 Focus Izalco Max 3. John Caley - Steel frame from the 60s that Lindsay found me. groupset from 2015 4. Craig Weller -...
by Eleri
13 Jul 2016, 20:26
Forum: Road
Topic: Berry Mountain post TTT - 17 July
Replies: 1
Views: 1982

Re: Berry Mountain post TTT

by Eleri
13 Jul 2016, 20:26
Forum: Road
Topic: Berry Mountain post TTT - 17 July
Replies: 1
Views: 1982

Berry Mountain post TTT - 17 July

Nothing says TTT recovery like a ride over Berry Mountain and into Kangaroo Valley. Probably up the Upper Kangaroo Valley River road for bucolic loveliness, a pie at the best pie shop in the world (allegedly) and perhaps a stop at a cafe in the sky if I can remember where it is. Meet at 9AM at the B...
by Eleri
10 Jul 2016, 17:31
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

OK - there's now a waitlist. If there's enough people on the waitlist we can secure an apartment close by. Don't forget to pay your deposit to secure your bed. Due end July latest. Please transfer this to the club bank a/c before the due date with your name and include SNOW (e.g. SnowEleri) That way...
by Eleri
07 Jul 2016, 18:31
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Wanted: Old/Used size 650 tyre
Replies: 3
Views: 4837

Re: Wanted: Old/Used size 650 tyre

I have multiple 650c singles that I unexpectedly acquired with various wheels. They are unused but I am sure you can ride them through mud or something to age them up. Given I have worn out exactly no tyres on the tubulars in about 4 years, you are more than welcome to one or more of them.
by Eleri
05 Jul 2016, 19:24
Forum: Road
Topic: Caveman II Adventure Ride: 9-10 July 2016
Replies: 27
Views: 10376

Re: Caveman II Adventure Ride: 9-10 July 2016

Someone can borrow my car if you want - it's got racks for 4 bikes and can take 4-5 people. I'm not offering to drive it though. Or go on the cold, wet torture ride.
by Eleri
03 Jul 2016, 20:57
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Free Stuff
Replies: 310
Views: 387144

Re: Free Stuff

Winner! See you during the week and we can work out a plan.
by Eleri
03 Jul 2016, 17:31
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Free Stuff
Replies: 310
Views: 387144

Re: Free Stuff

Would anyone like an adjustable pole that hangs two bikes? It was great for me when I had to keep all the bikes in a tiny room. It sits hard against the floor and the ceiling and has an extra pole so that it could potentially fit a quite high ceiling. It was in a rental and there was no damage done ...
by Eleri
02 Jul 2016, 20:21
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

Updated list Eleri - willing to share Anthony K - willing to share Adam W - willing to share Peter B - willing to share Andrew M -willing to share Phil D - willing to share Paul M - willing to share Greeny - willing to share Sim - willing to share Sim's brother Pete - willing to share Svetlana - Wil...
by Eleri
29 Jun 2016, 20:18
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted

Number 2.

Maybe it's Ben Fox.
by Eleri
26 Jun 2016, 14:52
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

Ta. I'll keep an eye out - or rather, other Andrew will.
by Eleri
26 Jun 2016, 13:27
Forum: News and Announcements
Topic: Nine news 25th June 2016
Replies: 0
Views: 4441

Nine news 25th June 2016

It has been brought to our attention that some video footage of an alleged road rage incident was broadcast on the Channel 9 News bulletin on Saturday evening, 25th of June. The vision and captioning indicates the involvement of Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club riders in this event. We wish to clarify that...
by Eleri
26 Jun 2016, 13:20
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

OK Mark. All done - everyone on this list has to pay their deposit by end July or forfeit the booking. Eleri - willing to share Anthony K - willing to share Adam W - willing to share Peter B - willing to share Andrew M -willing to share Phil D - willing to share Paul M - willing to share Greeny - wi...
by Eleri
24 Jun 2016, 18:26
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Bike Dilema - seeking advice
Replies: 5
Views: 6042

