DHBC Juniors Training, News and Statistics 16 May 2012

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Postby colin » 17 May 2012, 14:56

Hi All,

Well it’s starting to get colder.
Another great turnout of 11 riders, Michelle turned up for a ride and help out and Eleri, our club president, came down for a look

Tonight was endurance training, so after individual warm ups, we started with a Paceline drill. There were 9 riders and I lost count of the number of laps as the drill progressed as the riders changed order. No sprint finish as there was still lots of riding to do.

After a sort break it was a 30 lap points race. Excellent effort by all to finish the 30 laps, Michelle helped out with the younger rider at the back of the field and Lizanne urged on the front runners. We saw Cait get 5 lap on the field, Taku 3 laps and Francis 2, Alison put in a great effort but couldn’t quite keep up with the other 3. Matthew put in some good sprinting and Toby, Mia, Tess and Darani worked well together to finish the race.

Lastly the Taku, Francis, Alison and Cait with Lizanne’s help completed 2 lead-out drills

I think all riders had a good session and get a pat on the back of their efforts

I still haven’t had any takers for Junior track male and female Captain so I may have to draw the name out of a hat!
Please can I have some nominations.

As it’s getting colder, time to start getting out the warmer riding gear, longs and jumper/jackets and don’t forget you water

Till next week


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Postby Eleri » 17 May 2012, 20:19

It was great to get down the track and see the juniors training. I'd been meaning to do it for a while and suddenly the stars aligned and I had my own track bike in the car and a whole 45 minutes to spare. There's some good riding out there and I was so impressed with all the juniors willingness to train, give it a go and to sprint.

Continuing thanks to Colin, Lizanne and Michele who make it all possible and the the parents that help out.

I'd encourage anyone in the club to go down and watch, get involved if you can.

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