No off street parking at work

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Postby mikesbytes » 12 Jan 2010, 14:33

My current customer decided to move to Burwood and the moved into a building I use to work in, which has a 5 level carpark underneath it, however they won't let me park in it despite the carpark being virtually empty. Now they are telling me I can't park on the floor.

I have been to Burwood Council and they have no bike parking regulations, unlike City of Sydney.

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Postby weiyun » 12 Jan 2010, 14:56

Canada Bay Council is very progressive on bike matters but Burwood Council is a real laggard. Pretty pathetic for not allowing you take your bike in. Would they agree to it if you had your Focus? ;)

Have you considered a fold up bike?

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Postby mikesbytes » 12 Jan 2010, 15:00

Wouldn't of mattered if the bike was made out of gold

Fold up bike doesn't solve the problem as I still have to put it somewhere

The only bike I'd consider parking on the street is the beast, but is it really up to the rigors of daily commuting?

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Postby weiyun » 12 Jan 2010, 15:06

Maybe you can talk to one of the local shops and come to an arrangement.

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Postby fenn_paddler » 12 Jan 2010, 15:13

That sucks. Does the company have a 'green' advocate tasked with looking at matters affecting the environment? If they do, that person (or committee) may be able to help you with your environmentally friendly treadly.

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Postby mikesbytes » 13 Jan 2010, 12:30

In 10 years, its the first time I've been in a situation where there were no facilities what so ever for cycling, ie no shower and no parking

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Postby Toff » 13 Jan 2010, 14:49

Can I suggest you lock it up right outside the building manager's office in such a way that he bumps into it and gets grease all over him every time he comes and goes?

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Postby mikesbytes » 13 Jan 2010, 14:58

LOL, right next to his car so he has to squeeze past it

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Postby mikesbytes » 15 Jan 2010, 14:53

Good news Burwood council has drafted a policy to be gazzetted soon;


P1 Development involving the construction of gross floor area in excess of 400 sq m or three dwellings must include facilities for parking of bicycles (racks and lockers) and showers/change rooms for use by bicycle riders.

P2 Standards for the number of bicycle parking facilities and number of showers/lockers for different land uses are provided in Austroads Guide to Engineering Practice Part 14 – Bicycles (Austroads and Standards Australia 1999) and Planning Guidelines for Walking and Cycling (Department of Planning and the Roads and Traffic Authority 2004); developments must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of either of these publications.

P3 Design of bicycle parking facilities (racks and lockers) must be in accordance with the provisions of Australian Standard 2890.3 – Parking Facilities or Austroads Guide to Engineering Practice Part 14 – Bicycles.

P4 Bicycle parking devices must meet the following general requirements:

i Enable wheels and frame to be locked to the device without damaging the vehicle.

ii Be well located and lit for security purposes.

iii Be in a convenient and accessible location outside pedestrian & vehicle movement paths.

iv Be protected from motor vehicle movements & useable without damaging other bicycles.

v Be protected from the weather.

vi Designed to fit in with the development.

P5 Shower and change room facilities to have a combined area of not less than 2 sq metres each.

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Postby weiyun » 15 Jan 2010, 15:52

Powerhouse museum was putting in 2-3 more rows of bike racks in the forecourt yesterday.

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