cycle path or road upgrade in Marrickville LGA

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Postby jcaley » 21 Aug 2015, 14:25

Marrickville Council engineering section has asked Bike Marrickville where council can best invest a small budget on maintenance or upgrading cycle paths or roads often used by people on bikes.
Nominate away and I will pass on to them - think high priority but small scope issues.

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Postby marc2131 » 21 Aug 2015, 16:58

The bike routes thru DH come to mind.
Windsor, Davis and Denison Rds are a regular cycle route.

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Postby Eleri » 21 Aug 2015, 23:02

Addison Road - to get rid of the ridge (wheel trap) East bound - right on the line I want to take that gives me space from car doors and room for cars to pass.

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Postby jonboy » 22 Aug 2015, 15:40

Resurface Bedford street. It's appalling. It runs from Liberty st up alongside the train line to Newtown station. It's full of bumps, ridges, potholes, manhole covers and is already a narrow road to navigate.

But in my opinion it's still safer than using Enmore road for commuting.

My 2 cents.


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Postby Eleri » 24 Aug 2015, 07:37

Put a short contraflow lane or SUP on the northbound side of Edgware Road between Lord and Darley Streets.

When we return from CP on Saturday Slowies we go over King St and down Lord Street but it's one-way so we can't return that way.

My suggestion would create a parallel much safer route the other way - from Marrickville Metro to King St other than up Alice Street. That way is much higher traffic volume. It would also link with other cycling infrastructure on the other side of King St.

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Postby jcaley » 24 Aug 2015, 12:22

That suggestion is worth investigating further. There's no really quiet route across edgeware rd down at that end.

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Postby jcaley » 24 Aug 2015, 13:48

Maintenance suggestions have been sent to council.
Meanwhile, if you can afford the time to stop, use the Snap Send Solve phone app to send a photo of any dangerous pothole etc to council. The app will set up an email to council with the photo abd GPS coordinates if that's enabled, making it very easy for the maintenance crew. I've found this results in the hole being patched within a few days.

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Postby Eleri » 24 Aug 2015, 17:27

That suggestion is worth investigating further. There's no really quiet route across edgeware rd down at that end.
Ahem - I'm using that route already with a bit of careful navigation of the last 20m before the turn. :shock:

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