Search found 1043 matches

by marc2131
14 Dec 2020, 12:00
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC President's report 2018/19
Replies: 0
Views: 11293

DHBC President's report 2018/19

DULWICH HILL BICYCLE CLUB – PRESIDENT 2018-2019 REPORT Dr Marc Rerceretnam 7 June 2019 I would like to thank the following DHBC Committee members and supporters for their support over the last 12 months. Simon Berry, Andrew Belford, Jonathan Wong, Colin Williamson and John Caley. I believe we have m...
by marc2131
24 Oct 2018, 12:36
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Identifying the original 1908 DHBC Foundation members
Replies: 2
Views: 13253

Re: Identifying the original 1908 DHBC Foundation members

It has been said the DHBC's first Vice-President was Ernest Coleman. Born 24 November 1883 in Petersham, and died 16 July 1962 in Strathfield. Ernest also had a younger brother Harold Edward, who was probably in the DHBC too. Ernest was a good rider in his day and won the 26-mile Peerless Bicycle Cl...
by marc2131
04 Jun 2018, 10:05
Forum: Conversation
Topic: 2018 DHBC Annual General Meeting, 10 May 2018 @ the Stirrup Gallery, Addison Rd Community Centre
Replies: 0
Views: 10170

2018 DHBC Annual General Meeting, 10 May 2018 @ the Stirrup Gallery, Addison Rd Community Centre

The 2018 DHBC Annual General Meeting was held at the Stirrup Gallery, Addison Rd Community Centre. It was held at the same venue of the 'On Your Bike' DHBC history exhibition which was opening that weekend. The AGM was held at 7.30pm. The new 2018-19 committee are: President - Marc Rerceretnam V Pre...
by marc2131
04 Jun 2018, 09:24
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC 'On Your Bike' History Exhibition, 10-14 May 2018
Replies: 0
Views: 9686

DHBC 'On Your Bike' History Exhibition, 10-14 May 2018

34135433_10155428798146722_3820882552395137024_n.jpg The DHBC 'On Your Bike' exhibition will display lovingly preserved and rarely seen photographs, ephemera and vintage bikes from the DHBC's heyday, before cars pushed bikes off the road. Free entry. This exhibition also promises to be a history of...
by marc2131
09 May 2018, 08:45
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza
Replies: 8
Views: 12895

Re: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza

Mick died on the 28 April 2018 after complications from a bad lung infection. He died at Westmead Hospital at 10am. The club was notified by his nephew Steve Everingham and his youngest sis Lena Everingham. His funeral was held at St Brigid's Catholic Church, Marrickville on 9 May 2018. Video of the...
by marc2131
03 May 2018, 18:28
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC and history of cycling in Sydney exhibition, 10-14 May 2018
Replies: 0
Views: 9549

DHBC and history of cycling in Sydney exhibition, 10-14 May 2018

Coinciding with the Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club's 110th anniversary, the 'On Your Bike' exhibition will display lovingly preserved and rarely seen photographs, ephemera and vintage bikes from the DHBC's heyday, before cars pushed bikes off the road. Free entry. This exhibition also promises to be a hi...
by marc2131
13 Apr 2018, 08:55
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: The history of the DHBC logo, 1908 to present day
Replies: 0
Views: 9616

The history of the DHBC logo, 1908 to present day

The use of a logo did not appear to be of tantamount importance for most of DHBC's century-long existence. Several variations of a DHBC logo have come and gone, with many existing side by side. I hope to show some of these variations which have come to light. 1908-1920s During the first decade and a...
by marc2131
28 Mar 2018, 09:25
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC members: Life Members and other accolades from Cycling NSW
Replies: 0
Views: 9321

DHBC members: Life Members and other accolades from Cycling NSW

The Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club has kept a very high profile in Cycling NSW and Cycling Australia for over a century. Several key DHBC members are Life Members of Cycling NSW (ex- NSW Amateur Cyclists' Union). 1. Ferdinand 'Fred' Kaltenbach (1926). Fred advocated to admit 2 women as full club members ...
by marc2131
13 Mar 2018, 11:16
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC Life Members List, 1908-2018
Replies: 0
Views: 9634

DHBC Life Members List, 1908-2018

This info also in the '' Conversations '' thread on this forum. Life membership issued between 1908 and 1970 JC 'Charlie' Paris (1879-1950) - Foundation member and long time club secretary. Charlie and hi...
by marc2131
27 Feb 2018, 07:35
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Free Stuff
Replies: 310
Views: 387344

Re: Free Stuff

Hi Ben Is the Powerpod p-meter still available? marc I've got the following stuff that I'll cheerfully give to someone who wants - this is all left over equipment that I replaced or found I didn't need. Powerpod power meter with a suitable Go Pro mount. These go for about $300-400 new. It's a neat g...
by marc2131
29 Nov 2017, 11:26
Forum: Road
Topic: Waterfall ride time change - What!
Replies: 5
Views: 7204

Re: Waterfall ride time change - What!

