Ken Dinnerville Memorial Handicap 25th May- Don't miss this!

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 24 Mar 2008, 22:30


This handicap event is probably the premier event Sydney Cyclists (not Damian's Sydney Cyclist!) attend.

It's a 92km handicap through the beautiful undulating roads running below the tablelands near Albion Park Rail. From memory its about 3 times up and down a 15km stretch.

Be warned, this is limited to 150 riders due to traffic management limitations and the ride gets oversubscribed well in advance of the official cut off date.

Its about 1 hour 15 mins journey down, and those going should register on the thread so we can co-ordinate the drive down. As a bonus, you get to ride past the DHBC Waterfall pack cheersquad early Sunday morning on the drive down.

Last year only James M and myself entered. Let's get at least 15 of the red and black out this year!

There's hope for all levels. I was in the 'Limit' group and was chatting with Graeme Spratt as we were rolling along. He happens to be Amanda Spratt's dad and MMAS 6 and according to him, hadn't raced for 30 years until that day. Whilst I eventually got dropped from this group, it worked well and was only caught by about 2 groups from behind and he managed to take out 2nd place in the sprint!!

So, don't delay..... book in now. ... art%20List

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 25 Mar 2008, 15:14

I've registered for the Ken Dinnerville.

Eugen Schilter
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Postby Eugen Schilter » 25 Mar 2008, 17:33

I've entered too - this being the first time in three years that I manage to get ahead of the close.
Good we have Geoff, cracking the wip on us lethargic folks!

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Postby geoff m » 25 Mar 2008, 21:30

Great, so long as you all get the wip out on me when I'm racing in this thing, so I bloody finish with the group!

Again, just to give you an idea of how soon this will oversubscribe, yesterday there were only about 30 people registered, and today 46. That's 50% increase in one day with still 42 days to register. At this pace it will be booked out in about 7 more days - mark my words!

Get in now. Target 15 DHBC! (3 in - 12 to go!). ... /08142.htm

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Postby weiyun » 25 Mar 2008, 21:43

Based on your calculated rate of 50% increase/day, then it'll be full in 3 days. :P

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Postby geoff m » 25 Mar 2008, 21:49

Based on your calculated rate of 50% increase/day, then it'll be full in 3 days. :P
OK, that's why I'm in HR and don't deal in FX!

You heard the man - its official. The Weiyun Academy has modeled the outstanding days for Ken Dinnerville Memorial Event at only 3 days.

Don't delay, get in today, or miss out on this offer.

For the next 3 days only, DHBC offers all entries with an additional bonus. Register now, and yes, you will get, for no extra cost, thrown in, for free, a nice, home made cup of tea by Coral after the race.

That's right, an added bonus, for entering now. So don't delay to take advantage of this incredible offer.

Just repeating, you will get an old fashioned, traditional (no frills, no herbal *censored*, no fancy English Breakfast, etc), good old cup of tea, in a trusty girl guides plastic cup, or boy scout enamel cup, straight out of Coral's glass lined thermal flask. This is something not to miss out on!

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Postby weiyun » 25 Mar 2008, 21:58

Ummm... Awfully tempting. Who else is going? Any more course information? How competitive and how does the grading work? Not much fun if I'll get dropped in the first 1/2 of the course.

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Postby geoff m » 25 Mar 2008, 22:12


We spoke to 2 entries in last year's Ken Dinnerville Memorial Race about their experience of having a cuppa after the race.

James M - "It's one thing to race this NSW Classic, and give it your best, only to bomb out in the end. But to have the team manager's van pick you up, and crack open one of Coral's legendary cups of tea, in the original enamel (rumoured to have been donated in our foundation year and handed down), this was the moment I remember about this event. Not the hardships, not the let downs, not the pressure, and not letting the peleton slip ahead - it was all about the cuppa" (James is now writing a cycling book titled "It's all about the cuppa")

Geoff M - "I was quite happy spinning along with the group speaking with Graeme Spratt, thinking how I was in with a chance. All was going well, when we climbed up the legendary ankle snapping hill for the second time when I pass the DHBC Team Managers Van on top of the hill with the specatators.

