Heffron 12 April

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Postby micklan » 11 Apr 2008, 12:28

At this stage I plan to go for E grade - will meet Bill at 12.45pm Kendrick Park, Tempe, Princess Hwy crossing

Any others?

START TIMES (Thanks Bill)
As of Saturday 12 April and onwards, racing times will be as follows:
Juniors start at 1pm. Seniors E & F grades will start at 2pm and A, B, C & D grades will start at 3pm.

Forecast for Saturday
Fine. :wink: Partly cloudy. Light northwest winds tending moderate northeast in the afternoon.

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Postby mikesbytes » 11 Apr 2008, 13:36

I should be there

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Postby mcrkennedy » 11 Apr 2008, 14:40

I Plann to be there.

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 11 Apr 2008, 14:41

I've just got to say that's a pretty tame Lionel Cox statement you've used Micklan. You've probably done well to find something without an expletive, I've though many times of putting in a more humerous statement he has made but none are ever suitable for family viewing!!!

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Postby micklan » 11 Apr 2008, 14:50

I've just got to say that's a pretty tame Lionel Cox statement you've used Micklan.
affirmative...i guess there's plenty...if he hears I reckon I might get another one

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Postby Toff » 11 Apr 2008, 18:34

I hope to come down for D grade tomorrow. Anyone riding down?

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Postby mikesbytes » 11 Apr 2008, 19:15

I'm riding down

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Postby othy » 11 Apr 2008, 20:09

Well I'm now paid up for my race licence and will be there tomorrow. After discussing it with Lindsay I will be racing E grade. He has contacted RBCC in case they think I'm some kind of "burgler".

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Postby mikesbytes » 11 Apr 2008, 20:30

Well I'm now paid up for my race licence and will be there tomorrow. After discussing it with Lindsay I will be racing E grade. He has contacted RBCC in case they think I'm some kind of "burgler".
New you couldn't wait until October.

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Postby micklan » 11 Apr 2008, 20:35

I hope to come down for D grade tomorrow. Anyone riding down?
yeah 12.45 at the lights. but the your in D grade starts later

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Postby micklan » 12 Apr 2008, 18:06

Bill and I rode over to Heffron, Bill turned left into me at a round about and nearly knocked me off my bike, further Bill got a flat tyre mid race and also broke his glasses.

E Grade report
I came 1st followed by Keiran Bull (RBCC/FRF), in an excellent ride on his behalf. It was Keiran and I out front for the race, Keiran politely offered to take turns in the front on the straight - what a fine young rider!
Tim from DHBC came 3rd, Bill, Michael Kennedy, and Stretch were also in there.
A grassy knoll was spotted, (sorry but Heffron's full of them), by Beanzy in Mr Kennedy's blocking role. I assured that was not the strategy. The wind was pretty mild, fine weather and in other grades there were several other DH riders today.

Welcome to D grade :shock:

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Postby wallman » 12 Apr 2008, 18:22

As Mick said D grade was chockers with DHBC today. The blokes at sign-on asked me if I wanted to go up a grade but I declined and said I wanted to finish on the podium before I went anywhere.

After last week's frustration I kept off the front till the 8th lap then kept a close eye on the contenders in the front half dozen or so for the rest of the race. With a couple of laps to go a guy appeared at second wheel looking very fresh and pretty confident so I stuck myself behind him.

The front 4 of us cleared out on the finishing straight and I steamed past the first two for a very stylish and well deserved victory!

In other news that flat I got on the way home has eaten my last spare tube so if I flat tomorrow on the way to Waterfall someone's going to have to spot me. I promise I'll buy the lucky lender a new tube with my winnings!


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Postby othy » 12 Apr 2008, 19:46

E Grade

This was my very first race so I didn't know what to expect. Lindsay suggested E grade so I spent some time looking up what the average speed to expect was on the RBCC website. It was faster then the average speed I have seen on most of my regular rides, so the nerves were already setting in.

I started last night making adjustments to my bike to make it look less like a commuter. I flipped the stem and put it down a few notches, positioning is a bit more like my track bike now. Removed my lights, saddle bag and all other unnecessary items (in hindsight I should have dropped my water bottles as I didn't have time to think about drinking). Got up early this morning (not slowies early) and cleaned and oiled my chain then took it for a few laps of the block - everything was running pretty smooth and I was pleased with my new position on the bike.

