MArrickville to Melbourne the LOG

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Postby timyone » 30 Jan 2009, 10:21

Its Friday the 30th of January, 20 hours before team Dulwich hill takes on its biggest touring bout of the naughties, the ride from Marrickville to Melbourne.

Team Dulwich hill comprises of 7 hardcore tourers. First there are the two James’s:

James (T-Bone) Fowler: As you can guess from the name, James likes to eat a lot of steak, he also likes to ride up long, long hills, unfortunately for us, he has planned our journey, and we are going to be doing hills followed by hills and more hills, en-route of the snowy mountains, we are also going the long way to get there?! 1200 km to Melbourne?!

James Mabbott: James is our family man. Steady, smooth, and fit as a fiddle, all the while co-ordinating this fitness along side his wife and young child. Amazing.
James is also on the list of riders that it will be a struggle to keep up with, as he can cruise the hills at what ever speed he likes, while keeping his cool composure able to talk on totally unrelated topics with out thought of the effort being put in by other riders just to keep the bike upright.

While on the topic of hill climbing there is also
Matt Sellers: Who doesn’t just ride the hills, he lives and breathes them! Training for matt has been riding hill after hill after hill! (yes that’s right he has actually been doing more than just planning out his iced coffee stops like some other members of the group..) Matt is the sort of rider who doesn’t aim to win races, he strives for achievements more like the fixie century, rides that aren’t easy, but aren’t about winning, they are about achieving.

Then there is Mr experience.

Lindsey Monks: Lindsey is known for being the cruisiest cruiser there is in the bunch, and for his love of liberal politicians. He will be the one cruising along writing songs and poetry, giving advice that he takes from his extraordinary history of touring and tyre repair.

Coming up next, though he wouldn’t be this far back if it was a race, is the Australian national penny farthing champion!

Dr Huw Morgan: Or Huw Moran to some of his biggest fans. Huw though it may not seem so strait up, is one of Team Dulwich Hills biggest hippies. The maybe little known fact about Huw is that he is in fact the Dr, Dr of what? No one is actually sure, though we do know that it’s in some sort of hippie related science activity. Huw is coming along in preparation for the big race, the defence of his national crown as Australia’s top Penny-farthing racer.

And finally the name that on the track, is almost synonymous with DHBC, a name that has been fought out through riding in every possible event; the Llewellyn’s.

Simon Llewellyn: Simon, DHBC’s top track cyclist, known for competing in just about every state title possible at last years track state titles. This ride to Melbourne for Simon, is more than just a tremendously long tour with a bunch of amazingly big hills. For Simon this is the warm up for Australia’s biggest wheel race; the Austral! ( ( Though this may not seem like the ideal preparation for such a race, it just wouldn’t be in character if Simon didn’t do more than just the race, he is going to do every thing.

And finally the lesser known of the two Llewellyn’s,
250 Timothy Llewellyn (Me): And no that 250 isn’t for the motor bikes, it’s the usual distance that it takes to wear me out. The aim used to be to get that 250 as fast as possible, but now its just to get fit enough to ride it fast, after competing in the rest of the race before hand. For me, this is about base fitness, Going on an iced coffee free diet, and losing enough weight to look good in the Team Discovery skin suit that was once owned by Matt White, the same actual skin suit as what would have been warn by Lance Armstrong.

This ride is going to be a bit of a hard slog, starting with a first stage ride of 160 km to Nowra, and then going on through 1200 heat saturated country NSW, then into the cold, windy hills of the nowy mountains, then into the heat wave of VIctoria.

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Postby weiyun » 30 Jan 2009, 13:46

Amazing, no spelling errors coming out of Tim! :shock:

Good luck and have a great ride guys! And wish you all a tail wind all the way...

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Postby T-Bone » 30 Jan 2009, 14:01

Amazing, no spelling errors coming out of Tim! :shock:
Look Closer...

plus it's closer to 1600km than 1200.

If anyone wants to join us for the first 40-50km or whatever, we'll be leaving from Mick Mazza's at 7am.

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Postby timyone » 30 Jan 2009, 14:10


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Postby matt » 30 Jan 2009, 14:21

According to the ride2work tim tam calculator, 5 days riding to Canberra via Berridale should require me to burn 37714 calories, or a bit over 7500 calories a day.

Thats 80 Tim Tams a day or one Tim Tam every 6 minutes over an eight hour day of riding. At 9 per pack that means i would have to carry 9 packets or 1.8 kilos of tim tams every day. This would leave me one spare tim tam to share with tim.

Not sure what that equates to in iced coffee. Think I better have pasta for dinner.

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Postby lindsay » 31 Jan 2009, 05:42

I've started a crazyguyonabike journal, here's the link -


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Postby Tom Rayner » 04 Feb 2009, 14:36

Lindsay, your pictures and diary is totally awesome - I'm stuck at work, living vicariously through you guys - KEEP IT UP!

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Postby Stuart » 04 Feb 2009, 16:08

I've started a crazyguyonabike journal, here's the link - Lindsay
I've put a link to this blog on the homepage to give it some more exposure. BTW, Is Matt wearing those glasses for a joke or is he on the public health glasses list!!

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Postby malee » 04 Feb 2009, 20:25

What is wrong with them? They are no worse than mine. You have not seen me in mine but then again I have no intention for that to happen!

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Postby Stuart » 06 Feb 2009, 09:23

I'm loving the blog Lindsay. Hats off for keeping on riding in 42 degrees but where's big Matt and those glasses gone? Did he just go halfway?

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Postby weiyun » 06 Feb 2009, 10:11

I'm loving the blog Lindsay. Hats off for keeping on riding in 42 degrees but where's big Matt and those glasses gone? Did he just go halfway?
Matt was scheduled to ride for part of the course.

