Valley Wheelers Retro Jerseys

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Postby Toff » 26 Nov 2010, 14:00

Many of you will know about the Vintage Bike Club, we have formed, which is loosely associated with DHBC: Valley Wheelers.

We aim to hold regular rides on our vintage bikes, at least once a month, but we don't just aim to cruise the coffee runs. We also hope to see Valley Wheelers riders turning up at open races, and club races, and pitting our old steel bikes against the best of the modern bikes, resplendant in our retro Valley Wheelers bike jerseys. We want to see classic racing bikes getting raced, not rusting away in the backs of garages. Eventually, we may even organise our own races too.

Valley Wheelers won't be a registered club, as such. To race for Valley Wheelers, you need to be a racing member of another club: probably DHBC, but not exclusively DHBC. Riders can race for their own club, but may choose to wear the Valley Wheelers Jersey. We have verbal approval from Cycling NSW to do this.

So, if you have a bike deserves to be ridden under the Valley Wheelers banner, why not join up, and come riding? Just read the guidelines below on what Valley Wheelers considers an appropriate bike.

If you qualify, then you can order a jersey too. We have two designs:

Image Image

The style of these jerseys is sypathetic to older style bikes, and will be made of acrylic material, knitted to look like wool. We decided against real wool because it was too hard to wash, and too expensive.

Although there are currently two designs, we intend to keep only one of the two colour schemes as our actual club jersey for future orders. The other jersey will become a limited edition "first issue" jersey, never to be ordered again.

Each jersey is likely to cost $75. Want to know what's on the breast logo? - Buy a jersey, or ask Ian Carswell nicely.

Please read the guidelines, and if you want to order a jersey or two, put your name on the list in the Club Kit Orders section of the forum, or click here.

(1) The Valley Wheelers jersey may only be worn when riding an appropriate "retro" bicycle.

(2) An appropriate bicycle may be one of the following
....(A) A period-correct original or sypathetically restored bicycle, at least 10 years old. Sypathetically restored means any parts used should be similar in age, or design to parts that would have belonged on the bike for the period chosen.
....(B) A steel bicyle of any vintage which does not utilise any carbon fibre components
....(C) A hand-crafted bicycle, made of Steel, or possibly other materials (aluminium, titanium) which has not been mass-produced.

(3) Only racing style bikes at this stage, so no vintage BMX or MTB. Track bikes, fixed gear bikes and SS are okay if they meet the criteria specified in (2). Penny-Farthings also okay.

(4) Some discretion on what constitutes an appropriate bike may be given at times. For example, a half-finished restoration of an old bike, where parts are hard to find. If in doubt, ask.

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Postby Toff » 29 Nov 2010, 17:02

Forgot to mention that the breast logo is embroidered.

Answering questions:

Lizanne - A Clamont Professional qualifies under (2)(C) of the guidelines, regardless of parts. There are no samples to try. Best advice is measure a jersey that fits you well, and choose the size that best matches those dimensions from the table above.

Orphic - I would assume a Crosscheck qualifies under (2)(B) of the guidelines.

Christian - Pricing is expected to be $75. The jerseys need to be made at one factory, then sent off to another factory to have the logos embroidered. There is likely to be a very small profit on these jerseys. Less than $10. Money raised will go toward future events, like a race meeting.

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Postby jbcow » 29 Nov 2010, 17:45

Hey Toff

I might like to order a jersey or two - pending qualification of my bike to the guidelines. My track geometry fixed wheel bike is custom built 531 competition but has an ahead stem and carbon fibre forks. Plan is to go steel forks and quill stem once I can organise myself. Can I order jerseys now and leave them until bike qualifies?


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Postby Toff » 29 Nov 2010, 19:37

JB, is this the bike that will be using that airlite hub? You get bonus points if it is!

I first saw a-head stems in 1996, which makes them fine if that's the age of the bike. Also fine if it's a modern bike custom built for A-head.

I just realised that my 90s steel Zullo also has carbon forks, (so carbon can under the right circumstances can still qualify).

No-one is going to be a Nazi about the jerseys. The point is to encourage quality restorations of those old race bikes. Should be fine as long as you don't turn up with a curly stay Hetchins that has had all the braze-ons ground off, and a black powdercoat treatment, then fixified with flouro Ouris and a set of Deep Vees.

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