The start of the track season.

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Postby timyone » 25 Sep 2007, 10:38

Time for dullich hill as a club to start making a come back as a track club, well at least get to a stage where people have at least heard of us again :D and dont refer to us as a blast from the past, and tell us how they remember us as a club from when they were kids.

I tried out my first kilo time trial last night (after the rest of training, and 3 lead outs) and did a 1:22, so my aim for the end of this season, is to have that under 1:10, or at least close to it.

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 25 Sep 2007, 12:08

It was funny, my track bike is presently out of action, so I"m back to riding 'Big Red' as Lindsay calls it and I can't remember what Brad called it last night night, but he doesn't like the bike at all. As he keeps reminding me it is over thirty years old and it wasn't a good bike back then...

But anyway it was good for a laugh because I was last on the motorbike and won all the leadouts on it. Which kept winding Brad up when I joked about it being fast. Though I did put my training wheels on and put the gearing up considerably from what it was, it wasn't riding too bad I"ve got to say, apart from the handle bars being about 10-20cms higher than they should be...

Then to add to it I broke a spoke! So i'm on to the spare bike with the spare rear wheel. The joke is 'too much power'... But if it is this expensive to train hard I"d rather be piss weak...

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Sep 2007, 13:26

Kilo = 3 laps from standing start?

Sounds interesting

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