Manly Dam - Saturday August 14

For the MTB and mud/dirt/rock lovers...
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Postby Camilla » 09 Aug 2010, 21:57

Hey all MTB afficionados, Amy and I are thinking of doing Manly Dam this Saturday to learn a little about the fine art before the Scott 24. Any takers? You can give us a few pointers/have a good laugh at our expense (mine anyway). Oh and does anyone have a spare bike? (Vic?) I'm borrowing Lindsays but Amy is witohut.

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Postby Stuart » 10 Aug 2010, 10:33

didn't they ban MB at Manly Dam? Oh I see its some sections only

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Postby orphic » 10 Aug 2010, 11:49

Count me and Christian in. Would prefer if it wasn't too early in the day though, sleeping in is good. Racing on Sunday so a couple of laps might be a good warm up.

You can ride the Giant. It's not the greatest but it'll do the job (and has fantastic forks on it!). You'll just need BYO pedals and saddle as it hasn't got either of those on it right now.

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Postby NOOG » 10 Aug 2010, 13:31

didn't they ban MB at Manly Dam? Oh I see its some sections only
The council decided against it

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Postby Camilla » 11 Aug 2010, 12:46

Fantastic! I'm perfectly fine with a sleep in too. I was intending on it in fact. What time then? I guess we just meet in the car park bit at the end of King Street?

And do you want me to come to yours and pick up the Giant Vic? Perhaps if I got it earlier in the week I could fit it with pedals and a seat.

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Postby orphic » 11 Aug 2010, 16:15

I'll need to check with Christian about times, I'll get back to you tomorrow.

Would probably be best for you to pick the Giant up before Saturday - if you're around tomorrow night then that would be the best time. I'll PM you my mobile number.

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Postby megatron » 13 Aug 2010, 11:40

Hey Guys,

I would be interseted in tagging along. What time were you looking at heading out and where do you plan to meet?

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Postby orphic » 13 Aug 2010, 12:54

Megan I was just about to send you an sms, excellent that you're keen! We're meeting at 9am at the King Street car park area. Does that suit you?

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Postby megatron » 13 Aug 2010, 14:09

Sounds good, I should be able to make that!

Will SMS tomorrow morn if it looks like I can't, otherwise looking forward to it!

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Postby Trouty » 13 Aug 2010, 22:59

Sounds good, I should be able to make that!

Will SMS tomorrow morn if it looks like I can't, otherwise looking forward to it!
Never thought I would see the day when there would be 4 girls from DHBC going training on mountain bikes ! GO GIRLS!! top it off 3 of you are crazy enough to do the 24 hour thing! CRIKEY! I'll be thinking of you. Have fun tomorrow.

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Postby orphic » 14 Aug 2010, 13:41

Fun morning! A bit muddy but it was nice to get out for a ride. I think all of the girls bar Amy has pedal problems. I'm thinking about going back to my Candy's. The slightest bit of mud on SPD's and I have so many problems clipping back in.

When are we doing it again? I would love to get out a bit more regularly. For those of us who don't have cars, I reckon we could get to the Dam via riding + ferry if need be.

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Postby kiwiames » 14 Aug 2010, 14:41

Yes it was a very fun morning, and thanks again for the lend of your bike Vic.

I did find the biggest mud puddle i could right at the start of the ride, and mental note to self - never wear white clothing when mountian biking after its been wet!

I nearly flipped completely over once going up a hill, that front wheel was high in the air, but luckily kept it under control. I'd love to go again before the Scott, the Blue mountians maybe.

Good luck for the enduro ride tomorrow - sounds tough!

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Postby Camilla » 15 Aug 2010, 22:09

It was brilliant fun! I learnt so much over that 10km. Pity some of the more technical descents were at the begining, before I had much of an idea of what to do: aim the bike, hang on, and let it go! I'm considering getting back out there sometime this week to consolidate but am guessing everyone else will be at work. Definitely up for the Oaks trail when I get back from Belgium. i.e. the weekend before the Scott.

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Postby orphic » 16 Aug 2010, 18:59

Amy your wheelie going up that hill looked quite impressive from behind. You did well to not fall backwards!

Camilla when are you think of going out this week? I've got Friday off and am thinking of going out there in the morning.

Also, how did Megan get there and get home? I totally didn't even thinking of it until late on Saturday. Did she get the ferry?

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Postby megatron » 17 Aug 2010, 08:53

I did get the ferry and it was a really easy trip. They actually have quite a lot of bike racks on the Manly ferry so it was a perfect day to park the bike and enjoy the trip.

The ride from the ferry to Manly Damn is quite hilly but very straightforward and only took about 15 -20 mins max from memory.

Definitely a good way to do it if you can't drive!

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Postby Camilla » 17 Aug 2010, 11:04

I could do Friday. That'd be great. So long as by morning you don't mean 6am? Maybe we could even do 2 laps this time!

I just assumed you had a car Megan! To be honest, you probably had a far better time of it than us. Amy & I had the most horrendous traffic on the way back. I had a thumping headache by the end of it, thanks to whacking my head on that branch then sitting in a hot, sweaty car dehydrating for an hour. Still, it was worth it! The ferry would have been lovely though.

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Postby orphic » 17 Aug 2010, 12:19

Awesome, Friday it is! Morning does not mean 6am, yuck. I am becoming more and more adverse to early starts which is why mountain biking is great. You don't have to worry about traffic if you ride late in the day. It would just be good to be back before lunch time, but it's not essential. I reckon we could do 2 or 3 laps without a problem. I'm racing on Friday night but as long as we don't smash it I should be fine.

This time we are definately going to make it up that hill with the bridge bit that I wasn't able to get clipped in for on Saturday. I don't care if we have to try 100 times!

Good to know about the ferry Megan, I think I'll be using that option. Might have to use the hardtail though as I don't think the ride on a duallie would be much fun.

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Postby Camilla » 17 Aug 2010, 13:08

Why don't I pick you up Vic? At, say, 9.30. After the traffic (& a sleep in).

Or if you prefer to catch the ferry I'll come with you. Could turn into a long day though. Which I don't mind but may not be great for RAW. Which I was faintly thinking of coming to as well. Have to get my score off 0!

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