Search found 142 matches

by ratzzzzz
25 Jul 2017, 07:30
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Race Around Ireland
Replies: 2
Views: 4599

Re: Race Around Ireland

Veloroos are hosting a fund raising event for Race around Ireland this Sunday. Details below. Join the Veloroos for a bit of craic at the Gaelic Club in Sydney for their final fling before they head off to take on the Race Around Ireland. There will be plenty of traditional live Irish music and folk...
by ratzzzzz
05 Jun 2017, 21:54
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Race Around Ireland
Replies: 2
Views: 4599

Race Around Ireland

After the success of the Veloroos at Race Around America they're back at it and have signed up for the Race Around Ireland. The team is made up of JA (one of the original team) Di, Sarah Anne and Pippa who are new to the team. The race is a non stop 2,200 km race with 23,000m of climbing, a bit shor...
by ratzzzzz
29 Jan 2017, 12:25
Forum: Conversation
Topic: close shave this morning
Replies: 11
Views: 12352

Re: close shave this morning

Should prob update: I took the video into the Newtown police - I thought it might be a waste of time. The officer watched the video, said that the guy was a jerk and was driving very dangerously. We went into an interview room and ran his plates - lets just say he didn't have a clean record. The off...
by ratzzzzz
11 Jan 2017, 20:39
Forum: Conversation
Topic: close shave this morning
Replies: 11
Views: 12352

close shave this morning

Riding to Marrickville this morning for the Lapa ride I got passed extremely closely by a car. Asking advice on whether its worth following up, anyone had any experience? or whether its not worth the bother and I just forget about it. I was heading down king st? where it splits into King and Enmore ...
by ratzzzzz
10 Dec 2016, 10:19
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Newcastle Overnighter
Replies: 7
Views: 6357

Re: Newcastle Overnighter

anyone doing this tonight?
by ratzzzzz
10 Dec 2016, 10:18
Forum: Road
Topic: Tour Of Bright Race Report
Replies: 6
Views: 3059

Re: Tour Of Bright Race Report

Great write up Raph
by ratzzzzz
05 Oct 2016, 20:45
Forum: Road
Topic: Galston Gorge closed for a few weekends
Replies: 0
Views: 1548

Galston Gorge closed for a few weekends

unspecified dates - not sure if you'd be able to get through on a bike anyway?? ... 96431fc0bf
by ratzzzzz
03 Jul 2016, 13:19
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Free Stuff
Replies: 310
Views: 387144

Free Stuff

I'll have the r500 if no one else has claimed them!
by ratzzzzz
26 Jun 2016, 18:04
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Bike Dilema - seeking advice
Replies: 5
Views: 6042

Re: Bike Dilema - seeking advice

I think the warp bike is the merida time trial bike. The reacto is the 'aero road' option, the scultura is the 'touring road' bike. I'm a bit biased because I ride a venge and covet the bmc time machine - both 'aero road' bikes. I've done some big rides on my bike but as Eleri says the scultura has ...
by ratzzzzz
23 May 2016, 10:08
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Best value aero helmets - seeking suggestions
Replies: 3
Views: 3416

Best value aero helmets - seeking suggestions

I looked into this about a year ago and went with the bontrager ballista. A few reasons- it's relatively cheap in comparison to other aero helmets. It got good reviews and aero testing stats. I wanted road aero as opposed to the full spermie as my purpose was 180km tts- full spermies can get very ho...
by ratzzzzz
26 Apr 2016, 14:19
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Speedplay Pedals
Replies: 4
Views: 4892

Speedplay Pedals

I have some keep on covers too if anyone wants, I've converted to walkables which are much better
by ratzzzzz
19 Apr 2016, 12:36
Forum: Road
Topic: turbo recommendations
Replies: 4
Views: 2896

turbo recommendations

So my selfish brother took his race wheels, trainer and bike bag with him to live in China - looking at trainers - advice welcome These 3 are front runners. cheap, good reviews, but a mag trainer htt...
by ratzzzzz
02 Apr 2016, 16:35
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Dulwich Hill spotted

You're in shanghai???
by ratzzzzz
15 Jan 2016, 07:54
Forum: Road
Topic: My Tour Down Under 2016 itinerary
Replies: 7
Views: 5273

Re: My Tour Down Under 2016 itinerary

I'll take it Pete. PM or sms me 0406365398 and let me know details
by ratzzzzz
28 Dec 2015, 11:02
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted

