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Postby jimmy » 22 Dec 2008, 14:39

I was wondering if anyone is interested in doing some longer rides on 1st or 2nd Jan?

I am thinking about doing the 3 gorges (Galston, Berowra, Bobbin) on the 1st of Jan, and probably Bulli Pass on the 2nd.

The 3 Gorges is about 110km from my place, and Bulli Pass is about 150km. Both have some serious hills, and I would be looking for a high 20's average and into the 30's.

Is anyone interested in joining me?


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Postby Glenno » 22 Dec 2008, 15:09


I would be keen to do the 3 gorges rides on the 1st and the Bulli Pass on the 2nd.

What time are you thinking of leaving?

I don't have the internet on at home and will not be working after tomorrow so would need to get time etc sorted out now.

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Postby jimmy » 22 Dec 2008, 15:23

I was thinking of a 6am departure from the 7-11 on Stanmore Rd for the 1st of Jan. I will contact some people who I ride with at Renegade and see if they are interested.

For the 2nd, it would also be a 6am depature, but from Mick Mazza's.

How does that work for you?


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Postby Glenno » 22 Dec 2008, 15:29

I would prefer to leave at 5 -5:30am before the heat and traffic etc.

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Postby jimmy » 22 Dec 2008, 15:52

How about 5:30am for both rides then?


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Postby Glenno » 22 Dec 2008, 15:58


I'll see you at the 7-11 on the 1st 5:30am
Mick Mazza's on the 2nd @ 5:30am

I'll PM you my mobile number if there is a problem as I don't have the internet so will no be able to check if there are any changes

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Postby jimmy » 24 Dec 2008, 10:13

For the ride on the 1st, I have invited the people I ride with on Saturdays.

We will be meeting them at Renegade Cycles at 6:10am, so if you are interested in joining us there, feel free.


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Postby timyone » 24 Dec 2008, 16:09

man i would be interested if we didnt have racing on the first second and third (well that and i have no idea how fast the speed you said it would be is, ive got no idea how fast i can go on those sorta rides let alone with hills?!

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Postby jimmy » 31 Dec 2008, 07:57

Quick Reminder to anyone who is coming along

5:30am - 7-11 on Stanmore Rd (near Liberty Street)
6:10am - Renegade Cycles Lane Cove.

Also, is any one interested in doing West Head on Saturday morning?


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Postby jimmy » 05 Jan 2009, 15:08

Thanks to Michael (Glenno) for coming along on Friday.

We just missed each other due to mechanicals on Thursday, but Friday was a very enjoyable ride. Even though it did include Bulli Pass.

I looked up the profile of the climb, and it is about 3.5km long with an average of about 10%. It seems to max out at about 18%.

That explains why my average dropped from about 28.8km/hr at the bottom to about 26.8km/hr at the top. I've done the climb 3 times now, and I must admit that I still think it is one of the hardest climbs in the Greater Sydney Area.


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Postby T-Bone » 05 Jan 2009, 16:52

I put the max gradient of Bulli Pass at 15% according to my bike computer, though it does stay consistently at 9-10%. Definitely one of the harder climbs.

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Postby Glenno » 09 Jan 2009, 17:35


your bike computer might be wrong about the gradient. The sign on the way up the hill states that the maximum gradient is 1:6 on some sections.

The average gradient is 13% using the mapmyride data, but that all depends on where you start and end your hill and it indicates that its in the range that jimmy was stating.

Anyway it was a fun ride and I'm keen to do it again regardless of the gradient.

Just out of interest what sort of bike computer are you using?

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Postby T-Bone » 09 Jan 2009, 20:17

That was from when i was using my VDO MC1.0+ computer, uses barometric pressure for altitude. It didn't hit 15% for long, and that was closer to the bottom of the climb, before it flattens off for a bit before the probably 130degree righthander.

Just took a look at some mapmyride profiles of various climbs, so maybe my computer was a bit off, also checked the Audley climb into RNP and my max reading of 13% on that difers with the 19% in mapmyride.... however, i don't believe mapmyride is that accurate, as a quick check on Mt Baw Baw, the max is only 16% (should be 20%).

Anyway, as you said, it won't stop any future riding of Bulli Pass, regardless of the true gradient.

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