If anyone care to HTFU and ride in the condition they are in, we can organize an afternoon ride in Penrith on Sun... Projected for 47 deg C. :lol:

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Postby timyone » 06 Feb 2009, 10:34

hello people from sydney. We are still riding, and it is hot, i havenjt read the log by lindsey, and we are no where near the net any of the time?!
its supposed to be 48 or so tomorrow, and we are doing a hill near bright that is 30 km climb?! crazy!
sorry keyboard here sux. Yes the mountains sucked, and me and simon are leaving at 4am every morning from now on to survive.

Carying alot of water now. 4 or 5 litres.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 06 Feb 2009, 10:35

You guys are utter legends. Keep it up, stay safe and hydrated

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 06 Feb 2009, 10:44

HOT. VERY HOT. But otherwise not too bad....

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Postby matt » 07 Feb 2009, 11:01

Yes Big Matt and his glasses have come home. I couldn't get any more time off work so turned north after day 4 and rode up to Canberra and caught a plane home. I didn't fully appreciate what a tailwind we had had until I had to ride 120kms back into it.

I'm sorry to miss out on the rest of the tour but glad to be out of that furnace.

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Postby Stretch » 08 Feb 2009, 12:27

As no blog entry had been posted on Saturday, I spoke to the owner of the motel in Omeo and the group had left this morning (in cooler temperatures) and had been sighted by guests at "The Gap" on their way to Bairnsdale.

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 Feb 2009, 17:34

As no blog entry had been posted on Saturday, I spoke to the owner of the motel in Omeo and the group had left this morning (in cooler temperatures) and had been sighted by guests at "The Gap" on their way to Bairnsdale.
Saturday is now up

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Postby timyone » 09 Feb 2009, 10:40

satu8rday hey?
what day is it today?
I still havent read lyndseys log, but we did the highest mountain road on the hottest most firey day in what ever years, though that may have been a blessing in disguise, as it wasnt that hot up there. Man im seriously over climbing hills, and am looking forward to fruit picking in tasmania.

Today we have been sitting in a cafe drinking coffee :D three cappuccino's for me so far.

I dont actually have any thing useful to tell any one, if it wasnt for the fact that imay spoil the log allready being done id be going for a more indepth report.

But yeah, every one says hi :D

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Postby simon.sharwood » 09 Feb 2009, 10:44

Great to hear you're all well.

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Postby mikesbytes » 09 Feb 2009, 10:48

Tim, what's the impact of the bush fires on your ride?

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 09 Feb 2009, 12:58

Spoke with Lindsay this morning.

Everyone is well. They generally missed the worst areas of fires, passed through some areas where there were some fires and are today at Bairnsdale on main coast route due east of Melb, and should be in Melb tomorrow.

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Postby timyone » 10 Feb 2009, 15:46

and sick of hills!

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Postby Stretch » 10 Feb 2009, 16:37

and sick of hills!

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Postby timyone » 10 Feb 2009, 20:34

yeah :)

Give me a nice sprint though :) on flat ground :)

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Postby geoff m » 10 Feb 2009, 23:08

Oh my goodness...

Everytime I look at this log, I see food, food, pizzas, chinese food, maccas, Kentucky Duck Chips, pizzas, coffees, biscuits, chinese food, and more food.

I'm bloody starving now!!! :evil: :cry: :twisted: :x :shock:

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Postby mikesbytes » 11 Feb 2009, 11:57

Oh my goodness...

Everytime I look at this log, I see food, food, pizzas, chinese food, maccas, Kentucky Duck Chips, pizzas, coffees, biscuits, chinese food, and more food.

I'm bloody starving now!!! :evil: :cry: :twisted: :x :shock:
Calories are a cyclists friend

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Postby mcrkennedy » 11 Feb 2009, 16:51

While our heroes are fighting the heat of nature here is someone doing the complete opposite on a bike ... rsion.html :!: 8)

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Postby micklan » 11 Feb 2009, 17:44

While our heroes are fighting the heat of nature here is someone doing the complete opposite on a bike ... rsion.html :!: 8)
hmm - very very nice - they will not however be in the 2009 puncture comp :lol:

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Postby timyone » 11 Feb 2009, 19:12

ok, im guessing that every one is reading the updates from lindsey, but yeah, we are in melbourne, met up with eugene, then al and coral, and now have gone our sepperate ways. Me and simon staying in melbourne for the Austral, while every one else hopped on a boat to tasmania, they are all pumping full of sea sick tablets.

Man we have found some of the most amazing plkaces here allready?! id seriously love to move here?! millions of bikes, motor and push. Cafe's every where, and nice ones, and the lane ways are even cool?!

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Postby Stuart » 12 Feb 2009, 14:42

Man we have found some of the most amazing places here already?! id seriously love to move here?! millions of bikes, motor and push. Cafe's every where, and nice ones, and the lane ways are even cool?!
Just wait for winter - you may not be so taken with Melbourne then :shock:

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Mar 2009, 20:11

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Postby timyone » 05 Mar 2009, 07:25

Skin suit diet update.

I dont know what the deal was with when i checked my weight once just back from touring, but im pretty sure it said i was 80, it might have been at the end of the day or some thing.

I just checked it again, and its 77, so ive lost 5 kilos since starting touring. Ive been on a diet for the two weeks since as well, but was able to fit into my new jittery joe and south jersies on return. I still have to hold my stomach in heaps, but the side bits look better :D

The aim of the diet now is to not have to hold it in at all :D and then to put on amazing amounts of weight in muscle :D

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