Heffron 23rd Feb 2008

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Postby mikesbytes » 23 Feb 2008, 08:05

See you there.

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Postby fixedgear » 23 Feb 2008, 09:57

I'll be there too, probably the singlespeed again today - working on it at this very moment :roll:

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Postby weiyun » 23 Feb 2008, 12:02

No wonder you didn't show up this morning in CP... Secretly preparing for battle. Good luck!

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Postby mikesbytes » 23 Feb 2008, 22:09

Race Report

Wind. The track had a cross wind blowing in from the ocean.

E Grade

Chris was in racing E grade, however I recon Geoff should report on this one.

Peter aka fixed gear dropped down a grade to E grade, rode on 82" and clinched a victory. Peter reported that with one lap to go, a rider went off the front with Peter chasing and 3 riders on his wheel, however the 3 riders couldn't hold Peter which left Peter in no mans land and he got the break away rider on the line. Congratulations Peter.

D Grade

Geoff, Nick C and Yours Truly.

On the line Geoff suggested that we go for it with 3 laps to go. Well the race headed off like we were on General Homes Drive with Saturday slowies sitting on the rear.

Lap 2, I think I guy went for a break and one other guy chased and caught him, but the rest of us didn't bother to chase and sure enough despite not chasing, they were back in the pack about 2 laps later.

Somewhere in the middle another guy did an attack and Nick responded, pulling 6 other guys off the pack including me, so the pack had split, but in typical D Grade racing, the break was forgotten quicker than a canceled parking fine and you guessed it, the rest of the pack caught up.

At various points in the race the bordem set in and Nick or myself sat on the front and rode them around, not that we were pushing it.

3? laps to go we had Geoff and Nick attack off the front, however it was well marked and they pulled too many riders with them. I was a little bit back and had to filter thru the pack to get involved and when I caught up to Geoff he wasn't holding the wheel in front, so I filled the gap to give Geoff some assistance, however it was to no avail as Geoff was cramping.

2 laps to go and C grade were in the way, we should of just ridden past them, but we waited and allowed them to roll forward, however when it came to the final attack, thru the humps, we ended up with 7 riders off the front, with me 7th, I'm not sure where Nick and Geoff were. Down the straight and we caught C grade who didn't move over, riders squeezed to the left and right and it more so the squeezing that decided the race rather than the sprinting. Nick 5th me 6th Geoff ?

According to Nick's speedo the average as an embarrishingly slow 34kph.

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Postby williamd » 23 Feb 2008, 23:00

Congratulations Michael Geoff and Nick, Peter and Chris

Sorry I couldn't be there as I was cramping up after CP ride.

See you at Waterfall tomorrow.

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Postby Beanzy » 24 Feb 2008, 13:34

Good Race report Mike, but i have to disagree on some points.

1. I apologise once again for cutting a little to close chasing down the attack early in the race. It was a case of dont let the Tony (aka as the priest) get away with a known (Ryan) time triallist. As we all know Tony can get away with an attack and make the rest of us battle for the minors. I was hoping i would spark the bunch to come across with me to nullify the attack.

2. It was windy with no respite from the easterly. No real tailwind for any part of the race.

3. I beleive the pace was a lot more even then in previous weeks. This made for safer racing.

4. The combination of 2 and 3 above brings the average speed down a little. By my speedo 34.6km/h. This is well within the range we like D (or former C) grade to have which is about 34 - 36km/h. C grade is 36-38km/h B Grade 38-40km/h and A grade 40+km/h. If you look throught the results for 2007 etc you see this is generally the case.

5. The confusion with C grade ahead was tough decision. I agree with you and we should of ridden through.

6. I elected to not contest the sprint as i was reaching the limit and could see the shenagins with C grade ahead. Better to race next week.

7. Your attack with 3 to go was checked because i get an insight into your tactics on the forum !! :) It was easy to tell anyhow this attack was going to happen.

8. Whilst there were less attacks this week the race still left me at or close to the limit the entire race. Max heart rate 195 bpm avg 179bpm.

9. Mike, if you find it embarrisingly slow, maybe you could challenge yourself in C grade. Perhaps you could stir them up a bit. Reading your forum posts about your training I suggest you are more than capable.