I suddenly saw Al crack open one of Coral's legendary flasks, pour it into an enamel cup, and dip his milk arrowroot biscuit into it. The sight and the wiff of that 'oh so lovely' smell of real, Sri Lankan tea, without Geneticially Modified scents or infused bloody herbs was enough for me...... I was off the back of that Peleton quicker that you could pull the bibnicks from your bum crack...."

In 2 minutes I was sitting in the back of the van, sipping on Al's tea, whilst he charged on down the road, heading towards the finish line to catch the finish, with Coral yelling at him to slow down, or to dodge the dropped riders, and to stop drafting the scratchies group.

We got to the end, to see Graeme come 2nd, when I realised I should have been standing on the podium as well.

Ah, well - with such a cuppa from the Team DHBC Van - who wants to finish the race anyway"

These 2 accounts are some of the reasons why you new ones should join in on a Road Open to experience the reasons why this club not only races, but has fun, and has tradition.
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Eugen Schilter
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Postby Eugen Schilter » 25 Mar 2008, 22:14

It's an absolute boon if you have no 'track (not the 333m thing) record'. You will be graded by the NSW handicapper and for sure you get a start in an early group.
In one respect handicaps are better: in the the first half of the race you do not have to deal with the heavyweights and get a good workout with peers. In fact you have a good chance to get some really exhilirating 'through and off' riding, such as you normally only get if you are stong enough to get yourself into a large and committed break.

exactly in handicaps; suchoch as Hnadicaps

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 25 Mar 2008, 22:23

Ummm... Awfully tempting. Who else is going? Any more course information? How competitive and how does the grading work? Not much fun if I'll get dropped in the first 1/2 of the course.
Weiyun - I'm no handicapper (nor good at modelling entry numbers) but I reckon you would be 'at limit' the first bunch to depart. This will be about 20 riders of similar ability working together to keep the next 6 or 7 groups chasing them at bay.

You have all the capability to go the full distance with your group over about 2.5 hours. Even if you don't and get dropped, you will probably have a good long ride, learn some good techniques with a working bunch, and be wiser and ready for the Coota races. But I reckon you will stick it out.

Anyway, if you do start to drop back, time it for the top of the ankle snapping hill, where you know you can just pack you're bike in the back of Al's van, and ask Coral to crack open one of her flasks of tea, sit back and relax.

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Postby weiyun » 25 Mar 2008, 22:27

No track record, eh? ;)

Ok, I'll take a look at my calendar and family commitments.

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Postby weiyun » 25 Mar 2008, 22:30

'At limit'? Meaning? I'll be struggling to tag along or need to put in a fair share of pull?

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Postby geoff m » 25 Mar 2008, 22:39

'At limit'? Meaning? I'll be struggling to tag along or need to put in a fair share of pull?
"At Limit" are those with the biggest handicap, and depart in one group first. Then (depending on the race, handicaps, distance, etc), about every 6 minutes for about 36 minutes, the next slowest bunch leaves, then the next, until you get to the second fastest group (a.k.a 'chopping block'), followed by the mega serious "Scratchies" group (not named after saddle rash syndrome).

The beauty of this race is that each bunch works as one team against the other teams. You are no use to the team exhausted, and so it is encouraged that you take a rest at the back in a pocket of air about 2 metres behind the rotating parallel paceline. You can sit there as long as it takes. The stronger the riders and the bigger the number, the faster the whole group will go. So 'resting' is well encouraged.

The other interesting factor is that groups tend to merge with each other towards the end of the race, depending on how well they have ridden as teams and how good a job the handicapper has done. This makes it interesting.

