Tour Down Under 2018

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Postby Dougie » 12 Jul 2017, 11:39

Tour Down Under 2018
January 13 – 21 2018

Well it’s on like Donkey Kong once again. With Richie Porte’s disastrous crash at the Tour de France following what was without a doubt his best build up, will he use the TDU yet again as the springboard for the 2018 season? 2018 is the 20th anniversary of the TDU’s inception in 1998. We have seen some great contests and some of the World’s leading riders. If you are an old hand or new to the event, perhaps 2018 is the year for you.

2018 will mark my family’s 9th visit to Adelaide for this cycling spectacle. 2017 was for us a year to forget, so I am planning on making this a great visit. No matter how long you choose to visit for Adelaide never fails to turn it on for the viewing public. It goes without saying that the riding is sublime. However not to be outdone, for those not riding there is still plenty to do and see.
The routes for the 2018 edition have been released and whilst the old stalwarts remain front and centre there have been a couple of changes that I find very welcome. I have taken a little time to have a look at the Tour and come up with my plans.

Saturday January 13 – Team Presentation

The Tour Village is in Victoria Square opposite the Hilton Hotel and well worth a visit. There are bikes to try out (bring your licence and a valid credit card), a couple of bars, food outlets and some Big Screens. I tend to start my rides from out the front of the Hilton. It’s a pretty recognisable landmark and as good a place as any to meet.

Sunday January 14 – People’s Choice Classic (7.15pm)

This is effectively the prologue to the Tour. The winner wears the Ochre Jersey for Stage 1 of the TDU. This race is held on the eastern side of the City near East Terrace and Hutt Sts. This precinct has great eateries and plenty of bars. There will be big screens and bands. It’s a fun night. To be honest I am usually doing some family stuff when this is on. I catch the highlights package or the replay later that night.

Monday January 15 – Rest Day

Well it’s a rest day for the riders, but not for you. This is prime Pro Spotting Day! The riders are generally out and about doing a flat coffee ride from the City to Henley Beach, Outer Harbour and Glenelg. Meet them at the Hilton and hang on for dear life. Take it from personal experience, they don’t stop for lights, don’t brake at roundabouts and will ride you off their wheel in the space of a hundred metres if you annoy them. Generally, I find the riders are very welcoming provided you don’t frighten them. The last thing they need it to be crashed into.

Alternatively, you could head for the Hills and get a bit of altitude in your legs. There are plenty of choices on offer. The Gorge Rd, The Corkscrew, Norton Summit, The Crafers Bikeway and Mt Lofty are all on offer and on your doorstep. Follow your nose and I am sure you will have a wonderful day.

Tuesday January 15 – Stage 1, Port Adelaide to Lyndoch (Barossa Valley)

It’s worth rolling to the start to experience the festival atmosphere of the Grand Depart. I really don’t bother chasing this stage. I will often take the family by car up to the Barossa for a nice lunch and wave the peloton by as they pass. Alternatively, you could head out there by bike. There is a separated bike path. I find it all a bit hard so I keep away on this day. For those more adventurous the KOM is on Kersbrook Rd, Humbug Scrub, about 35KM from the Hilton. If you want to see the riders, that’s as good a place as any as they will at least be riding slightly less than 50kph.

If you were so inclined you could pay a visit to the infamous Corkscrew Rd followed by the sublime Montacute Rd descent via the lower reaches of the divine Gorge Rd. The world is your Lobster. Go ride your bike.

Wednesday January 16 – Stage 2, Unley to Stirling

This is up there with Willunga Hill as my favourite Stage. Unley is a bit like the Paddington of Adelaide. Nice Cafes and Shops, pretty homes and very inner city living. Unley is a couple of kilometres South of the City and a gentle ride from the Hilton. Bring the family for Breakfast and enjoy the Peloton in all its fun. Snag some selfies and some autographs, it’s a fun morning.

The Stage commences at 11am with a 14 KM neutral zone through the City. The Peloton then disappears north east and into the Hills. Once the Peloton departs I will head for the Hills via the Crafters Bike path and then on to the Germanic township of Hahndorf to see them roll through at 12.45pm. From there I shall head on to Aldgate and ultimately Stirling for the finish. Meet up on the corner of Avenue Rd and Mt Barker Rd immediately after the finish for the ride home. You will find that the Pros ride back to the Hilton. The
ride back is a glorious 17KM downhill. I like to finish the day with a couple of tasty beverages in the tour Village.

Thursday January 17 – Stage 3, Glenelg to Victor Harbour

I reckon your best bet is to zip straight down to the KOM at Penny’s Hill Rd The Range for the Peloton’s arrival at 12.10pm. It’s almost 50 KM with a couple of decent lung busters in there to keep you honest. Call it 2 and ½ hours on the bike with an 8am departure from the Hilton. Have brekkie in the City then mount up with a view to having a coffee and an item of baked goods in McLaren Vale. Sit on the side of the Road at the KOM from about 11am and enjoy the Tour Caravan when it comes through. Once the Peloton passes through perhaps take the opportunity to have a leisurely lunch at one of McLaren Vales' famous wineries before ever so gently wending your way home.

Friday January 18 – Stage 4 and the BUPA ride, Norwood to Uraidla

This is the Community Ride day that occurs before the Pros take off at 11.30am. Basically, you have 5 hours head start. You’ll need it! What a great day this will be. One of my favourite roads in Adelaide is Gorge Rd. You get to ride it both ways you lucky buggers! I have always found this road beautiful. Remember to look up at some of the towering cliffs. The descent back down is as equally exciting. The Pros comfortably hit 100kph on the way back down. Once you have put Gorge Rd to the sword you will have to face Norton Summit. This is one of the bucket list climbs in Adelaide. It is the first time that there have been two hilltop finishes at the TDU. Norton Summit is a 5 KM climb and Woods Hill Rd has a couple of 12% hurty parts in it as a sting in the tail.

