RTA: Max 20 cyclists/bunch rule

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Postby weiyun » 18 Nov 2009, 08:59

Daily Telegraph reports that RTA is going to crack down on large pelotons on the road and has recommended a 20 rider limit on road bunches, one that has the support of CNSW.
THE RTA is cracking down on large groups of cyclists clogging lanes of Sydney's freeways in a bid to reduce the number of accidents involving inexperienced Lycra-clad fanatics.

RTA boss Michael Bushby yesterday revealed that the groups will be urged to have a 20-rider limit in a new safety campaign.

He said the groups of cyclists "can effectively take over a lane" and should be educated on how to safely ride on Sydney's roads.

"There is a problem with very large numbers of cyclists in a peloton," he told an estimates hearing yesterday.

"The line of riders can become very long and that can make it difficult for motorists to pass and they get trapped.

"There have been problems, whether they be crashes or interaction with other road users."

Cycling NSW has backed the campaign, claiming individual "recreational coffee shop riders" are tagging on to the back of its member-only rides and putting everyone in danger.

Fourteen cyclists have died on NSW roads this year, compared with six at the same time last year.
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/travel ... 5799101767

Looks like we'll need to review our bunch organization as a result of this, especially the Cruisers and Middies where the numbers are greater.

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Postby Toff » 18 Nov 2009, 11:43

I wouldn't make any knee jerk decisions based on one article in a rag like the Telegraph, especially when they use terminology like "inexperienced Lycra-clad fanatics".

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Postby Stuart » 18 Nov 2009, 13:11

I'm with Toff. This is not to be taken seriously. The terror is the anti-cycling organ in NSW, as are most all Murdoch Press rags, pretty much the world over. The Australian runs the same cr*p as these tabloids.

However, if this is indeed true I think as a club we should actively oppose such moves by the totally car centric NSW ALP government and the RTA by emailing / calling our NSW gov local members and making a noise on-line. If we don't stand up for cyclists who will?

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Postby weiyun » 18 Nov 2009, 14:13

I don't think you can refute this report, but just the style in which it was written. After all, RTA's proposal has CNSW's endorsement. That's not something that the rag can make up.

In any case, we are already aware of the issue and the need to limit the size of our bunches. It's but a prompt for an appropriate review.

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Postby mikesbytes » 18 Nov 2009, 14:41

Yeh, perhaps the anti terrorism laws could be invoked against these cyclists, those mini pumps could be deemed to be dangerous weapons.

Then again the RTA could do something about the thousands of cars clogging lanes, but more importantly the 600 odd motorists and 300 odd pedestrians that die on NSW roads every year.

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Postby AntonyGreen » 18 Nov 2009, 19:43

There's some point to it as we all know from that mad moment of panic in a large pack when the lights go orange.

And I think we've all seen one of those non-club packs of about 50 cyclists screaming along with not much formation. There was one coming the other way down Grand Parade on Sunday as we were coming home.

Still, it is typical of this government. If there's a story getting coverage, promise a law to stop it.

On an unrelated note, today I registered for the Johnny Warren ride on 3 January. I presume others will be doing it.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 20 Nov 2009, 10:33

Hmmm .... "inexperienced Lycra-clad fanatics"

How can one be a fanatic AND inexperienced?

Having said that, if the RTA thinks this will benefit all road users, who am I to argue against it?

The main people to suffer will be those up the back of 50-rider bunches who never take a turn at the front ;-)

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Postby weiyun » 20 Nov 2009, 10:57

The main people to suffer will be those up the back of 50-rider bunches who never take a turn at the front ;-)
A bit of a misnomer to call it a "training ride" when being sheltered the whole way. :lol:

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