Saturday Slowies Question

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Postby jimmy » 05 Mar 2008, 10:20

I have a friend at work who is getting into some cycling as she is aiming to do a half iron man.

More than anything else she needs to get confidence on the bike, and I mentioned the Saturday Slowies to her, she lives out near Centennial Park, so doing the ride from Marrickville is probably out. However.

What time do you usually get to Centennial Park?
Which gate do you ride in through?
How long do you usually ride through the Park?


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Postby Toff » 05 Mar 2008, 10:33

Slowies usually arrives a bit after 7.00am, although I notice that we are getting there later these days due to larger bunches, and not leaving Mick Mazza's promptly at 6.30 like we should do. (So more like 7.20am these days...)

Slowies enters the park through the gates closest to SGC/Entertainment quarter, about half-way up the "hill".

Slowies leaves en-masse through the same gate at 8.00am and heads for cofee in Marrickville.

In the park, the bunch splinters into smaller groups all doing their own thing, but most will be wearing red DHBC jerseys, and all are happy to have a chat to newbies. There is also a 10 minute social gathering at the gate before leaving the park.

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Postby jimmy » 05 Mar 2008, 10:46

Thanks for that toff, just getting confirmation about the gate you enter through.

Is that the gate that is on Lang Road? Or the one that is on the corner of Lang Rd and Cook Rd/Robertson Rd (where the Stables are)?



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Postby Toff » 05 Mar 2008, 11:05

Cook/Robertson entrance, where the horses generally cross.

They usually insert yellow poles there to stop traffic before 9.00am, so we meet up at the yellow poles at 8.00am.

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Postby weiyun » 05 Mar 2008, 11:53

...not leaving Mick Mazza's promptly at 6.30 like we should do. (So more like 7.20am these days...)
No wonder I can never find you guy in the first 10mins, at least, after the hour. And if 7:20 is real, then that really doesn't leave much time for riding in the park. I note in the past few weeks that people are already sitting on the grass chatting by 7:50 or earlier. Slow indeed.

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Postby williamd » 05 Mar 2008, 16:18

Hey Weiyun

I'll look for the bike with non matching tyres.


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Postby Stuart » 24 Mar 2008, 17:16

If she lives out at Centennial and is doing Triathalon, there are heaps of groups that train and ride from Centennial, so a bit of a waste meeting DHC there at around 8am.

Tues & Thur rides are free they leave at Robertson gates at 5.45am. There is a slow group and a fast group. Then they have the other Saturday and Sunday rides, swim and runs which are all chargeable. If she is doing Tri - she is best to train with John Hill, he seems to have trained most of them out at that Park - beginners and pros.

I can give her an email or a mobile number, but since this is an old post she may have already actioned this. Let me know if you still need it.

From Joanne (Stuarts better half)

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