With regards to E grade we are getting reports/complaints that this grade is being overun with "burglars"and our true E graders are about to throw in the towel. The rider who broke away (young lad) was riding D (old C) late last year mostly finishing sometimes not. He should of continued to race in D grade. There was also an entrant who said he couldn't wait around for 5pm for D grade so was allowed to race E but proceeded to smash them in the first 4 laps (about 38km/h avg) i am told. We are trying to deal with this issue. In the meantime i suggest if you can ride an average of 34km/h at Heffron try D grade.

Sorry for the long post.



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Postby fixedgear » 24 Feb 2008, 14:09

Matt (Beanzy), I rode (and to my surprise won) E grade. It's interesting on how people have different perspectives on a race.
After getting dropped from the D bunch after 6 laps last week, John Buckton allowed me to ride in E.
First lap was 4.03 (30.22 kph), but that's to be expected with the 'standing start. The next two laps were in 3.30 each (34.97 kph), this was presumably the guy who could not wait to ride later (in a blue top) pushing the pace. I was just hanging on the back with my 52x17/82.6" singlegear thinking, heck E is faster than I thought. However we definitely were not averaging 38 kph or even close.
The next few laps saw things settle down to about 3.50 (32 kph) per lap, until just before the bell when the young guy rocketed away like you wouldn't believe. I was about 3rd wheel in the pack and after a young lady commenced the chase, came through for a lap just before the squircle. I took the bunch through the squircle and moved over to let the next rider through, but there was no interest from the pack so I kept going.
At this stage the young guy in front would have been 50 metres ahead, but going over the first pimple I noted he was sitting up on the bars as if he had already won. So I kept me head down through the 180 and on to the final straight expecting to be jumped by the bunch. The head wind seemed to take a toll on the young guy and I was able to get to him 5m or so before the line. My time for the 10 laps (20.40 km) was 37.31, a race average of 32.63 kph, somewhat at the lower end of the usual 32-34 kph average for E (2007 'D') Grade.
After the race I was disappointed to hear a RBCC member refer to me as a burglar (in very explicit terms).

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Postby mikesbytes » 24 Feb 2008, 14:40

So Beanzy, you recond that D (former C) is 34 - 36kph average race rather than 36kph average race that I thought D was. Well if that's the case then I'm wrong.

Yes the wind was different, mainly cross winds, so would of impacted some riders more than others. As conditions vary some riders will benefit and some riders are disadvantaged. Being a bigger rider Beanzy, are you impacted more by these wind conditions than smaller riders?

I commend those who attacked and got off the front, the Tony/Ryan attack and the other bloke who did a solo attack. If the race boils down to we simply cruise around and then do a sprint at the end, well that's going to be a pretty boring race.

If riders are unhappy, why don't they use a points system for 1st 2nd 3rd and once you reach so many points you automatically go up a grade. That way we are not discriminating against those who are not sprinters and need to break away to place.

Yeh, we don't mind people knowing our tactics, we could easily communicate without using the forum, but at the end of the day what counts is whether you enjoyed yourself, because if you are not enjoying yourself, why are you riding?

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Postby weiyun » 24 Feb 2008, 16:51

7. Your attack with 3 to go was checked because i get an insight into your tactics on the forum !! :) It was easy to tell anyhow this attack was going to happen.
Ummm... We have moles here in our forum.

Time to feed bogus information from now on. :wink:

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Postby geoff m » 24 Feb 2008, 21:45


-----OK, Mike, Nick and others.....these are the code words and language we worked on today. These are the instructions for next weeks D Grade race.

Do you guys understand your team instructions? Please confirm.

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Postby weiyun » 25 Feb 2008, 06:48

GM: 不懂.

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Postby Beanzy » 25 Feb 2008, 07:47

Yes the wind was different, mainly cross winds, so would of impacted some riders more than others. As conditions vary some riders will benefit and some riders are disadvantaged. Being a bigger rider Beanzy, are you impacted more by these wind conditions than smaller riders?
I am impacted by any wind!!!!
I commend those who attacked and got off the front, the Tony/Ryan attack and the other bloke who did a solo attack.
I did chase this attack down. It was silly for me to do this as i really suffered for the rest of the race
If the race boils down to we simply cruise around and then do a sprint at the end, well that's going to be a pretty boring race.
Not boring from my position. i was hurting throughout the entire race!! I have only completed a few D grade (old c) races out of many attempts. I am challenging myself.

but at the end of the day what counts is whether you enjoyed yourself, because if you are not enjoying yourself, why are you riding?
Of course i enjoyed myself. I was really glad i was able to push through the pain and complete the race. This was after four weeks of barley any riding due to study committments and adverse weather.

