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Postby Artson » 14 Jul 2009, 19:48

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Postby Toff » 14 Jul 2009, 21:51

Yeah. I remember seeing that on youtube. Not sure how you arrive at $1.5M though...

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Postby jimmy » 15 Jul 2009, 07:55

I think one of the reasons he is suing, is because he was charged with riding into the officer, it was only when that video evidence was submitted was the charge removed.


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Postby weiyun » 15 Jul 2009, 08:50

$1.5M... Punitive damages.

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Postby timyone » 15 Jul 2009, 21:22

far out!! why was the police lad doing that?!! was it a protest? or illegal to ride there?

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