I drove to Heffron park as I had never been there and my wife wanted to come and watch my first race (more pressure!). We got there very early at 1pm and I was the first Senior rider around. Sat and watched the juniors do their races. Michael and Bill turned up shortly after and we all proceeded to sign up for the race.

Michael then gave me a few tips as we went around the track doing a warm-up lap. I then did a second lap and tried some of the corners at speed as I'd never been to Heffron Park before. This was a little daunting and I just kept telling myself what I'd been told - trust the bike and the tyres.

At the start of the race I positioned myself near the other DHBC riders - there were 5 of us in E grade. The start was called by Beanzy and we moved off the line. It took me 3 goes to get my foot in the pedal which I put down to being so nervous. The pace was reasonable and I found the biggest bloke in the bunch to sit behind. My strategy, if you could call it that, was to try and stay in second wheel as long as possible and not spend more then a lap on the front, which given the number of riders in the race seemed fair.

It was all blown almost immediately when Michael and the young guy took off in a breakaway. This was very early in the race and they weren't caught by the bunch. I don't really know what happened between then and the last lap, we all just rode around watching the breakaway stay at least 100m away, with no one wanting to chase them down. There was some excitement when a football rolled across the track and a few unleashed dogs dangerously close to the side.

It then became a race between the main peloton. At one stage guy whose wheel I was sitting on rode off into the grass in what I believe was a move to shake me. He was right, I didn't follow.

On the last lap Michael Kennedy (we've only just met, I think this is right), did a good spell on the front for most of the lap. Coming over the 'pimples' I believe they are called I decided to take an early sprint but everyone stuck on my wheel and was right there for the last corner. Coming down the final straight I started sprinting right out of the corner, which was far to early. I blew up with about 70m to go, completely expecting to be overtaken, but rolled across the line doing about 25km/h. The other riders must have tried to come with me in the sprint and also suffered the same fate, I'm not quite sure what happened.

I then spent the next 5 minutes lying on the ground. I think warm-down laps are over-rated.

Overall, it was a very unexpected 3rd place. I hit a new maximum heart rate the in final sprint - 197 bpm. Well done to Michael for his first victory, he did it almost all by himself (the skinny kid wouldn't have offered much drafting advantage!).

Here is the lap data from my computer. The distance includes my warm up laps (not shown) -

Code: Select all

Time Distance Split time Split distance Split speed Speed chg. last Speed vs avg. Avg. HR Avg. cadence 14:57 6.14 4:37 2.07 26.9 -0.59 -3.21 158 (82%) 89.1 18:43 8.14 3:46 2.00 31.7 4.89 1.68 176 (91%) 83.8 22:17 10.18 3:33 2.04 34.4 2.69 4.37 184 (95%) 99.3 26:02 12.19 3:45 2.01 32.2 -2.26 2.12 176 (91%) 94.6 29:53 14.20 3:52 2.01 31.1 -1.05 1.06 172 (89%) 85.4 33:33 16.20 3:40 2.01 32.8 1.71 2.77 180 (93%) 90.2 37:19 18.23 3:45 2.02 32.2 -0.63 2.15 183 (94%) 93.4 41:16 20.24 3:57 2.02 30.6 -1.60 0.55 177 (91%) 91.2 45:09 22.28 3:52 2.03 31.6 0.94 1.49 178 (92%) 88.9 48:43 24.28 3:35 2.01 33.6 2.03 3.53 184 (95%) 92.9

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Postby mikesbytes » 12 Apr 2008, 21:46

Mikes report.

I'm still affected by that bug that doesn't want to go away and being a cross trainer, loosing training days can make things rather difficult. The end result was that I had to do my my heavy weight lifting on Friday, which didn't give me the 48 hours gap between heavy weights and racing that I should have. Enough weights nerd talk, on to the bike racing nerd talk.

I started the race with quite sore glutes and was glad to have a few laps with the pace not being too high. Some young skinny kid went off the front and after a lap or so the bunch hadn't caught up, so I decided to bridge the gap to him, but by the time I got to him, he was beat and the pack caught us. A couple of laps later I decided to go off the front and go about 20mtrs, I settled into a time trail pace but the pack didn't appreciate me being out there and filled the gap.

