Christmas to New Year holidays - Tour de Disneyland!

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Postby G » 30 Dec 2009, 11:41

G'day fellas!
The team smuggler slipstream covered 1050kms in five days, and arrived in Melbourne yesterday as per schedule. It has been amazing five days. On one hand we are happy to have completed the first leg of the tour, but on the other hand, we are a bit sad that the longest leg of the tour is already over :(

Today, Anthony will fly back to Sydney, while Tomas and I will board a ferry to Tasmania. Through this tour, we are also raising funds for AIME - the charity that team smuggler slipstream supports. AIME team mentors indigeneous children to get them to complete high schools and go to uni. I will take this opportunity to request you to make a small donation and express support to the cause, and the cyclists who have done the effort. Please click here.

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Postby yewenyi » 30 Dec 2009, 17:07

catching the ferry from Melbourne? I guess they are no longer running the cat from Gippsland.

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Postby Anthony » 31 Dec 2009, 00:00

I'll write up a tour report later in the day.

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Postby Anthony » 31 Dec 2009, 12:42

Stage 1 Sydney - Ulladulla

Very hectic start to the tour for me. Only got around 3hours sleep. A little nervous because my bike rack kept rubbing against my legs and so i thought i would have to do the tour with whatever will fit in the back pockets of the jersey. Thankfully Lindsay, Peter and Brian were at the store bright and early at 5am. Lindsay gave me a bike rack to use which meant i could bring food and knicks. Tomas improvised by putting bars in any helmet ventilation hole he could.

So we departed a little later than expected i think it was around 5:15am. All in budgie smugglers straight down the princes highway. We rode to Wollongong incident free and had breakfast at a nice cafe next to the beach.

After sitting around for about an hour eating and talking we were off again. After only about 1km at a red light i tipped over due to not being able to clip out, quite embarrassing :oops:

The weather was perfect up until we were around the Kiama area. The winds were so strong and it was cold which meant the jersey were on. Gi got slapped around by the wind and at one point i saw Gi looking over his shoulder and then the wind took him to the right, he over-corrected and went to the left and it looked like he was leaning at a 45degree angle. He over-corrected again and this time almost went into the next lane and was almost hit by a car. It was a scary moment, but it was also the funniest thing i've seen in a while. Gi also had a slow leak in his rear tire on the way to Nowra.

From here on it was just a headwind all the way and once we hit Nowra for a late lunch it just started to pour down. Now it really really got cold and it was the end of the budgie smugglers for Tomas and I. It was into the knicks. What i did notice was once the budgie smugglers were off we got alot less people beeping at us :D

This is us at Nowra just before it started raining and probably the last time we had budgie smugglers on. Image

It was a tough last 60-70kms, it was wet and i could barely see through my glasses with rain drops, fog and water from the back wheel in front spraying up. I was tired and sore and it was such a relief once we saw the Mollymook motel. To get out of the rain and into a nice warm shower was just awesome. End result due to budgie smugglers was chaffing from the gel saddle cover on my inner left thigh. Chaffing from the seatpost rack on my inner right thigh. However wearing knicks were the solution to all my problems except one which eventuates on stage 4. This was probably the fastest stage for us averaging 26km/h.

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Postby T-Bone » 31 Dec 2009, 17:07

People did warn you about chaffing...

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Postby Anthony » 31 Dec 2009, 18:02

Stage 2 Ulladulla - Bega

The morning was cold and the legs were sore and tight. Looking out the window at 4:30am, it was dark and the windows the fogged up because it was so cold. We used the motel hair dryer to sort of dry out the knicks, jersey's, shoes and socks. Once we were out the front door it rained and so that morning effort of drying the clothes was pointless.

Once on the road it was cold, i had a wind jacket and it was still cold. Tomas only had a jersey but he did manage to rip up a motel pamphlet and put it down his jersey, however Gi was only in his budgy smugglers and i asked him "aren't you cold?" and he said "nope". I don't know how he can ride like that but he managed to stay in his budgy smugglers.

We managed about 15 or 20kms before Tomas had his first flat. That's when we found out he ran out of spares since his second spare's valve was too short. Not long after i had a minor problem with the cranks which came loose, but luckily i brought along a trusty allen key.