Is there a link to this vote? Assume it is online.
by marc2131
23 Nov 2017, 06:38
Forum: Conversation
Topic: FOUND: Info on DHBC 'Life Members' 1908-2000
Replies: 3
Views: 6560

Re: FOUND: Info on DHBC 'Life Members' 1908-2000

Video of presentation of Life Membership plaque to Mick Mazza on Sat 4 Nov 2017, at Balmain Hospital.
by marc2131
20 Nov 2017, 09:07
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: The title of Oldest bicycle club in NSW (maybe Australia) goes to ...........
Replies: 1
Views: 5934

The title of Oldest bicycle club in NSW (maybe Australia) goes to ...........

The title of the oldest continuously operating bicycle club is a rather contested one. Several clubs individually lay claim to this title such as the Randwick Botany Cycle Club who were originally the Botany Cycle Club (formed 1903). There was a Randwick Coogee Bicycle Club but they only survived fr...
by marc2131
16 Nov 2017, 08:11
Forum: Road
Topic: 2018 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show
Replies: 0
Views: 9751

2018 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show

The DHBC's 2018 edition of the Sydney Classic Bicycle Show (Sat 24 March @ Canterbury Velodrome, Tempe) is working out to be a cracker! We will be highlighting vintage, custom builders and restorers. We will be hosting the following bespoke builders and restorers who will display their wares on the ...
by marc2131
15 Nov 2017, 08:21
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Recognising DHBC Mentors - A long DHBC tradition of Mentoring
Replies: 3
Views: 6356

Re: Recognising DHBC Mentors - A long DHBC tradition of Mentoring

Mentoring in other bicycle clubs Mentoring was common among all bicycle clubs. Being largely run by volunteers, bicycle club members placed a high premium on helping each other. I have been collating a list of Mentors in the DHBC but in the process have been info on others. I will include them in a...
by marc2131
14 Nov 2017, 08:39
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Recognising DHBC Mentors - A long DHBC tradition of Mentoring
Replies: 3
Views: 6356

Recognising DHBC Mentors - A long DHBC tradition of Mentoring

By the late 2000s adult membership grew exponentially in the DHBC for the first time. However between the 1900s and ‘80s, our club (like many other bicycle clubs) were dominated by children. This important point has since been forgotten. Between 1908 and the 1980s it's membership was largely made up...
by marc2131
06 Nov 2017, 10:50
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Identifying the original 1908 DHBC Foundation members
Replies: 2
Views: 13253

Identifying the original 1908 DHBC Foundation members

As many DHBC club members would know, this is the earliest picture of the Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club committee taken on the day of its inauguration on 8 April 1908 at the since demolished Masonic Hall on New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill. The DHBC were formed as an independent off-shoot of the Marric...
by marc2131
05 Nov 2017, 07:36
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza
Replies: 8
Views: 12895

Re: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza

Some of the DHBC Valley Wheelers visited Mick at the Balmain Hospital on Sat 4 Nov 2017 to present him his DHBC Life Membership trophy/shield. He was rather pleased and believe it brightened his day a bit. His Life Membership was approved at the DHBC club AGM held in April 2017, proposal put fwd by ...
by marc2131
03 Nov 2017, 08:40
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC member with a 110 year family connection
Replies: 1
Views: 5022

Re: DHBC member with a 110 year family connection

Gary Jenkins has provided more info on his grandad Percy Fitzgibbon (born 1891). He was a foundation member of the DHBC in April 1908 and appears in the well known 'DHBC Team 1910' photo (see above). He stands third from the left. Percy Fitzgibbon with his fixed wheel race bike from 1910. This bicyc...
by marc2131
27 Oct 2017, 16:39
Forum: Road
Topic: Valley Wheeler's Royal Tour - Mudgee to Hillend and back
Replies: 0
Views: 9315

Valley Wheeler's Royal Tour - Mudgee to Hillend and back

The retro arm of DHBC, the Valley Wheelers are running their annual Royal Tour from Saturday morning. About 30 club members are congregating in Mudgee and then cycling to The Royal Hotel at the historic gold mining town of Hillend. We have booked out this little 1860 hotel out for the night and then...
by marc2131
21 Oct 2017, 10:29
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC member with a 110 year family connection
Replies: 1
Views: 5022

DHBC member with a 110 year family connection

DHBC member Gary Jenkins joined the club last year. However his grand father Percy Fitzgibbon (born 1891) and grand uncle Arthur (born 1881) were foundation members of the club a 110 years ago. Both Fitzgibbon boys were present at the 8 April 1908 inaugration of the club held at the old Dulwich Hill...
by marc2131
21 Oct 2017, 09:23
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza
Replies: 8
Views: 12895

