The tour de Hills report

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Postby Jono » 11 Mar 2010, 18:16

Hi everyone!

On Sunday I rode in th tour de Hills. I came up to visit friends and relatives and brought the bike up with me. I saw 2 other riders from Slowies who's names escape me now :oops: , as I was signing on.
It was good to catch up with people from the club. I have done the tour de Hills about 4 times so I knew what to expect. The century consists of 2 laps of a 50 km course including a hill with a 15% grade. The first 50 km has to be done before 10:00 (the start time for the 100Km was 7:30). All riders have to be off the course by 12:30.
The ride was good. It had an international contingent from the Philipines. I met one at a drink stop after finishing the first 50 km.
The first 50 Km was as usual the hardest and everyone struggled a bit the thing was to get it done before the 10:00 cut off. I passed our other 2 riders on this section. These guys do Waterfall and said this was harder. I completed the first 50km at 09:50.
The nex part of the challenge is to finish the remaining 50Km before course closes. However it does become more easier as the preasure to beat the sign ou the front of the country club is off.
The RFS volunteers were good. I scored some sunscreen from some. The steepness of the hills provided the challenge. I got the ride done in time for Lunch at the country club. I caught up with the other 2 there. The ride has to be one of the toughest social rides in Sydney (If not the toughest). It has beautiful country scenary, hills and some urban traffic mixed together. I had little trouble with cars although some did get close and we did have the usual idiot teaching a learner sounding the horn.
I finished the 100km (I always wanted to have the tour de Hills 100 Km under my belt now I have). It willl be good training for the Amy Gillett ride coming up, however I was pretty flat at the Big Canberra Bike Ride (only 25 km) & the crit race on Tuesday at Mt Stromlo
Anyway I miss you guys heaps hope to see some Red and White DHBC jerseys here on Sunday.

Jono member at large

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Postby Rainbow » 14 Mar 2010, 11:15

Hi Jono,

Well done, sounds like a great challenge, and in time restrictions too!

Good to hear you are still racing. Are the Canberra riders friendly? You will have to make a plan to come to a DHBC Crit, to show off your racing skills.


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Postby timyone » 14 Mar 2010, 11:27

man good to see your getting away from the round abouts :D

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Postby Manny » 14 Mar 2010, 12:03

Yeah I did the tour the hills as well. I wasn't as fortunate as Jono as I blew up after the second big hill (got suckered in chasing the lead group) and on top of that I pulled a quad muscle. Couldn't even finish the 100k and stopped at 50k. A big reality check with the inexperience getting the better of me. Doing the Waterfall ride on Sundays is a walk in the park compared to this event. Will know what to do and what not to do for next year.

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Postby rick.polito » 14 Mar 2010, 18:55

Well done Jono. It was David Duthie and myself on the ride with you. I did the first 50 and just snuck in at 9:55am and took off again for the next round of torture but dropped out at the 75k mark when my eyesight started playing up. Great effort... you should've been doing Waterfall all along!

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