2010 Road Calendar?

Road cycling & upcoming rides
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Postby Strawburger » 10 Mar 2010, 14:29

Hi All,

I've had a look on the Cycling NSW website for the event calendar and see that there is info on most of the events throughout the year now. I was wondering if the forum is going to have a list like last years 2009 calendar or whether it is run through the google calendar on the main website.

Being fairly new to the racing scene, does DHBC recommend the events to participate in or does the individual rider pick and choose from the full list of events?


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Postby weiyun » 10 Mar 2010, 14:37

JamesF is our road captain and he has put up the list in the past. Based on that list I was able to re-list them on our Google Calendar for everyone's convenience. This year I am hoping that James can directly enter his recommendations on the calendar for wider distribution.

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Postby orphic » 10 Mar 2010, 15:43

It also pays to check back to the forum to see if individual threads are opened up. People tend to announce their participation and try and convince others to join them.

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Postby T-Bone » 10 Mar 2010, 22:40

I'll try and find a bit of spare time tomorrow night to get the forum calendar up. I usually try and go to most of the opens, and put reminder topics up for each race in the hope i get some other riders to race.

I recommend you do as many races as you can, if you need advice on the best ones let me know your strengths and ability and i'll try and advise you.

Things coming up are Macarthur Crits (local), Blayney to Bathurst (sportif), Canberra Tour (tough), and the Cootamundra Haycarters (good, fast, first road open).

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Postby Stuart » 15 Mar 2010, 15:40

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