DHBC Cleans up at Eddie Sales Cup

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Postby Trouty » 08 May 2011, 10:21

It was a great morning for DHBC at the Eddie Sales Mothers day Cup today, with several podium placings, and Eleri going home with the major booty prize. As per the photos you can see she couldn't get the smile off her face as she won a $100 light for placing 2nd, and the lucky door prize of a brand new set of Token wheels. I will let them tell their stories but I will add what I can.

People that I saw race today were:

A grade: Mike Clement & Craig Weller
Can't tell you much here only that Michael C avoided a major crash. A grade also were mixed in with E grade on E grades sprint finish so I think it stuffed up the sprint for E grade at the end.

D grade: Pete, Me (Jo), Camilla, Michele, Andrew
Little Pete did a solo break away on lap 2, but was eventually reeled back in. Pete did a lot of work on the front so it was easy to see he would be up there in the placings. Pete broke away again solo at the downhill turn on the final lap (just before the sprint finish). A few of us formed a 3 man breakaway to catch him but couldn't - he had it in the bag. Pete finished 1st by a decent margin. He told me it was the very first and only thing he had won in cycling ever - AWESOME WIN PETEY and a very nice Helmet for the win.

I think I was around 4th with 10 metres to go, but was outsprinted by a few other boys, so some where between 6th and 10th with the winning bunch. Camilla and Michele did several turns at the front, if anything the pace was probably a lot slower than they thought it would be, so they always looked comfortable and they finished nicely with the bunch. Andrew dropped off from the bunch at one stage, but somehow managed to claw his way back in the end.

E grade: Eleri, Peter T, Stuart Hickson
Now E grade were the star's today with Peter T winning the Prime sprint and getting himself a cool $50 bucks. I think there were some issues with A grade being in there sprint lap but the final result was Eleri 2nd, Hickson 3rd, Pete T 4th. GO E GRADE GO!! Stuart won a cycle computer - any one want to buy one?

I think all the D grade riders & Pete should get some "aggresive" rider points for the Giro comp! All of us ladies got flowers in the end, funnily enough none of us DHBC woman are actually mothers!




ELERI AND ALL HER BOOTY WINS. Check out the boots

Last edited by Trouty on 08 May 2011, 11:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Adrian E » 08 May 2011, 11:22

Awesome work everyone! What fantastic results.

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Postby Eleri » 08 May 2011, 11:36

Well that was an exciting morning of racing! It was freezing out at Eastern Creek when we got there. Camilla and I warmed up by staying the car. This worked until we had to do a lap to actually warm up and nearly froze to death. The sun came up, and before the fog burned off, it cast an eerie orange light over everything and was blinding on the first up hill.

E grade was pretty slow and I had a race plan. Typically, I failed to follow it! Mostly I sat 2nd or 3rd wheel, as did Peter T. I kept thinking I would just ride off the front but no-one came with me (riding off the front is definitely not in the race plan). A man blew a whistle at the end of the 2nd lap. What was that whistle? Failed to ask. Then at the downhill straight at the end of the 3rd lap, everyone sprinted. Why? I was sitting up having a drink. Turned out that was the sprint lap that Peter T won! Well done you!

End of the race was largely uneventful. I sat 2nd wheel behind a guy who I thought was going to break away half way through the last lap. At least I stayed behind him instead of having an insane rush of blood. We got caught up in A grade who had passed us at the 2nd last corner and then inexplicably slowed down and spread across the whole track. Why? Anyway, we tried to sprint for the line but there was no space and despite yelling at them to move right, only the ones who were already to the right of us actually did so. Unfortunately for Stuart, this probably blocked the alternate line he had chosen. I stayed 2nd wheel and we rolled over the finish line. I had accidentally come 2nd! A David Bradbury moment.

And then I won the raffle! woo hoo! Like Jo says, still grinning like a cheshire cat.

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Postby Trouty » 08 May 2011, 11:52

2nd place is second place, and Stu says you deserved it as you and Pete did most of the work on the front throughout the race....the 2nd prize was probably better than first also, we all have helmets but that light is a cracker.

Given your wheels are 650, it looks like Adam will have some nice new race wheels for his next bike. Keep smiling - well done today.

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 May 2011, 11:59

Add David Lamb (Choppo) in C grade and that makes 11 riders. When A overtook C, choppo was looking strong in the middle of the bunch.