Tomas on the side of the road fixing his flat.

Then it was riding and more riding and only stopping at certain signs for example Tomas saw Tomboye rd and Gi saw Mount Agony.
Decided against posting the image of Gi on Mount Agony since i don't know if it will offend anyone, so best i leave it out.

Moruya was our next stop for the day where we would sit at Woolworths and eat crossoints with yoghurt, pasta and lamingtons. The ride after Moruya was yet another wet and rainy one. We stopped at the local bike store in Narooma for singles but still no success and so we were off again. All was good until we got to a long hill at Dignam's creek which lasted about 5kms. I think the gradient according to the topograph was only 3% average but for some reason it really hurt and the demoralising thing was seeing Tomas fly pass whilst i was stomping on the pedals and cursing.

Cobargo was the next stop for yet another late lunch/dinner and the store owner notched up a nice roast dinner with vegies and potato mash and gravy and a sausage roll. Then it was off again to Bega where we took photos and met two fellas at the Bega lookout who were off to Melbourne for the rock music festival in their van (we see them again the next day).

This is the photo of Gi and Tomas at the top of the lookout.

And this is Tomas pushing my already flimsy mattress up and down at the Bega hostel.

Overall a good day. weather was bad, but was probably the worst of it and good to know that the legs can manage back to back 200km rides. Our hygiene was a serious problem though, wet clothes were stashed at one end of the room and we were sleeping at the other. Wet clothes and shoes are a stink bomb.

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Postby Anthony » 31 Dec 2009, 18:05

People did warn you about chaffing...
Yep, i've learnt a valuable lesson. No more budgy smugglers on the bike.

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Postby timyone » 31 Dec 2009, 18:17

amazing work lads! seriously on to bigger and better things Anthony!! youll be a road rider by the end of the year!

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Postby T-Bone » 31 Dec 2009, 23:59

Best solution for wet clothes is to wash them (yes they'll probably stink if you don't), and then wring as much water out as you can, wrap them in a towel and wring again, then they'll be mostly dry and by morning they should be good enough.

Anyway, great tale so far, looking forward to reading the rest.

And according to Tim, you must now be a road rider (end of the year has come and gone)!! :wink:

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Postby Anthony » 01 Jan 2010, 13:48

Stage 3 Bega - Cann River

We seemed to be starting later every day and finishing later aswell. This time we left the hostel close to 7am. The start was pretty cruisy and my legs weren't great. Tomas was showing me that you can ride so close that you end up leaning on each other and even elbow each other. He even showed me that you can touch someones back wheel and not fall over, and for a while Tomas was nipping at Gi's back wheel.

The ride out to Merimbula was super bumpy. The roads were those brownish coloured ones where it looked like pebbles were tarred together. This finally took it out of Gi and he needed knicks. At Merimbula it was a nice breakfast at the waterfront restaurant whilst we wait for the only bike store that would be open for the next 200kms or possibly even more. We would spend over an hour at the store just making minor adjustments to the bikes and Gi looking for knicks and a top. Tomas and I also bought a pair of socks. But unfortunately our shoes were still wet so it was the wet shoes and socks until the next stage. So we pretty much stayed in Merimbula from about 9:15 until around 11:30.

Tomas and Gi at the waterfront restaurant basking in the sun for the first time in days.

Gi on the way to Eden holding up his budgie smugglers, forgot what this was meant to symbolize. I do remember taking the photo cause it was 200kms to Orbost.

We were advised to stock up at Eden as there wouldn't be another town for quite some time after that. The ride out to Eden was a little hilly, and it was another stop at the local Bi-lo where we would have what would now seem to be a traditional Tour de Disneyland meal, pasta, yoghurt, milk and bread.

Gi in the local Bi-Lo

This next part of the ride was where i was in a bit of trouble. Not because of the hills but rather me on the verge of bonking. I started riding on my own not sucking the wheel. going up hills at 9km/h and the sun wasn't helping either. so i stopped at the top of a hill to get some food in. Good old bananas seem to work ok.

The banana that helped me get through the hottest part of the day.

