2011 Clarence St Cup - Sat 03 Dec

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shrubb face
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Postby shrubb face » 24 Nov 2011, 22:03

Entries close this Sunday 27th. Why should you enter you ask?

http://www.sbs.com.au/cyclingcentral/ne ... yclery-cup

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Postby timyone » 25 Nov 2011, 13:02

I don't know about racing, but I might be interested in watching it.

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Postby Lizanne » 25 Nov 2011, 13:18

i'm entered!

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Postby Eleri » 04 Dec 2011, 14:03

OK - Rhys, Alex, Jo, Bill, Chris, Tom - where are the ride reports?

I know the heats went well, I saw some great riding but I want to hear the stories about you actually beat Mark Renshaw :)

Great to see 3 of our seniors club make it through to the actual Clarence Street Cup final and I saw Chris and Bill in their last race, both riding strong. There's got to be some race reports in that.

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Postby rhys » 04 Dec 2011, 15:20

I don't remember too much as I was trying not to vomit for a few hours and I could hardly walk from lactic acid, but here goes...

Once I had the program figured out (why can't they write them in english?) my first race was the division 3 motorpace over 12 laps. I tried to hustle and get out on the track in 10th or 11th position because I didn't want to be on the motorbike when it swung off with 2.5 to go. As is always the case, people take half-lap turns and I ended up on the bike when it swung off...*censored*. Seeing as it was still 2 laps to go I just kept steady and the best-case scenario happened - just as I was doing a shoulder check, someone was two lengths back, coming up at great speed. I think it was the greenwood guy on the green bike, i knew he was no slouch and I wanted to be on him (so to speak). I kicked a little to get on his wheel and sat there for about a lap taking deep breaths and trying to spot my friends in the crowd, grinning like an idiot because I was having an absolute blast. I believe the two of us were fairly well clear til about a lap to go. He went to peel off but I had boxed him in a little, and around this time another two guys came around us (again, just as I was looking so I was able to swing out and onto them) and I jumped on the back of them and ended up in a mad dash and got 3rd, along with a new max HR of 205bpm (111% of my max :|) which isn't too bad considering I'm 28.

The next race I had was my 8 lap scratch race heat, to get into the actual Clarence St Cup wheel race final. It was going to be tough because only the first two made it through to the final and the rest into a repecharge. I rolled out of the gate in about 8th or 9th position which wasn't so bad as it was 8 laps and I figured someone would attack early on and I'd be at the back with the vision to see it start happening, and either shut it down or get on it before it got too far away. Again this worked out well because the two guys from my earlier race who came 1st and 2nd were coming up the outside forming a second train, so I rolled up on them and again sat easy trying to save my energy. I don't remember much of the next few laps but coming into the home straight I was second, then a guy came up below me and was about half a wheel in front of me, pushing me into 3rd. About 4m from the line I did a McEwen-inspired bike throw and it was enough to get me 2nd by a few cm's. Great, now I had to race in the final and I was still swallowing down vomit from my first race! I actually had to pull out my spew bag but I didn't know which end I'd need it for, and I was seeing white spots everywhere. No good!

In the interim, a friend of mine from Clarence St came down and did a bit of an interview for their website, and they rigged up a go-pro camera to the back of my seat to get some footage. I figured, starting off a handicap of 200, everyone would be behind me and they would get some great footage of everyone overtaking my (by this stage) tired and sloppy ass.
My tactic was to try and bridge the gap to the guys who were starting off scratch, or at least keep them in sight to make me ride faster. Simon gave me a really good start (thanks Simon!) and for a few seconds it looked as though I just might catch them. Unfortunately I blew up like the hindenberg shortly thereafter and it was all over after a lap or two. I was pretty happy as it was a massive improvement after last year's effort and I even got $30 burrito money for my two placings, effectively doubling my net worth until payday.

I didn't have much to do with Renshaw, but I did obviously watch him race. Really smooth, and that climbers muscle on the inside of his knees was massively ridiculous. Easily bigger than his knee-cap. I felt he was a really good sport last night - he wasn't being a dick like some pros, he wasn't just trying to blow apart every race. He lead a few people out and was overall pretty good to watch. In his kierin repecharge hoever, it was quite funny. He ended up winning by almost a half a lap over Scott Mills and a few other guys. He didn't have a massive kick, but he just kept on going and made spinning 106gi look far too easy. I don't know how Clarence St/Cycling Australia are going to beat this next year. I won't say having him there made the night, but it certainly contributed to the overall enjoyment of it.

