Search found 1218 matches

by Trouty
12 Mar 2017, 10:03
Forum: Track
Topic: 2017 Australian Track Masters - well done Melanie
Replies: 0
Views: 9643

2017 Australian Track Masters - well done Melanie

Just a quick shout out of congratulations for our new Masters lady on the track Melanie Gibson. With only 1 season of Raw under her belt, she had never entered any other races little own State or National titles before, but had no fear. She entered any race she could just to get the experience regar...
by Trouty
03 Jan 2017, 04:15
Forum: For Sale
Topic: WANTED: 58 to 60 size track bike
Replies: 0
Views: 3950

WANTED: 58 to 60 size track bike

If anyone knows of an entry level track bike some one wants to sell, for a friend of mine wanting to get into track, please pm me

Thanks Trouty
by Trouty
03 Jan 2017, 04:14
Forum: For Sale
Topic: WANTED: 58 to 60 size track bike
Replies: 0
Views: 3934

WANTED: 58 to 60 size track bike

If anyone knows of an entry level track bike some one wants to sell, for a friend of mine wanting to get into track, please pm me

Thanks Trouty
by Trouty
06 Mar 2015, 16:11
Forum: For Sale
Replies: 1
Views: 1562


A friend of mine is selling a Kinetic Road trainer for $90 on triathalon Market place or I can put you in touch with him. I dont usually spruke on here for other peeps, but that is a great deal for a Kurt Kinetic trainer. They retail for about $499. If I didnt have one, I would buy it myself. Best r...
by Trouty
24 Sep 2014, 19:03
Forum: Road
Topic: Injured
Replies: 9
Views: 3896

Re: Injured

As Amy said, and she has been to see many experts. Core, core, and more core. Weak core, makes the rest of the attached areas work harder.
by Trouty
30 Aug 2014, 17:28
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Michele Moss
Replies: 15
Views: 7528

Re: Michele Moss

Nooooo, not the Merino top? How dare they, surely they could have manoeuvred you out of it without cutting? Lol. Glad your recovery has been faster than expected, Michele P said you were doing much better. We will visit soon.
by Trouty
13 Aug 2014, 10:46
Forum: Road
Topic: ENTRIES NOW CLOSED: Rookwood Crit 14 September
Replies: 83
Views: 36248

Re: Entries thread - Rookwood Crit 14 September

Ive been told I pasted the wrong list. Here is the right one I think? Shifiting up to A grade from B with the other confused riders Junior U13 Junior U15 (may ride with seniors) A Grade (fasties) Michael Clement (gold licence) Simon Berry (gold licence) Alex Chubb (gold licence) Peter Campbell (gold...
by Trouty
25 Jul 2014, 21:38
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW 2014
Replies: 58
Views: 28337

Re: RAW 2014

Big friendly Vegan: I won't tell LACC we worked together in the wheel race, even tho the plan failed any way.......we tried :(.
by Trouty
21 Jul 2014, 05:34
Forum: Road
Topic: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra
Replies: 137
Views: 47379

Re: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra

I just got my bike serviced, so I will be investigating "Chaingate" incase there was any chance of tampering by the Men of Steel or Carbon Cranks. The lengths these desperate men will go to for Glory.

Hilarious race report though.
by Trouty
20 Jul 2014, 14:50
Forum: Road
Topic: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra
Replies: 137
Views: 47379

Re: Team Time Trials - 19th July 2014 at Nowra

RACE REPORT WOMAN I wasn’t going to post up a race report, but I thought the time the Woman’s team posted this year didn’t really tell the full story. We placed about 13th from about 18 teams, but there were so many wins for us – apart from beating the Carbon Cranks by 2 minutes, but I won’t rub tha...
by Trouty
23 Jun 2014, 06:35
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW 2014
Replies: 58
Views: 28337

Re: RAW 2014

I've just worked it out; you, Trouty, and Lizanne are doing this: There's only 2 short people in that picture so I can see where your calculation skills come from. lizannes now with Stg, but you've just declared war with all the DHBC ...
by Trouty
25 May 2014, 21:33
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride Report Ken Dinnerville
Replies: 15
Views: 5212

Re: Ride Report Ken Dinnerville

Love reading your race reports Dougy, always entertaining. All I can say is you've still got stuff in that suitcase of courage...well done.
by Trouty
26 Apr 2014, 07:39
Forum: Road
Topic: Anzac Day Ride
Replies: 34
Views: 10646