Re: Bike Dilema - seeking advice

The Reacto looks more like a time trial bike to me. I suggest it would be a bit uncomfortable for every day riding. You could ride it in L'Etape but I don't think it would be a great climbing bike. The Scultura is probably more suitable. If you get disc brakes you won't be able to race it in sanctio...
by Eleri
23 Jun 2016, 20:41
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

Eleri - willing to share Anthony K - willing to share Adam W - willing to share Peter B - willing to share Andrew M -willing to share Phil D - willing to share Paul M - willing to share Greeny - willing to share Sim - willing to share Sim's brother Pete - willing to share Svetlana - Willing to share...
by Eleri
22 Jun 2016, 20:45
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

Definitely not. You might even solve a double bed problem!
by Eleri
22 Jun 2016, 20:43
Forum: Road
Topic: Rookwood Crits 2015
Replies: 80
Views: 34943

Re: Rookwood Crits 2015

Currently in discussion with Rookwood. Well, at least trying to be in discussion with them but they've had a few issues.
by Eleri
20 Jun 2016, 20:34
Forum: Track
Topic: Week 1 RAW
Replies: 5
Views: 6777

Re: Week 1 RAW

After RAW round 1... DHBC are second on Hilbrick teams challenge behind...... Randwick Botany CC
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
by Eleri
19 Jun 2016, 17:43
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

The accommodation is booked and confirmed. You will need to secure your place with a $35 per head deposit before 31st July. Please transfer this to the club bank a/c before the due date with your name and include SNOW (e.g. SnowEleri) That way we can track the payments. Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club BSB...
by Eleri
04 Jun 2016, 19:51
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

The committee agreed to pay the deposit and I'll get everyone to pay the club. There's a couple more club people who have told me they intend to join in. I'm sure we will make the numbers from the club at this point.
by Eleri
04 Jun 2016, 10:37
Forum: Road
Topic: Cycling Lane on Carrington Road
Replies: 10
Views: 7491

Re: Cycling Lane on Carrington Road

It's tricky to know what it and isn't a bike lane. It turns out there are very few actual Bike Lanes (see above) and as John says above, they are more often bike paths, or just a marking on the road.

Here's some background.
by Eleri
31 May 2016, 20:59
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

I've found a lodge that accommodates up to 24 if 2 couples cosy up or 22 if everyone wants their own bed. 8 bedrooms all up and a couple of bathrooms. Got a big kitchen and stuff. It's in Jindabyne and looks to be walking distance to the shops. Reckon I'll just book it unless someone has a better id...
by Eleri
26 May 2016, 19:48
Forum: Road
Topic: Come Try Road Racing / WEST HEAD 12/06/16
Replies: 7
Views: 4430

Re: Come Try Road Racing / WEST HEAD 12/06/16

I signed up for C Grade.
by Eleri
25 May 2016, 21:52
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: History of DHBC 1908-2015
Replies: 5
Views: 7813

Re: History of DHBC 1908-2015

History of Cycling in Australia published in Australian Geographic this week.
by Eleri
25 May 2016, 21:49
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

No pubs in Crackenback that I know of, although there is a Schnapps Distillery. Not much in the way of accommodation, or anything really. Certainly no shops. Unfortunately there's a bit of a pointless hill between Jindabyne and Crackenback. I hadn't realised it started there. Still, I reckon Jindaby...
by Eleri
24 May 2016, 22:31
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

I'm planning to get a place or places in Jindabyne where it starts and finishes. No point driving to the start!

This weekend I've got a bit of time so I'll get down to some serious planning. Anyone else who wants to be in, better put their name down .
by Eleri
21 May 2016, 19:06
Forum: Road
Topic: Sunday, 22nd May - 6 am - 7 Gorges
Replies: 17
Views: 9597

Re: Sunday, 22nd May - 6 am - 7 Gorges

See you at Broadway and Wattle. I'll bail early at some as yet to be determined point.
by Eleri
15 May 2016, 19:21
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

Eleri - willing to share
Anthony K - willing to share
by Eleri
15 May 2016, 17:41
Forum: Road
Topic: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December
Replies: 83
Views: 57163

