Policy of being dropped

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Postby DAD1 » 13 May 2009, 18:55

I am a new member and have only two Waterfall runs to my credit and I was dropped on both of them, being dropped does not worry me as my motivation is to complete the ride.
On my first ride I was dropped at Heathcote made it to Waterfall and caught the bunch Sutherland Servo, got dropped again on James Cook Bridge but was picked up on the Grand Parade and made it back to Marrickville.
Last Sunday there were 7 riders, one dropped out after a hour, Lindsay stopped to help a rider with flat tire, continued on with 4 riders, 2 left to join middies that left myself and another rider who turned around after Sutherland, I continued on to Waterfall and then back to Marrickvile.
My question is: Is there a blanket policy of if being dropped that some one will collect you or does it depend on the size of the group, or if one is dropped can one wave the rider on who has dropped back to collect you
that you will be fine to carry on by oneself so as not to hold up that rider.

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Postby Stuart » 13 May 2009, 19:15

This is a question best left to the New Rider Development Officer BUT for my 2 cents we do normally endeavor to not drop anyone and certainly the bunch stops for flats and mechanicals. Then again, if a rider comes along on Sun and is clearly not up to the advertised average pace then I don't know. NRDO better chime in here.

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Postby lindsay » 15 May 2009, 13:43

I try to make a balance between giving the stronger riders a good bunch ride & looking after riders who might find the pace harder. Some riders also have a few more skills to get themselves home & others like juniors need to be looked after quite closely.

With this in mind the best way to make sure riders don´t get dropped is to keep the pace constant and a tidy bunch & this is my main aim.

I´d suggest keep doing the distance as you are & you´ll be sticking in the bunch sooner rather than later.

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Postby weiyun » 15 May 2009, 14:38

We have all been dropped in the past as it's part and parcel of cycling.

For confidence, it's important for the new rider to,

1) Know the way. Usually learnt after one or two ride.
2) Know how to fix flats. This can be practiced at home or learn it from one of the regulars.
3) Carry your own tools/pump/spare tubes.

After that, getting dropped would no longer be a concern as you can always make your own way back, or regroup with the bunch on the return leg. If you are finding yourself having too much of a performance gap for the Cruisers, then maybe some more Sat Slowies training in CP makes sense.

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Postby timyone » 15 May 2009, 15:02

One big thing for me has allways been the putting all my effort into not getting dropped! I used to get dropped up the hilll after the bridge, then it was after we turned right on the way to sutherland, then i could make it to sutherland, and it was a bit after that, then it stayed at the bit just after loftus for a while. It turns out that if i had just made it past that loftus hill sorta bit, i would have been making it a whole heap further, as it seemed to get easier after that!

But yeah, life is so much easier when you are on the wheel of the person in front of you. Do every thing you can to make it onto that wheel, as while you are off, your putting in alot more work than you have to, and you should only be facing the wind when you are on the front. The back of the pack is harder than the front too.

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Postby rick.polito » 18 May 2009, 17:46

The back of the pack is harder than the front too.
I noticed that yesterday. I quickly dropped to the back of the bunch as we climbed up Tom Uglys Bridge and it was much harder from then on.

Finally got dropped just as we were turning off Princess Hwy heading up to Tempe.

That was my 5th Waterfall ride and I don't mind being dropped as it's more incentive next time to work harder.

BTW Jessica's friend had a flat before Waterfall. That's why they didn't catch up at the 7/11.

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Postby Stuart » 18 May 2009, 18:07

Hi Rick (and DAD1) - How about putting a post in Introduce Yourselves (including a picture) so we know just who you are for next Waterfall ride. This goes for all the new riders - sure makes it easier to recognise you and builds our club spirit. There is also a guide on how to post a photo and create an avatar.

If you're only getting dropped at Tempe then no worries, you're almost home!

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Postby jimmy » 19 May 2009, 07:42


That's pretty impressive getting dropped on Tom Ugly's Bridge. That is a long way off the route.

I suspect you mean Captain Cooks Bridge, which is to the west of Tom Ugly's.

Of course, riding over that bridge is about your ability to ride hills, that is something which just comes with practise.


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Postby weiyun » 19 May 2009, 08:30

James, I think your inbuilt magnetometer has gone haywire as Captain Cooks Br is known to most to be to the east of Tom Ugly's. ;)

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Postby jimmy » 19 May 2009, 08:38


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Postby rick.polito » 19 May 2009, 10:43

I suspect you mean Captain Cooks Bridge, which is to the west of Tom Ugly's.
So true. All bridges look alike to me!

But when I got dropped on my 2nd Waterfall I got lost and missed turning right down the Boulevard and ended up going across Tom Ugly's.

Seems my sense of direction is shot. A couple of weeks ago, Victor (who was tailing with David) saw I missed the Bestic st left turn and chased me just as I was heading for the Tunnel!

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