The ride to the border was undulating, constantly up and down with hills and small descents. On the way to the border we met our buddies from the Bega lookout and Tomas took the chance to gap it and leave us looking like snails. He would have a chat to the guys and they understood him straight away which must mean his english is getting better. He asked if he could ride behind the van and then that was the last of it. I tried to get onto the back of the van but i was too slow and never got on. But Tomas was on it and he would be gone doing easily in excess of 60km\h drafting behind the van. We would see him a few minutes later on the other side of the road cruising back towards us.

Another few hours on the road just riding and riding without incident, nothing exciting to note except Gi doing cyclo-cross, going off road for the second time on the tour (Forgot to mention the first time he went off, when the wind blew him off the road). Gi said he was looking over his shoulder at the sign across the road, trying to find the "Welcome to Victoria" sign. We finally made it to the sign which was on our side of the road, not the other side. We took this opportunity to take a few photos, Tomas and I were out of water and a friendly couple who decided to stop across the road at the "Welcome to NSW" sign gave us some water.

Tomas and Gi on the border.

Cheeky Tomas decided to throw the smugglers on my head.

Then we were off again with Cann River just hours away. After about 25kms we would stop at the little town of Genoa and visit the local pub for a quick drink. Gi got a glass of milk and Tomas and I had a can of coke. I also finally got to watch some of the boxing day test match. The coke was like mana from heaven. After leaving Genoa and about half an hour on the bike i was full of beans happy to ride and climb up the last mountain of the day and even have a little sprint with Tomas at the top. The rest of the ride was pretty much a nice long descend with just two small hills. When we got into Cann River at around 7:30pm we were all so happy to be where we were. Happy to cross over into Victoria and what was meant to be the shortest day turned out to be quite a tough day. My sensor died on me so wasn't too sure what our average speed was for the day.

Happy to be across the border and in Cann River.

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Postby Anthony » 01 Jan 2010, 18:35

Stage 4 Cann River - Maffra

By far the hardest day to get up in the morning and we left pretty late. Our departure was around 7:15am, we probably shouldn't have sat around watching the today show.

Sun was coming up and i was still sleepy and Tomas was spreading nutella on bread.

My legs were super tight in the morning, and the first few kms were so hard, but once the legs warmed up it got easier. It was a lovely day, the sun was out and at our backs and there was a nice cool morning breeze. Straight out the door and what i noticed was every time we stopped the ride always started with a hill we had to climb over. The ride from Cann River to Orbost was again uneventful, just a lot of pedaling and more pedaling.

Tomas and Gi at the 400kms to go mark.

Tomas and Gi at the Orbost sign

Myself and Tomas at the Orbost sign
Orbost would be our first stop and it was a very hilly ride to get there. After stages 3 and 4 it hopefully will make me stronger on hills. In Orbost it was a stop at the local foodworks store. The traditional tour meal would come out again. Chicken, pasta, bread, yoghurt, milk and this time we had fruit! Some very tasty nectarines.

This is where everything seemed to get a little pear shaped for me. I was sitting on a bench outside the shop while Tomas and Gi went in to get lunch and i slowly dozed off. I was just sitting there and my head tilted forward and i just jerked back up, this couldn't be a good sign with over 150kms of riding left. Shortly after my butt started hurting. It was starting to chaffe! Luckily Tomas brought along some cream for rashes which i applied generously onto the pad of my knicks. I wasn't the only one hurting as Tomas was out of the saddle quite a bit with his backside in some pain.

After spending some time in the local caravan park toilets in Orbost it was back on the road towards Maffra. We accidentally took the wrong road and did an extra 5kms, and i was glad it was only an extra five. After doing a U-turn and a few minutes on the side of the road looking at the GPS we were back on track. I was struggling, find it extremely hard to concentrate and it was time for me to stop at the next shop which was in Nowa Nowa about 40kms from Orbost and pick up a banana and coke. I don't know what it is, maybe it's because i don't drink caffeine and rarely drink soft drinks, but the can of coke just gave me a ridiculous lift.

Me and Tomas in the Nowa Nowa general store with his can of coke and my EPO.