Re: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza

Mick is back in hospital. Will keep all updated.
by marc2131
20 Oct 2017, 13:12
Forum: Road
Topic: No Drop Adventure ride for all Sun 19th Nov
Replies: 29
Views: 19256

Re: No Drop Adventure ride for all

I tried posting this up on the DHBC Facebook account, as you asked, but it wouldn't let me. Not sure why.
marc r.
by marc2131
14 Sep 2017, 14:09
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Seeking tradie recommendation - Roof Tiler needed
Replies: 3
Views: 6207

Seeking tradie recommendation - Roof Tiler needed

I am looking for a good, dependable and honest roof tiler.
Any recommendations?
marc 0426 897247
by marc2131
24 Aug 2017, 15:59
Forum: Conversation
Topic: 2017 Valley Wheelers Royal Tour (Mudgee to Hill End)
Replies: 3
Views: 6214

Re: 2017 Valley Wheelers Royal Tour (Mudgee to Hill End)

Photos from last year's Hillend Royal Tour. At the Mudgee start on Saturday morning, approx. 9.30am. DSCN1421 Lawson Pk 1 Oct.JPG First stop outside Mudgee on Hargreave Rd. Lots of yummy stuff. DSCN1425 First stop out of Mudgee to Hargraves 1 Oct.JPG First lunch time stop at the Digger's Rest 'shed'...
by marc2131
24 Aug 2017, 15:38
Forum: Conversation
Topic: 2017 Valley Wheelers Royal Tour (Mudgee to Hill End)
Replies: 3
Views: 6214

Re: 2017 Valley Wheelers Royal Tour (Mudgee to Hill End)

Last years Mile Muncher's ride (Friday from Lithgow to Mudgee) was a washout.
by marc2131
13 Aug 2017, 09:20
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

Prizes and accolades for the 2017 ITT will be presented at the upcoming DHBC Xmas party.
by marc2131
06 Aug 2017, 18:31
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

Photo montage of today's 2017 DHBC Individual Time Trial held at Calga this morning. Organised in conjunction with ATTA. Winners of the 3 categories will be officially announced later.
by marc2131
02 Aug 2017, 08:07
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS We advise people to pre-book their time slot. To do so contact Brad Croft. The process is quite simple: 1. Deposit $25 into the ATTA bank account - be sure to add your name and note 25k TT BSB: 112-879 Account: 477315982 2. Send Brad Craft an email nominating yo...
by marc2131
30 Jul 2017, 21:00
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

1. WITHDRAWN DUE TO INJURY - Marc Rerceretnam 2. Jonathan Wong (leaning towards modern) 3. Craig Weller (modern) 4. Simon Berry (modern) 5. John Hatt (modern) 6. Ben Croft (modern) 7. Annemiek Beverdam (modern) 8. Olaf Loogman (modern) 9. Paul Armishaw (modern) 10. John Caley (modern if Bro lends me...
by marc2131
29 Jul 2017, 19:34
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

The times are calculated according to your age group or gender. Having the fastest or slowest time doesn't mean you win or come in last.
by marc2131
27 Jul 2017, 15:32
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

Hey I think I get a free ride as I got a PB last time. Is that still offered?
John, not sure, but I think a free go after a PB only applies if you ride the following month. Can anyone confirm this? Otherwise just email ATTA and ask.
by marc2131
25 Jul 2017, 08:58
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

1. WITHDRAWN DUE TO INJURY Marc Rerceretnam (modern)
2. Jonathan Wong (leaning towards modern)
3. Craig Weller (modern)
4. Simon Berry (modern)
5. John Hatt (modern)
6. Ben Croft (modern)
7. Annemiek Beverdam (modern)
8. Olaf Loogman (modern)
9. Paul Armishaw (modern)
by marc2131
14 Jul 2017, 14:57
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

19787196_10212516783929035_8889163171321725276_o.jpg Men of Steel overtaking Team Cyclotouriste early in the climb. 19787426_10212516776688854_7810358616196264833_o.jpg DHBC-BOD - WELLER, Craig, LACEY, Mark, BERRY, Simon, MCSWIGGAN, Peter 19780783_10212516767968636_5049113497810316276_o.jpg 1978727...
by marc2131
11 Jul 2017, 08:55
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Free Stuff
Replies: 310
Views: 387344

Re: Free Stuff

Free to good home. Magnetic stationary trainer in good condition. Courtesy of Peter Teow. Pick up from Marc in Ashbury.
19905266_10154623254851722_3442068110106376795_n[1].jpg (42.06 KiB) Viewed 17610 times
19756812_10154623254801722_8759535453678290650_n[1].jpg (36.74 KiB) Viewed 17610 times
by marc2131
06 Jul 2017, 10:02
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

