Call for cyclists for a movie shoot - Second Life

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Postby weiyun » 25 Sep 2011, 10:51

Hi all,

Received an email call for cyclists to be involved in a video project on Fri 7 Oct. It's for the cause of organ donation and there's a payment for participation.

See message below for more info and contact.



We're after 8 cyclists to feature in this compelling drama for 10 hrs, approx. start 6:30 am on Friday 7th October at Lane Cove National Park. (We have a 30 strong Race bunch already taken care of).

Rate for the day is $246.27. All need to have their own bikes and kit. See the synopsis - storyline, pretty good stuff!

This subject is close to my heart (no pun intended), and is of course aimed specifically to draw us into the notion of becoming organ donors. In the 40 years I've been riding in bunches I've lost 6 mates. As plenty of local riders know, I actually died and was brought back in the ambulance after a "Mad Mile" (Sutherland) crash in '93 myself. So this subject runs deep for me experientially. Also, I have reconsidered my attitude to Organ Donation because of it!

Let me know - 0434 923 959 -

Casting Call

It could be worse, you could be one of the 1700 people on the organ transplant waiting list, waiting for up to 4 years for a compatible organ.

Instead, you get to come and act in a film, whilst working on your race form and fitness! Action takes place Friday 7th October 6:30 am at Lane Cove National Park.

We are shooting a self-funded, non-commercial short drama, which has received support from both DonateLife and St Vincent’s hospital.

The film aims to be broadcast on television in DonateLife Week at the end of February 2012. It will also have a much longer life, screening in schools, community groups, and for the use of medical practitioners, particularly donor coordinators.
In order to recreate a high speed, action packed cycling race, we need 30 fit, male cyclists with their own racing kit and racing bicycles.

If you are interested in participating please call ASAP!
Alagna Films Pty Ltd

Second Life Storyline

Sam lives with his daughter Charlie (15); and Charlie lives with cystic fibrosis. After a violent coughing fit, and despite her protests, Sam convinces her it’s time to go back into St Vincent’s Hospital where the doctors know Charlie well. They assess her. Time is running out. She needs a new pair of lungs; and they need to find a donor whose lungs match for size and blood group.

Mike Kershaw and his brother Tony compete in a club bike race. The difference between them is Mike’s outstanding fitness and ability to get to the finish in first place. Both brothers are enthusiastically backed by their father, Clive, and Mike’s fiancée Anna. As they break away from the peloton, Mike takes the lead and hurtles down hill. Then his bike hits a crash barrier; and he lands over a steep incline with a sickening thud. As the sound of an ambulance siren grows, Clive and Anna’s concern grows.
Also in the hospital is Alice (45) who has been on the recipient list for a couple of years. Dr Leong tries to appear upbeat and does his best to make her feel comfortable, while hiding his fears for her deteriorating condition.

Meanwhile, the transplant co-­-ordinator is on the phones trying to locate potential sets of lungs interstate. There’s nothing available.

When the ambulance arrives at Accident and Emergency, systems swing into action and Mike’s vital condition is assessed. The results reveal he is brain-­-dead, even though he continues to breathe and his skin is pink. Tom Hogan, the Intensivist, breaks the news to the family that their son is not responding to any stimuli. There’s nothing they can do. He is to all intents dead.
Sam urges Dr Leong to try harder to locate a donor for Charlie. He can’t believe so many people die every week and they can’t find a pair of lungs. Charlie is fatalistic. She knows she doesn’t have much time.

The hospital donor co-­-ordinator and the recipient co-­-ordinator meet at the lift. The recipient co-­-ordinator tries delicately to get information on the potential donor she has heard has come in. The donor co-­-ordinator won’t help her, and she knows she is out of order.

Mike’s family face the grim reality of when they will authorise the shutting down of his life support, though Anna resists. The co-­-ordinator suggests they go somewhere quiet where they can all talk. She raises the issue of organ donation; and tries to find out what the family wants. They are emotional and divided. Mike hadn’t discussed the issue ever with his family. The family can’t decide.

It’s late. Sam talks quietly with Charlie about what happens when we die. Dr Leong watches Alice from a distance. If there is only one set of lungs coming available, Dr Leong knows he is going to have to make a decision as to who gets them. Charlie asks her dad to do her nails. Suddenly all the nurses are offering bottles of nail polish.

In the deserted canteen Leanne (Mrs Kershaw) overcomes the hateful thought of her son’s body being cut open, and decides that something good has to come out of what has happened. The family remains divided.

Dr Leong chooses the moment to have a talk with Alice. There’s no good news; and her condition isn’t strong enough for a transplant. She accepts the news with great courage, and asks not to be resuscitated when her condition worsens.

A new day and the Kershaw family return to the reality of the hospital. Charlie has lapsed into unconsciousness.

Wracked with guilt, Tony confesses to his father the accident is his fault. No says Clive, the fault is his for encouraging them to ride. Tony turns to Anna and makes an impassioned plea that Mike’s perfectly honed organs not go to waste. It’ not what Mike would have wanted. Anna finally concedes.

Charlie’s alarms are going off. Dr Leong rushes to put her on life support.

Clive and Leanne talk to the co-­-ordinators. There’s a big reaction, followed by a flurry of activity.

The retrieval team surrounds Mike’s bed. Alarms continue to sound. Sam gets the news; and the Kershaw family’s tears flow freely as they hug each other in pain.

As a bed is rushed past Charlie and towards theatre, the sound of bike race spectators cheering swells. The race is on.

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