Skinsuit Order

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Postby Trouty » 04 Jan 2010, 15:22

Amy x 2 - short and long sleeve (XS or S - depends which supplier)
Camilla x 1 (S) - short sleeve
Sean Collie x 1 (large) - Long sleeve
Ian Deckner x 1 (xlarge) - short sleeve
Julio x 1 (Med) short sleeve
Victoria x 1 - short sleeve (will post back about size in the next few days)
David Lamb - 1 x Medium short sleeve
Trouty x 1 - ( xs) short sleeve
Mark Lacey x 2 - 1 x short sleeve - 1 x long sleeve size medium TBA?
Michelle x 1 - medium (short sleeve)
Christian x 1 - short sleeve (maybe)
13 skinsuits so far.

Hot designs are still on leave so I probably won't find anything out till next week, but they have all the quote requests, PLUS a standing order for the 2 Raw skin suits.

Will get back to every on on results next week and we can make a decision to take it from there depending on price and turnaround.


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Postby orphic » 06 Jan 2010, 09:08

Thanks again for looking into all this :)

Based on the Nalini sizing I reckon I will go XS, and can I bump the number up to 14 by requesting a long sleeve one as well?

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Postby Trouty » 06 Jan 2010, 09:29

Thanks again for looking into all this :)

Based on the Nalini sizing I reckon I will go XS, and can I bump the number up to 14 by requesting a long sleeve one as well?
Not too worried about the sizing yet. Wieyun won't put an order with Nalini in for a while as he wants to wait for another big order run. If Hot Designs is cost effective, and their time is ok and it's all agreed, they specifically have a sizing chart for woman on their site - so we would need to relook at that. Check out the web site. Once I actually talk to them we may be able to get some sizing samples, but I will wait till they are back from break.

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jan 2010, 10:05

Jo, "a while" is a relative term and depends on the level of interest and volume at any particular time. Prior to the delivery of our Nalini order in late Dec, I understood there were only 1-2 people raising interest in additional skinsuits, hence the unlikeliness for an extra order in the short term. But now that seemed to have changed. If there's genuine interest for 13-14 units, then it's perfectly possible to pump that up some more and combine with other items for even greater price leverage and autumn delivery.

Currently I am working on putting in a club winter order (think windvest and additional jerseys) in early-mid Feb if club authority can be obtained in time along with budget authority. Amongst the proposals being discussed is to establish a regular club stock of skinsuits (subject to sufficient continuing demands) along with a jersey stock. However, this investment would be deemed too risky for the club financially if members are not willing to participate to allow the club to build up a significant apparel kitty and show commitment to continue to purchase through the club.

If you and other trackies think the Nalini's skinsuits are not up to standard, then please just let me know and I'll drop the skinsuit line and not worry about it in my Excel scenarios for the club apparel plan here on in.

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Postby Trouty » 06 Jan 2010, 10:42

Jo, "a while" is a relative term and depends on the level of interest and volume at any particular time.

If you and other trackies think the Nalini's skinsuits are not up to standard, then please just let me know and I'll drop the skinsuit line and not worry about it in my Excel scenarios for the club apparel plan here on in.
Trackies are happy with the skinsuits. If you can give the guys an approximate eta for skinsuits from Nalini - awesome, as we already have a rough price. It may be worth the wait when ordering with the other DHBC kit. I am just getting an alternative eta and price at this time from separate supplier. They are not back till next week so when the answers arrive it will be fairly straight forward to make a call.

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jan 2010, 13:08

If you can give the guys an approximate eta for skinsuits from Nalini - awesome, as we already have a rough price. It may be worth the wait when ordering with the other DHBC kit. I am just getting an alternative eta and price at this time from separate supplier. They are not back till next week so when the answers arrive it will be fairly straight forward to make a call.
Please bear in mind that our club apparel order construction and schedule can not be dictated by one item or interest group as we simply don't have a large budget to afford small orders. But I have already indicated many times prior that there's already a winter order on schedule that's planned to have windvests delivered to the club prior to the winter season, so any other items included in that order will also be similarly delivered.

The club needs unity on apparel orders to achieve the best volume/price leverage that'll benefit the club's finances and all members. If special interest groups are impatient and want to do their own things, then just let me know so that we don't duplicate efforts.

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Postby Trouty » 06 Jan 2010, 17:53

The club needs unity on apparel orders to achieve the best volume/price leverage that'll benefit the club's finances and all members. If special interest groups are impatient and want to do their own things, then just let me know so that we don't duplicate efforts.
I'll let you know next week. What I am doing doesn't affect any efforts or things you are organising.

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jan 2010, 18:25

I'll let you know next week. What I am doing doesn't affect any efforts or things you are organising.
Well, 10+ skinsuit units is a sizable component of any order, so there will be a significant effect on the final construction/pricing on our club order. But as I said, if that's what trackies want, then so be it. Just let me know and I'll delete the skinsuit from my Excel spreadsheet.