Register name below please (indicate either 'vintage' or 'modern'):

1. Marc Rerceretnam (modern)
2. Jonathan Wong (leaning towards modern)
3. Craig Weller (modern)
by marc2131
04 Jul 2017, 17:33
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

START TIMES: 10:00 AM [SCOM#07 SPOKEN 4] 425 - 428 ANTHES, Cameron, HATT, John, MOXHAM, Neil, WILLIAMSON, Craig 11:24 AM DULWICH HILL BC [WAA#07] 393 - 396 MULLINEUX, Diana, BEVERDAM, Annemiek, GREEN, Laura, UTHER, Katie 12:06 PM DULWICH HILL BC [150#25 CYCLOTOURISTE] 145 - 148 MUNKS, Lindsay, BURN...
by marc2131
03 Jul 2017, 11:12
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

If you plan to use a camera on your bike, you need to get a free online license from CNSW. ... OrgID=4912
by marc2131
01 Jul 2017, 20:52
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: c.1989 Quintana Roo 'Superform' TT/Triathlon bicycle
Replies: 1
Views: 5264

c.1989 Quintana Roo 'Superform' TT/Triathlon bicycle

This one is for the triathletes in the club This is a circa 1990 Quintana Roo Superform triathlon/TT bicycle. This US-made steel bike was originally from Melbourne and was bought second hand by the previous Sydney owner in Melbourne in 1991 or 1992. It supposedly belonged to a Victorian pro triathle...
by marc2131
25 Jun 2017, 10:25
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

Prizes pool is growing. 1. 5x CO2 canisters (donated by Manny S). 2. 1x CO2 canister and attachment. 3. 2x vouchers from Ashfield Cycles. 4. 'Everyday' skincare pack - suitable for female and male competitors (compliments of BOD Australia) These prizes will probably be given out as 2nd and 3rd prize...
by marc2131
18 Jun 2017, 16:53
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC poem by late DHBC foundation member, Ken Fitzgibbons
Replies: 1
Views: 5207

Re: DHBC poem by late DHBC foundation member, Ken Fitzgibbons

Sorry guys. Made amendments to this and reposted in the Vintage section.
Cant seem to delete this posting
by marc2131
18 Jun 2017, 13:56
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Fitzgibbon family and their 110 year association with DHBC
Replies: 0
Views: 9490

Fitzgibbon family and their 110 year association with DHBC

Today I met a new club member Gary Jenkins. He is the grandson of original DHBC foundation member Percy Fitzgibbon who may have been one of a small group of DHBC foundation members back in 1908. Percy must be in the picture below. DHBC Foundation members on the day of the DHBC's establishment on 8 A...
by marc2131
13 Jun 2017, 20:19
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

Re: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

Register name below please (indicate either 'vintage' or 'modern'):

1. Marc Rerceretnam (modern)
by marc2131
13 Jun 2017, 20:17
Forum: Road
Topic: 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017
Replies: 46
Views: 33740

3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial @ Calga, Sun 6 Aug 2017

The 3rd annual DHBC Individual Time Trial is on again! This will take place on Sunday August 6th at Calga. This event will be organised by club members Michael Clement and Marc Rerceretnam and run with the Australian Time Trial Association (ATTA). For those of you who are familiar with the Calga TT ...
by marc2131
12 Jun 2017, 13:04
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

Heads up regarding CNSW rulings on TTT club kit. I know they've always said this but this year they appear to make a special mention of it. RULES FOR MAKE-UP OF TEAMS/KIT REGULATIONS 2. All riders must wear the same kit. 3. Kits worn must be either: a. Club kit - kit must be of consistent design, i....
by marc2131
06 Jun 2017, 16:10
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: For your interest
Replies: 10
Views: 11325

Re: For your interest

Put a notice in the for sale section
by marc2131
06 Jun 2017, 11:11
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cant post notices on forum?
Replies: 1
Views: 4688

Re: Cant post notices on forum?

