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shrubb face
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Postby shrubb face » 14 Apr 2009, 13:07

Just wondering if anyone has any physio/sports doctor who they can recommend. Ive been experiencing hip pain, which hasn't seem to have healed for about a month, so im thinking that now is probably the time to actually get it checked.


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Postby christian » 14 Apr 2009, 13:45

John at Active Physiotherapy in Newtown is pretty good, does sports physio and acupuncture as well.

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Postby jimmy » 14 Apr 2009, 14:25


I used them when I was trying to recover from my knee pain.


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Postby Terry » 14 Apr 2009, 18:42


if that can be made into a word

I can't recomend John or Drew at active physio highly enough.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 15 Apr 2009, 15:20

John is great and very funny too.
He's good enough that he got picked up as team Physio for the ICL - the rebel Twenty20 cricket league in India - and spent two months there with one of the teams.

shrubb face
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Postby shrubb face » 22 Apr 2009, 11:51

Thanks for all the recommendations. I ended up going to the doctors last week and so far its been an interesting ride. After my first assessment, I was set off for a xray of my hips/pelvis and my lumber spine. The Radiologist report concluded, "Developmentally sacralised L5 on the left. Possible discogenic pathology L4/5 and L5/S1, for which further assessment is necessary including a CT scan for exclusion of disc bulging or protrusion. Minimal sclerotic reactive change right SI joint. Normal right hip." So in a realworld summary, nothing wrong with my hip, something wrong with my back.

On tuesday i went in for a CT scan. This involved laying on a table and being fed though a large vibrating ring, a little simlar to the Star Gate. I picked up the results on tuesday afternoon. The radiologist's report included such wonderful quotes as, "quite significant loss of intervertebral disc space at L5/S1 level." The radiologist's conclusion, "CT scan of the lumbo-sacral spine demonstrating a central and posterior disc herniation at the L5/S1 level which may be compressing the descending S1 nerve root, particularly on the right side. This may account for the patient's symptoms. "

I've got my next doctor's appointment tomorrow at 9.45, where i guess ill learn the next section of my down hill slide. I have a rather bad feeling i wont be back on bike for a while.

Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure of Alex's spine.

Ps. sympathy beers are welcome.

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Postby weiyun » 22 Apr 2009, 12:19

Ummm... Should be readily treatable. Make sure you find a good orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the spin and good luck Alex!

Otherwise it's a good example of why it's important to exclude diagnosable medical problems before hitting physio/chiro and alternative practitioners.

shrubb face
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Postby shrubb face » 22 Apr 2009, 12:22

Ummm... Should be readily treatable. Make sure you find a good orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the spin and good luck Alex!

Otherwise it's a good example of why it's important to exclude diagnosable medical problems before hitting physio/chiro and alternative practitioners.
"orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the spin"

:D Thats encouraging....

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Postby Camilla » 22 Apr 2009, 13:27

Awful news Alex! If you end up needing a chiro I've just spent an intensive 6 week period with Andrew in Stanmore. He has the benefit of being a cyclist - rides B-grade with Randwick Botany - so is supportive and fully understanding of one's need to just keep riding. Between him and Steve Hogg I now ride pain-free! I'm also a lot poorer, but it's quite a revelation. I of course don't have a disc herniation though.

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Postby weiyun » 22 Apr 2009, 15:22

Ok, add an "e" after that the "spin". :oops:

Bike forum is killing my spelling... But yes, a good "spin orthopod" can implant micro electrodes in your spinal motor roots that'll double your natural cadence upon recovery. Professional secret!

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Postby Terry » 22 Apr 2009, 18:04

That's got to suck!!!

Were's your local sympathy beer collection depot A.K.A. Pub

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Postby timyone » 23 Apr 2009, 10:08

man alex this seriously sux! your supposed to be my training partner for my new found try and train like a pro program, that will be my next stage after the skin suit diet.

shrubb face
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Postby shrubb face » 23 Apr 2009, 15:13

Don't worry Tim i'll be back training twice as hard before long.

I went to see the doc again today, apparently my injuries and symptoms aren't enough to justify surgery, so its off to the physio instead. I've got my first appointment tomorrow morning at Active Physiotherapy, so we will see how that goes.

Glad to here your now pain free Camilla. Just a quick question in regards to Steve Hogg, are his services claimable under private health insurance, HCF and the like. As a student 500 dollars a session, is rather painful.

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