Re: Anzac Day Ride

Unfortunately for me that egg shaped lump on my shin expanded quickly when I got home, eventually exploding. Sadly my leg will need to be amputated below the knee. But the good news is that the doctor says I should still be ok to ride one legged. The other really good news is that the bike is not d...
by Trouty
03 Jan 2014, 05:02
Forum: Track
Topic: Christmas Carnivals - Tempe 28th December Entries & vols
Replies: 36
Views: 15755

Re: Christmas Carnivals - Tempe 28th December Entries & vols

That's the least we can do for you Crafty. We should include a big thanks to you too Crafty.
by Trouty
30 Dec 2013, 21:14
Forum: Conversation
Topic: How many Kilometres have you ridden in 2013?
Replies: 29
Views: 9885

Re: How many Kilometres have you ridden in 2013?

I will have achieved just over 7,000km by 31st of December. This is a 47.35% increase on last year's total of 4,886Km. I am petty happy with that. 2014 I hope to clock 10,000km just like the adults No wonder you were on the front in the wind for so long on Sunday. Well done dougy, a huge improvemen...
by Trouty
29 Dec 2013, 16:54
Forum: Track
Topic: Christmas Carnivals - Tempe 28th December Entries & vols
Replies: 36
Views: 15755

Re: Christmas Carnivals - Tempe 28th December Entries & vols

Great carnival.

I think I left without my white cap and ray ban sunglasses. Did anyone pick them up?
How could you leave without your Rabans? Sacrilege. Good to see you JBCow. When will we see you on the bike again?
by Trouty
28 Dec 2013, 21:46
Forum: Track
Topic: Christmas Carnivals - Tempe 28th December Entries & vols
Replies: 36
Views: 15755

Re: Christmas Carnivals - Tempe 28th December Entries & vols

What a great Carnival Tempe put on tonight. Great work from the volunteers and Eleri for organising at short notice - You can't beat Tempe track for a great atmosphere. All the boys did well....but a special mention to all the girls riding the carnival, DHBC seemed to get a place or top 5 in most ra...
by Trouty
11 Nov 2013, 21:36
Forum: Road
Topic: How did the Rapha DHBC team go today? Anyone heard?
Replies: 21
Views: 6522

Re: How did the Rapha DHBC team go today? Anyone heard?

Well done all of you the workhorses on the front, and to Jo who once upon a time - couldn't ride a hill, but things are changing. I did hear some thing today though that surprised me re the ride. I heard none of the riders would have been covered by Insurance as it was an unsanctioned r...
by Trouty
09 Nov 2013, 16:06
Forum: Road
Topic: How did the Rapha DHBC team go today? Anyone heard?
Replies: 21
Views: 6522

How did the Rapha DHBC team go today? Anyone heard?

Perfect day for a Rapha Ride. Hope our guys (and girls Jo) had fun
by Trouty
03 Nov 2013, 18:42
Forum: Track
Topic: DHBC rider wins Silver medal at NSW 250m TT Championships
Replies: 9
Views: 4587

Re: DHBC rider wins Silver medal at NSW 250m TT Championship

That's right! I thought I recognised her. She's the Captain of a tandem? Yes she is the able body rider for a visually impaired woman. She came past me so fast in a state road time trial I thought she was a car. She is usually an enduro but I guess one of those girls that can do any thing. Oh.. And...
by Trouty
03 Nov 2013, 11:05
Forum: Track
Topic: DHBC rider wins Silver medal at NSW 250m TT Championships
Replies: 9
Views: 4587

Re: DHBC rider wins Silver medal at NSW 250m TT Championship

Nice work Lizanne! Congratulations. Race report? Blow by blow description? I mean - a lot can happen in 250m!! Hey Eleri, the bronze medalist might look familiar to you. Kerry knowler. She is wmas4, and she came 2nd in the elite sprint. I find these masters woman that can tough it out with the elit...
by Trouty
02 Nov 2013, 18:35
Forum: Road
Topic: Waratah Park - My First Race
Replies: 9
Views: 3505

Re: Waratah Park - My First Race

Well done Jacqui. You sound like you enjoyed will be hooked soon and your fitness will leap to another level once you have some races to aim for, thus a reason to train. Keep it up, love your report.
by Trouty
18 Sep 2013, 07:15
Forum: Road
Topic: Southern Hemisphere Cup - Sun 15 September Eastern Creek
Replies: 8
Views: 4265

Re: Southern Hemisphere Cup - Sun 15 September Eastern Creek

Congratulation's Pete, awesome effort.

