Search found 12 matches

by kend
12 Feb 2018, 14:29
Forum: Club Kit Orders
Topic: Cuore Long Sleeve Summer Weight Jerseys
Replies: 26
Views: 39500

Re: Cuore Long Sleeve Summer Weight Jerseys

1. Joe Lewis 1 x M 2. Geoff Semon 1 x 2XL 3. Marian Lee 1 x S 4. PeterT2 1 x XL 5. Rod Isaacs 1 x XL, 1 x L 6. John Mason 2 x M 7. Rob Mundell 2 x M 8. Steve Brady 1 x L 9. Chris Mar 1 x XXL 10. David Maywald 2 x S 11. Katie Uther 1 x S (I am assuming this is men's size. If not, I'll take a womens M...
by kend
13 Apr 2017, 17:26
Forum: Mountain
Topic: Oaks trail up and down Saturday 15th
Replies: 0
Views: 14918

Oaks trail up and down Saturday 15th

Hi guys if anyone is interested in 50ks of dirt I am doing the Oaks on Easter Saturday. Trying to get some hills in before the Convict 100. Start at the Glenbrook entrance to the national park at 7am and ride up to Woodford and back adding the single track for the last 10ks. Takes about 3 hours. I w...
by kend
05 Jun 2015, 17:37
Forum: Road
Topic: Another Monday Ride Option
Replies: 2
Views: 1502

Re: Another Monday Ride Option

In The Strand Croydon. Directly opposite Croydon train station.
by kend
05 Jun 2015, 13:53
Forum: Road
Topic: Another Monday Ride Option
Replies: 2
Views: 1502

Another Monday Ride Option

If you need to be back by 9ish and fancy 70klms with some nice hills a couple of us are riding to Bobbin Head. We will be leaving from Croydon Post Office at 6.30am. 28s pace.

Join us if you can.

by kend
02 Mar 2015, 20:48
Forum: Road
Topic: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015
Replies: 56
Views: 23632

Re: Blayney to Bathurst Sun 12th April 2015

I am planning to register for this ride. Currently I am a weak to average middie but plan to be average to strong in 5 weeks. Love to join a team itheres a place going. Havent decided on 70 or 110ks yet. 70 looks like fast fun but is it a challenge?

by kend
08 Sep 2014, 19:03
Forum: Road
Topic: ENTRIES NOW CLOSED: Rookwood Crit 14 September
Replies: 83
Views: 36250

Re: Entries thread - Rookwood Crit 14 September

Junior U13 Luke Harvey (gold licence) Claude Walton (gold licence) Louis Walton (gold licence) A Grade (fasties) 1.Michael Clement (gold licence) 2. Simon Berry (gold licence) 3. Alex Chubb (gold licence) 4. Peter Campbell (gold license) 5. Noel Gorrell (Gold Licence) 6. John Healey (gold licence) 7...
by kend
17 Apr 2014, 19:01
Forum: Road
Topic: Easter Friday 18th April - C28's 3 Gorges 6:00am
Replies: 31
Views: 9818

Re: Easter Friday 18th April - C28's 3 Gorges 6:00am

sorry - looks like I make 10
1. Stuart
2. Steve
3. Adam W
4. Miguel
5. Ben (I'll jump on at Crows Nest) I assume you're going straight up the highway?
6. Dave
7. Dougie
8. Bro
9. John Caley
10. Ken
by kend
17 Apr 2014, 18:59
Forum: Road
Topic: Easter Friday 18th April - C28's 3 Gorges 6:00am
Replies: 31
Views: 9818

Re: Easter Friday 18th April - C28's 3 Gorges 6:00am

1. Stuart
2. Steve
3. Adam W
4. Miguel
5. Ben (I'll jump on at Crows Nest) I assume you're going straight up the highway?
6. Dave
7. Dougie
8. Ken
by kend
05 Apr 2014, 19:01
Forum: Road
Topic: So if you had around $2K to buy a bike you'd buy.....
Replies: 9
Views: 4611

Re: So if you had around $2K to buy a bike you'd buy.....

hi Greg
I bought a Domane last year and love it. Very comfortable and stable ride. Feel like I could ride it all day.

Good luck with the decision. Took me ages to decide what to buy.

by kend
25 Mar 2014, 20:29
Forum: Mountain
Topic: Entries open for the Convict 100, St Albans, 3 May 2014
Replies: 10
Views: 8436

Re: Entries open for the Convict 100, St Albans, 3 May 2014

thanks Lindsay, look forward to meeting you on the day.
by kend
18 Mar 2014, 19:26
Forum: Mountain
Topic: Entries open for the Convict 100, St Albans, 3 May 2014
Replies: 10
Views: 8436

Re: Entries open for the Convict 100, St Albans, 3 May 2014

excellent, be great to see some DHBC riders there. Im doing the 100 and unhappy there is a river bridge. This picture is particuarily off putting. ... ive-music/

by kend
20 Nov 2013, 12:16
Forum: Road
Topic: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 28th November 2015
Replies: 74
Views: 34025

Re: Newcastle Overnight - Saturday 16th November

great report, thank you. Makes me want to do the ride next year.

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