See you all at the track next time where we can resume battle!!!

Looks like i have to learn another language to keep up with your tactics!!!!

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Feb 2008, 09:02

Geoff, that's funny. Good strategy to drop the sprinters.

Matt, come to track training tonight at Canterbury (Tempe).

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Postby Beanzy » 25 Feb 2008, 09:35

Matt, come to track training tonight at Canterbury (Tempe).

Not for me. Either study or track racing at Hurstville. Decision based on the weather. I will be at Tempe on Thursday and have just entered for Metrop Masters Friday week hosted by your goodselves.

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Feb 2008, 10:53


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Postby geoff m » 25 Feb 2008, 12:09

5回目 is the magic word!

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Feb 2008, 12:11


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Postby weiyun » 25 Feb 2008, 15:56

WTH are you guys yakking on? :shock:

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Feb 2008, 16:04


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Postby weiyun » 25 Feb 2008, 16:28

Mike, those auto language translator services on the net have been bugged by RBCC and I wouldn't trust them. :wink:

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Feb 2008, 20:28


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Postby weiyun » 25 Feb 2008, 20:31

有文法问题. :P

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Feb 2008, 20:38


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Postby geoff m » 25 Feb 2008, 21:30

Chris R doing it tough in his first race E grade...

Note the sweat, and the aerodynamic position to do anything he can to keep with the bunch....


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Postby Adrian E » 25 Feb 2008, 21:35

Welcome to D grade Chris!
I said you'd kill em', but you should have at least looked like you were trying hard!

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Postby mikesbytes » 26 Feb 2008, 12:09



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Postby Beanzy » 26 Feb 2008, 13:02

Secret Training indeed!!. The guy on the right is current World Masters Champion (35-39) for 1km TT. If he drinks beer, i drink beer. :)

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Postby mikesbytes » 26 Feb 2008, 13:05

I'm going thru the photos at the moment, there's a good one of you Matt, which I'll include.

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Postby mikesbytes » 26 Feb 2008, 13:29

RBCC photos from the 23rd Feb

E Grade

fixed gear in the middle with the red jersey on.
Chris has a pre race strategy discussion with Geoff
Just in case you didn't see Geoff's post below

D Grade

A good photo of Matty
Go Nick
Geoff and I on the back
Gee, we must of been going really slow at this point
Nick and me side by side, Geoff just behind
Getting good wind shelter beside Matty
Geoff too !
C grade were in the way, some of us squeezed past and the result was largely determined by who squeezed past first

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Postby mikesbytes » 27 Feb 2008, 20:29


Clearly Matt is way too fast for D grade, look at the way the bunch can't even hold his wheel.

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Postby timyone » 28 Feb 2008, 13:39

man in the next 3 or four weeks i plan on racing e grade :D
i want to some day finish a race with out getting dropped at heffron!

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Postby mikesbytes » 29 Feb 2008, 22:16

How good is this picture, once its cropped.


One last picture you haven't seen yet


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Postby timyone » 01 Mar 2008, 03:51

man that is an amazingly good pic mike!!

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Postby FAswad » 01 Mar 2008, 11:40

Its also good as is. Nice one.
How good is this picture, once its cropped.


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Postby timyone » 01 Mar 2008, 15:11

if thats a pro shot it would make a nice actual photograph on your wall

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Mar 2008, 19:12

Is it possible to get a high res copy ?

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Postby timyone » 02 Mar 2008, 12:52

who took it?

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Postby weiyun » 02 Mar 2008, 12:59

Is it possible to get a high res copy ?
Why don't you contact Rocky, who took those photos?

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Postby mikesbytes » 02 Mar 2008, 16:15

who took it?
RBCC photographer.

Weiyun, is that Rocky? How do I contact him?

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Postby weiyun » 02 Mar 2008, 16:59

Weiyun, is that Rocky? How do I contact him?
Yep, Rocky it is. Surly you can get him via RBCC's web site. If not, how about just tap on his shoulders on Sat? :wink:

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Postby Huw » 02 Mar 2008, 19:55

One last picture you haven't seen yet
I think that picture's awesome. Everyone's having a great time, you can see it written on their faces!

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