Heart rate challenge

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Postby timyone » 05 Feb 2008, 20:15

Hey ive been doing heart rates every night this week (well sunday to today, so thats 3 nights) and am planning on doing them every night that im not training for at least untill next thursday night, (stopping only because im off to tasmania) in a bid to be better at them in some way than simon by the time he gets back, after in a month.

Any one want to challenge me to an attempt to improve in some way more than me? im thinking ill be doing them at least every second day, and will hopefully be able to do them all above 170 by the end (at the moment can only do the last one up around the 180 mark.

5 a day, HR 160 plus.

any one up for it? i wont be doing them for the tasmania week, but may do them the 2 weeks after it. This is also in preperation for the friday night winter series, and this seriously is the way to win races! (yes it may be counted as over training, but im thinking of this as the off season, where im trying to get fit for race season, i may take up weights after ive done this all (was going to do weights, but have been watching alot of races and think this will be more beneficial)

(subject to change if brad thinks its a really dumb idea :D

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Postby Huw » 05 Feb 2008, 21:13

I bought a set of rollers last weekend (nice/expensive Minoura Action), and am also aiming to lift my game. I did a session on Sunday arvo, and hit my max heart rate ever - 175! I was a mess.

Here's the graph (5 x (2 min slow, 5 min quick, 15 sec all out sprint)). The blip in the first one is where my computer (running a big timer) decided to standby - I had to stop and fix it:
So Tim, I don't know about every day, I don't think I'll be matching your numbers, I'm also not sure what you mean by "all above 170", but I'm keen to do this training, so count me in!

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 06 Feb 2008, 03:44

in a bid to be better at them in some way than simon by the time he gets back, after in a month...and will hopefully be able to do them all above 170 by the end (at the moment can only do the last one up around the 180 mark.
That's not nearly high enough....

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Postby jimmy » 06 Feb 2008, 08:33

Feel free to beat my max ever heart rate.


I cannot get my heart any higher than that. Even when I did my VO2Max test, I only hit 169bpm.

From what I gather, the best way to increase your lactate threshold is to do interval training.


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Postby othy » 06 Feb 2008, 09:18

I hit a new MHR on the hill in Centennial park last Saturday - 186. I certainly can't spend very long up there. You also have to remember that age affects your MHR. I'm not sure what I was sitting on last time I did heart rates - I couldn't stick around at training last week because it was getting pretty dark and stormy, so I missed them.

Timyone, what is your resting HR?

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Postby mikesbytes » 06 Feb 2008, 11:53

You can't fool me Tim, this is a covert exercise to kill off the old fella's

Look here Sunny Boy, when I was your age, we didn't have the internet and had to trudge thru the snow to buy magazines. The youth of today don't know the meaning of the word "Tough"

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Postby timyone » 06 Feb 2008, 20:31

my resting is 72, yeha i know im heaps more unfit than every one else.
was talking to brad tonight, and he mentioned he used to do the same sort of thing but by reaching an average of 50 kmph and leaving it there, ill chuck my speedo on and check that out too.

but yeah ill try tomorrow morning to start off with at least 170.

man i did sprints tonight, and could hardly breath and nearly threw up after it!! im totally reaching a higher level at training.

man hue how crazy is your graph thing!! how much was that machine thing?

man my highest heart rate was 85 or so?! i was able to reach 210 at the start of the year?!?!1

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Postby Huw » 06 Feb 2008, 21:18

man huw how crazy is your graph thing!! how much was that machine thing?
That's my heart-rate monitor, a Polar 720i. Yep, that graph thing is pretty crazy alright. The monitor can log at 5, 15 or 60 sec intervals - you get pretty good resolution at 5 sec intervals.

I did rollers tonight at home. Strange thing - I only reached a max of 163 bpm (av 145), compared to 175 (av 151) on Sunday. I was surprised. It's not like I didn't work hard tonight. I think the main difference was the temperature - noticeably cooler tonight.

I didn't know temperature made such a difference(?)!

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Postby weiyun » 06 Feb 2008, 22:04

Air density is higher with lower temperature. Does that mean it's more beneficial for ventilatory exchanges? I can't remember. :oops:

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Postby timyone » 07 Feb 2008, 08:40

i tried it with a speedo, and man i couldnt keep above 50kmph?!

by the 4th one i was struggling with 43k's

i think im actually doing 6 minute ones too, as in im doing 5.40 at the heart rate pace, then sprinting.

max pulse today 189, only did it in the last one though, where i kept my pulse at 180 for the last two mins.

i lost 2.5 kilos (so untill i drink water in a sec ill way 80 :D

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 07 Feb 2008, 16:48

You guys are lucky you train without leg warmers, arm warmers and a big fat coat!

I do all my heart rates at over 50km/hr, including a sprint at over 70kms/hr. My pulse generally sits at over 180 bpm, but I don't have to work at that as much as I used to. I Used to find as Huw mentioned that my HR would fluctuate greatly from week to week but I've since learnt that you can make your body train properly even if it doesn't want to.

Keep up the hard training boys. I rode for an hour yesterday on a mountain bike then did my heart rates on an exercise bike. It's hard to hit the same intensity on these but I think my body will enjoy a holiday.

I'm planning on a 90km round trip today into Sligo in the South of Ireland if it isn't raining today. Happy hunting boys...

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Postby timyone » 08 Feb 2008, 17:45

ok i did it tonight pretty much above 50 kmph, i didnt watch my heart rate monitor because it pretty much fell off (sorry simon i think it needs a new strap again, ill look for velcro) but yeah, i think at least the last 2 were pretty close to all above 170, moving up to 180.

sprinting at 170 pretty much, i should be doing about 175 i think :S

am pretty much sticking to the 150 km per hour thing instead of worrying about heart rate now, will try and start worrying about that a bit more when i get a bit fitter, then ill sprint my heart rate up then go for what evers higher, 150 or the pulse of 170 or 80

(not feeling any fitter or faster yet :S

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Postby jimmy » 08 Feb 2008, 17:52

If your HR Monitor Strap is slipping, i.e. the elastic has stretch but it slips through the buckle, then you can solve the issue with a safety pin.

Mine was slipping through, but that stopped it.


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Postby timyone » 08 Feb 2008, 17:53

its actually broken, but yeah a pin could work
ill try that tomorrow thanx

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