DHBC members: Life Members and other accolades from Cycling NSW

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Postby marc2131 » 28 Mar 2018, 09:25

The Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club has kept a very high profile in Cycling NSW and Cycling Australia for over a century. Several key DHBC members are Life Members of Cycling NSW (ex- NSW Amateur Cyclists' Union).

1. Ferdinand 'Fred' Kaltenbach (1926). Fred advocated to admit 2 women as full club members in 1947.
2. DHBC club founder Charles 'Charlie' Paris (1932). He played a key role in the club until his death in 1950.
3. R. Sandberg (1962)
4. Claude Heathcote (1965). Claude and partner Sonia, played a key role in steering the club after the death of Paris until the 1980s. Claude died in 1982. Sonia 'retired' from club activity after 1988. She died in 2008.
5. Roy Wolstenholme (1974). Roy was a committee member and long time mentor for many juniors in the DHBC. He died in 2004.
6. Hal Summers (1977). Was the son of M'ville BC President HP Summers, who himself was made a Life Member in 1929. Hall died around 2012.

Sonia Heathcote (1921-2008) received a CNSW Medal of Merit for 50 years of service in 2001. Arthur Donnelly (1930-2013) received a similar award in 1998.
Hal Summer's father, HP Summers (Mville BC) was President of CNSW from 1941-48 and 1949-53.

For more info, contact Marc R.
NSWACU AnnualReport 1951.jpg
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