Everyone in the club who rode last night raced extremely well. I didn't get to see any of Tom's racing but he said he had a great time. Bill and Chris rode together like team mates, Troutman was on fire and was always in contention, and Alex got into some good positions and rode really well, especially when you consider the calibre of elite mens track racing there last night - it was ridiculous. I don't know how many future olympians/pro-tour riders were racing there last night, but I'm sure we'll be seeing many of them around in years to come.

Thanks to Eleri and some of my other friends who went out to watch and cheer last night, I could actually hear you as I was riding which brought a smile to my face.
(and if any of you are considering buying a rear disc, do it - they're amazing)

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Postby Stuart » 04 Dec 2011, 16:08

So, somebody is in this picture set on Cycling Central.

http://www.sbs.com.au/cyclingcentral/ga ... nce-st-cup

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Postby Trouty » 04 Dec 2011, 16:19

I didn't realise you were at the point of vomiting at any stage Rhys, but good to know you were suffering as much as me. Here is what I remember:

SCRATCH: There were a lot of new riders I didn't recognise from Bathurst so I wasn't sure of their ability. I thought Jane Payne from the UK would probably win the race given she got some medals at world masters - so I was just going to try and stick close to her and conserve energy. Tip: If you want to stick close to a rider - the trick is to actually keep an eye on them, which I clearly didn't as she sped past all of us in lap 2 or 3 and was miles in front in a solo breakaway. I thought - there goes the race right there, but I knew I would waste energy trying to chase her down on my own. Anyway the rest of us kept calm and in the end myself and the girl from Bathurst caught her at turn 3 on the last lap. IT was neck and neck for me and the girl from Bathurst and I just pipped her at the line.

I came 2nd to the same Bathurst girl in the Clarence St cup qualifier, but 2nd is all I needed and I was straight in to the CSC - no repecharges to race woohoo. All I can say about the Clarence St Cup race is - it always hurts, and I so need lessons from Ian Denker on how to punish yourself!!

I was really glad all of us DHBC riders made it to the CSC final. I've done the last 3 years and I think this year seemed to be the hardest field I have seen in the men and the most numbers (and the hardest field) I have seen for the woman. Mark Renshaw sure has some stuff, as do some of our younger riders that matched him in several races.

The time blaster was a great race to watch and a shame Chubbsy forgot to ride it. Renshaw did 3 turns on the front and really kept the pace up, although I think that cost him in the end. We definitely have to have some world or Olympic champions in the future going by the calibre of what I saw last night.

Yeah - thanks to Eleri, Adam and all the other DHBC spectators - I could actually hear you all (couldn't see you), but it always feels good to have a cheer squad and have your 3 seconds of feeling famous!!!

Our DHBC kids (Bill, Chris & Tom) are also awesome and they seemed like they were having a ball. Michelle has done a great job with the juniors.

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Postby jbcow » 04 Dec 2011, 18:18

So, somebody is in this picture set on Cycling Central.

http://www.sbs.com.au/cyclingcentral/ga ... nce-st-cup
Those are very good pictures. Nice to see Rhys in aqua blue socks to contrast with the disc.

Sorry I couldn't make it out in support, but it seems I missed a lot of spectator fun.

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Postby timyone » 04 Dec 2011, 22:24

Lol Brownie came top 5!!!

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Postby Lizanne » 05 Dec 2011, 07:15

i didn't have this on my calender... i totally forgot. why was there no talk @ the christmas party or the froum to remind me.
i have all the stuff for this weekend down!

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Postby Trouty » 05 Dec 2011, 08:35

Lol Brownie came top 5!!!
Brownie really is unbelievable. It was hilarious as Crafty was commenting during the race on how smart he was having a higher riding IQ than the rest of the field combined.

You know - Brownie and his steel bike does so well against those young guys with all their carbon fibre.

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Postby Karzie » 05 Dec 2011, 08:54

i didn't have this on my calender... i totally forgot. why was there no talk @ the christmas party or the froum to remind me.
i have all the stuff for this weekend down!
Doh! Me too. At least I wasn't actually entered for the race, Lizanne! :)

Fantastic results Rhys and a great report, thanks. Really made me want to be there... :(

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Postby Eleri » 05 Dec 2011, 15:19

i didn't have this on my calender... i totally forgot. why was there no talk @ the christmas party or the froum to remind me.
i have all the stuff for this weekend down!

And we thought you had piked!

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Postby Adrian E » 05 Dec 2011, 15:29

Well done Rhys, Alex and Jo. Some great results.

It was great to see you all in action. Pia and I had a lot of fun watching and it was definitely some of the best racing I'd seen at Dunc Gray for a long time... in fact there was more atmosphere in the velodrome than there was during the Worlds back in 2007!!

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