Re: L’Etape Australia 2016 - by Le Tour De France Saturday 3rd December

From talk around the traps, there is likely to be a substantial DHBC contingent. I'm willing to organise a lodge on behalf of the club if we can get enough people interested. Probably one that is self-catering with a substantial kitchen. Lots of lodges have twin and triple share rooms. No need to na...
by Eleri
12 May 2016, 19:48
Forum: Road
Topic: Rookwood Crits 2015
Replies: 80
Views: 34943

Re: Rookwood Crits 2015

Just a blip I hope. But we shall see.
by Eleri
11 May 2016, 21:19
Forum: Road
Topic: Road changers to Anzac Parade
Replies: 3
Views: 2861

Re: Road changers to Anzac Parade

We've changed the route for the time being (which might be a couple of years). Now we go Doncaster and turn right into Alison Road, then into Centennial Park. Pretty much we have swapped traffic lights for roundabouts. New skills!
by Eleri
09 May 2016, 19:52
Forum: Road
Topic: Road changers to Anzac Parade
Replies: 3
Views: 2861

Re: Road changers to Anzac Parade

OK. That's a problem. We could change the route and go the way the women's ride goes down Doncaster then turn onto Alison Road. The women's ride goes on the bike path there but if we stayed on the road - can you turn right from Alison into Anzac?
by Eleri
08 May 2016, 19:20
Forum: Track
Topic: Try the track - one Sunday afternoon in May
Replies: 0
Views: 4690

Try the track - one Sunday afternoon in May

If you are interested in trying the track to see if it is for you, here is your opportunity! Please fill in the poll so we know whether it is worth running. We have, in the past, run women only sessions and that's a possibility as well. To try the track and use one of the club bikes you will need: H...
by Eleri
05 May 2016, 12:57
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW State Masters Road titles - Orange
Replies: 1
Views: 1979

NSW State Masters Road titles - Orange

Ride report from Craig Weller Three members of the newly formed DH racing team ventured to Orange last weekend for the annual NSW Masters State Titles along with two women. We were spread over multiple categories with Simon Berry the spring chicken in MAS3, Pete McSwiggan and Sandra Tracy in MAS5, a...
by Eleri
24 Apr 2016, 18:29
Forum: Road
Topic: Anzac Day Mon 25th 7:30 Drive-Ride West Head / Akuna bay 70k
Replies: 2
Views: 2206

Re: Anzac Day Mon 25th 7:30 Drive-Ride West Head / Akuna bay 70k

I'm in - see you at Narrabeen. I'll ride out there and leave Erko at about 6:00ish I guess.
by Eleri
04 Apr 2016, 20:54
Forum: Road
Topic: Sunday 3/04, 6am - First time RNP Ride 25s Pace
Replies: 12
Views: 6287

Re: Sunday 3/04, 6am - First time RNP Ride 25s Pace

Dunno. He wasn't in club kit :-)
by Eleri
03 Apr 2016, 18:25
Forum: Road
Topic: Sunday 3/04, 6am - First time RNP Ride 25s Pace
Replies: 12
Views: 6287

Re: Sunday 3/04, 6am - First time RNP Ride 25s Pace

Good to see you all riding strongly up the climb on Sir Bertram Stevens Drive towards Garie!
by Eleri
02 Apr 2016, 12:52
Forum: News and Announcements
Topic: 2016 Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club Annual General Meeting
Replies: 2
Views: 6063

Re: 2016 Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club Annual General Meeting

The AGM is on tomorrow at3pm at the Tempe Velodrome.
by Eleri
23 Mar 2016, 19:21
Forum: Conversation
Topic: cycling NSW emails
Replies: 1
Views: 2023

Re: cycling NSW emails


Cycling Australia maintains the membership lists not Cycling NSW. Some people are on twice but I checked and you are only in there once. I've messaged you.
by Eleri
22 Mar 2016, 06:09
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

I reported the new traffic lights on the Airport Drive Cycleway. The lights are set to red for cyclists when they could be set to green with a red left turn for cars. At the moment when we cross, it also stops the cars heading north on the Airport Drive. I made the point that this is a congestion ge...
by Eleri
22 Mar 2016, 05:54
Forum: Road
Topic: Crash C28s 20 March
Replies: 7
Views: 5135

Re: Crash C28s 20 March

That's not good. Hope you are on the mend now Paul.