The winner looks like a bit of a burglar in the grade to me! Where's the race report Petey.
by Trouty
15 Sep 2013, 22:03
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

Great reports, even yours BFV. Best you get some fence start practice next year.
by Trouty
15 Sep 2013, 17:58
Forum: Road
Topic: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup
Replies: 14
Views: 5795

Re: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup

Hey President

Your age category was tough, the times were faster in the top 10 Wmas5 than in Wmas4, but I think You would have done it. 4 hours 5 mins was the 10th fastest wmas5 woman.
by Trouty
15 Sep 2013, 14:42
Forum: Road
Topic: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup
Replies: 14
Views: 5795

Re: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup

I hate to say it... Eleri, given Mark and Christian just got a UCI've just been bloked!

I also found out if I'd I drafted Skinner the whole way, her time would have got me within the top 10 in my category. A UCI medal ...maybe next year.

So proud of all the DHBC peeps.
by Trouty
15 Sep 2013, 13:13
Forum: Road
Topic: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup
Replies: 14
Views: 5795

Re: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup

Nice work as DS Trouty. I note that Keith Winsor is in a bakery in Lorne eating guilt free.
I thinking Christian is smiling as he beat Keith overall and in the climb. We think it was the performance enhancing pasta Stuey and Christian cooked last night. Woohoo.
by Trouty
15 Sep 2013, 12:58
Forum: Road
Topic: DHBC Gran Fondo Cup
Replies: 14
Views: 5795

DHBC Gran Fondo Cup

Perfect weather for the Gran Fondo Cup, so as a spectator I will let them tell their stories but here is my form guide: Christian Lees - odds on favourite After giving last years riders a hard time saying it's a 'ride' not a race, he has realised there is a start line, a finish line and a chip...he ...
by Trouty
13 Sep 2013, 21:09
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

So who won? I'm in Lorne.
by Trouty
23 Aug 2013, 22:06
Forum: Road
Topic: Hey hipsters, race us at the Tour of August
Replies: 12
Views: 4969

Re: Hey hipsters, race us at the Tour of August

Landowners is an awesome track and LACC run a great series. Good luck DHBC.
by Trouty
22 Aug 2013, 08:07
Forum: Conversation
Topic: When too much cycling is never enough Pres goes to Europe
Replies: 25
Views: 8237

Re: When too much cycling is never enough Pres goes to Europ

Go hard Eleri, I know you will do us proud. And if by the time you come back you are sick of cycling....I will have the Baum. Then again, it may not fit, we all know I'm taller :)
by Trouty
12 Aug 2013, 10:33
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August
Replies: 40
Views: 12887

Re: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August

I thought it was great! Both to have the discussion and the opportunity to be a part of it. We have such a great story to tell in DHBC and I hadn't really realised that until I got the opportunity to tell it a few times lately. Thanks everyone for your stories - I hope I did justice to them and inc...
by Trouty
12 Aug 2013, 10:32
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August
Replies: 40
Views: 12887

Re: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August

A real pleasure to watch! Very well done, and I'm still smiling at the mention of "Saturday Slowies" on national TV.
...and Pete, we saw you on tv riding at the back of the bunch with the woman. Well done!
by Trouty
10 Aug 2013, 20:42
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

I can't wait for the last night of RAW, I will be watching from the sidelines with my cast, feeling very disappointed i cant race the IT. Thanks LACC and big friendly vegan for providing the funniest forum posts which have kept me updated. Good luck to everyone, but of course a bit more luck for DHBC.
by Trouty
10 Aug 2013, 20:35
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August
Replies: 40
Views: 12887

Re: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August

I think the general thing to mention which I didn't when SBS asked us some questions is that the biggest thing stopping woman from riding has usually been in the past, lack of woman riders or riders at that beginners level. When I joined I almost gave up as being dropped by the elite or strong maste...
by Trouty
08 Aug 2013, 07:00
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Earn $50 and have your skinfolds/bodyfat assessment done
Replies: 6
Views: 3168

Re: Earn $50 and have your skinfolds/bodyfat assessment done

Thanks also to Scott. I went along to the morning session last Sunday week. I volunteered out of curiosity as I've dropped a couple of kgs last few months and have been feeling lean and riding well as I head to what I would call racing weight for me, around 68kg. It was quite enlightening. In Scott...
by Trouty
08 Aug 2013, 06:55
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August
Replies: 40
Views: 12887

Re: Cycling Central Sunday 11th August

What about how our Dhbc men were your domestiques for the alpine classic. I bet no other clubs have had men supporting a woman in a race.
by Trouty
23 Jul 2013, 12:09
Forum: Track
Topic: DHBC Club promo movie this Wednesday at Tempe.
Replies: 3
Views: 2712

Re: DHBC Club promo movie this Wednesday at Tempe.

