Project "Super Fixie"

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Postby T-Bone » 02 Oct 2007, 22:23

Well, while doing a bit of browsing i came across the idea of a multispeed fixed gear hub. Sturmey Archer used to make a 3 speed fixed hub back in the 50/60s, called the ASC, but paying $250 or so for a 50yr old hub drilled for 40holes just doesn't work for me. So after a bit of searching i came across some conversions of internal geared hubs. It's been done on some old Sturmey Archer's, a Bendix, but to me the best conversion looked to be an SRAM hub. A 3speed can be converted to a 2 geared fixed, and a 5speed can be converted to a 3 speed fixed as in both cases you lose the overdrive gear. Hope you get the idea.

So the basic plan is to convert an SRAM p5 internal geared hub, into a 3 speed fixed gear hub. I think the conversion will be able to be reversed as well which is an advantage. Another advantage will be the nice gear range, something like 85, 67, and 54, which i've got a feeling could get me through the national park.... :D

One downside of this hub conversion is the hub weighs around 1300g, which gives a heavy wheel, but i'm planning to combat this with careful parts selection. I'll work on this soon, but this frame seems to be an option ... :IT&ih=001

One other thing i'll be working at is a high powered led hub dynamo lightset, though i need to finish my battery powered one first. Shimano's new Dynamo hub looks like a good choice for this as it's down to 490g. Not as like as the schmidt SON XS100, but it costs less.

Anyway, let me know what you think, and any suggestions you have.

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Posts: 1933
Joined: 21 Nov 2006, 22:50
Location: Up the Hill

Postby T-Bone » 06 Oct 2007, 21:39

Ok, i've realised i'm limited by budget once again, so i'll have to wait until i can get a suitable hub for conversion. Which means i'll be sticking with the Daccordi for now, just building a new wheel to test this 3 speed fixed gear sensation. I almost got a SRAM p5 hub for around $100, but i'd have to but the shifting bits for another $100, so i'm still searching. Might start with an old Sturmey Archer hub, if i can find a suitable model on ebay.

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