Basically, all the peoople in your group are your friends. You need them to keep those groups behind you at bay, and to chase down the groups in front of you (except the Limit Group). If you happen to still be in the leading group or groups at the end of the race, then, and only then, do they become your enemies as you work out your tactics of how to break away from them or outsprint them.

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Postby T-Bone » 25 Mar 2008, 22:43

With all this pressure, i've put my entry in. Entry count was 55.

I did enter last year, but was out of action due to that training crash, and i think James C pulled out with knee issues.

Still have to decide if i'll be doing Blayney as i just noticed the entry is $65 which is a bit excessive in my opinion, but that's for the other thread.

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Postby geoff m » 25 Mar 2008, 22:54

Read these results and check out the scoreboard for the 2005 race for another reminder why this is traditional for all DHBC riders to get out there and enter this race. ... /05094.htm

Lindsay, do you still have the Mercury article on this? Can it be posted? (I have a PDF copy but have buckly's clue in how to post)

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Postby weiyun » 25 Mar 2008, 23:02

Thanks for the encouragements and explanations.

Ok, I am in too. Blxxdy hell, this'll be my first road race. :shock:

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Postby geoff m » 26 Mar 2008, 13:14

Good on ya Weiyun,

That's the hardest step to take, now you will become a road racing junkie.

You make number 5 of DHBC. Target of 15, with 10 to go.

At 2pm Tuesday, 58 riders have entered. What's the Weiyun Academy estimate now to full subscription of this event. How many more days or hours to go?

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Postby micklan » 26 Mar 2008, 15:44

I'd be interested to go in this - but am on a real learning curve re; fitness level required, race format, gradings. I'm in MAS3, so is Weiyun, but he faster than me by a fair shot

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Postby weiyun » 26 Mar 2008, 16:01

Like Heffron, they would grade by ability, unrelated to age.

The good news is that the race is in late May, plenty of time for some structured training. Also, I like the fact that it's relatively close to Sydney and is no more than a 3/4 day commitment.

I didn't find a course map but understand it's 3 laps of a 30km course with a hill in the middle. Given it's coastal below the big rise, the climb should be somewhat manageable. But it would be good to hear what Geoff has to say about it. If you come, I think we'll have at least three in the bunch and can work together as a team. I'll also be on the noob learning curve.

Geoff, your data feed is getting out of sync. Doesn't compute. :roll:

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Postby geoff m » 26 Mar 2008, 21:23

Mick - I went in this last year and lasted half the distance before being dropped. At that stage I was still in E grade equiv at Heffron and chasing an elusive win.

I was a bit disappointed as I believe I was dropped from a lapse in mental concentration, rather than physical form, and when I realised it, it was too late.

I reckon Mick you would be fine. Even if you managed 25% of the distance with the group, you will feel its worth it.

Put it this way - did you go into E Grade straight into the sprints, or do you get there by the learning, and growing, from the early days of being dropped?

At worst, it will be like E grade in your early days. At best, you'll stay with the slowest group the whole way! As Weiyun said, you have more than 8 weeks to train. If you do, and based on the rate of improvement recently, I surely will end up sucking your wheel!

Wieyun, the hill is short but steep hence the term 'ankle snapper'. Maybe 200 to 300 metres only. But with the right pace and a few endorphins, its not a problem.

Put it this way. Last year the two times I went up the hill with the group, I stayed with them without a worry - and I'm a heavy guy.

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Postby T-Bone » 26 Mar 2008, 21:32

That's right, don't worry about being dropped. I spent plenty of races getting dropped when i first started going to opens, and even now it's tough to finish with the leading bunch in handicaps.

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Postby weiyun » 26 Mar 2008, 21:39

Geoff, how steep was the hill? And what about the rest of the course? Flat small rolling coastal hills? Is there a course map somewhere?

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Postby weiyun » 26 Mar 2008, 21:44

Ok, I've found the answer on the route. ... innerville ... e-Memorial

The other question is, is there a food/water stop? How much water did you guys carry for the race? Did you carry snacks?