Apart from the blurb on the website about our history, does anyone have more detail for me to study up on?
What about the resident Magpie?
by Trouty
23 Jul 2013, 10:39
Forum: Road
Topic: Nowra to Sassafas n Back
Replies: 31
Views: 10439

Re: Nowra to Sassafas n Back

Well done you hard core riders. Kudos just for just making the decision to ride on Sunday, whilst us not so hard core riders took refuge in a restaurant. Great race reports and stellar efforts from every one. I must say after reading these reports, and also the Ken Dinnerville reports, I'm pretty su...
by Trouty
22 Jul 2013, 09:16
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th

And does that make you Froomie Jo? Able to master all the disciplines and still come home strong when it mattered?
LOL - that's clever Jo - thanks. I know you resisted calling me "Quintana" because you knew I wasn't short enough!!
by Trouty
22 Jul 2013, 06:45
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th

I'm quite impressed with Craig Weller's teams time! Wellers team time of just over 1.05 was impressive. I was there to see them finish and they gave it there all. Wellers face was covered in sweat and saliva so they left nothing in the tank. I wondered if they used the Ginsana? Awesome effort from ...
by Trouty
21 Jul 2013, 17:50
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th

How great was this weekend. Awesome to see so many Dhbc teams enter, and no matter what position they came, they all seemed to have huge smiles on their faces for completing the painful task at hand. A big collection of the DHBC crew stayed back to support and see the final DHBC riders finish. Thank...
by Trouty
16 Jul 2013, 16:49
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th

Good luck DHBC, even to those growing number of Male Teams that are challenging the woman. We look forward to a fierce but friendly competition, and are keen to see what the dawdlers come up with next. Moustaches again or Wigs ? See you all Saturday and we are ready for Team Stu, Adam, Cam and Dougy...
by Trouty
16 Jul 2013, 14:22
Forum: Road
Topic: Temporary Foster Home For Bike Needed - for Irish Man Conner
Replies: 1
Views: 1418

Re: Temporary Foster Home For Bike Needed - for Irish Man Co

Home already found. Thank you
by Trouty
16 Jul 2013, 13:58
Forum: Road
Topic: Temporary Foster Home For Bike Needed - for Irish Man Conner
Replies: 1
Views: 1418

Temporary Foster Home For Bike Needed - for Irish Man Conner

Hi Folks, Our DHBC Irishman Conner is still working in the mines and has sold his van where he used to store his bike till he goes back to Ireland. I said I would keep it at my house till I found a trusted person who has a bigger house. Any trusted volunteers that can keep his bike till he gets back...
by Trouty
14 Jul 2013, 19:07
Forum: Road
Topic: Awesome 28s ride
Replies: 1
Views: 1203

Awesome 28s ride

Just wanted to say thanks to all the 28 riders today for a great, safe and enjoyable ride. After a months hiatus I was nervous in a bunch with my wrists but I felt really safe, with enjoyable and consistent pacing from the riders on the front. i was probably the worst pacer, but was quickly told whe...
by Trouty
04 Jul 2013, 08:26
Forum: Track
Topic: Women's Track
Replies: 84
Views: 33974

Re: Women's Track

Kylie, that's great to hear! Trouty, we have been getting between 12 and 15 riders every week when it's not raining, and everyone is consistent and motivated! That's fantastic Jess, well done. My motivation is at zero at the mo, so sounds like your girls can teach me a thing or 2. Seriously 15 girl...
by Trouty
02 Jul 2013, 08:59
Forum: Track
Topic: Women's Track
Replies: 84
Views: 33974

Re: Women's Track

Unbelievable turnout....who would have known we had so many girls on the track, and in winter. Go DHBC
by Trouty
02 Jul 2013, 06:42
Forum: Conversation
Topic: The Catrike has arrived! Help needed to assemble
Replies: 18
Views: 7280