Once you are done find a shady spot to watch the Pros arrived or back track a little to see them on the final climb. I reckon the Pros will head straight back to the city via Green Hill Rd. if you have the courage to hang on it will be a wild ride down the Hill to the Hilton. Again, finish the day with a tasty beverage and tell some stories.

Saturday January 19 – Stage 5 Willunga Hill!

Yeah Baby! My favourite stage. Willunga Hill is a zoo. The riders say that they only see crowds like those on Willunga Hill in the Tour de France. Frankly, I wouldn’t know. However, I can attest to the fact that it is busy.

It’s a very pleasant 45Km to McLaren Vale with 33KM of that on a beautiful piece of separated infrastructure called the Patrick Jonker Veloway. Pull into McLaren Vale for morning tea and watch the start. Wait for the Peloton to roll through again and then we’ll ride on to Willunga Town for a nature break and another ride by of the Pros before the assault on Willunga Hill.
We’ll ride up the hill to about the 300M mark to enjoy the festive atmosphere. It’s a lot of fun and very entertaining with a good-natured crowd. Once the race is done we can roll back down the hill and regather. Some may choose to head home via the Adelaide Hills route. This will add another 20 or so kilometres to your journey plus another thousand metres of pain into your already tired legs. Alternatively, simply retrace your steps back along the Veloway. This is my preferred option. I am usually pretty tired by then anyway.

Sunday January 20 – Stage 6, The City Crit

This isn’t my favourite day. I find the whole thing a bit dull. I usually either head home or take ride up into the Hills as a last hit out. Whatever you do continue to enjoy the TDU spectacle.

See you there.


Last edited by Dougie on 25 Jul 2017, 17:16, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Stuart » 12 Jul 2017, 19:12

Great info as usual Dougie. Trouty & I are there for the week staying in town somewhere. I'll be commissioning a special #nocsg #stopSantos jersey especially for the trip. Orders taken later this year :-)

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Postby Dougie » 13 Jul 2017, 10:09

@Stuart LOL!

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Postby Jacqui » 25 Jul 2017, 21:21

Thanks for the great overview of 2018 Dougie. I'm planning to be at the tdu for the 20th anniversary.

Is anyone interested in sharing accommodation in th town?


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Postby Manny888 » 26 Jul 2017, 13:14

Hi Guys,

Looking for accommodation for TDU 2018, please contact me either if you have room or if your looking as well.

Manny 0411467655

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Postby Manny888 » 26 Jul 2017, 14:42

Hi Guys, Anyone interested in accommodation for TDU Jan 13th to 21st. Just booked a room in Mantra Hindmarsh and have room for 1 cost $900. (Same hotel as other DHBCers). Contact me if your interested.

Manny 0411467655

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Postby Dougie » 01 Nov 2017, 12:59

Hi TDUers

below from the TDU people. Please check the table and let the TDU people know if there is a problem.

Team Code: BCT109
Team Captain Name: Douglas Kirkham
Team Captain Mobile:

Team Name Order No. First Name Surname Jersey Size Start Location
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7111 William Kirkham S Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7111 Douglas Kirkham M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7543 Eleri Morgan-Thomas 3XS Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7727 David Conway M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8223 Cameron Anthes L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7902 Jeremy Laidlaw L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8225 Neil Moxham M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8233 Peter Bownes L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8437 David Judson L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8690 Bruce Fry L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8690 Elizabeth Fry XS Start 2: Gumeracha - 100km


• Make sure you check all details carefully
• If there are any team members missing please reply with their full name and order confirmation number
• If there are any changes to the team name, please make the required changes to the form in RED (please check capitalisation)
• If there are any changes to a team members jersey size, please make the required update in RED

Any changes required to the team must be received no later than 2pm ACST Tuesday 7 November 2017 to be eligible.
Last edited by Dougie on 08 Feb 2024, 13:50, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Dougie » 08 Nov 2017, 14:51

Hi TDUers

Below is the final list of the DHBC Domestiques Team. I shall collect all the Jerseys and have the available at my Hotel Reception for your collection from Wednesday afternoon. If you have any challenges please call me on

Sage Hotel 208 South Terrace, Adelaide



DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8223 Cameron Anthes L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8233 Peter Bownes L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7727 David Conway L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8872 Jonathan Coyle M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8876 Simon Duke L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8690 Bruce Fry M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8690 Elizabeth Fry 3XS Start 2: Gumeracha - 100km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8872 Laura Green 2XS Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8437 David Judson L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7111 William Kirkham S Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7111 Douglas Kirkham M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7902 Jeremy Laidlaw L Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #7543 Eleri Morgan-Thomas 3XS Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8225 Neil Moxham M Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8878 John Pagano XS Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
DHBC DOMESTIQUES #8958 Craig Williamson S Start 1: Norwood - 137.4km
Last edited by Dougie on 08 Feb 2024, 13:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Neilm » 08 Nov 2017, 19:56

thanx Dougie

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Postby davidc » 09 Nov 2017, 11:23

Thanks Douglas

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Postby Stuart » 04 Dec 2017, 17:38

Anybody interested in a No Coal Seam Gas / No Santos jersey final order being placed tomorrow. About $100
Anti Santos Jersey.jpg
Jersey Design
Anti Santos Jersey.jpg (1.03 MiB) Viewed 8446 times

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Postby Clive23 » 10 Dec 2017, 19:51

Missed out on joining a team but have entered solo.
See yee on the route.

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