Also saw Lacey, Mattes, Farrar on the harbour bridge!
by ratzzzzz
08 Nov 2015, 04:12
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Newcastle Overnighter
Replies: 7
Views: 6357

Newcastle Overnighter

Such a good ride- well supported and great fun. There's usually a few from Dhbc. Sadly I can't do it this year as I'm doing busselton the next week so will be on a taper. Enjoy
by ratzzzzz
07 Oct 2015, 06:26
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: The Blackstump Tour 2015
Replies: 9
Views: 8485

The Blackstump Tour 2015

Great report Pete sounds like a great ride. I hope you did a jersey swap with the other bike club!!
by ratzzzzz
27 Sep 2015, 21:17
Forum: Club Kit Orders
Topic: New Kit is Here 2015-09-27
Replies: 20
Views: 12994

Re: New Kit is Here 2015-09-27

great slippers - how much are they?
by ratzzzzz
25 Aug 2015, 08:50
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted ... old-coast/
not sure who - but someone from DHBC featuring heavily in the 3 peaks video
by ratzzzzz
18 Aug 2015, 09:20
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Movie 'To the Fore' released 6/Aug/2015
Replies: 8
Views: 3919

Re: Movie 'To the Fore' released 6/Aug/2015

and if that fails theres always this
doco on the Veloroos at Raam called " RAAM bam thank you Ma'am"
Come along!
by ratzzzzz
18 Aug 2015, 09:18
Forum: Conversation
Topic: RAAM Movie night
Replies: 5
Views: 2601

Re: RAAM Movie night

So we ended up getting a documentary maker on the crew and if the updates are anything to go by this is going to be great. It'll be worth it to see approx 15 seconds of me walking through the back of shots and bogging the car!
by ratzzzzz
18 Aug 2015, 09:13
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted

Did I see Nick going south on the harbour bridge about 7:30 this morning. I was still recovering from spotting a commuting big wheel unicyclist a minute before that I didn't muster any greeting!
by ratzzzzz
13 Aug 2015, 17:44
Forum: For Sale
Topic: WTB: aero bar extensions
Replies: 4
Views: 2150

Re: WTB: aero bar extensions

carbon bike, aero bars - who are you Marc???
by ratzzzzz
09 Aug 2015, 06:16
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Movie 'To the Fore' released 6/Aug/2015
Replies: 8
Views: 3919

Movie 'To the Fore' released 6/Aug/2015

Can you make it come from Netflix to my computer in any way??
by ratzzzzz
08 Aug 2015, 15:05
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Movie 'To the Fore' released 6/Aug/2015
Replies: 8
Views: 3919

Re: Movie 'To the Fore' released 6/Aug/2015

As an aside - does anyone have a copy of Clean Spirit, the Argos-Shimano docco. I can't find it legitimately or otherwise...
by ratzzzzz
05 Aug 2015, 12:14
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Bike accident with pedestrian. Advice welcome.
Replies: 7
Views: 3666

Re: Bike accident with pedestrian. Advice welcome.

Hi Prashi, have pm'd you
by ratzzzzz
01 Jun 2015, 10:28
Forum: Conversation
Topic: RAAM Movie night
Replies: 5
Views: 2601

Re: RAAM Movie night

bump, still a few tickets left
by ratzzzzz
27 May 2015, 10:23
Forum: Conversation
Topic: How to be Seen at Night
Replies: 26
Views: 11193

Re: How to be Seen at Night ... ottle.html
interesting concept. I try and avoid anything that can't be recharged but interesting
by ratzzzzz
26 May 2015, 08:17
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted

I think you got 1001?
by ratzzzzz
22 May 2015, 08:27
Forum: Conversation
Topic: RAAM Movie night
Replies: 5
Views: 2601

