First Aid courses

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Postby Belinda » 16 Apr 2009, 18:51

I gather there has been some conversation recently about having more people in the club with first aid qualifications. Good idea!

If anyone is interested, I'm running a St John Senior First Aid course at Dulwich Hill Public School in May for the Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Service. It will cover all the standard SFA content but with a 'and this is what you do if it happens in the bush' slant.

There are also SFA courses run at Bankstown Sports Club on the last weekend of each month (depending on numbers).

All of these courses are run by volunteer trainers so the cost is lower - $100, with family discounts available if two people from the same family are in the same class.

Certificates are Workcover-approved and last for three years. If you renew before the certificate expires you only need to do a one-day refresher class.

If anyone is interested have a chat at the track or at Slowies.

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Postby geoffs » 16 Apr 2009, 22:04

hi belinda,
I'm interested. I have been meaning to do one for ages.
What are the dates?


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Postby timyone » 17 Apr 2009, 09:34

theres a chance i should do one, well bits of one, i do the cpr every year, and it gets easier?! as in they make it less to think about.
The dressings and stuff though i reckon i could re do, i get payed to do them, and the slings etc, but i just make it up half the time :D
(well i guess i have done a few, so its up to artistic interpreation after that any way)

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Postby weiyun » 17 Apr 2009, 09:58

Here's a question. Is medical liability an issue for official first aid officers at bike races?

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Postby timyone » 17 Apr 2009, 10:06

I dunno, but i propose you be our medical officor Weiyun :D

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Postby weiyun » 17 Apr 2009, 10:16

Actually, Marian is more up to date with emergency management. I can cut though. ;)

Irrespective, it's good to have a spread of emergency management knowledge across our bunches. And I understand that Lindsay carries a first aid kit in his saddle bag for communal benefit.

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Postby malee » 20 Apr 2009, 13:15

It would be great for a number of people to have 1st aid knowledge. Regular review of the material makes it stay in the memory.

In terms of liability for 1st aiders, my understanding is that they will be covered by the "Good Samaritan Act". This means that anyone offering help at the scene of an accident cannot be sued if the assistance is voluntary and there is no payment involved and the intention is to help and not to harm the injured party.

In terms of covering the events, if the club has a record of people with 1st aid knowledge, that would be most useful. A few questions:
- Do we have a 1st aid box on site at the velodrome?
- Do we have laminated visual aides like at the swimming pools?
I usually carry a 1st aid kit to the omnium and rides such as the Mudgee and Tassie , but never to track training or rollers training.

I am happy to organise some sort of plan in terms of 1st aid for club events including training and submit to the executive if that is where members think we should be going

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Postby mikesbytes » 20 Apr 2009, 15:38

Hi Belinda,

Do you have more info on this course?

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 20 Apr 2009, 17:32

It would be great for a number of people to have 1st aid knowledge. Regular review of the material makes it stay in the memory.

In terms of liability for 1st aiders, my understanding is that they will be covered by the "Good Samaritan Act". This means that anyone offering help at the scene of an accident cannot be sued if the assistance is voluntary and there is no payment involved and the intention is to help and not to harm the injured party.

In terms of covering the events, if the club has a record of people with 1st aid knowledge, that would be most useful. A few questions:
- Do we have a 1st aid box on site at the velodrome?
- Do we have laminated visual aides like at the swimming pools?
I usually carry a 1st aid kit to the omnium and rides such as the Mudgee and Tassie , but never to track training or rollers training.

I am happy to organise some sort of plan in terms of 1st aid for club events including training and submit to the executive if that is where members think we should be going
We've got an up to date first aid kit at the track, I upgraded it last month. As for laminated visual aids? I got an up to date CPR sticker guide but that's all they had?

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 20 Apr 2009, 23:07

Malee - would be great if you could organise a schedule. I updated my St Johns Cert only two weeks ago.

You are correct about the Good Samaritan Act.

Simon - I have a spare St Johns First Aid book which is three years old. Do we have one at track, or should I bring it around?

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Postby malee » 21 Apr 2009, 04:04

What is the best way of finding out who has a 1st aid certificate that is current?
I can laminate the flow charts from the Australian Resuscitation Council and laminate them as visual aides.
Simon, if you are at track on Wednesday or rollers on Thurs, may be we can have a look at the 1st aid box and see if the laminated flow charts will fit in there.

Marian aka malee

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 21 Apr 2009, 07:07

Malee - would be great if you could organise a schedule. I updated my St Johns Cert only two weeks ago.

You are correct about the Good Samaritan Act.

Simon - I have a spare St Johns First Aid book which is three years old. Do we have one at track, or should I bring it around?
There was one in the original first aid box which was tossed because it was too old. I'm from the school that medical text books are basically out of date from the time they are printed but this one really was out of date. We can have a look at it? If it's still reasonably up to date?

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 21 Apr 2009, 07:13

Simon, if you are at track on Wednesday or rollers on Thurs, may be we can have a look at the 1st aid box and see if the laminated flow charts will fit in there.

Marian aka malee
It's pretty chockers and there still a few items I have at home to add but if you can fit them in by all means have a go at it. I should be at the track wed & thurs. Def wed maybe less so thurs...

Also we can discuss the first aid roster, it's something which is going to take a bit of work because racing is not generally a set week of the montj at the moment, so getting people to agree without a set week is bit difficult. But if we make up a list of people who can do it with contact numbers then it can be worked out a few weeks in advance. I've already been asking around as it is essential to have in order to run sanctioned racing but I was waiting for CNSW to get back to me about the sanctioning before I kill myself. I'll start a seperate thread for people to list interest....

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Postby malee » 22 Apr 2009, 20:20

Great Simon, I read the new thread. Sorry for not being at track tonight. I will be there for rollers tomorrow unless something goes wrong at work. The flow chart ( 1 only is really relevant)I have is from the ARC website so it is the most current one. It is easy to read.
I am happy to compile the list of 1st aid members and work with you in terms matching dates with members. We should be able to get it working as it looks like a number of people have the skills.

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Postby timyone » 23 Apr 2009, 10:02

hey i reckon id like to sign up for the first aid course ive decided. Is it too late?

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Postby Belinda » 26 Apr 2009, 07:37

My next St John course is on the last weekend at Dulwich Hill Public. I'm running it for the Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Service (one of my other hats).

To find out the details:
- Google BWRS
- on the left hand side of the screen click on 'St John Ambulance 2-day course'
- go to the bottom of the screen and click on 'details and registration'
- register on-line and pay by funds transfer. On the registration form where it asks for your bushwalking club type in 'Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club'. The BWRS president knows that there could be some DHBC people coming along to the course so it won't confuse them

When you come along, I don't expect you to bring a Jenolan 1:25 000 maps - that is for the bushwalkers doing their scenarios.

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Postby Belinda » 26 Apr 2009, 08:25

My last post should have said 'last weekend of May'

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