I notice I am not able to post if more than 1 sentence. Anyone else with this problem?
by marc2131
06 Jun 2017, 11:10
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: For your interest
Replies: 10
Views: 11325

Re: For your interest

Is he selling? If so, would be good to make that clear.
by marc2131
05 Jun 2017, 19:15
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: For your interest
Replies: 10
Views: 11325

Re: For your interest

Nice. :)
by marc2131
05 Jun 2017, 19:14
Forum: Conversation
Topic: 200th birthday bash for the Bicycle, Sun 11 June @ Hyde Pk
Replies: 0
Views: 9462

200th birthday bash for the Bicycle, Sun 11 June @ Hyde Pk

The 200th birthday of the Bicycle is this Sunday! And the DHBC Penny Farthing riders will be centre-stage. Events will be held nationally (Melb, Syd, Darwin) and internationally to coincide with 2 events held in Karlsruhr and Mannheim, Germany, where the first bicycle was invented and ridden by Baro...
by marc2131
05 Jun 2017, 12:58
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

Rego is now open. The team captain will need to register and pay for all team members first. The process is a little different from last year. For one the team captain will also have to purchase ALL the race day licenses for his/her team ie. if you hold a normal 'recreational' license, you will need...
by marc2131
30 May 2017, 08:42
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

Ben I know of another young fast guy who is keen to find a team. He doesn't ride steel. He' rode with a non-DHBC team last year. They rode a sub 1-hour time.
by marc2131
27 May 2017, 13:13
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

Re: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

, so i wont be expecting to see any wool on the 8th July. John NSW TTT St George Juniors.jpg Team Steel Wool may deviate from your suggestion John. Wool is soooo Hygge :D A new condition is being highligted on the CNSW rego website, QUOTE "Club kit - kit must be of consistent design, i.e club ...
by marc2131
25 May 2017, 16:43
Forum: Road
Topic: 2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra
Replies: 12
Views: 13167

2017 NSW Masters TTT, 8 July @ Nowra

The DHBC Valley Wheelers are running 4 steel teams this year. MEN OF STEEL (150 year category) Peter Bownes Marc Rerceretnam Alister Simington Roger Webber TEAM STEEL WOOL (General category) Rod Isaac Lachlan Burnham Matt Teffer Jonathan Wong TEAM AUTOBUS (180 year category) Ray Patton Chris Harris ...
by marc2131
22 May 2017, 18:13
Forum: Conversation
Topic: FOUND: Info on DHBC 'Life Members' 1908-2000
Replies: 3
Views: 6560

Re: FOUND: Info on DHBC 'Life Members' 1908-2000

UPDATED LIST JC 'Charlie' Paris (1879-1950) - Foundation member and long time club secretary. Charlie and his shop, located on Hercules/Loftus Sts, Dulwich Hill, acted as a focal point for the club until the late 1940s. For more info see: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4859 Mr Cotton snr . - no info avail...
by marc2131
15 May 2017, 17:33
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: A "honest, wonderful gentleman" - Claude Heathcote (1919-82)
Replies: 3
Views: 6607

Re: A "honest, wonderful gentleman" - Claude Heathcote (1919-82)

The late Claude and Sonia Heathcote were granted a special posthumous life time recognition award at the DHBC AGM on Sun 7 May.
by marc2131
15 May 2017, 17:30
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza
Replies: 8
Views: 12895

Re: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza

Mick Mazza was granted Life membership at the DHBC AGM held on Sun 7 May.
by marc2131
11 May 2017, 13:48
Forum: Conversation
Topic: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD
Replies: 4
Views: 7405

Re: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD

Sunday 11 June 2017 Time: 8:30am - 11:00am Location: Queens Square, Sydney (opp Hyde Park and St James Stn)
by marc2131
11 May 2017, 13:45
Forum: Conversation
Topic: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD
Replies: 4
Views: 7405

Re: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD

15401074_10154037377206722_6097354349868499696_n.jpg (160.31 KiB) Viewed 7403 times
by marc2131
11 May 2017, 13:45
Forum: Conversation
Topic: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD
Replies: 4
Views: 7405

Re: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD

This event is being held in cooperation with Sydney City Council and several city cycle shops. Morning tea and light breakfast will be served for all participants. Prizes for the best dressed (preferably in period dress with bike). Not necessary to bring old vintage bike. Bring your fave bike (new o...
by marc2131
11 May 2017, 13:44
Forum: Conversation
Topic: NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD
Replies: 4
Views: 7405

NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL - Sun 11 June, 8.30-11am, SydneyCBD

BECAUSE THE FORUM WON'T LET ME POST MESSAGES LONGER THAN 3 OR 4 SENTENCES LONG, I AM BREAKING UP THIS ANNOUCEMENT INTO PARTS. Bicycle Network (cycling peak body) are organising a NATIONAL BICYCLE FESTIVAL to commemorate the 200th birthday of the bike across the country. Events will be held concurren...
by marc2131
11 May 2017, 13:43
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Cant post notices on forum?
Replies: 1
Views: 4688

Cant post notices on forum?

