349 Rims with 36 holes

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Postby yewenyi » 25 Jan 2010, 20:08

When I got my trailer recently it had 305 rims with 36 holes. I though I should change this to the same as my trike to keep down the number of tyres, tubes and spokes I need to keep. But it seems that all the 349 rims I can find are 24 and 32 hole. It seems that once in the past they made them with 36 holes, but that is no more. I want to keep the hubs as they are part of the way the trailer is designed.

Is there anywhere that I can get a 349 rim with 36 holes?

A link to my blog with some images of the wheels.


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Postby christian » 25 Jan 2010, 20:48

If you go to a rim manufacturer like velocity they will be able to do a custom drilling.

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Postby Toff » 25 Jan 2010, 22:03

The trailer hubs don't strike me as being particularly high-end.

I would save time, effort and money and buy 2 new trailer wheels in the size desired. I'm sure you can order these from just about any bike shop. Then you can recover costs by selling your old wheels...

If that doesn't suit, you can always lace a 24 hole rim to a 36 hole hub by skipping every 3rd hole on each side of the hub. Works just fine - http://velospace.org/forums/discussion/ ... -hole-rim/

Better than waiting 6 months for a special order from Velocity, that might never come.

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Postby geoffs » 27 Jan 2010, 22:04

was just about to say the same as toff until I saw his reply.
I waited nearly 6 months for a special order 40 26" DeepV for the tandem. I finally rang then direct an changed my order to aeroheats which seem just as strong and don't require a long valve 26" presta tube which are nearly impossible to buy in aus.

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Postby yewenyi » 30 Jan 2010, 07:02

thanks. I think I will give the normal 24 home rims and 2/3 lacing a go.

Where might I get some spokes?

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Postby Toff » 02 Feb 2010, 09:08

First you will need to work out your spoke lengths before you order them.

I assume the wheels won't be dished. Even so, calculating spoke length might be difficult. I reckon the theory will require you to order 3 lengths, since the wheel build should ideally alternate between these 3 lengths as you go around the hub.

In practice, I reckon that once you have calculated the 3 lengths, you can just order the middle sized one, and it will be fine.

Use Damian Rinard's Spocalc calculator to determine rough sizing, then do your own trig. to fine tune.

You can , order the spokes from your favourite LBS, but I would also try Al Sumner. He has a good collection of parts (spokes/rims, etc.) for building Penny Farthings, and whilst his Farthings usually use 406mm rims, he probably has some other options. Actually, I would also ask him if he has some complete 349mm wheels, or 36H rims too.

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