The RTA's ‘My Bikeroute’ website needs your routes

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Postby Stuart » 19 Oct 2010, 18:08

The RTA wants our help (that's a nice change huh). The RTA's ‘My Bikeroute’ website is the first step in a NSW Government program to improve the availability of information about bike-riding in the State. In this first, 10-week phase they are asking cyclists to help map the ‘bikeable’ street network in Greater Sydney by logging the actual routes they use. This information will help them develop an underlying dataset for an online bike trip-planning facility offered through the Transport Info 131500 website.

get in there DHBC people >> and show them where the bike routes really should be.

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Postby Toff » 25 Oct 2010, 16:01

I don't trust them. They will use the info to put silly bike obstacles all over my favourite routes, like they have done to the bridge crossing South Downing Street that Slowies uses.

I'm going to give them some "interesting" data for them to figure out.

For example, I think I cross the harbour bridge in lane 3 every day. Can it handle that info?

Actually, I just went to the website. I have no idea how I am supposed to give them any useful data anyway. What a heap of garbage that website is. If you can figure it out, please let me know!

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Postby Lizanne » 26 Oct 2010, 07:20

ya... the site is fun.
i work in GIS on road maps everyday and it took me a while to get my head around it.

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