Roller Session Reminder 19th Feb

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Postby Trouty » 18 Feb 2009, 21:02

Hi All,

Mike with the punctured lung (who by the way has started riding a stationery trainer within the 6 week time frame that was advised) - has asked me to put a post up reminding people that there will definitely be a roller session on this Thursday 19th Feb. It starts at 7pm with Mike making you sweat it out on the rollers and trainers. Finishing with some Yoga moves and stretches as a warm down. If the weather is good the session will be held at the top track so you guys can view the Thursday night races.

Have fun every one!!!

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Postby shrubb face » 18 Feb 2009, 22:53

I should be there tomorrow evening. What sort of time does the roller session usually finish up? Its just that I have to start work in balmain at 8.30ish.

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Postby mikesbytes » 19 Feb 2009, 09:21

Roller session finishes between 7.45 and 8pm

Also it's run in 2 sections, so you could always leave the second session out.

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