Re: The Catrike has arrived! Help needed to assemble

All I can say is what a great club and a great effort to people who contributed and helped...and Kudos to Alex Christian. See you on the road soon Panky.
by Trouty
01 Jul 2013, 19:40
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

I like the friendly rivalry that we have. It adds another dimension to the fun.
Keep it up BFG and Co!
Although I have to learn how to do those moving files like Big Friendly Vegan - he's got a few up on all of us so far, they are all pretty funny!!
by Trouty
01 Jul 2013, 18:47
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

I saw Stelio's at TAL offices today, and we gave each other that Declaration of War look. All friendly of course.....but deep down I know Stelios is out for blood. Can't wait to for the outcome of the final Italian Pursuit. Was there talk of seeing Stelio's in a dress if they lose, in a previous pos...
by Trouty
01 Jul 2013, 14:36
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

3 or 4 woman already ride in B grade at Heffron with Eleri and Pia already getting podium spots and girls like Jo S, and Denise starting to race there more often?
by Trouty
22 Jun 2013, 18:23
Forum: The Workshop
Topic: keep on kovers Z for speedplay cleats now at Bikebug
Replies: 9
Views: 8661

Re: keep on kovers Z for speedplay cleats now at Bikebug

They're a little bit Fred aren't they? I carry these in my pocket. They're cheap, and I'm not sure how long 'four times longer' is, but mine are a year old and look fine. Hey Rhys, I have both pairs. I swear by the ones ...
by Trouty
22 Jun 2013, 17:17
Forum: The Workshop
Topic: keep on kovers Z for speedplay cleats now at Bikebug
Replies: 9
Views: 8661

Re: keep on kovers Z for speedplay cleats now at Bikebug

I'll see your saddle and raise you... Brooks Team Professional - cheaper too :D Have a great ride, Peter I'd bet my first born, they are not...
by Trouty
20 Jun 2013, 22:14
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

Big friendly vegan, that's GOLD! I'll give you that one, although the head on that guy with the beard looks very much like Rhys from Dhbc?

Keep up the video skills and record the rare win, whilst you've got it.
by Trouty
18 Jun 2013, 23:29
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Recumbent Trike - Crowd Fund Appeal ******DONATE NOW!******
Replies: 36
Views: 11218

Re: Recumbent Trike - Crowd Fund Appeal ******DONATE NOW!***

Why is the monkey holding a salt grinder between his back legs?
.............Because the Thigh Master wasn't available. By the way Camilla, take a closer look, I think it's a she
by Trouty
13 Jun 2013, 18:53
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

Good luck every one, I'm out due to injury and a bit dodgy driving a car at the mo. But smash it up!!! Not literally of course
by Trouty
10 Jun 2013, 06:37
Forum: Road
Topic: Cairns half iron man
Replies: 12
Views: 3793

Re: Cairns half iron man

The ride sounded Awesome, but you confirmed the run and swim are not for me.

Well done on unleashing the Furry. That quote has become a cult following, maybe we should add this to our t-shirt design.

Congrats Jo, and good on you Christian for being support crew.
by Trouty
10 Jun 2013, 06:27
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

Yes, we're trying to get some more people to come along; the more people to play with, the better. Yes, we'll loan them bikes if they want them, but we always do that. Hell, we'd even loan one of you guys a bike if you came out to Lidcombe without one. Paying people's entry fees? Nah, we can't affo...
by Trouty
06 Jun 2013, 19:19
Forum: Road
Topic: Cairns half iron man
Replies: 12
Views: 3793

Cairns half iron man

Good luck to at DHBC'rs doing Cairns Half this weekend, not sure who else other than Skinner. Pete OSullivan? Go hard, go fast, do us cyclist proud. Dougie can give you tips on digging into that bag of courage. Smash it!
by Trouty
06 Jun 2013, 15:19
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

14 weeks until we have to worry about the final race, I might have retired from cycling by then :)
Your too young to retire!
by Trouty
06 Jun 2013, 05:09
Forum: Track
Topic: RAW Track 2013!
Replies: 138
Views: 62317

Re: RAW Track 2013!