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Postby micklan » 27 Mar 2008, 06:52

No worries - Registered - cheers

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Postby weiyun » 27 Mar 2008, 07:00

Brilliant! It'll be a fun race. :lol:

I note that Simon is also in and that makes 7 altogether so far.

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Postby FAswad » 27 Mar 2008, 08:46

I have just signed up for this too.

Have been real lazy recently, and hopefully, this is motivation to get real fit.

See you there.

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 27 Mar 2008, 08:49

Yeah I thought why not, 90kms in Dapto instead of 80kms to waterfall..

It's been a few years since I"ve raced it. It's a really good race, nice and scenic and not too difficult. I"m not really penciling it in as a race to win, just a nice day out with the boys to support the club, but if I"m in the bunch at the end I"ll definitely try and figure in the sprint...

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Postby weiyun » 27 Mar 2008, 08:55

That makes 8 and equal second largest participating club with Northern Sydney.

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Postby williamd » 27 Mar 2008, 16:42

I'm thinking about it.

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Postby geoff m » 27 Mar 2008, 19:08

Ok, I've found the answer on the route. ... innerville ... e-Memorial

The other question is, is there a food/water stop? How much water did you guys carry for the race? Did you carry snacks?
Depends on the individual. Probably only need two pieces of food such as bars, gel, banana, or mix of these. Two bottles should last. Al will be there on top of the hill, so you could always have one spare and give him the signal as you go down the hill and pick up from him later when you go back over it.

Or just get off ya bike and have a cuppa with Milk Arrowroot Buiscuit with Al and Coral.

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Postby geoff m » 27 Mar 2008, 19:09

I'm thinking about it.
He who hesitates is lost!!!!

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Postby geoff m » 27 Mar 2008, 19:11

Start List
72 Competitors
JM19, 2 Competitors
U/23, 1 Competitor
Elite Men, 28 Competitors
Elite Women, 2 Competitors
MMAS2, 16 Competitors
MMAS3, 11 Competitors
MMAS4, 6 Competitors
MMAS5, 3 Competitors
MMAS6, 1 Competitor
MMAS7, 2 Competitors


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Postby mikesbytes » 27 Mar 2008, 20:23

Depends on the individual. Probably only need two pieces of food such as bars, gel, banana, or mix of these. Two bottles should last. Al will be there on top of the hill, so you could always have one spare and give him the signal as you go down the hill and pick up from him later when you go back over it.

Or just get off ya bike and have a cuppa with Milk Arrowroot Buiscuit with Al and Coral.
What about Macca's?

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Postby williamd » 27 Mar 2008, 20:32

Alright how do you register.

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Postby weiyun » 27 Mar 2008, 21:16

Get on Cycling NSW's site and click on "Event Entry" in the left margin, and then "Online Entry". Supply your membership details to login and then select the event/s you want to enter. Pay with your CC and voila!

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Postby williamd » 27 Mar 2008, 22:14

I have entered so now there are 9.

I'm only going for the Coral 's tea and Milk Arrowroot biscuit.

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Postby wallman » 28 Mar 2008, 09:19

I've just entered as well.

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Postby geoff m » 28 Mar 2008, 12:00

This is great guys. Really starting to become a great club competitive day out.

10 of us in - can we get another 5?

82 people now registered, so will close very soon.

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Postby T-Bone » 28 Mar 2008, 13:11

What about Macca's?
There's always time for a Macca's stop on the drive home!!

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Postby williamd » 28 Mar 2008, 17:55

Mike said What about Macca's?

I would rather eat a dapto dog instead.

89 registered and growing.

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Postby williamd » 28 Mar 2008, 18:03

Weiyun said on tuesday a 50% increase each day in 3 days it will be full.

Weiyun you did not allow for the slowing down factor. Only 89 today.

Any further bets.