Might have the order out, but Chris feel off the back, if you had seen what he ate for lunch on Friday you would understand. There was an attack at the front and the new guy, with the short black hair, sorry I've forgotten your name and I was dropped. I spoke to him and said, keep going, they will slow down around the back. Then I sped up and tacked myself back on the to the pack.

At some point I did another jump off the front and the young skinny guy then overtook me and went in front of me and I thought "If you want to do the work, your welcome to it"

Christian was starting to annoy me with his continuous riding at the front of the pack, I said to Geoff "I'll go and speak to Christian about not doing so much work at the front" Then Geoff fell of the back, so I moved up to speak to Christian but my pace felt good, so I went past with a good pace. after about 1/2 a lap I realised that the entire pack was on my back, so I pulled up and Christian went pas and said "is that it" rather funny and we were back to Christian doing the work.

Last lap and you guessed it Christian was on the front. I was 3rd and 4th wheel for the lap and I was waiting for a hot head to come wizzing past so I could grab his wheel, but no hot head came past. I had a cramp in my left calf so decided to do the sprint seated. There were 3 riders side by side, Matt being one of them and the 4th rider behind them with me on his wheel and that's where I came. In hindsight I should of stood up, but that's racing and at the end of the day it was 5th for me, which is a good result considering I'm not 100%.

Congratulations to Michael, Tim and Matt. That's 2 first ever victories and one first ever podium.

BTW, there should be plenty of photos on my camera, I took photos of E grade and Stretch took photos of D and C grade, send me a PM and I'll forward them.

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Postby weiyun » 12 Apr 2008, 21:54

Wow, you guys are doing great! Congrats to everyone.

Mike, is there one race in the past 6 months you didn't cramp up? And it seemed that every time you cramp up, you end up finishing with the leading sprint bunch. I want some of your cramps too! :P

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Postby mikesbytes » 12 Apr 2008, 22:00

Good point Weiyun, this time the cramp was minor compared with the other times.

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Postby williamd » 12 Apr 2008, 23:12

Congratulation to Michael L for 1st in E grade,Tim for 3rd and Matt for first in D grade.

I was a bit disappointed with my result and couldn't figure out why I couldn't pull a higher gear down the straight. When I got over the line I checked the rear tyre and it felt like it had only 20PSI. I was lucky to finish the race.
At least I caught and passed two Randwick riders, who thought they had the better of me, to the finish line.

I'll be back.

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Postby T-Bone » 12 Apr 2008, 23:25

Unlike everyone else, i was all alone in C grade. Nothing much happened, plenty of half hearted attacks trying to get the better of the bunch. I rode on the front a fair bit trying to keep the pace high so people didn't get too much of a rest, though at one point i was almost dropped when riders behind yelled keep left and suddenly half the bunch was sprinting past me. I got back on fairly quickly when the inevitable easing up occured. At the finish my lack of training didn't leave me with enough power to contend, so i just cruised to the line as usual at the back of the bunch.

Hopefully i'll get some company in 2 weeks (working next saturday).

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Postby christian » 13 Apr 2008, 14:43

I've really got to stop doing so much work, I need to learn how to just sit back and follow. That way I might have something left when it comes down to the sprint.

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Postby mikesbytes » 13 Apr 2008, 16:05

I've really got to stop doing so much work, I need to learn how to just sit back and follow. That way I might have something left when it comes down to the sprint.

Did you notice how much I mentioned you in my report and didn't mention Matt?

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Postby mcrkennedy » 13 Apr 2008, 20:28

I enjoyed my first race in 4 months. While giving Michael the chance to get away was unintended, I assumed that the others would go around me; I did think that I could work for Tim to help him get away for third. I was just surprised that he went at a 1,000 meters. Next month I will have to make sure that we get three out of three..

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 May 2008, 00:18

Here's the photo's from the 12th April. Sorry to take so long to upload them, I need a new place to upload to.

Egrade: http://picasaweb.google.com.au/clementm ... ParkEGrade

Dgrade: http://picasaweb.google.com.au/clementm ... ParkDGrade

Cgrade: http://picasaweb.google.com.au/clementm ... ParkCGrade

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