James got runover by a car - well almost!

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Postby G » 18 Oct 2009, 14:33

With James's death, it could have had been a sad day for the club. But somehow James escaped unhurt when a car went past us scraping James, and brushing off its side with his knuckles while we were making our way out of Marrickville for the RNP ride this morning. We sprinted to catch him at the red light, but the red lights go green too quickly when we least want them. Despite the shock, James noted down the car's number XXXXXX. If you find this car, do not hesitate to give that wanker a big fat one.

James went to the guys in blue dress to file an incident. Could this incident be reported as an attempted murder iniit?

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Postby jimmy » 19 Oct 2009, 06:24

G - I removed the Number Plate from your post. I don't feel that we should post car's plates that have done us wrong. We should go to the authorities if we feel that it is serious enough to justify it, but we shouldn't be looking for vigilante justice.

The full story, is Pete, G and I had just turned into Illawarra Rd having left the shop. We had crossed the railway line, when a vehicle decided that we were holding him up and he leant on the horn. There was a taxi in the parking lane, so we didn't have anywhere to go, so we held our line. He then decided to overtake us, and as he was running out of road because of a traffic island, he moved back into the lane before he was fully past us. I was the lead rider, and I had to pull to the left to avoid being knocked down. As G stated, my right knuckle scrapped his car. So there was strictly speaking, a collision.

We did get his number plate, and I reported the incident to Marrickville Police after the ride. I have an incident number for this which was phoned through that afternoon. They advised that they have identified the vehicle, but were still trying to track down an address.

They can't charge the rider, because it is basically our word against his, but they can advise that what he did was stupid and dangerous.


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Postby G » 19 Oct 2009, 09:29

G - I removed the Number Plate from your post. I don't feel that we should post car's plates that have done us wrong. We should go to the authorities if we feel that it is serious enough to justify it, but we shouldn't be looking for vigilante justice.

The full story, is Pete, G and I had just turned into Illawarra Rd having left the shop. We had crossed the railway line, when a vehicle decided that we were holding him up and he leant on the horn. There was a taxi in the parking lane, so we didn't have anywhere to go, so we held our line. He then decided to overtake us, and as he was running out of road because of a traffic island, he moved back into the lane before he was fully past us. I was the lead rider, and I had to pull to the left to avoid being knocked down. As G stated, my right knuckle scrapped his car. So there was strictly speaking, a collision.

We did get his number plate, and I reported the incident to Marrickville Police after the ride. I have an incident number for this which was phoned through that afternoon. They advised that they have identified the vehicle, but were still trying to track down an address.

They can't charge the rider, because it is basically our word against his, but they can advise that what he did was stupid and dangerous.


Well, I think two witnesses (Pete and G) should be enough to file a charges against the driver.

If you would have gotten killed, it still would had been our word against his. Will they still not charge him?

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Postby Stuart » 28 Oct 2009, 07:24

Typically the police will do nothing as they are on the side of the motorist in almost all cases. They are biased against cyclists, simple as that.

Last Sun the cruisers bunch had a guy deliberately turn left into the front of the bunch, causing all of us to have to brake hard to avoid being run over or running into him as he turned left. The two riders on the front managed to get past him - he was laughing at us. This was a deliberate act designed to hurt, kill or maim cyclists. I didn't get his number plate but what good would it do? The police would do nothing at all as they have zero concern for our safety.

That's why i say, what's wrong with being a vigilante? There is no other way we ever get any form of justice other than exacting our own revenge. I say publish the a-holes rego far and wide. Why should we be so timid?

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Postby weiyun » 28 Oct 2009, 09:11

Some police officers won't do a thing while others would. The key is to be able to supply sufficient evidence and identifying information, and leave a paper trail on that driver. Report and get an incident number. Then for repeat offences, it would not be possible for the guy to go unpunished, and should a later case goes to court, the rider won't be able to plead it was his first offence and walk free.

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Postby Stuart » 28 Oct 2009, 10:22

BTW - I think I should emphasis that I was taking the term "vigilante" in the context of this thread i.e. publishing the rego number. I do not and would not condone nor be a part of any actions associated with the more common understanding of the word "vigilante" - I just wanted to be clear there. :)

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Postby G » 28 Oct 2009, 10:32

Typically the police will do nothing as they are on the side of the motorist in almost all cases. They are biased against cyclists, simple as that.

Last Sun the cruisers bunch had a guy deliberately turn left into the front of the bunch, causing all of us to have to brake hard to avoid being run over or running into him as he turned left. The two riders on the front managed to get past him - he was laughing at us. This was a deliberate act designed to hurt, kill or maim cyclists. I didn't get his number plate but what good would it do? The police would do nothing at all as they have zero concern for our safety.

That's why i say, what's wrong with being a vigilante? There is no other way we ever get any form of justice other than exacting our own revenge. I say publish the a-holes rego far and wide. Why should we be so timid?
The police must throw b0ok at such retard motorists if they want to prevent cyclist gangs blooming around Sydney in pursuit of revenge. It was in news a couple of days ago that a bus driver nearly killed a cyclist riding in T-lane, and angry cyclist bashed the driver. The driver wasn't charged despite video footage evidence which shows he was nearly squished between the road side wall and the bus. Ok, cyclists' fault for riding in T-Lane, but does that give the bus driver the right to run over them?

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Postby weiyun » 28 Oct 2009, 10:54

It was in news a couple of days ago that a bus driver nearly killed a cyclist riding in T-lane, and angry cyclist bashed the driver. The driver wasn't charged despite video footage evidence which shows he was nearly squished between the road side wall and the bus. Ok, cyclists' fault for riding in T-Lane, but does that give the bus driver the right to run over them?
The cause and effect of the matter is that the rider chose to put himself in harm's way (against T-way rules) under a set of environmental circumstances that didn't help him.

Based on the video footage (on Youtube through NSW Police),

1) The bus swayed out and the passing clearance was more than I often receive on Sydney streets (use the bar width as reference).
2) It was 5am ie. Dark.
3) Rider wasn't wearing any high-vis clothing.
4) The road had a left curve with barrier and trees in the way. Given the likely speed differential, the bus driver may not have been able to see the cyclist until late.
5) (And according to reports, the rider smashed a rear view mirror and physically assaulted the bus driver).

This is not a defendable case and through that rider's action, he has done great harm to our cycling cause and potentially our safety on the road.

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Postby Stuart » 28 Oct 2009, 11:30

This is not a defendable case and through that rider's action, he has done great harm to our cycling cause and potentially our safety on the road.
Absolutely agree

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Postby G » 28 Oct 2009, 12:54

I think if we wear budgy smugglers in bunch rides, then no motorist would mess with us.

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Postby weiyun » 28 Oct 2009, 14:19

I think if we wear budgy smugglers in bunch rides, then no motorist would mess with us.
That's it, you've got the tailing rider position for the remainder of the year. Don't forget to call "over"! :D

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Postby Nada Z » 31 Oct 2009, 20:43

I'm in with G - budgy smugglers all the way! Gi, can we slip stream again! :-)

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