Re: RAAM Movie night

After a sell out first time round - the event is getting a take 2 Back by popular demand as so many people missed out last time! Join us at Govindas on Wednesday 3rd June @7pm to have dinner and watch a new award winning RAAM Movie about teams and so...
by ratzzzzz
20 Apr 2015, 08:13
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Time Hill Climb RESULTS
09:57.35 Bill BOLTON
10:12.66 Simon BERRY
10:14.18 James ROGERS
10:28.27 James FOWLER
10:35.73 Broughton CALEY
10:47.72 Maximillian SANTOS
11:04.33 Mark LACEY
11:41.43 Taku ROGERS
14:17.36 Eleri MORGAN-THOMAS
DQ Lawrence SANTOS
by ratzzzzz
20 Apr 2015, 08:12
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Time 110KM RESULTS 2:34:16.76 BOLTON, Bill 2:34:24.73 CHUBB, Alexander 2:36:13.08 BERNARD, James 2:40:20.04 FOWLER, James 2:42:24.76 BOLTON, Thomas 2:45:23.35 CHIDGEY, Michael 2:57:50.34 BOLTON, Simon 3:00:29.76 TROUTMAN, Joanne 3:00:39.93 LACEY, Mark 3:04:12.88 MATTES, Andrew 3:18:00.03 BICARD, Rap...
by ratzzzzz
20 Apr 2015, 08:10
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

1:55:40.65 SANTOS, Maximillian
1:56:31.94 ROGERS, James
2:00:16.24 MASON, John
2:12:14.31 DAVISON, Ken
2:28:27.27 ROGERS, Taku
2:46:24.17 SANTOS, Lawrence
2:59:28.33 SANTOS, Bernard
3:01:29.03 ROSSITER, Trish
3:01:55.11 MCALARY, Beth
3:52:25.80 BULL, Amanda
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:29
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Hill Climb RESULTS Time
Bill BOLTON 09:57.35
Simon BERRY 10:12.66
James ROGERS 10:14.18
James FOWLER 10:28.27
Broughton CALEY 10:35.73
Maximillian SANTOS 10:47.72
Mark LACEY 11:04.33
Taku ROGERS 11:41.43
Eleri MORGAN-THOMAS 14:17.36
Lawrence SANTOS DQ
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:28
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

70KM RESULTS Time SANTOS, Maximillian 1:55:40.65 ROGERS, James 1:56:31.94 MASON, John 2:00:16.24 DAVISON, Ken 2:12:14.31 ROGERS, Taku 2:28:27.27 SANTOS, Lawrence 2:46:24.17 SANTOS, Bernard 2:59:28.33 ROSSITER, Trish 3:01:29.03 MCALARY, Beth 3:01:55.11 BULL, Amanda 3:52:25.80 REDMOND, Helen DNS for n...
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:26
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Oh thats hideous - heres the 110km without the division and rankings 110KM RESULTS Time BOLTON, Bill 2:34:16.76 CHUBB, Alexander 2:34:24.73 BERNARD, James 2:36:13.08 FOWLER, James 2:40:20.04 BOLTON, Thomas 2:42:24.76 CHIDGEY, Michael 2:45:23.35 BOLTON, Simon 2:57:50.34 TROUTMAN, Joanne 3:00:29.76 LA...
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:24
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Crit RESULTS Div Place Time Maximillian SANTOS JM15 7 ST Lawrence SANTOS JM15 DNS Broughton CALEY JM17 1 24:51 Taku ROGERS JM17 14 +01:25 Eleri MORGAN-THOMAS W2 6 +00:13 Christopher HAGEMAN ACES 22 +00:10 James BERNARD ACES DNF Alexander CHUBB ACES DNF James ROGERS M4 9 ST Simon BLOOMFIELD M4 DNF Th...
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:24
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Gold Wave Race RESULTS Div Place Time
BOLTON, Bill U23M 38th ST
CHUBB, Alexander ELITEM 47th +2:19
BERNARD, James ELITEM 50th +4:07
FOWLER, James MMAS1 78th +8:14
BOLTON, Thomas JM19 86th ST
CHIDGEY, Michael MMAS1 90th +13:17
HAGEMAN, Christopher U23M DNF
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:23
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Hill Climb RESULTS Div Time Division Rank Bill BOLTON U23M 09:57.35 13 Simon BERRY MMAS2 10:12.66 5 James ROGERS MMAS3 10:14.18 5 James FOWLER MMAS1 10:28.27 5 Broughton CALEY JM17 10:35.73 9 Maximillian SANTOS JM15 10:47.72 2 Mark LACEY MMAS5 11:04.33 6 Taku ROGERS JM17 11:41.43 22 Eleri MORGAN-THO...
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:23
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