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Postby weiyun » 28 Mar 2008, 18:41

Weiyun said on tuesday a 50% increase each day in 3 days it will be full.

Weiyun you did not allow for the slowing down factor. Only 89 today.
Nay, I blame the sudden loss of momentum on that sub-prime credit thingy. Totally beyond my control. :?

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Postby micklan » 28 Mar 2008, 20:06

yeah and that negative gearing thingo :P

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Postby mikesbytes » 28 Mar 2008, 20:10

Have you factored in the "last minute" entries.

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Postby weiyun » 28 Mar 2008, 20:48

Have you factored in the "last minute" entries.
Given the history of this race and entry pattern, it'll be more like "last month" entries. :roll:

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Postby mikesbytes » 28 Mar 2008, 20:53

When do entries close?

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Postby weiyun » 28 Mar 2008, 21:15

When do entries close?
As GeoffM reiterated, it's not when it closes but when the numbers get filled. There's a limit of 150 riders and will get filled soon.

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Postby geoff m » 28 Mar 2008, 21:16

It'll be another 60 riders or 11th May, whichever comes first.

I would say another 60 riders some time next week, rather than 11th May, although we will need to confer with the good professors of the Weiyun Academy for a recalculation on the trajectory of closed subsrciption.

Start List
90 Competitors
JM19, 4 Competitors
U/23, 1 Competitor
Elite Men, 32 Competitors
Elite Women, 3 Competitors
MMAS2, 19 Competitors
MMAS3, 11 Competitors
MMAS4, 7 Competitors
MMAS5, 5 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 2 Competitors
MMAS8, 1 Competitor

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Postby geoff m » 28 Mar 2008, 21:20

Actually get in quick. There are some rumours going around about Astana putting in 11 riders into the Ken Dinnerville. If we can all subscribe soon, this will avoid competetion against Contador, Leipeimer and Kloden.

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Postby weiyun » 28 Mar 2008, 21:56

Geoff, based on the entry numbers of the last few days,

24th (day 1) 30
25th (day 2) 58
27th (day 4) 72
28th (day 5) 90

Linear regression analysis of the data points would give,

Entries = 13.4 Day + 22.3 (r=0.9663)

So we can expect it to reach full entry quota of 150 on day 9.5 ie, In 4 days time.

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Postby williamd » 28 Mar 2008, 22:02

Geoff wrote

He who hesitates is lost :?

Mike wrote when do entries close 8)

On my calculations there are only 60 places left out of 150.

Weiyun had calculated on Tuesday that the remaining places would be taken up by today.

I estimate that you will be lucky to get a place by next Friday.

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Postby T-Bone » 28 Mar 2008, 22:49

My bet is with sometime during the week after next (wk begining 6/4). I believe the slowing down of entries will carry it far enough.

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Postby mcrkennedy » 29 Mar 2008, 21:54

The idea of a cup of tea at the top of the hill is too much. I have signed up. Hopefully I will get over the mountain twice! Eight weeks should be enough to get me into some reasonable fitness. It is a good target to work towards.

I think I am the only MMAS5 cat rider from DBHC so far. I see there are two MMAS6 rider from DHBC.

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Postby weiyun » 29 Mar 2008, 21:59

The actual race category isn't age based.

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Postby williamd » 30 Mar 2008, 18:02

Hey Michael K

I was wondering what all that early morning training along Hawthorne Parade was for.

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Postby Huw » 30 Mar 2008, 20:37

I've entered.

25th May is my birthday - do you reckon I might score a second cuppa from Coral?

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Postby geoff m » 30 Mar 2008, 20:51

This is good.....very good....12 of us which is over 10% of the field. Looks like the 'Limit bunch' will be quite big, with quite a few of us. Just like a club ride.