After Nowa Nowa is was nice, some nice hills to climb which meant some nice descents and Gi said i was nearly hit by a car but it was because i was riding in the middle of the road and messing about riding with one leg clipped in and my other foot on the top tube. I was full of energy and feeling good, sprinting up hills just before Bairnsdale and also trying to stay on Tomas' wheel. I also learned how much less effort it is being behind someone when you're riding at high speeds. I was on Tomas' wheel while he gave me a leadout and i actually managed a max speed of 62km/h as opposed to 50km/h when i try to sprint on my own.

Me and Tomas riding along somewhere between Nowa Nowa and Bairnsdale i think.

We made it into Bairnsdale pretty late as it was around 6:00pm. Once again we were at a supermarket and eating pasta, fruit, yoghurt and milk. This meant a bathroom break and i also discovered my butt was bleeding slightly. The rest of the ride was pretty painful for me but it was getting late and we needed to get to Maffra and we departed Bairnsdale at around 6:45. The rest of it was flat which was a nice change and we ended up taking turns on the front and holding 31-32km/h to Maffra and when we got to Maffra it was like a ghost town, but then again it was around 9:00 when we got there.

This is a photo of Gi at the hostel. Don't know why he's so angry, we just finished staged 4, i know i was stoked to be off the bike for the day.

Think we averaged somewhere around the 25km/h mark for this day which was probably the 3rd fasted day of the tour.

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Postby Anthony » 01 Jan 2010, 19:34

Stage 5 Maffra - Melbourne

The last stage! Different sort of start to the day, we didn't have any breakfast since everything was closed and we were at a hostel. We ended up having to eat bits left over fruit cake that we bought from the general store at Nowa Nowa for breakfast. Tomas also managed a few biscuits from the hostel which I'm pretty sure were complimentary biscuits. Again it was a late start, we departed some time after 7am. The sun was out and it was going to be a hot day. We rode for about 15kms until we came across a corner store which had pies! PIES! I had my first Maffra pie and my first pie for the whole trip after we missed the Stanwell Tops pie shop. It was a good breakfast. Pie and bacon and egg sandwich with chocolate milk.

Tomas sitting in the middle of the road, praying? meditating? giving thanks for the can of coke? and then eventually blocking the way of a lady in a van.

We rode along and this would be the most incident packed day. About 30 or 40kms out of Maffra my chamois was making me uncomfortable and my area went a little numb so i decided to adjust it and i stopped pedaling for a few seconds and Gi's front wheel found my quick release which meant he was again doing cyclo-cross. We checked for any damage to the bike and the end result was a bent spoke on Gi's front wheel and the wheel was rubbing against the brake pads and slightly against the fork. Tomas managed to release the brake cable which meant the wheel was no longer touching the brakes but it was still nicking the frame. So it was another 30kms until the next bike store in Moe. No further incidents on the way to Moe some nice hills and massive power plant.

We stopped at a nice local bike store called the bike hub which were very helpful. Gi trued his wheels and Tomas bought some glue to fill his singles with. We again would have another supermarket lunch. Chicken, yoghurt, nectarines, peaches and milk. My feet were numb so i took them off to walk from the supermarket to the bike store and when i got to the bike store i discovered the hot asphalt on the roads and footpaths had put blisters on the balls of both my feet, as if i wasn't in enough pain this was the icing on the cake.

We spent over an hour in Moe at the bike store eating and fixing the bikes. I don't think we left until around 2 or 3pm. and we still had around 150kms to cover. We would ride the majority of the way on the Princes Freeway. This is where Gi had his first crash. I was on the front and looked back to see if Gi and Tomas were back on my wheel and before i got a chance to turn my head completely and i must have sub-consciously stopped pedaling for a second i felt Gi's front wheel touch my back wheel and this time it was tire to tire and in that split second i hear a bike hit the ground and then see Gi on the ground with his bike in the middle of the lane. Tomas would've had the best view of this incident, maybe he'll give a much better insight than i have. The bike was fine apart from one bent biddon cage.

Result of Gi's crash

It was only about 80 or so kms from Melbourne and so we stopped at Pakenham for a break to see if Gi couldn't find a pharmacy and fill our bottles up.

It was all flat from about 150kms. We rode into Melbourne and man are the roads smooth compared to what we were on for the last 4days. I went the whole tour incident free until we hit the heart of Melbourne when i tried to follow Tomas onto a kerb and the end result was me falling over into bushes in front of everyone just outside a restaurant :oops: .

