Hill Training - Bobbin Head Tuesday Nights

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 02 Feb 2012, 19:24

A trainer from my gym in Chatswood (Fitness First) has begun Tuesday night hill training sessions in Bobbin Head. His name is Aaron, he is a Level 2 Cycling Coach and rides with Coluzzi (sp?). The session runs from 6:45 to 7:45pm from the National Park Gates at the end of Bobbin Head Road and is free.

It's obviously not the most convenient location for a lot of people in the club. It's a little easier for me as I work in Chatswood but we had the first session this week and it was great. We even saw a wild echidna waddling across the road. All levels are catered for. We had everyone from an A grade time trialler to a young lady who had only ridden a bike a handful of times.

Stuart, you'd love it! Nothing but hills for a whole hour... You do get to descend occasionally. :D

I'll be there next week if anyone is interested in coming along.

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Postby Lizanne » 03 Feb 2012, 11:38

ooo. i need to learn to cluimb hilld on my road bike

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Postby Lizanne » 03 Feb 2012, 12:46

can i meet you @ your work and head out with you?

and what's the best way to get to chatswood?

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 03 Feb 2012, 13:14

Will you be riding or catching the train? If riding, at that time of the afternoon I would stay away from the Pacific Hwy and go the cycle path up along the Gore Hill and up through the back streets of Chatswood. It's a little tricky if you haven't done it before. I'll try and remember to download it off my Garmin for you.

The other option is a train!

I drive as it's too far to go to get home from Bobbin Head. So I can meet you in Chatswood, throw your bike (as gently as possible) into the back of my car and head up and then I can give you a lift home. Easy!

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Postby Lizanne » 03 Feb 2012, 13:28

I like it :D
i was planning on riding out, i know there is cycle way, i just havn't used it past north sydney before.
garman data would be awesome, and i can also pick up one of those city of sydney cycleway maps and try to follow that

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 06 Feb 2012, 20:06

Hi Lizanne,

Let me know if this works:

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Postby Lizanne » 07 Feb 2012, 07:38

yep! thanks. it looks really short. i like it
see ya tonight, the showers should clear by then

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Postby Lizanne » 07 Feb 2012, 14:01

where do you want me to meet you? chatswood is big

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