110KM RESULTS Div Time Gender Rank Division Rank BOLTON, Bill M 19-22 2:34:16.76 38 9 CHUBB, Alexander M 23-34 2:34:24.73 47 24 BERNARD, James M 23-34 2:36:13.08 50 24 FOWLER, James M 23-34 2:40:20.04 78 36 BOLTON, Thomas M 17-18 2:42:24.76 86 9 CHIDGEY, Michael M 23-34 2:45:23.35 91 40 BOLTON, Simo...
by ratzzzzz
18 Apr 2015, 21:23
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23480

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

Sorry can't do a table with this? Excel file is linked if someone else wants to put up in a more user friendly way -or if you want to sort a different way 70KM RESULTS Div Time Gender Rank Division Rank SANTOS, Maximillian M 13-14 1:55:40.65 63 6 ROGERS, J...
by ratzzzzz
10 Apr 2015, 13:16
Forum: Conversation
Topic: The Veloroos: A Night with Jensie!
Replies: 3
Views: 2083

Re: The Veloroos: A Night with Jensie!

getting a few good raffle and auction items too!
by ratzzzzz
23 Mar 2015, 08:19
Forum: Conversation
Topic: RAAM Movie night
Replies: 5
Views: 2601

RAAM Movie night

I'm going to be a roadie for the Veloroos when they compete in the Race Across America in June. They will be the first all Australian all womens team to complete the race....if they do!! Some more info We are running a movie night on April 9th, The movie is 'Bicycle Dreams...
by ratzzzzz
13 Mar 2015, 09:07
Forum: Road
Topic: 3 Peaks 2015 Ride Report
Replies: 13
Views: 6293

Re: 3 Peaks 2015 Ride Report

the photos make it almost look fun. Great report Dougie and chapeau to all the finishers!
by ratzzzzz
05 Mar 2015, 08:03
Forum: Road
Topic: Road works in Centennial Park
Replies: 3
Views: 1701

Re: Road works in Centennial Park

better get your pedalling in the next few weeks if you want to get your pr's and kom's on all those segments....
by ratzzzzz
04 Mar 2015, 08:34
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Riding in Stroud
Replies: 4
Views: 2373

Re: Riding in Stroud

there are some good rides in port mac....hahahaha
by ratzzzzz
03 Feb 2015, 10:32
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Looking for a video
Replies: 3
Views: 1648

Re: Looking for a video

it wasn't cannon dale but they were green.... thanks memory
by ratzzzzz
03 Feb 2015, 10:31
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Looking for a video
Replies: 3
Views: 1648

Re: Looking for a video

perfect, thats the one. Thanks Dougie
by ratzzzzz
03 Feb 2015, 09:17
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Looking for a video
Replies: 3
Views: 1648

Looking for a video

Long shot as my memory is very sketchy - before last years tour or 1 day classics there was a promotional video on youtube. I want to say it was a cannondale video shot in Bruges - but I could be wrong on both counts. Basically it was a support vehicle with the team director driving a round the city...
by ratzzzzz
11 Jan 2015, 18:26
Forum: The Workshop
Topic: keep on kovers Z for speedplay cleats now at Bikebug
Replies: 9
Views: 8645

Re: keep on kovers Z for speedplay cleats now at Bikebug

I've lost one of my keep on kovers - I have the left but am missing a right. Anyone missing a left and want to go halves?
by ratzzzzz
06 Jan 2015, 18:21
Forum: Road
Topic: Meeting point remains Post Office Square
Replies: 11
Views: 5193

Re: Where is the meeting point in 2015?

I vote for north side of the Harbour Bridge!!!
by ratzzzzz
31 Dec 2014, 11:56
Forum: Road
Topic: How many kilometres did you ride in 2014?
Replies: 36
Views: 11987

Re: How many kilometres did you ride in 2014?

7000 and something for me - up a little from last year if I remember correctly. Would love to hit the 10k but with the running and swimming thrown in its a little hard....
Feel like a slacker with the other numbers people are throwing up!! ha
by ratzzzzz
27 Dec 2014, 16:10
Forum: Conversation
Topic: click frenzy
Replies: 2
Views: 1501

Re: click frenzy

Disregard- it was only Chatswood as they are moving premises- I dropped in at another rebel and they didn't have any deals on bike stuff
by ratzzzzz
27 Dec 2014, 14:20
Forum: Conversation
Topic: click frenzy
Replies: 2
Views: 1501

Re: click frenzy

Not sure if there is a post for bike shop/ online deals but bike stuff is 50% off at rebel currently. Most stuff is pretty ordinary and the one at Chatswood was a total mess but I did get a conti gps4000II for $35. They also sell knog lights- if anyone sees a knog 4v rear blinder- can you let me kno...
by ratzzzzz
26 Dec 2014, 22:07
Forum: Road
Topic: Sat 27th Avalon cruise 6am.
Replies: 5
Views: 2553

Re: Sat 27th Avalon cruise 6am.