I love that last clause. I did hear from an inside secret contact that Stelios was already out to procure numbers, offering to pay entry fees for people to show up, organising bikes, and (although not confirmed) I heard they have been busy training at Altitude at Tenereef with Wiggo. Let's hope thei...
by Trouty
04 Jun 2013, 19:12
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cycology t-shirts - discount code for DHBC members
Replies: 24
Views: 7666

Re: Cycology t-shirts - discount code for DHBC members

I'm still thinking we give the design task to the Cycology designer with a brief that incorporates much of the above. If we are going to ditch the letters in circles thing, that's a pretty big decision. Not thinking this is the right time ... I agree here. We can do replicas of our shirts Any where...
by Trouty
28 May 2013, 06:01
Forum: Road
Topic: Favourite cycling songs
Replies: 22
Views: 5941

Re: Favourite cycling songs

a good one to leave off might be "there is a light that never goes out" by The Smiths ;)
Any thing by the Smiths is banned.
by Trouty
27 May 2013, 21:24
Forum: Road
Topic: Favourite cycling songs
Replies: 22
Views: 5941

Re: Favourite cycling songs

Actually Jo, I love Kelly Clarkson. So it's a thumbs up from me. Which one?
It's got to be "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". I am really showing my age as I don't recognise half these songs. Making the compilation Cd will might be a challenge but I will find a way.
by Trouty
26 May 2013, 20:29
Forum: Road
Topic: Favourite cycling songs
Replies: 22
Views: 5941

Re: Favourite cycling songs

I resisted putting Kelly Clarkson knowing the DhBC Time Trial Team will disown me. 1. I got a Feeling - black eyed peas - Trouty 2. Titanium - Sia and David Guetta 3. Bad Influence - P!nk 4. Life During War Time - Talking Heads (I know I'm showing my age, I resisted Dylan) 5. Stone Free - Jimi Hendr...
by Trouty
26 May 2013, 16:51
Forum: Road
Topic: Favourite cycling songs
Replies: 22
Views: 5941

Favourite cycling songs

I was trying to do a cycling sound track for my ipod, and thought about what would be the best songs to get you warmed up and motivated? Interested in what other people like. So Add your favourite song, and hope it makes the final compilation, you could be win a cd! Add your songs Ok first song on t...
by Trouty
26 May 2013, 16:30
Forum: Road
Topic: Ride Report Ken Dinnerville
Replies: 29
Views: 9841

Re: Ride Report Ken Dinnerville

I was looking forward to the "Ken Dinner Bill" race report and this one didnt disappoint. Gold Dougie! And well done today on a great effort. That's a tough race.
by Trouty
05 May 2013, 08:04
Forum: Road
Topic: Exercise bike recommendation?
Replies: 8
Views: 3827

Re: Exercise bike recommendation?

I reckon you can't beat a good stationery trainer. A trainer with a good road feel. Kinetic trainer is the best.
by Trouty
27 Apr 2013, 20:33
Forum: Road
Topic: Cycle skills
Replies: 10
Views: 3307

Re: Cycle skills

Race Herron
Not the best advice for beginners. That's a pretty technical course to be learning cornering at speed mixing it with the men.
by Trouty
25 Apr 2013, 09:52
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th

Remember to bring something to warm up with
Are you suggesting Stuart that people warm up via Camilla?
by Trouty
23 Apr 2013, 05:01
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th

I think I'd like to try this out too. As at 31 Dec I will be 46 yrs old, so I would hope to join a 150+ team. A couple of things: 1. I've never raced before so would need to upgrade my licence. I note that I would need to have done this and entered into some other race before 20 May to qualify. [64...
by Trouty
22 Apr 2013, 15:36
Forum: Road
Topic: B2B ride reports 2013
Replies: 14
Views: 4773

Re: B2B ride reports 2013

Great race reports, and congratulations every one. Great to see DHBC jerseys on show with a vengeance. It sounded very painful to you all deserve a sleep I. This week.
by Trouty
20 Apr 2013, 18:54
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Team Time Trial July 20th

The rules say that the three youngest riders ages must add to 150 years or older. I am 44. That does put some pressure on you and mark to age prematurely. Don't be fooled - the 150+ masters are any easier, they are still hard core anyway. They all seem to have reached that part of life where cost i...
by Trouty
20 Apr 2013, 10:55
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Team Time Trial July 20th