Start List
103 Competitors
JM19, 4 Competitors
U/23, 1 Competitor
Elite Men, 37 Competitors
Elite Women, 4 Competitors
MMAS2, 22 Competitors
MMAS3, 11 Competitors
MMAS4, 8 Competitors
MMAS5, 7 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 3 Competitors
MMAS8, 1 Competitor

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Postby williamd » 30 Mar 2008, 23:27

If anyone needs a lift down to the event please let me know.

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Postby mikesbytes » 31 Mar 2008, 08:57

If anyone needs a lift down to the event please let me know.
OK, I've entered and I need a lift, so I'll take you up on that Bill - thanks

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Postby williamd » 31 Mar 2008, 12:12

It will be a pleasure Mike.

I will even bring a pot of tea and milk arrowroot biscuits.

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Postby mikesbytes » 31 Mar 2008, 12:14

It will be a pleasure Mike.

I will even bring a pot of tea and milk arrowroot biscuits.
Thanks Bill, can we stop by at Macca's on the way down? BTW, I've PM'ed you on another topic.

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Postby geoff m » 31 Mar 2008, 12:14

Start List
118 Competitors
JM19, 4 Competitors
U/23, 2 Competitors
Elite Men, 45 Competitors
Elite Women, 5 Competitors
MMAS2, 23 Competitors
MMAS3, 12 Competitors
MMAS4, 9 Competitors
MMAS5, 9 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 3 Competitors
MMAS8, 1 Competitor

Only 32 positions left! Should see this sold out by Wed.

13 DHBC riders in. Last call? Can we get 2 more.

We should all check once closed as to who is going down by car, van etc.

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Postby micklan » 31 Mar 2008, 12:22

OK - I will drive my Ute down. Thus I've one seat available, but the potential to take multiple bikes if I can: build, insert a kind of multi bike wheel slot to ute tray (the wood thingys we use for spin training will do it)
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Postby weiyun » 31 Mar 2008, 12:46

I have a spare bike rack on my car too. But given it's 2 months away, we should re-confer closer to the date.

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Postby geoff m » 31 Mar 2008, 21:38

Start List
133 Competitors
JM19, 5 Competitors
JW19, 1 Competitor
U/23, 3 Competitors
Elite Men, 49 Competitors
Elite Women, 5 Competitors
MMAS2, 27 Competitors
MMAS3, 13 Competitors
MMAS4, 9 Competitors
MMAS5, 10 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 3 Competitors
MMAS8, 1 Competitor
WMAS3, 2 Competitors

17 spots left! Will be all gone by tomorrow!

2 more to go from DHBC.

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Postby weiyun » 31 Mar 2008, 22:08

Start List
133 Competitors

17 spots left! Will be all gone by tomorrow!
Looks like the linear regression analysis done last week was reflective of the ongoing trend. Tuesday/Wednesday.

Even one MMAS8. Impressive!

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Postby weiyun » 01 Apr 2008, 12:48

143 sign ups at Tues lunch time. Last call...

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Postby williamd » 01 Apr 2008, 16:13

Mike said ' Can we stop at Macca's on the way down.

Reply 'Not on my dead dingos donga.'

Do you want me to get dropped in the race.

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Postby weiyun » 01 Apr 2008, 17:03

Macca is good to load up those race winning carbo and glucose.

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Postby T-Bone » 01 Apr 2008, 17:53

There's no better pre-race food than a couple of nice Bacon and Egg McMuffins..... well nothing that requires less effort.

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Apr 2008, 18:04

There's no better pre-race food than a couple of nice Bacon and Egg McMuffins..... well nothing that requires less effort.
Yip, when I go to Macca's that's what I eat 3 Bacon and Egg McMuffins.

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Apr 2008, 18:14

There's no better pre-race food than a couple of nice Bacon and Egg McMuffins..... well nothing that requires less effort.
Yip, when I go to Macca's that's what I eat 3 Bacon and Egg McMuffins.

