I'll take that as a complament...

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Postby Lizanne » 09 Dec 2010, 09:08

got into work toady and a cute chap (on an even better looking colnago) asked me what training i did because i looked like quadzilla.

this got me thinking of the other comments that have been dirrected my way that i'll take as a complament.

1. Your shorts arn't padded on the side? those look like tumors- pointing at my quads,
2. you have massive thunder thighs!
3. you'r a unit/tank/beast/nugget

any one else have comments that will be taken as a complament due to cycling context?

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Postby Toff » 09 Dec 2010, 14:13

If you got shoes like these, imagine what fashion compliments you could get.

Perfect compliment to your bike...

(Pun intended on the double meaning of "compliment" in the above sentence for those that didn't pick it up).

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Postby Lizanne » 09 Dec 2010, 14:57

if you ever see shoes like that in a 36 let me know

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Postby Toff » 10 Dec 2010, 10:36

They are my size. That's why I looked at 'em.

Once I saw something similar in the discount bin of a bike shop, but that was years ago.

I'll keep an eye out though...

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 10 Dec 2010, 12:33

Hi Lazaane,
Were you at cook and phillip yesterday? I took my boy for a swim and was sure I saw your bike.
Re: quadzilla, yeah I;d take that as a compliment.

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Postby Lizanne » 10 Dec 2010, 12:52

yep, i was training for indoor soccer. my team made the grand final! (of intramural lunch time mixed)
but ther is another bowery that hangs out in the area, so keep an eye out for the sopkey dokes!

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Postby rhys » 11 Dec 2010, 16:58

"Post your quads" thread!

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Postby NOOG » 11 Dec 2010, 17:32

No competition...Paddy will win...Or 'Mr Muscles' as Tim likes to call him

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