No. I don't own a vintage bike of any sort. I'll be riding my carbon Pinny with carbon cranks - we're an all carbon masters team ... but the name was suggested by Michele P at last years event; it may be a play on words. BTW, is it better to enter the 150+ group? Has that got slower teams than the ...
by Trouty
20 Apr 2013, 10:52
Forum: Road
Topic: B2B Sun 21st April
Replies: 41
Views: 9576

Re: B2B Sun 21st April

Good luck to the B2Bers and especially Eleri and her super Domestiques
by Trouty
19 Apr 2013, 17:47
Forum: Road
Topic: NSW Clubs Team Time Trial July 20th
Replies: 122
Views: 38467

Re: NSW Team Time Trial July 20th

I believe the Masters team is now Jo, Eleri, Pia and myself due to injuries... I don't think the boys have a hope. Let the sledging begin. Forget the thoughts of a Gold Medal or Podium finish, the NsW Time Trial is an opportunity for some friendly inter-club competition so let the Games and challen...
by Trouty
16 Apr 2013, 12:50
Forum: Road
Topic: How Fasties Works: Further to the April Newsletter
Replies: 32
Views: 11418

Re: How Fasties Works: Further to the April Newsletter

We could make a fasties + now but contrary to popular belief its not always fun smashing yourself every Sunday. I live by that philosophy about not smashing yourself every Sunday, but I do respect those that do. Fasties by nature of their name and the fact it is the highest level, should GO FAST, s...
by Trouty
14 Apr 2013, 17:41
Forum: Road
Topic: Race Report - MWCC West Head
Replies: 4
Views: 1803

Re: Race Report - MWCC West Head

Whether I was tired from yesterday or I just didn't have it, I found today's B grade race pretty tough for B grade. I guess entering in races above your level makes you stronger, thats what i keep telling myself. I enjoyed it when I finished regardless, thank god I didn't have to do 2 laps! The top ...
by Trouty
13 Apr 2013, 09:55
Forum: Road
Topic: How Fasties Works: Further to the April Newsletter
Replies: 32
Views: 11418

Re: How Fasties Works: Further to the April Newsletter

The reason we changed the rotation for C25s and C28s was because rotating off the front as the fasties do was clearly unsafe. People coming off the front especially in the C25s weren't sufficiently skilled to roll off safely. We often had people on the wrong side of the centre line and getting stuc...
by Trouty
12 Apr 2013, 07:42
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Greg Pankhurst's accident
Replies: 137
Views: 48247

Re: Greg Pankhurst's accident

Greg enjoys having visitors. He also wants to borrow the following DVDs: Any good sport stuff, especially cycling, Comedy or lightstuff, and Fishing. So have a look through your collections. So go and visit when you can. He thinks he will be there for another 4-6 weeks. That sounds great. Stu and I...
by Trouty
12 Apr 2013, 05:14
Forum: Road
Topic: How Fasties Works: Further to the April Newsletter
Replies: 32
Views: 11418

Re: How Fasties Works: Further to the April Newsletter

I've never made it far enough with the fasties for the return paceline at Waterfall......but if I'm riding in a middies group pace line with 2 fasties in it, surely I can count that? Ah technicalities shmallities, I'm taking it...if only to make myself feel better. Great to see the fasties group gro...
by Trouty
31 Mar 2013, 17:31
Forum: Road
Topic: Ken Dinnerville - Entries open Tuesday 2nd of April 9am
Replies: 68
Views: 18365

Re: Ken Dinnerville - Entries open Tuesday 2nd of April 9am

On the cycling NSW website, but it won't let you enter till after 9am Tuesday. Stand by your computer.
by Trouty
29 Mar 2013, 18:21
Forum: Road
Topic: Ken Dinnerville - Entries open Tuesday 2nd of April 9am
Replies: 68
Views: 18365

Ken Dinnerville - Entries open Tuesday 2nd of April 9am

Hi Guys,

Not that I ever enter this (and I won't be), but I know it is popular with the DHBC folk so please remember to get in early - entries open at 9am sharp and they are expected to fill up really quick.
DON'T MISS OUT and good luck to those that do get in.
by Trouty
25 Mar 2013, 19:44
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

I have a love hate relationship with Heffron. I've never done that well there but it keeps drawing me back. It would be good to remove some of the manhole covers and other 'features' but I personally like the layout. Yeah it was a manhole that the girl in front swerved which caused me to swerve and...
by Trouty
24 Mar 2013, 18:37
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