Me and Gi outside St Kilda

Overall it was a journey, pain, fun, highs, lows, hot, cold weather and best of all i saw a lot of Australia that i probably would never even thought about going to. The knee was awesome, no pain what so ever. I wish i could see more of the towns such as Bega and Merimbula and also have some clean clothes.

Nothing beats a rest day, stayed at the hostel and surfed the net for about 2 hours. Then it was off to the bike store at Gardenvale called Cyclespeed. They were the most helpful bike store i'd been to. They helped Tomas out with his singles and Gi with his bike. The store was awesome and the front of the store doesn't serve what's inside any justice. They had some really nice Colnago Flight TT bikes which made me wish i was a Time Trial specialist with plenty of money. We left our bikes at the store and went to get lunch at the local fish and chips shop and when we got back to my surprise without me asking, Simone who was the store owner had already stripped apart my bike and padded up the dropouts with foam ready for boxing. Unfortunately the bike box they had was too small but i did appreciate the time and effort they had put in to help me out. The owners seemed to love their jobs and it makes life better when you see someone energetic and happy working on your bike. Upon leaving the bike store they gave me a bag to help carry all my stuff to the airport and that extra bag made one massive difference, it made my life so much easier not having to carry two bags and a bike on the train and bus to get to the airport.

End of my tour out the front of the Cyclespeed store.

And this is where my tour ends as Tomas and Gi ride to Hobart, I get to go home for New Years :D .
Last edited by Anthony on 03 Jan 2010, 12:30, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby weiyun » 01 Jan 2010, 22:59

Fantastic tour report and one epic ride! :D

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Postby G » 02 Jan 2010, 09:58

Just to update that we are only 130k from the finish at Hobart. :?

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Postby G » 03 Jan 2010, 05:08

finished the tour yest at Hobart. We were supposed to compete in state triathlon today, but our clothes and shoes that we sent from syd havent arrived :(

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Postby G » 03 Jan 2010, 05:13

yesterday we wnt to taaste of tassmania - the food fest. we ate plenty of food - like monsters. This is the best time to be in Hobart.

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Postby geoff m » 03 Jan 2010, 09:21

G. Not sure if you have entered yet but you will be ready to compete in the Ken dinnerville on 30 May. Entries have opened and may have already closed so get in quick today if you can. See thread on the event under Racing topics
yesterday we wnt to taaste of tassmania - the food fest. we ate plenty of food - like monsters. This is the best time to be in Hobart.

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Postby G » 03 Jan 2010, 13:52

G. Not sure if you have entered yet but you will be ready to compete in the Ken dinnerville on 30 May. Entries have opened and may have already closed so get in quick today if you can. See thread on the event under Racing topics
Have been flat out mate!
After 8 days of long ride, I competed in Tasmania state triathlon today. Now going to the taste of tasmania food fest before boarding the flight back to sydney. I would register tomorrow if they are still open?!

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Postby G » 04 Jan 2010, 10:32

I lost 4kg weight during the tour. Never in my dreams I thought I could lose so much weight by cycling?! :shock:

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Postby G » 06 Jan 2010, 11:59

I lost 4kg weight during the tour. Never in my dreams I thought I could lose so much weight by cycling?! :shock:
The scale I weighed myself after the ride was wrong. I weighed myself on the same scale on which I weighed before I started, and found that I have actually gained 1kg.

Conclusion: if you want to lose weight, then cycling alone wont help. In my case, 1500km in 8 days made me 1kg heavier :?

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Postby weiyun » 06 Jan 2010, 13:32

The scale I weighed myself after the ride was wrong. I weighed myself on the same scale on which I weighed before I started, and found that I have actually gained 1kg.

Conclusion: if you want to lose weight, then cycling alone wont help. In my case, 1500km in 8 days made me 1kg heavier :?
Gi, I think you just ate too much on the trip! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Anthony » 06 Jan 2010, 14:30

Too much milk on that tour, i think it's time to make the transition to skim milk Gi. :P

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Postby G » 02 Feb 2010, 12:30

The conclusion of le tour de disneyland with Tasmania State triathlon (3rd Jan):


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