How odd.
I am able to post short notices like this one, but anything with more than 50 words is a no-no.
Keep getting a 'Forbidden 403' error message.
by marc2131
11 May 2017, 13:41
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Testing only
Replies: 0
Views: 9436

Testing only

THis is a test
by marc2131
09 May 2017, 14:01
Forum: Conversation
Topic: 2017 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show - 6 May photos from event
Replies: 0
Views: 9684

2017 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show - 6 May photos from event

No rain, the sun was out and the weather was a wonderful. Great turn out with about 40 bikes and about 14 stalls. A bit down on last year but that can be attributed to the cancellation (due to bad weather back in March). We'll have better luck next year. However we had a few coups this year: 1. Scor...
by marc2131
09 May 2017, 13:47
Forum: Conversation
Topic: History talk - A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney 1870s-2017
Replies: 2
Views: 5960

Re: History talk - A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney 1870s-2017

The Inner West Council said they had 60 RSVPs for the talk.
Talk went well and believe audience was sufficiently entertained.
IMG_3843a.JPG (826.82 KiB) Viewed 5784 times
Slide intro.jpg
Slide intro.jpg (167.88 KiB) Viewed 5784 times
IMG_3845.JPG (95.83 KiB) Viewed 5784 times
by marc2131
07 May 2017, 11:11
Forum: Conversation
Topic: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm
Replies: 23
Views: 18655

Re: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out at the2017 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show.
Some of us are still recuperating in bed, so we will get a report to everyone in a short while.
by marc2131
28 Apr 2017, 09:13
Forum: Conversation
Topic: History talk - A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney 1870s-2017
Replies: 2
Views: 5960

Re: History talk - A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney 1870s-2017

...... bump ...... Register here: TICKETS from Eventbrite: Date: Tuesday 2 May at 18:30–20:00 Venue: Inner West Council's Dulwich Hill Library, 362-372 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203 (next to Tella Balls D...
by marc2131
06 Apr 2017, 23:29
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: 1955 Malvern Star Coronation 'Elizabethan'
Replies: 0
Views: 10744

1955 Malvern Star Coronation 'Elizabethan'

Found this bike at a garage sale in Marrickville this week. It is a very rare Malvern Star ladies' bike from 1955. No one is really sure but this style of bike was first introduced in c1948 and was originally called the 'New Look' (also referred to as 'Streamlyne'). However with upcoming coronation ...
by marc2131
06 Apr 2017, 10:48
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov
Replies: 37
Views: 29631

Re: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov

The wool jerseys are ready for pick up.
Everyone has been notified via email with the exception of avid Emerson, Bruce Fry and Rachelle Johnston.
Come to the Marrick Cafe after Slowies on 8 April.
See you there.
by marc2131
03 Apr 2017, 08:53
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Tools
Replies: 16
Views: 10390

Re: Tools

I've been putting off getting a proper cable cutter for a while now. Been looking on Wiggle and CRC and it is not clear if these same cutters can crimp a ferrule to the cable end.
Any recommendations and how much do I need to spend?
by marc2131
22 Mar 2017, 07:45
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: 1969: DHBC prize ashtray for Junior club road champion
Replies: 1
Views: 5360

1969: DHBC prize ashtray for Junior club road champion

More crazy DHBC prizes over the years. This one is from John Michell, founder and owner of 'Ashfield Cycles', Liverpool Rd, Ashfield. Local Specialized and Focus distributor and repairer. John joined as a 'juvenile' back in 1967 or 1968, but was only recognised as a fully fledged DHBC member (accord...
by marc2131
20 Mar 2017, 08:08
Forum: Conversation
Topic: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm
Replies: 23
Views: 18655

Re: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 25 March, 11am-3pm

VOLUNTEER ROSTER FOR 2017 SYDNEY CLASSIC BICYCLE SHOW Set up Infield 8am to 10am - Marc, Alister, Peter Teow, Alex, Rod, Ray Help set up tents , tables, chairs etc. 9am to 11am - Michele, Peter T, John J, Marian, Geoff S, Toff, Carol Allocation of stallholders. Allocation of concours bikes. Entry ga...
by marc2131
19 Mar 2017, 20:06
Forum: For Sale
Topic: Wanted 50t Ultegra 11speed chainring
Replies: 2
Views: 5411

Re: Wanted 50t Ultegra 11speed chainring

John, you spin like a demon.
by marc2131
19 Mar 2017, 09:49
Forum: Conversation
Topic: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm
Replies: 23
Views: 18655

Re: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 25 March, 11am-3pm

VOLUNTEER ROSTER FOR 2017 SYDNEY CLASSIC BICYCLE SHOW Set up Infield 8am to 10am - Marc, Alister, Peter Teow, Alex, Rod, Ray Help set up tents , tables, chairs etc. 9am to 11am - Michele, Peter T, John J, Marian, Geoff S, Toff, Carol Allocation of stallholders. Allocation of concours bikes. Entry g...
by marc2131
08 Mar 2017, 19:49
Forum: Conversation
Topic: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm
Replies: 23
Views: 18655