6. Ben- harbour bridge at 6:30
by ratzzzzz
19 Dec 2014, 20:44
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted
Is that a dhbc rider 10 photos down?
by ratzzzzz
29 Nov 2014, 05:55
Forum: Road
Topic: Adventure Ride - Easter Fri 3rd April 2015 West Head 5:45am
Replies: 464
Views: 162002

Re: Adventure Ride - Blue Mount 3rd route (Windsor) Sun Nov

We got there about 11am last year, I only remember because it was the crossover between breakfast and lunch. I had bacon and eggs and a milkshake. Stu had a lamb backstrap and a glass of Merlot. Ha. Can't make it tomorrow unfortunately - have another 'ride' on
by ratzzzzz
19 Nov 2014, 16:11
Forum: Conversation
Topic: click frenzy
Replies: 2
Views: 1501

click frenzy

Some deals up on the internet with that click frenzy thingo Finishes this afternoon - conti gpx 4000 are $39 which is a pretty good price (23mm only though) Some other stuff on sale as part of the promo
by ratzzzzz
17 Nov 2014, 16:27
Forum: Road
Topic: Dulwich Hill Individual Time Trail championship Sun 7th Dec
Replies: 33
Views: 12275

Re: Dulwich Hill Individual Time Trail championship Sun 7th

I'd be in but also away that weekend...
by ratzzzzz
06 Nov 2014, 19:56
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Riding Japan
Replies: 41
Views: 21419

Re: Riding Japan

Thanks for putting the time into this James, I've been an avid reader!!
by ratzzzzz
17 Oct 2014, 17:11
Forum: Road
Topic: Saturday 18/10 6.00am Palm Beach - Ettalong Ferry
Replies: 11
Views: 5305

Re: Saturday 18/10 6.00am Palm Beach - Ettalong Ferry

I might come up to Palm beach and then turn back - gotta be home by 12ish. That would work right?
by ratzzzzz
15 Oct 2014, 07:24
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride to Work Day Wednesday October 15th
Replies: 18
Views: 6829

Re: Ride to Work Day Wednesday October 15th

it was pouring at my place at 5, but if I ride down the hall from my bedroom to the lounge I guess it counts as riding to work?
by ratzzzzz
14 Oct 2014, 17:04
Forum: Road
Topic: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 28th November 2015
Replies: 74
Views: 33920

Re: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 16th November

That looks pretty much the route from memory- although starting from ob hill
by ratzzzzz
14 Oct 2014, 17:01
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride to Work Day Wednesday October 15th
Replies: 18
Views: 6829

Re: Ride to Work Day Wednesday October 15th

And if you ride to north Sydney with me you can have second breakfast at brad field park!!
by ratzzzzz
14 Oct 2014, 07:54
Forum: Road
Topic: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 28th November 2015
Replies: 74
Views: 33920

Re: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 16th November

hmmm, how particular? I don't have a vest or red reflector
by ratzzzzz
13 Oct 2014, 16:38
Forum: Road
Topic: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 28th November 2015
Replies: 74
Views: 33920

Re: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 16th November

Registrations open ... tion-open/

some lighting requirements this year....
by ratzzzzz
11 Sep 2014, 17:46
Forum: Road
Topic: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 28th November 2015
Replies: 74
Views: 33920

Re: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 16th November

its hard to fall asleep if you keep pedalling!! I had a nap in the arvo before and slept on the train home which seemed to work
by ratzzzzz
10 Sep 2014, 09:47
Forum: Road
Topic: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 28th November 2015
Replies: 74
Views: 33920

Re: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 8th November

I have been wondering about this as it was a great but challenging ride last year, but the organisers said it wouldn't rain this year has this down as 9pm Sat 8th of November from observatory hill
Who's in?

also change the title of this thread or start a new one?
by ratzzzzz
10 Sep 2014, 06:45
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW 2014
Replies: 58
Views: 28088