Some good points for all bunches to note and put into practice.
by Eleri
14 Mar 2016, 21:33
Forum: Track
Topic: Monday night marathon 120 lapper
Replies: 37
Views: 29020

Re: Monday night marathon 120 lapper

Will we be working up to a thousand? The Tempe One Thousand - now there's a name for a comp!
by Eleri
14 Mar 2016, 21:32
Forum: Road
Topic: 2016 Club race points competition
Replies: 2
Views: 2478

Re: 2016 Club race points competition

Good point winner! Let me consult with my co-organisers ...
by Eleri
13 Mar 2016, 21:35
Forum: Road
Topic: 2016 Club race points competition
Replies: 2
Views: 2478

2016 Club race points competition

Welcome to the 2016 club points competition. This is a competition for those with a race licence or a recreational licence. If you are a recreational rider, you get to go in Blayney to Bathurst and a TTT at Nowra. Racing members, whether Elite or Masters, get to go in all races and timed events. You...
by Eleri
13 Mar 2016, 21:22
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

Today I reported a beg button cnr Coulson & Mitchell Rds Alexandria - seeing as cyclists use it and it was broken.

26 points Jonboy
4 points Eleri
2 points Adam W
1 point JoTB
1 point Humanbeing (Peter B)
1 point jcaley
by Eleri
13 Mar 2016, 14:47
Forum: Road
Topic: Waterfall Today 13/3/2016
Replies: 1
Views: 1926

Re: Waterfall Today 13/3/2016

Remind me not to stand next to tall people in photos!
by Eleri
06 Mar 2016, 21:56
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cycling Gear Website Hints
Replies: 8
Views: 6381

Re: Cycling Gear Website Hints

So ...

Do you want cheap and cheerful or something more stylish. Or quite a lot stylish? Bespoke even?
by Eleri
01 Mar 2016, 20:26
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

I reported the metal rod sticking up at the end of the bike path the Slowies use past the graffiti wall. Happy days! They fixed the metal rod sticking up ... by reinstating the bollard that was supposed to go there. Better warn Saturday Slowies. 26 points Jonboy (extra 18 points for my solo Eastern...
by Eleri
24 Feb 2016, 19:55
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

I reported the metal rod sticking up at the end of the bike path the Slowies use past the graffiti wall.

26 points Jonboy (extra 18 points for my solo Eastern 'holes' ride:
1 point JoTB
1 point Humanbeing (Peter B)
1 point jcaley
1 point Eleri
by Eleri
14 Feb 2016, 15:18
Forum: Road
Topic: Sun Club Ride: Royal National Park (RNP) 6:00am
Replies: 422
Views: 239006

Re: Sun Club Ride: Royal National Park (RNP) 6:00am

Well, I wasn't there at all. Typical.
Your absence was noted. Can we have a note from your mum please? :D
by Eleri
13 Feb 2016, 19:58
Forum: Road
Topic: Sun Club Ride: Royal National Park (RNP) 6:00am
Replies: 422
Views: 239006

Re: Sun Club Ride: Royal National Park (RNP) 6:00am

I'll heading out that way but will continue to Otford.
by Eleri
11 Feb 2016, 04:23
Forum: Road
Topic: 2016 B2B Sun 10th April
Replies: 21
Views: 9921

Re: 2016 B2B Sun 10th April

I'm going. Not sure which distance actually - might ride with my niece.
by Eleri
08 Feb 2016, 05:52
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Free Stuff
Replies: 310
Views: 387144

Re: Free Stuff

I'll take Items N and O please
by Eleri
06 Feb 2016, 13:50
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride to Woronora Dam this Sunday 6am
Replies: 8
Views: 4904

Re: Ride to Woronora Dam this Sunday 6am

1. John H
2. Raph (Maybe)
3. Andrewm (probably)
4. Dougie
5. Jonathan C
6. Eleri - but only as far as Otford
by Eleri
06 Feb 2016, 13:49
Forum: Road
Topic: Newington Armory Criterion Racing Thursday evenings
Replies: 11
Views: 4790

Re: Newington Armory Criterion Racing Thursday evenings

You will need a racing licence. You *might* be able to get a day licence but I wouldn't rely on it.
by Eleri
04 Feb 2016, 16:56
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Dulwich Hill spotted

Some DHBC chap with nicely shaped calves and good sock length spotted in this article. But who is it? ... ing-gmkmfi
by Eleri
04 Feb 2016, 05:50
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

Interesting question - many footpaths are legally part of the road. And kids ride on the footpath.

