Freedom Wheels Initiative - Bikes for kids with a disability

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Postby Dougie » 22 Nov 2012, 13:38

Hi All

When I am not riding my bike I get to deal with charities a lot. I recently visited TAD or Technical Aid to the Disabled. Among other things they have project called "Freedom Wheels". They modify junior bikes for kids with disabilities to allow them the pure unadulterated joy of feeling the wind in their face. Whilst my organisation is a contributor on a regular basis, I have just become a personal donor also. I am very fortunate in that my two children can ride their bikes without a care in the world. I decided I needed to consider some kids other than just my own.

TAD were aware that I am a member of a Bike Club through my recent participation in the Ride to Conquer Cancer. They approached me to see if I would let my fellow Club Members know about their program. I leapt at the chance and I am pleased to pass that email on as shown below.

Take a look at the embedded Youtube Clip it's cool.



Dear Douglas,

Jaxon Taylor first got on a bike when he was three years old. His face lit up like a Christmas tree and his mum started crying. And so did his gran and dad.
Last week, Jaxon turned seven and he still can't walk or run but he sure can ride! You can see an unforgettable interview with him if you click here.

As you probably know, cyclists can be nuts about their bikes. But "nuts" does not begin to describe how Jaxon feels about his bike which was designed for him by our therapists and built by our volunteers here at TAD. You see, this very bright young man has Muscular Dystrophy. Jaxon could count backwards from 100 when he was three, but he will never be able to walk or run. He is exceptionally gregarious, he loves to sing and tell stories and he drives the fastest wheelchair I've ever seen. But riding his bike gives him something way more than riding a bike ever gave me.

Jaxon's bike changed his life. It helped him to play as an equal with his cousins and friends. It built his self-confidence and it helped him stretch and strengthen his muscles so they didn't freeze from inactivity. The feel of riding a bike is something that every kid should experience. TAD's Freedom Wheels program has been providing one-off tailored bikes for kids with disabilities since 2008. Bikes start from $650 and the cost varies depending upon the needs of each child.

This Christmas, please consider donating a few dollars towards funding a special bike for a child with a disability. We can design and build the bike, but we need your support to help cover the cost.

Wishing you and your family a peaceful and happy Christmas,


Alan McGregor
Chief Executive Officer
TAD Disability Services, NSW

Post: Locked Bag 2008, Wentworthville, NSW 2145, Australia
Office: Unit 10, 185 Briens Road, Northmead, NSW 2152, Australia
Phone: 1300 663 243
Direct: (02) 9912 3401
Fax: (02) 9890 1911

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Joined: 27 Apr 2012, 18:22

Postby Hashtag » 22 Nov 2012, 17:57

This is great Dougie. I will be passing this along at work too!

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