Re: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 25 March, 11am-3pm

1. Marc R 0426-897247 - putting up tents/packing up tents/cleaning/crowd control/cupcakes 2. Katie U 0411893530 -whatever. Can bake too :) 3. Maggi S - BBQ 4. Denis B - BBQ 5. Sandro N - BBQ 6. Simon Sharwood (co-announcer) 7. Alex 8. James 9. Rod 10. Damian 11. Gary 12. Bruce 13. Geoff S 14. Marian...
by marc2131
08 Mar 2017, 19:47
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: 1914 DHBC prize won by Mick Little
Replies: 0
Views: 9687

1914 DHBC prize won by Mick Little

Look what Simon Llewellyn found in the Port Macquarie area? DHBC prize from June 1914 won by Mick Little in the 5 mile road race. Now treasured by Mick's grandaughter. Mick Little apparently won the Goulburn to Sydney race (amateur) back in 1921. The last DHBC person to win this illustrious race was...
by marc2131
02 Mar 2017, 13:02
Forum: Road
Topic: Update 11/Mar/17 : Saturday Slowies Novelty bike ride
Replies: 3
Views: 3503

Re: 4/Mar/17 : Saturday Slowies Novelty bike ride

Gosh, not so long ago in the DHBC, riding an old steel bike would warrant some 'dirty' looks and odd glances from some fellow riders.
We've come a long way. And all the better for it too.
by marc2131
01 Mar 2017, 08:47
Forum: Conversation
Topic: CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm
Replies: 23
Views: 18655

CALL FOR VOLLUNTEERS - Sydney Classic Bicycle Show, Sat 6th May , 11am-3pm

CALL FOR VOLLIES Can you volunteer to help out in this years Sydney Classic Bicycle Show. We need people to help out with the following: Putting up tents (8am-11am) Taking down tents and cleaning up (3pm-5pm) Crowd control helpers Cake or cupcake bakers BBQ helpers Photographers and video camera pe...
by marc2131
28 Feb 2017, 16:06
Forum: Conversation
Topic: History talk - A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney 1870s-2017
Replies: 2
Views: 5960

History talk - A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney 1870s-2017

TITLE: A history of cycling communities and the ‘Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club’ in Sydney’s Inner West, 1870s-2017’ (by Dr Marc Rerceretnam) SYNOPSIS: Australian cycling historian Dr Marc Rerceretnam will speak about his recent academic publication examining the important role cycling clubs like the DHB...
by marc2131
01 Feb 2017, 15:37
Forum: Conversation
Topic: Pedal Pushers closing down sale
Replies: 5
Views: 7119

Re: Pedal Pushers closing down sale

Dunno about the rest of you but I've never gotten so many bike bargains in one hit. I love TT and managed to get everything I needed. No more aero compromises and clear packing tape on my helmet vents
by marc2131
30 Jan 2017, 20:16
Forum: Road
Topic: Too many fast riders in the C28s to Waterfall
Replies: 7
Views: 6832

Too many fast riders in the C28s to Waterfall

Last weeks C28s ride to Waterfall was huge. I was riding the Middies and thought i saw a good 20 or so riders in a huge peleton heading to Waterfall.
Some stronger riders have to move up to the Middies. You know who you are. It is not that hard. It might even be fun.
Marc :)
by marc2131
27 Jan 2017, 13:39
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza
Replies: 8
Views: 12895

DHBC club veteran - Mick Mazza

I've written a few threads on various DHBC club members who have unfortunately dropped off the club radar due to the passage of 's time, forgetfulness or plain ignorance. I've written several pieces on past club members, one on DHBC club founder JC 'Charlie' Paris (1879-1950), another on Edward 'Ted...
by marc2131
25 Jan 2017, 18:57
Forum: Road
Topic: 'Straya Day Kurnell Kruze, anyone?
Replies: 3
Views: 3119

Re: 'Straya Day Kurnell Kruze, anyone?

Am in two minds about this. Always been a bit dubious about riding on Australia Day. Geoff's observation above does not placate them. Brown guy on 2 wheels would translate to some Commodore or Falcon driving bogan as target in lycra. See how I feel tomorrow morning.
by marc2131
21 Jan 2017, 14:13
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: DHBC and Goulburn-Sydney trophies and prizes 1946 to early 80s
Replies: 1
Views: 5067

DHBC and Goulburn-Sydney trophies and prizes 1946 to early 80s

Ex DHBC club member Stephen Heathcote, the nephew of DHBC stalwarts (the late) Claude and Sonia Heathcote has donated some of his prizes and trophies. This will be handed over to the Inner West Council archives next week. C Heathcote prizes 1946-1980s.jpg Left to Right: 1. Tray - "1954 Sydney -...
by marc2131
17 Jan 2017, 19:59
Forum: Conversation
Topic: close shave this morning
Replies: 11
Views: 12357