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 01 Apr 2008, 21:02

Start List
153 Competitors
JM19, 7 Competitors
JW19, 1 Competitor
U/23, 3 Competitors
Elite Men, 53 Competitors
Elite Women, 7 Competitors
MMAS2, 29 Competitors
MMAS3, 16 Competitors
MMAS4, 11 Competitors
MMAS5, 12 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 5 Competitors
MMAS8, 2 Competitors
WMAS3, 2 Competitors

Yep, the Weiyun Academy got its projections right!!

Traditionally CNSW have let this go to about 165 because about 10% of people will pull out for various reasons (such as head injuries in the preceeding month James F!)

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Postby micklan » 01 Apr 2008, 21:16

people will pull out for various reasons (such as head injuries in the preceeding month James F!)
lol (the comment, not James)

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Postby williamd » 02 Apr 2008, 13:12

Mike said he has 3 bacon and egg muffins when he goes to Maccas.

Be carefull with all those preservatives.

Geoff said there will be a lot of people pull out of the race for reasons such as head injuries.

I would rather break a leg.

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Postby mikesbytes » 02 Apr 2008, 13:15

Mike said he has 3 bacon and egg muffins when he goes to Maccas.

Be carefull with all those preservatives.
It's the preservatives that are slowing down the decaying process.

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Postby williamd » 02 Apr 2008, 16:20

That why you fly up the hills.

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Postby geoff m » 02 Apr 2008, 23:10

Entrants have closed.

We have 13 from DHBC which is great. Biggest race participation I've seen in 4 years, so probably best in at least 10 years.

I spoke to Al tonight to make sure he is going down to the race, so I wouldn't be accused of false advertising. I've asked him to ensure the cup of tea tradition continues.

Geoff to Al - "Al, you've gotta make sure you're there on top of the hill with Coral and her tea brewed in case anyone wants to call it a day and stop by for tea"

Al to Geoff - "I'll be there alright. They'll get a good boot up their arse! I'll make sure of that"

(This is a true conversation of about 4 hours ago)

Oh well, it was a good image to get you newbies to register. Now that you've paid up, should come clean and tell the truth.

Start List
164 Competitors
JM19, 7 Competitors
JW19, 1 Competitor
U/23, 3 Competitors
Elite Men, 56 Competitors
Elite Women, 8 Competitors
MMAS2, 30 Competitors
MMAS3, 18 Competitors
MMAS4, 14 Competitors
MMAS5, 13 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 5 Competitors
MMAS8, 2 Competitors
WMAS3, 2 Competitors

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Postby weiyun » 03 Apr 2008, 02:09

Geoff, thanks for the early encouragements to enter the race. But for the latest "truth", I'll hold you responsible! :twisted:

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Postby micklan » 03 Apr 2008, 07:13

don't forgot Geoffs in this race as well... :idea:

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Postby weiyun » 03 Apr 2008, 07:37

GeoffS is also in? Great!

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 Apr 2008, 07:55

don't forgot Geoffs in this race as well... :idea:
I don't see Geoffs in the start list

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Postby geoff m » 03 Apr 2008, 12:26

Mike, that's because you're looking MMAS 4 and beyond!

Try MMAS 3.

THanks Weiyun - Al has his boot equally reserved for me if i deserve it too.

Tea and bickies will still be available after the event. The picture of me and James M last year is not faked.

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 Apr 2008, 12:34

I can see you Geoff M, but I can't see Geoffs. Perhaps some confusion, Geoffs lives in Ashbury and has the Tiatainum bike. Also rides a Tandem with his good lady. ... art%20List

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Postby micklan » 03 Apr 2008, 16:14

I can see you Geoff M, but I can't see Geoffs. Perhaps some confusion, Geoffs lives in Ashbury and has the Tiatainum bike. Also rides a Tandem with his good lady. ... art%20List
You've been out in the sun Mike - Geoff's wheel is the place to be
Last edited by micklan on 03 Apr 2008, 17:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby williamd » 03 Apr 2008, 16:37

Hey Geoff

I thought I was going to get a cup of tea from Al but looks like it may be a kick up the arse instead if I stop before the end of the race.

