Bike Service Question

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Postby othy » 21 Apr 2009, 12:06

So I finally got around to giving my road bike a long overdue service (chain, cluster, brakes, degrease, clean etc). It was the first time I've done any of this - so it was a bit of a learning experience.

When I replaced the rear cluster, there was a nut on the axle inside of the lock ring. The nut is the point that touches the dropout. This nut was loose (before me touching anything). My question is - should this nut be tight, and if so how tight? Is it just used for spacing from the cluster or is it actually used to hold the axle to the hub (or both)?

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Postby christian » 21 Apr 2009, 12:26

I'm guessing this is a Shimano hub? Its the lock nut for the bearing cone, it is meant to be tight, but if you just try to do it up it may move the cone as well. The way these hubs are adjusted is from the non-drive side. You set the drive side cone in the correct position and lock it in position with the lock nut. This is usually done with the axle removed. Then you adjust the bearing pre-load from the non drive side.

The short answer is you can try and just do it up, but then check to see if the axle moves freely. The long answer is remove the axle and do it properly.

Probably not the answer you were hoping for.

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Postby othy » 21 Apr 2009, 13:25

Sorry - this is a shimano hub. I did it up tight - the hub now seems to spin 'ok' on the otherside. I'm guessing this is just my crappy WH-R500 wheelset. It now makes more of a clicky sound when spinning.

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Postby weiyun » 21 Apr 2009, 13:31

Clicky sound? Freewheel needs some cleaning and lube?

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Postby othy » 21 Apr 2009, 13:54

Do I need any replacement parts / tools if I were to disassemble and clean the freewheel? What sort of lube does it need, chain lube?

The bike seems to ride ok - it is much better then it was previously. Feels new again. I really shouldn't have left it so long. I think I am up for replacing the chainrings to due to my uncaring ways.

Is there a good place to order 50T and 34T chainrings, I looked at the usual online websites and didn't see any Tiagra level parts. Not sure what BCD I need either. They are just Tiagra cranks.
Last edited by othy on 21 Apr 2009, 13:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby christian » 21 Apr 2009, 13:54

You can't clean or lube a Shimano freewheel body, you can't get them apart and if you do you'll never get it back together again.

The load on the bearings shouldn't effect the clicky sound of the freewheel. Unless the sound is coming from somewhere else.

How many kms have the wheels done? Do the bearings still feel smooth? You can always take them apart, clean the races, cones and balls and reassemble them with some fresh grease. The first part to wear is usually the cones, and you can get replacements.

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Postby christian » 21 Apr 2009, 13:57

Your chain rings will be 110BCD as they are compact cranks.

If you want to regrease your hubs you need some cone spanners, I can lend you some if you don't want to buy any. I can give you the hub rebuilding lesson if you want as well.

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Postby othy » 21 Apr 2009, 14:07

That would be great Christian, I wouldn't mind having someone more experienced check over what I've done too. I may already have the tools, I purchased a cheap bike toolbox a while ago. I don't mind buying anything I need as I'd like to learn how to do most of this stuff.

At a guess I would say the wheels (and bike) have done about 8-10 thousand kms. This is the first time I have replaced the chain and cluster - yes it was skipping pretty bad in a few places.

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