Re: close shave this morning

On Saturday 31 January, I came across a rather unnecessarily aggressive male driver in a immaculate bright red late model Ford or Holden Colorado (?) type truck. He drove way too close to me along an empty Hardy St, Hurlstone Pk (at 6.11am). I ignored this thinking it was a simple mistake. Came acro...
by marc2131
05 Jan 2017, 19:57
Forum: Conversation
Topic: ex DHBC Adrian Emilsen interview by Cycling Maven
Replies: 0
Views: 4625

ex DHBC Adrian Emilsen interview by Cycling Maven

Many of you hopefully remember Adrian who moved to Perth with Pia several years ago.
Cycling Maven, a Melb based cycling vlogger interviewed Adrian on his wheel building business, Melody Wheels, which is based at the former Fremantle Prison.
by marc2131
22 Dec 2016, 09:01
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov
Replies: 37
Views: 29631

Re: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov

THIS IS THE FINAL ORDER LIST: 1. Marc Rerceretnam Mens Size: 40 inches or 101cm. ONE long sleeve jersey only. 2. Lachlan Burnham. Mens Size 96cm. ONE short sleeve jersey only. 3. Peter Tregillgas. Mens size 38 Short Sleeve 4. Michele Moss Womens size 36 Long Sleeve 5. Charles Pickett Mens size 101, ...
by marc2131
20 Dec 2016, 09:53
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov
Replies: 37
Views: 29631

Re: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov

Yes orders now closed.
by marc2131
19 Dec 2016, 08:31
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov
Replies: 37
Views: 29631

Re: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov

3 more jerseys attached to the order.
2 extra for Denis Burnham
1 extra for Christopher Harris
by marc2131
16 Dec 2016, 11:22
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: History of DHBC club colours and jerseys
Replies: 5
Views: 9326

Re: History of DHBC club colours and jerseys

An article in the Sydney Sportsman newspaper dated 10 Dec 1929 (page 14) lists jersey colours for the following clubs: Auburn: Pink, with blue collars and cuffs. Bankstown: Chocolate and brown vertical halves Bargo: Maroon, with gold 'V' back and front; also letters B.C.C.C. Cumberland: Black, with ...
by marc2131
14 Dec 2016, 15:00
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: History of DHBC club colours and jerseys
Replies: 5
Views: 9326

Re: History of DHBC club colours and jerseys

Correct Mike. The guy (Nathan Gerard) kneeling on the far right is wearing the original lycra jersey. Nowadays the only people I see wearing these are Geoff Martin, Geoff Semon, Marian Lee, Anthony Green (sometimes) and Simon Sharwood. Only a few still use the original (pre-2000s) red jersey with ci...
by marc2131
14 Dec 2016, 05:57
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: History of DHBC club colours and jerseys
Replies: 5
Views: 9326

History of DHBC club colours and jerseys

Mike Clement asked me (Marc Rerceretnam) about the history of club jerseys over the club's century long history. Haven't delved heavily into this but have some info. 1908-1919 - Half chocolate brown and half dark blue I have checked the 1914-1925 club Minutes book. In the 1919 club minutes a solid '...
by marc2131
13 Dec 2016, 07:51
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Rare colour film of DHBC racing 1962-65
Replies: 2
Views: 6048

Re: Rare colour film of DHBC racing 1962-65

An old St George Bicycle Club member Larry Simons, has identified a few people in this video. Info is from the 'NSW Cycling Scrapbook' Facebook page. QUOTE: There's lots of familiar faces there, the first one I recall is at 15 secs to 20 seconds, old 'Frank' ? (with sunglasses), he was always contro...
by marc2131
12 Dec 2016, 20:15
Forum: Vintage Bicycles
Topic: Rare colour film of DHBC racing 1962-65
Replies: 2
Views: 6048

Rare colour film of DHBC racing 1962-65

I am so very proud to put forward this rare colour footage made by the Dulwich Bicycle Club from around 1962 to about 1967. This first part is 22 mins long. The footage was shot by the late Claude and Sonia Heathcote of the DHBC and recently donated by their nephew Stephen.
by marc2131
12 Dec 2016, 18:01
Forum: Conversation
Topic: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov
Replies: 37
Views: 29631

Re: DHBC Wool Jersey - ORDERS now open. End 25 Nov

OK ORDERS ARE NOW CLOSED. A total of 28 jerseys have been ordered. Please make your direct debit payment to the DHBC bank account: BSB no.: 062-158 Account name: Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club Inc. Account no.: 000900067 The following people have already paid. > 08/12/2016 Semon Semon > 05/12/2016 FRY Br...

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