Re: RAW 2014

Hahaha, brilliant!
by ratzzzzz
09 Sep 2014, 21:51
Forum: Road
Topic: ENTRIES NOW CLOSED: Rookwood Crit 14 September
Replies: 83
Views: 36104

Re: Entries thread - Rookwood Crit 14 September

Junior U13 Luke Harvey (gold licence) Claude Walton (gold licence) Louis Walton (gold licence) A Grade (fasties) 1.Michael Clement (gold licence) 2. Simon Berry (gold licence) 3. Alex Chubb (gold licence) 4. Peter Campbell (gold license) 5. Noel Gorrell (Gold Licence) 6. John Healey (gold licence) 7...
by ratzzzzz
03 Sep 2014, 08:58
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted

Someone in a DHBC jersey and a back pack heading south on the Pac highway around Chatswood about 5:30am saturday -maybe heading for slowies? Not often I spot a fellow northerner!
by ratzzzzz
27 Jul 2014, 17:13
Forum: Road
Topic: Sunday 27th July: 130km Grand Fondo Badge
Replies: 16
Views: 6163

Re: Sunday 27th July: 130km Grand Fondo Badge

Thanks for the ride. I had to lap mosman a few times after I turned off! And thanks Phillip for planting trees!
by ratzzzzz
18 Jul 2014, 08:46
Forum: The Workshop
Topic: cleat bolts (keo)
Replies: 2
Views: 4509

Re: cleat bolts (keo)

I've lost one out of my cleats before and the local bike shop gave me one for nothing. They seem to have a heap laying around so that maybe worth a try.
by ratzzzzz
16 Jul 2014, 21:42
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Dulwich Hill spotted
Replies: 1054
Views: 381559

Re: Dulwich Hill spotted

Did I see Mikesbytes coming south on the Harbour bridge at 8:15ish this morning..looking cold?
by ratzzzzz
13 Jul 2014, 06:17
Forum: Road
Topic: Sunday 27th July: 130km Grand Fondo Badge
Replies: 16
Views: 6163

Re: Sunday 27th July: 130km Grand Fondo Badge

1. Jo
2. Ben
by ratzzzzz
10 Jul 2014, 08:26
Forum: Conversation
Topic: BikeBug Matt Lucas Randonnee
Replies: 2
Views: 2032

Re: BikeBug Matt Lucas Randonnee

I'm interested in this, and I've got a few extra kg's. Are you riding a road bike with dif tyres?
by ratzzzzz
09 Jul 2014, 14:33
Forum: Road
Topic: Tour de France on Strava
Replies: 4
Views: 1794

Re: Tour de France on Strava

by ratzzzzz
07 Jul 2014, 08:42
Forum: Conversation
Topic: In the media: Joining the bunch for cycling's dawn patrol
Replies: 5
Views: 2355

Re: In the media: Joining the bunch for cycling's dawn patro

a club member but hails from the that land "over the bridge" so hard to get to the start of the ride.
... although I can't talk lately (being MIA with the world cup being on) - a nice roll over the bridge is a great way to warm up for club rides :)
by ratzzzzz
04 Jul 2014, 16:12
Forum: Road
Topic: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra
Replies: 137
Views: 47120

Re: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra

maybe they saw you at track and know your racing goes longer than everyone else because you ride 7 warm down laps :P
by ratzzzzz
04 Jul 2014, 14:45
Forum: Road
Topic: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra
Replies: 137
Views: 47120

Re: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra

I did this today - it cost me $61.60 to upgrade from silver rec to gold masters. They said it might come through this afternoon so I can race raw..
by ratzzzzz
04 Jul 2014, 08:16
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW 2014
Replies: 58
Views: 28088

Re: RAW 2014

Am intending on going out tonight - do I do my license upgrade from silver to gold there?
by ratzzzzz
02 Jul 2014, 09:11
Forum: Road
Topic: TDF Fantasy Tipping
Replies: 17
Views: 7193

Re: TDF Fantasy Tipping

I believe I'm in? Team name is Rat Attack - it says i need to be accepted by the admin or something?
by ratzzzzz
18 Jun 2014, 18:28
Forum: Track
Topic: Gearing and tyre questions
Replies: 1
Views: 1691

