Congratulations Johno another c grade win at vets

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Postby Trouty » 25 Nov 2012, 09:06

Not bad for some one who thinks he can't sprint. John Came past me like a turbo car. Noel did a lot of attacks and looked strong but stopped to help the unconscious guy who crashed. Plan next time is to keep Johno in c grade a bit longer by not winning, and sacrifice himself to lead Noel out for a win. As usual I'm at 4th or 5th wheel at the final straight, but rapidly get out paced once the sprinters wind up and knock me out of any contention, but finishing with the bunch. It beats riding 80 km to waterfall today though.....They keep telling me it will make me stronger! Great work Johnno.

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Postby jonboy » 25 Nov 2012, 10:15

Noel did the "unconscious guy that crashed" regain consciousness?

That's the stuff of sporting legends.



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Postby Eleri » 25 Nov 2012, 14:06 ... And the video of the win is now up.

I think a plan is in order!

Jo, I'm not surprised you stayed in the track. Big night last night at Clarence Street Cup!

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Postby JJM_1 » 25 Nov 2012, 20:12

Thanks Jo, it was my first Waratah's race where I just sat back & watched rather than try & have a go. Planning a break from Waratah Vets for a couple of months - happy to try the lead out man role next time around though.

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Postby Nozzle » 25 Nov 2012, 20:18

There was a touch of wheels in the middle of the bunch on the fast left hander @50km/hr. One guy hit the deck and I was on the brakes quick smart. Then a few others touched and another hit the deck hard. He didn't look to be moving so I stopped. 1min out or so and I was on it to ensure he maintained his airway. Was a bit of a worry and yet the race went on.....

First aid then ambos were there pretty quick. He started to come around after 10mins or so. Most likely did his collar bone and plenty of flesh wounds. He'll be sore for a few weeks for sure!!

A bit of excitement on a Sunday for the wrong reasons.

Oh yeah, plus I was involved in a bit of bunch rage.... Lol. I gave it back as hard as I got it. Someone even pulled out the Renshaw head butt.

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Postby Trouty » 26 Nov 2012, 05:40

Oh yeah, plus I was involved in a bit of bunch rage.... Lol. I gave it back as hard as I got it. Someone even pulled out the Renshaw head butt.
I was behind Noel at the start of the small altercation. Amusing to see a mark Renshaw style head butt in a vets race, Noel was just trying to get into a slot but one of the guys was adamant to block.

Great of you to stop for the rider Noel...most of us didn't even know there was a crash

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Postby mikesbytes » 26 Nov 2012, 06:45

Well done John, you looked really strong in the video

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