Saturday Waterfall Ride anyone?

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Postby Trouty » 12 Aug 2009, 20:18

Any one interested in doing a Waterfall ride on Saturday? I don't think I can ride on Sunday so would be interested in getting a longer ride in this weekend. 6.30 start. Oh yeah....this invitation is for anyone that isn't too fast or willing to ride not too much faster than me.

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Postby timyone » 12 Aug 2009, 20:27

id be in for it if we didnt have a race on.
If you cant find any one, im prettysure there are one or two groups that go there from the east, you can meet them at the super centre.
The earlier one i met some nice girls from sydney city that were going to ride with, they said its the slower one, i think it may go some where between 6:20 and 30 or so? They said it was the nicer ride, though the girl telling me this has a power tap thing on her pedals, and was racing in the road race the next day.

The one i did was the slightly later one, i was told it was supposed to be 6:20 but im confused about when they actually go past. These lads are a bit more abrupt, and you need a running start to get onto them, then they yell at you and run through red lights. On the up side ive heard they leave from a little old coffe shop near st vincents hospital, so maybe if you met them there earlier on you could have coffee with them. (i think the coffee shop is called coluzzi, the coffee next door is supposed to be nicer, i didnt even realise it was two different cafe's)

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Postby Trouty » 12 Aug 2009, 21:11

id be in for it if we didnt have a race on.
If you cant find any one, im prettysure there are one or two groups that go there from the east, you can meet them at the super centre.
It's cool, I have some one to ride with already, I was just hoping to get a few others so I can do some drafting. You know me, I dont like to work too hard.

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Postby T-Bone » 12 Aug 2009, 21:46

I may join in for the first half and then continue on into RNP or something, but i'm not committing myself based on my recent record of getting up early.

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Postby timyone » 12 Aug 2009, 22:10

oy james, if you arent working later in the day im pretty sure me and alex are off to a race if you want to go, its a tour of august

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Postby orphic » 12 Aug 2009, 22:44

I don't think I can ride early on Sunday morning either. At this stage I'm looking at doing a late Sunday morning trip out to Waterfall, possibly with a hang over. Waterfall after RAW sounds painful, and I like my Saturday sleep in.

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Postby Trouty » 13 Aug 2009, 08:55

I may join in for the first half and then continue on into RNP or something, but i'm not committing myself based on my recent record of getting up early.
No worries - I am leaving at 6.30 at Mick Mazzas for any takers, and I am picking some one else up along the way at Grand Parade in Brighton.

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Postby Trouty » 15 Aug 2009, 10:16

Thanks Dad1 (alias David) for tagging along for the Waterfall ride. Always good to have company. Dave seemed to think he was not at his best but he had no worries keeping up, and only on the mad mile dropped back - and not by much.

Woooohoo - means a sleep in for me tomorrow

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