Should have left this one for the keeper....

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Postby jimmy » 01 Jun 2009, 08:52

On Saturday, I went for a ride through the three Gorges, as the Renegade Ride was cancelled, and the weather was pretty average, it was a solo ride.

When I got to the intersection at Mona Vale Rd, I was in the left hand lane as I was going straight through. Despite the low volume of traffic, a motorist decided that he wanted to share the lane with me, and pulled up beside me. He indicated that I should move further left and get out of his way. I refused and tried to argue that I had rights to use an entire lane.

When the lights changed, neither he nor I gave any ground, and I (foolishly) kicked his car as he went past.

He then tried to cut me off, and I went onto the pedestrian island, and he stopped further up the road. He then walked back to me with a phone saying he was calling the police. He didn't know the number so was calling directory enquires and there was no Pymble Police Station.

I asked him where the damage was to his car (knowing that there was a high chance that there was none. I wouldn't have been able to kick very hard, and I was wearing neoprene shoe covers). We went over to his car, and he had a close inspection. I could see from a distance that there was no damage. He then hung up his phone, told me to "F*ck Off" gave me a push and went to leave.

I asked him what was so important on a Saturday morning at 6:50am which required him to bully me off the road. He got back in my face, and I held my ground, he said a few more words and then shoved me again, and also swore at me. I took note of his number plate, making sure that he knew that I did so.

He even said that I was welcome to report him. I did seriously consider it. I was going past Hornsby Police Station as part of the route. However I didn't.

First, because I probably would have been cautioned for kicking his car, even though I was in the right to hold the lane. He may have been given a visit by the boys in blue and warned about his actions (the fact that he shoved me could be considered assault). But generally, I didn't bother because I didn't think that it would make a difference. He is probably one of the motorists out there who think that we use the roads at the sufferance of motorists. A visit by the police would have probably pissed him off even more (I don't think that his blood pressure was all that healthy anyway), and this would have made him more dangerous to other cyclists.

In hindsight. I should have just bitten my tongue, and at worst given him a rude gesture. At the end of the whole incident I think that I was lucky to finish the encounter with the bike still working and all of my front teeth.

Be careful out there


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Postby weiyun » 01 Jun 2009, 09:28

James, I thought you were forced to use your foot to protect yourself to stop him from getting too close and run you over. It was a strictly reflex response for self-defence on your part. He was the aggressor in the episode for trying to run you over.

Kicking? No way! He rammed your foot... :wink:

Otherwise I hear that golf balls are mighty.

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Postby othy » 01 Jun 2009, 10:56

If he's close enough to be kicked then he is far too close to be passing you, unless you have a 1m+ kick off the bike (impressive!).

Reacting just makes them feel more justified in their actions, as if they've taught you a 'lesson'. I find no one wins, they aren't going to change and my ride just gets ruined by getting angry. It is just not worth it, I'd rather enjoy the rest of my ride. Smile & Wave sometimes works well, I calm down, they often get frustrated at the failures in life they are.

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Postby Toff » 02 Jun 2009, 18:03

Golf balls? Spark plugs are much better. :wink:

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Postby weiyun » 02 Jun 2009, 18:11

Golf balls? Spark plugs are much better. :wink:
I thought golf balls are more aero and can track a straight flight path better.

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Postby Toff » 03 Jun 2009, 14:14

I thought golf balls are more aero and can track a straight flight path better.
Case 1:
A fit cyclist is accused of using sporting equipment to inflict damage on a motorist's car after a road rage incident.

Case 2:
A motorist finds a spark plug has damaged his vehicle. With no-one else visible, he accuses a passing cyclist of damaging his car, despite the fact that a cyclist has no use for a spark plug, and car tyres can often pick up and fling small objects up off the road.

Which case is more likely to result in the cyclist having to pay damages? Which case has more poetic irony?

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Postby Toff » 03 Jun 2009, 14:17

PS. I'm not suggesting anyone do this. It's forum banter, and not condoned in any way. I believe it doesn't serve our fellow riders on the road to confront motorists. I believe a polite discussion at the next set of lights about the mis-understanding will help educate the driver, and make the roads safer for us all.

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Postby timyone » 03 Jun 2009, 16:48

Be careful who you do this to, I was a witness to a big bold guy slamming a rider over after he knocked on his window
. The rider broke his wrist, and I was on the court case. I hear a lot of these stories where the rider is beaten up.

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Postby jimmy » 03 Jun 2009, 17:02

I have also heard stories the other way. I heard about a motorist who was having words with a few cyclists, and they ended up pulling him out through his drivers window and giving him what for.

I have also heard about cyclists stealing the keys from the ignition on cars. One where the rider finished his ride, went back a few hours later, and the guy was still stuck there. And another where they were taken and thrown into the bushes.

There are bad eggs on both sides of the fence. As hard as it sounds, your best bet is to stay calm and let them lose their rag. There is nothing more satisfying that watching someone get angrier and angrier as you stay calm. It is even more funny to blow them a kiss or give them a nice thumbs up, a wave and a big smile.

As much fun as it sounds to do something nasty to a motorists cars, we as cyclists have much more to lose. If you damage someone's car and "do a runner", they are likely to be more aggressive to the next cyclist they encounter. How far are they prepared to push it? Are they going to end up killing someone? At the end of the day, even a small car weighs a ton or more, how much damage can that do to a cyclist?

There are some motorists who we will never change, but if you attack a motorist (either them physically, or their car), other motorists are going to feel that the motorist's retaliation is justified. If you stay calm, don't react, and give them nice friendly gestures, other motorists are more likely to think that the motorist is the bully.


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Postby weiyun » 03 Jun 2009, 17:35

Zen and inner calm... ;)

But I love the car key solution. It's asymmetrical warfare at its best!

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 Jun 2009, 22:34

Often they are just after a reaction from whoever they are harassing.

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