On E grades last lap, A grade overtook going around the bend and then the front sat up, but with 50+ riders the rear of the bunch hadn't cleared. The back of A grade were yelling [at A grade] to go to the right of the track and the middle (where I was) started yelling too. The rear half went to the right, but the front didn't move over, it seemed they didn't get the message, or the message didn't sink in. Eleri and the vet guy went down left picking their way thru while Stuart picked his way thru the middle and for a moment I though he was going to get Eleri. At the end of the day Eleri and Stuart got their places because they used their race craft to make the most of the situation, each making good decisions on what to do in those circumstances.

A grade 75minutes + 1 lap. The pace was a bit pedestrian, though we did respond to a couple of attacks, in particular on the front straight, where I saw 60kph on the speedo on one lap. I decided I'd do an attack at some point and picked the old favorite of straight after the prime sprint. Not contesting the prime, I expected other riders to have the same plan and they did, but we didn't get out act together and most of the other riders simply quit. I played at the front for a couple of laps, going off with whoever turned up, one of which was Alex Simmons, but nothing formed. Last lap I moved up close to the front, but lost some places going up the hill. On the last corner, a rider fell off in front of me, possibly a wheel touch, I went right and squeezed around, then as it collected on the other side I got swashed and had to lean really heavily on another rider, who had to lean really heavily on me. I'm sure glad it was an experience rider, cos if either of us hadn't leaned hard on the other our bikes would of come together and we would of hit the deck. Just rolled to the line after that. My achievement today was staying upright.

Ave speed was a measly 40.5kph. Distance 55k, 14 laps

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Postby Peter T » 08 May 2011, 13:52

We Done Good!

A really fun day at the Creek for DHBC. Very well run by the Waratahs and a very friendly event. Arrival was in a damp cold mist, but by race end we were all pretty toasty.

Lots of laughs in the "Post Race Debrief Session". All in all an excellent Mother's Day, and we made a point of thanking the ever smiling Eddie Salas for his efforts.

Thanks for all the good reports from Jo, Eleri and Mike.

We will be back!

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Postby Eleri » 08 May 2011, 14:18

ELERI AND ALL HER BOOTY WINS. Check out the boots
I didn't want Camilla to feel like the only bogan. Or Michele for that matter. :)

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Postby Stuart » 08 May 2011, 17:56

FFS it was cold at the creek at 6:30am with the car telling me it was 6 degrees. E grade was slower than normal and as Eleri said her race plan of not being on the front went out the window after 2 laps. Pete T had the perfect plan for the prime and carried it off to perfection while I was saving myself for the final lap, meaning I did zero work on the fornt, unlike Eleri & Pete who really did the majority fo the work.

Pity about A grade begin such useless sh*ts and not giving us space at the end but as Mike said Eleri was perfectly placed and I weaved my way through the A grade bunch to get 3rd. A great day out and I'll be back next at Waratah vets races as they really know how to put on a race.

Couldn't believe it when Eleri bagged the wheels. Even the announcer said it must be Dulwich Hills day. Eleri had Black E13 and still won it (I had black E21 - surely a luckier number).

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Postby andrewb » 08 May 2011, 17:58

A fun day again.

Congratulations to the prize winners. In fact everyone from DHBC seemed to be doing well.

I was running a bit late & was surprised when I signed on they had me down for B Grade. I was able to negotiate that down to D, but they are still very reluctant to let me race in E.

I managed to hold onto the bunch except briefly about the middle of the race, but got back with the assistance of another D grade rider and (don't tell anyone) the B grade passing by. After that I was fine, & the bunch was so slow up some hills I could make up ground there, but was loosing a few places each time on the fast downhill right-hander. (I'm too young to die.) Fell off the back just at the end, so made a stately & dignified approach to the finish with Camilla.

Not sure about aggressive riding points as suggested by Jo, but maybe should get some for the "don't try this at home" aspect of the transport of me & the bike to Eastern Creek: (Due to last minute transport malfunction, had to take the bike in the Mazda.)

Suprisingly it & I did squeeze in:


Unfortunately operation of the handbrake & gear lever were somewhat compromised. But I could use 1st, 3rd, & 5th gear, which was sufficient to get out there. On the way back, I found that by leaning my left shoulder against the stem of the bike, I could lift the seat post enough to allow selection of any gear I wanted. Woohoo!


P.S.I don't think that this was very good for the bike or the car, so I wouldn't recommend this.
P.P.S. It was bloody cold this morning, so fortunately I could actually close the roof with the bike & wheels as shown.

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Postby Eleri » 08 May 2011, 18:45

I forgot the rabbit. A rabbit ran in front of E grade. We were too slow to hit it.