Gearing and tyre questions

I am thinking of showing up to a few RAW sessions, first for a look and then for a go. A couple of questions -currently I'm not in a position to but a bike but have 2 options. I have pinched Jeremys track bike while he is away, it was used for commuting and has gatorskins and 48x19 gearing (i'm pret...
by ratzzzzz
18 Jun 2014, 18:16
Forum: Track
Topic: Intro to the Track - Saturdays starting 10th May 2014 2-4pm
Replies: 43
Views: 16580

Re: Intro to the Track - Saturdays starting 10th May 2014 2-

Just to echo what Marc said, thanks for your time and help at the track Colin. I believe we went from white knuckled scaredy cats, to cats that were a little less scared and a little less white knuckled and importantly had smiles on faces. Thanks also to Dylan and John and all the 'old codgers' that...
by ratzzzzz
14 Jun 2014, 08:50
Forum: Road
Topic: Sat 14th Slowies Cancelled
Replies: 2
Views: 1513

Re: Sat 14th Slowies Canceled

And the socceroos are on!
by ratzzzzz
04 Jun 2014, 09:35
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Road Bike Party 2
Replies: 1
Views: 1445

Re: Road Bike Party 2

by ratzzzzz
01 Jun 2014, 06:06
Forum: Road
Topic: 240km ride Sunday 29th June *******Postponed!!!*****
Replies: 9
Views: 3952

Re: 240km ride Sunday 29th June

1. Dougie - Lunatic
2. Ben
by ratzzzzz
25 May 2014, 21:18
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride Report Ken Dinnerville
Replies: 15
Views: 5204

Re: Ride Report Ken Dinnerville

tears of laughter. Great report and great effort!
by ratzzzzz
22 May 2014, 19:18
Forum: Conversation
Topic: SO you want to race - new club info event, 25 May
Replies: 27
Views: 9742

Re: SO you want to race - new club info event, 25 May

1. Adam W
2. Marc R
3. Ben Ford
4. Rory Bennett
5. Bec Lewis

Gutted I can't come, I've got to fly up to Brisbane for work -the flight was supposed to be later. Someone take notes?
by ratzzzzz
20 May 2014, 08:39
Forum: Conversation
Topic: SO you want to race - new club info event, 25 May
Replies: 27
Views: 9742

Re: SO you want to race - new club info event, 25 May

1. Adam W
2. Marc R
3. Ben Ford
4. Ben Thomson
by ratzzzzz
19 May 2014, 09:07
Forum: Road
Topic: There's no Strava badge for this
Replies: 21
Views: 8484

Re: There's no Strava badge for this

Well you'd at least get the Fondo badge for the month.
I'm in pending details
by ratzzzzz
08 May 2014, 17:50
Forum: Road
Topic: Sat Club Ride: Eastern Hills 6:00am
Replies: 33
Views: 23639

Re: New club Saturday hills ride - now regular

Hi Matt, i usually jump on at the bottom of the Loch ave hill somewhere around 6:20. Better to be early
by ratzzzzz
07 May 2014, 19:32
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Romanian advertising campaign - You are traffic
Replies: 0
Views: 1103

Romanian advertising campaign - You are traffic


But bikes cause congestion right??
by ratzzzzz
07 May 2014, 19:20
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Interesting TED talk about progress of athletic endeavours
Replies: 1
Views: 1238

Interesting TED talk about progress of athletic endeavours ... ger#t-6158

Are we really getting faster, better, stronger?
A little reference to Eddy Merckx 1 hour record in there as well
by ratzzzzz
29 Apr 2014, 17:32
Forum: Track
Topic: Intro to the Track - Saturdays starting 10th May 2014 2-4pm
Replies: 43
Views: 16580

Re: Introduction to the Track - Saturdays starting 10th May

there isn't a chance this will be in the morning is there? I've got something in the afternoon that will mean I can't attend if its afternoon...
by ratzzzzz
19 Apr 2014, 17:33
Forum: Road
Topic: Easter Saturday 19/04 - 6 Gorges - 5.30am
Replies: 21
Views: 7238

Re: Easter Saturday 19/04 - 6 Gorges - 5.30am

Thanks for organising Pete, started off a few mishaps but we seemed to get them all out of the way early!
by ratzzzzz
19 Apr 2014, 17:31
Forum: Road
Topic: Easter Friday 18th April - C28's 3 Gorges 6:00am
Replies: 31
Views: 9790

Re: Easter Friday 18th April - C28's 3 Gorges 6:00am

Thanks for organising Stuart, great ride and great to see a few new faces out there. Also thanks Dougie for the spoke tool!

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