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Postby weiyun » 03 Apr 2008, 16:39

Sound like that we have a club team motivator!

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 Apr 2008, 21:10

You've been out in the sun Mike - Geoff's wheel is the place to be
Still can't see Geoff Sermon


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Postby micklan » 03 Apr 2008, 21:18


Still can't see Geoff Sermon

Mike I give you a little data and there you go mining again, like open cut, lucky i gave you an S or you would be mining all Geoffs in the book

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Postby mcrkennedy » 04 Apr 2008, 14:59

I might need to get some extra padding as I was looking at a cuppa after about 2 laps. I will need to do some extra extra training.

From a cost benefit view, which will hurt more, staying with the bunch or Al size 9's?

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Postby mikesbytes » 04 Apr 2008, 15:01

Perhaps Al could put the cuppa in a water bottle and hand them out in feed bags as we go past.

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Postby weiyun » 04 Apr 2008, 16:48

Perhaps Al could put the cuppa in a water bottle and hand them out in feed bags as we go past.
Important issue here. Can we pick up water along the way?

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Postby T-Bone » 04 Apr 2008, 20:44

Nope, no feed zones. Though really you should be able to survice 90km on 2 bidons, and if not, put another in your jersey pocket to be thrown off along the way.

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Postby geoff m » 15 May 2008, 13:41

Guys its time to organise lifts down.

The following people are scheduled to ride:

James F (our new Road Captain - Congratulations)
Simon L
Matthew W
Michael L
Geoff M - me
Michael C
Michael K
Bill D

Please note on this forum if you can take people in your car/van and how many. Protocol is for those receiving a lift to share petrol costs.

Takes about 1.5 hours to get there. Best to leave around 7am. Get dressed and sign on by 9.00am.

We want a group photo at 9.00am given the size of our participation!

Then you will want at least 30 mins warmup. Limit bunch will need to be ready 9.50am for 10.00 start (these will be displayed when you sign on).

Al will be going with Coral as well, and they can take about 4 people/bikes.

Coral's special last weekend was Anzac Bickies and ovalteen. Eugen actually brought Milk Arrowroot. Al complained when she gave these out to us before the race as he felt we would have the energy edge over him and do better than him (it worked!).

Please note. You must wear either a DHBC Jersey and plain black nicks, or neutral colours. No advertising should be worn outside of club approved advertising (which we don't have anyway). See if you can get a jersey from Lindsay if you don't have one and the size is still available, or borrow from one of the other club members for that day.

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 15 May 2008, 14:06

Nope, no feed zones. Though really you should be able to survice 90km on 2 bidons, and if not, put another in your jersey pocket to be thrown off along the way.
I didn't even manage to use one biddon over the 80km race on Sunday. Essentially it only equates to a couple of hours of riding..

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Postby geoff m » 15 May 2008, 14:12

Oh,,,,, don't forget your licence as well. No licence means you will be making the Ovaltine with Coral.

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Postby micklan » 15 May 2008, 14:16

Takes about 1.5 hours to get there. Best to leave around 7am. Get dressed and sign on by 9.00am.
I can take x 1 passenger & bicycle in my lpg ute. Pick up at Mick Mazza's 7am.
Can take extra bikes if required.

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Postby Adrian E » 15 May 2008, 16:07

I'll take that seat if its ok.

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Postby micklan » 15 May 2008, 16:24

no prob - c u at 7am - MM. 25th

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Postby geoff m » 15 May 2008, 18:00

Ok - just to be fair to all, let's get supply side worked out first, before we match the demand.

Adrian, if we can get you into a ute, we will try.

First stage let's see who has what available, for how many people and where is the preferred departure point.

Also, for drivers, it could be worth ceremoniously going via General Homes drive, through to Captain Cook Bridge and up Taren Point Road waiving the red and black jersey out the window as you pass our training bunches.

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