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Postby Trouty » 06 Jan 2010, 19:33

Well, 10+ skinsuit units is a sizable component of any order, so there will be a significant effect on the final construction/pricing on our club order. But as I said, if that's what trackies want, then so be it. Just let me know and I'll delete the skinsuit from my Excel spreadsheet.
....Hmmm some days it feels like ground hog day doesn't it? I will let you know any findings next week - as previously posted. :D

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jan 2010, 21:44

Groundhog days are induced when conditions remain unchanged over time. And we are certainly back again. :lol:

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Postby Trouty » 07 Jan 2010, 18:37

Thanks Weiyun, we are all glad that you managed to define Ground Hog Day as none of us really understood what it meant and why we were here at this juncture yet again? Obviously it had nothing to do with you having to have the last word, but for the sake of moving on - let's all agree that you win this one.

Anyway - I will put to the masses and maybe people should private message their response to me, otherwise I will contact people individually. Here are my findings, I will not proceed with the order until I have heard from all people that requested skin suits on what they prefer, and of course certain members of the committee.

Without any other Mass order for jerseys, skinsuits or vests, it seems that for 10 + skinsuits (including 2 that have Raw Champions on the sleeve), the cost per unit locally of these skinsuits will be:

Short sleeve: $139 including gst
Long Sleeve: #155 including gst

The turnaround seems to be approx 3 -4 weeks from approval of artwork.

I don't really care if the order comes from Nalini or it comes from Hot Designs. What decision does the wider network at DHBC want top follow? If you want to wait for weiyun's larger club order - then so be it. It would help if Weiyun could give us a price and ETA to make final decision, but we can make a call without that decision for now, based on a prewinter delivery as he has previously posted.

Amy x 2 - short and long sleeve (XS or S - depends which supplier)
Camilla x 1 (S) - short sleeve
Sean Collie x 1 (large) - Long sleeve
Ian Deckner x 1 (xlarge) - short sleeve
Julio x 1 (Med) short sleeve
Victoria x 1 - short sleeve (will post back about size in the next few days)
David Lamb - 1 x Medium short sleeve
Mark Lacey x 2 - 1 x short sleeve - 1 x long sleeve size medium TBA?
Michelle x 1 - medium (short sleeve)
Christian x 1 - short sleeve (maybe

Jessica: I will talk to Hot Designs re the Pink skinsuit when they are back on the !!th.

If people on the above list could private message me on what they prefer - I will ask the committee and advise accordingly. Sizing and samples can be handled later on confirmation of decision.

PS: Simon, Marian, committee etc....should I be putting a few $ extra on each skinsuit for admin fee etc?


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Postby weiyun » 07 Jan 2010, 21:45

If you want to wait for weiyun's larger club order - then so be it. It would help if Weiyun could give us a price and ETA to make final decision...
Jo, please be clear that I don't make orders. The Nalini order we made in the past and potential future order/s are from the club with consultation of the EC along the way. The construction of those orders took into consideration of club's existing finances and overall apparel strategy. By staying unified, the club would be able to build up a dedicated apparel budget earlier and allow us to finance a standing stock of apparels at an earlier date. Impatience in the short term will just delay our future apparel services to the whole club.

From a strategy point of view, one or two private orders to satisfy individual's need for instant gratification is trivial to the overall apparel strategy, but when a proposal is to take away a block order in the 10+ size (ie. $1500 or more), that's a major dent in the potential club apparel plan. Further, at $139/155 (before a premium is added for the club), I don't see any price advantage to our previous club price for Nalini skinsuits of $150/$155.

I am just going to establish the fact again here that we are in the process of working on a winter order that's looking at late autumn delivery for windvests/jerseys and potentially skinsuits if there's more than 10. There are also discussions on the possibility of establishing a standing club stock of skinsuits but this won't happen if trackies exit from the grand strategy.

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Postby geoff m » 07 Jan 2010, 22:19


Thanks for the great hard work by Weiyun and Jo in organising what's a very difficult and thankless task.

But how good does the Jersey look. Can't wait for the Sunday ride!!!!!

Let's informally call this thread to an end. Jo and Weiyun will be in contact with me and the club Exec to move this forward.

Thead now closed.


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Postby Trouty » 10 Jan 2010, 10:02

Thead now closed.

Amost closed...

Just wanted to post to the 13 or so trackies that were interested in a skinsuit, that I have spoken to Geoff M and it looks like DHBC will be doing a big order fairly soon, so it is probably worth the wait given track season is almost over now. Watch the forum for more details.

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Postby weiyun » 10 Jan 2010, 14:31

Definitely "almost"...

See a new thread on this topic.

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