I guess we can count footpaths on that basis.
by Eleri
31 Jan 2016, 15:39
Forum: The Workshop
Topic: Lock ring for Shimano 10/11 speed cassette with 11 tooth cog
Replies: 5
Views: 6428

Re: Lock ring for Shimano 10/11 speed cassette with 11 tooth cog

Yes, you count the teeth.

And you have to count them several times because you get it wrong the first or second time. :-)
by Eleri
27 Jan 2016, 18:29
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

Awesome work Jonboy!! our first competition result.

5 points Jonboy
1 point JoTB
1 point Humanbeing (Peter B)
1 point jcaley
by Eleri
26 Jan 2016, 20:04
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625


Long bicycle-wheel-trapping hole in King St Newtown at corner with Camden St.
Does this mean you have reported it John?
by Eleri
23 Jan 2016, 10:58
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

Great work!

So the leader board is

3 points Jonboy
1 point JoTB
1 point Humanbeing (Peter B)
by Eleri
21 Jan 2016, 19:55
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

The point is though, that you actually report it to RMS yourselves. It's an individual competition.

So far I have

1 Point: JoTB
by Eleri
18 Jan 2016, 06:54
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Re: Report a hole - competition

Here's how it will work. At the top of your post Very brief description e.g. Pothole in RNP at bottom of Garie You get 1 point for reporting. If you make multiple reports of the same hole, you get a point for each report. When it gets fixed you get an extra 2 points. More than one person can make a...
by Eleri
18 Jan 2016, 06:48
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Report a hole - competition
Replies: 28
Views: 16625

Report a hole - competition

We've all done it, ridden past that pothole and muttered "someone should fix that" but didn't report it. As cyclists we are close to the road and observant about road conditions that affect us. That's not always the case for road repair crews or decision makers who probably aren't thinking...
by Eleri
27 Dec 2015, 15:19
Forum: Track
Topic: 2015 Syd -X-Mas- Carnivals
Replies: 20
Views: 16687

Re: 2015 Syd -X-Mas- Carnivals

Thanks all

We have cooking supplies. Stuart - can you bring your BBQ tools please?

I'll get ice, sweets and chips and I think Donna has the drinks so we should be good to go.
by Eleri
22 Dec 2015, 11:46
Forum: Track
Topic: 2015 Syd -X-Mas- Carnivals
Replies: 20
Views: 16687

Re: 2015 Syd -X-Mas- Carnivals

Thanks Jo. Nick Gowing is sorting the BBQ and is looking for helpers for that. I'm starting a list - please add yourself

Nick - BBQ coordination
Jo - BBQ / Canteen from 6pm
Donna -
Eleri - Canteen from 3 - 6pm (but thinking I'll probably race after that)
by Eleri
22 Dec 2015, 06:31
Forum: Track
Topic: 2015 Syd -X-Mas- Carnivals
Replies: 20
Views: 16687

Re: 2015 Syd -X-Mas- Carnivals

Looking for some volunteers for the BBQ and Canteen on Monday 28th. We will run the canteen with drinks and snacks from about 3pm for the juniors and then the BBQ from 6pm for the Seniors racing. If you can help with either an afternoon or evening shift for an hour or so, that will be greatly apprec...
by Eleri
21 Dec 2015, 14:25
Forum: Conversation
Topic: The Marrick Cafe - New Owner
Replies: 2
Views: 3019

Re: The Marrick Cafe - New Owner

Hey! That's the first time we've ever been asked. :-) So off to a good start there.

People mention speed in getting their coffee / food. Now this isn't a problem I've had I have to say.

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