Jo is only saying that as she hasn't even dared look at her elbow. And you should see the leather bar tape .. it's totally shredded. IMO Heffron is a dangerous circuit due to the horrible tight corners, made worse by a "cheese grater" surface. As there's only open's there I'd never race a...
by Trouty
24 Mar 2013, 15:50
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

I did remember whyi don't race Heffron, I have always hated that track. i think they realised after today, there were just too many riders on the track, especially when a mens grade comes past you at a corner. it's narrow and the corners are technical, and in that grade no one takes the corners slow...
by Trouty
21 Mar 2013, 19:56
Forum: Road
Topic: Easter Friday C28 West Head: Drive-Ride-Eat
Replies: 48
Views: 16398

Re: Easter Friday C28 West Head: Drive-Ride-Eat

I will need to eat!
by Trouty
17 Mar 2013, 09:11
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

Never mind Maddy, gives you A more time to train harder so we can lead you out for a win.

Catch you soon
by Trouty
16 Mar 2013, 09:46
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC girl beats boys in competitive racing back in the 1960s
Replies: 26
Views: 7726

Re: DHBC girl beats boys in competitive racing back in the 1

Can someone invite Margaret McLoughlin to the Sydney Classic Bicycle Show?
I dont have her contact details now but believe Jo T spoke to her back in Dec 2011.

I have pm you her number
by Trouty
16 Mar 2013, 09:43
Forum: Track
Topic: Stolen track bike
Replies: 17
Views: 8266

Re: Stolen track bike

Did the break into your garage? That's a bummer.
by Trouty
13 Mar 2013, 09:17
Forum: Road
Topic: West Head Road Race 10 March
Replies: 7
Views: 2711

Re: West Head Road Race 10 March

You won't be seeing me gluing tubulars... Why do you think I go out with Christian?
.....good to know or does christian only do this for "loved ones"? i need a Christian to glue my tyres next time I need them. Stuart does all other bike maintenence but tyre gluing is excluded :(
by Trouty
10 Mar 2013, 07:33
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

Go Pia! Awesome.
Awesome from me too Pia and Maddy......great to have you racing.
by Trouty
10 Mar 2013, 07:30
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Prescription cycling sunglasses recommendations?
Replies: 20
Views: 9702

Re: Prescription cycling sunglasses recommendations?

I love the oakleys personally. I have had them for 5 years and they are still great, just need to replace the rubber nose bridge once at 20 bucks. Rudy project I hear are also great, however as the have an insert Theo who owns a pair said the peripheral view is a little blocked. All down to personal...
by Trouty
09 Mar 2013, 18:29
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Garmin 500 firmware v3.0 upgrade issues
Replies: 22
Views: 7809

Re: Garmin 500 firmware v3.0 upgrade issues

From: Garmin Guys To: Stuart Subject: My Garmin's a Harmin' Hi Stuart, Thanks for your Tweet. We checked your Garmin out. In fact we checked YOU out too. We have been watching you for some time. We know everything there is to know about you. We have come to the conclusion that the problem is the in...
by Trouty
07 Mar 2013, 18:49
Forum: Track
Replies: 7
Views: 3312


I want some other person to get that bike, 100% so I can ride next to it and check out my reflection in the front disk. Except not if there's a cross wind. If you owned that bike you would probably have a permanent mirrior set up so you could always see your reflection. I am guessing the bike costs...
by Trouty
06 Mar 2013, 16:55
Forum: Track
Replies: 7
Views: 3312


Not that I am a fan of Pink Bikes, but I saw this one and thought it was pretty crazy. Check out the Scatto bars and disc wheels which are pink reflective. Definately not my style but very unique
by Trouty
04 Mar 2013, 19:38
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

I would have gone but stu and I are away in the mountains sat morning to Sunday. Every little bit helps and it should be fun. We expect a what you learnt report.
by Trouty
28 Feb 2013, 19:28
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Greg Pankhurst's accident
Replies: 137
Views: 48247

Re: Greg Pankhurst's accident

Home you go home soon Greg.
by Trouty
28 Feb 2013, 19:10
Forum: Road
Topic: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013
Replies: 50
Views: 13852

Re: Women's Road Series: March/April 2013

1. Jothebuilder 2. Lizanne (pending if I have a bike) 3. Eleri Don't forget me Eleri. We should try and talk Maddy into racing. I reckon she could well become our best Elite female rider. Lots of raw talent and she hasn't even been training much. Ex rower, got to be good. I might try and get her to...

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