Andrew, that looks slightly dangerous. But excellent packing on your part!

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Postby Camilla » 08 May 2011, 21:13

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Postby Camilla » 08 May 2011, 21:22

But Stuart, do you wear/ride nothing but black every day of your life, have a name beginning with E, and a faintly devilish air? Well, yes to the last. I was confident for the raffle win myself until Eleri showed me her ticket, at which point I gracefully stood down. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I heard her number called out! And I can confirm Eleri kept smiling and giggling all the way to Marrickville Cafe and beyond. A fabulous day for DHBC!

As for the racing, what everyone else said. I love that photo of Peter O'S. He's so damned chuffed. He rode brilliantly too - many a chat I had along the way with the Waratah Old Boys: "did someone just go off the front!!!". "I think so - but let's not worry about him, surely he'll crack" (followed by a silent "mwah ha ha" to myself). Well, Pete was clearly in the wrong grade but he did ask for B so no hard feelings. Until he tries it on again.

And of course the Red Scourge in E-grade. Never a happier sight! Especially with Peter T taking out the Prime too (my new word for the day).

Full points to Mike for keeping it upright. If his demonstration of the pressure he and his fellow rider were putting on each other to keep untangled was anything to go by, I'd be impressed if it was even half that. A catastrophe narrowly averted.

As for myself, I was happy in D-grade and faintly bemused how easy it was to ride around the entire pack on the straight/up the hills (and drop back again going down). At the same time I knew I didn't have it in me today to make a break for it (which, let's face it, is the only chance I have until I learn to sprint) but thought I'd give it a go on the bell lap from the bottom of the first hill anyway - until A-grade decided it was a good time to hem us in and catch up with mates (before going on to interfer with the E-grade finish). I'd positioned myself in about 4th place, but solidly blocked in up the hills that was me done, so I sat up going into the last descent and was happy to find Andrew tight on my tail to cruise in with. We had a great view of everyone jostling for position and I was sure Jo was going to take 3rd. Michele wasn't too far off the front either. I was gunning for Lise Benjamin too, world's fastest woman, who looked like she might be able to sneak around the pack and put the power down at the last moment, but it wasn't to be.

Such a beautiful course, and the racing so well managed by the Waratah Vets. I really must get out to their races more often. A big thumbs-up to Eddie Salas too, who not only knows how to ride a bike but how to put on a show!

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Postby andrewb » 08 May 2011, 21:51

And of course the Red Scourge in E-grade. Never a happier sight! Especially with Peter T taking out the Prime too (my new word for the day).
Huge respect to Eleri, Stuart, & Peter T for "Unleashing the DHBC E-grade Fury". Great to see so much red on the podium.


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Postby Camilla » 08 May 2011, 21:58

And thanks to Stuart too - without his enthusiasm for the Eddie Salas Cup I'm not sure I'd have made the effort. If he's geed up, you know it's going to be worthwhile. Especially if it doesn't involve food or wine, because then it's got to be something quite extraordinary.

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Postby timyone » 09 May 2011, 12:50

A fun day again.

Congratulations to the prize winners. In fact everyone from DHBC seemed to be doing well.

I was running a bit late & was surprised when I signed on they had me down for B Grade. I was able to negotiate that down to D, but they are still very reluctant to let me race in E.

I managed to hold onto the bunch except briefly about the middle of the race, but got back with the assistance of another D grade rider and (don't tell anyone) the B grade passing by. After that I was fine, & the bunch was so slow up some hills I could make up ground there, but was loosing a few places each time on the fast downhill right-hander. (I'm too young to die.) Fell off the back just at the end, so made a stately & dignified approach to the finish with Camilla.

Not sure about aggressive riding points as suggested by Jo, but maybe should get some for the "don't try this at home" aspect of the transport of me & the bike to Eastern Creek: (Due to last minute transport malfunction, had to take the bike in the Mazda.)

Suprisingly it & I did squeeze in:


Unfortunately operation of the handbrake & gear lever were somewhat compromised. But I could use 1st, 3rd, & 5th gear, which was sufficient to get out there. On the way back, I found that by leaning my left shoulder against the stem of the bike, I could lift the seat post enough to allow selection of any gear I wanted. Woohoo!


P.S.I don't think that this was very good for the bike or the car, so I wouldn't recommend this.
P.P.S. It was bloody cold this morning, so fortunately I could actually close the roof with the bike & wheels as shown.
nice car :)

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