Riding in Port Moresby

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Postby simon.sharwood » 16 Oct 2009, 12:35

I was listening to 702 this morning and one of the guests was a Salvation Army Major posted to Port Moresby. He's a bit of a bike tragic, but only took his bike over with a static trainer, expecting the streets of PNG would be too dangerous to ride.
He was wrong!
A group of riders goes out a few mornings a week, but knows there are parts of town in which they simply must not stop as expats will get beaten and or robbed in those neighbourhoods.
The bunch also travels with a following ute, as if they have to stop for a puncture or a mechanical the risk of attack is significant. So if you flat, your bike goes in the ute and you get a ride home.
This stuff is not paranoid: the interviewee was mugged by a gang in broad daylight!
I thin we can scratch PNG off the DHBC travel schedule ...

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Postby G » 16 Oct 2009, 13:21

Wot travel schedule? Who are these muggers? Sorry haven't got a clue about DHBC travel schedule.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 16 Oct 2009, 13:23

The DHBC travel schedule is entirely hypothetical, but a couple of us have, on occasion, wondered aloud if it could be fun doing a week of touring in NZ, perhaps coinciding with the Lake Taupo ride.

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Postby G » 16 Oct 2009, 14:26

The DHBC travel schedule is entirely hypothetical, but a couple of us have, on occasion, wondered aloud if it could be fun doing a week of touring in NZ, perhaps coinciding with the Lake Taupo ride.
Wow! That sounds fantastic! I would want to do that. But it concides with the co0gee wedding cake island swim, which I have never ever done before. Why do they have to organise all the interesting events around the world on a single weekend?

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