My window VS the BoM radar

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 08 Jun 2008, 08:59

Got up at 6am this morning ready to head south. My window said light rain, BoM radar said clear. So its now almost 9am, two cups of coffee later and some mindless internet browsing, the BoM radar is all clear but its still raining outside?

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Postby micklan » 08 Jun 2008, 09:08

no racing at Waratah Vets today, rained out, was at Landsdowne park and then it was go...and then no - hope I remember how to ride a bike...

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 Jun 2008, 09:18

I don't think the radar is good at picking up really light rain

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Postby weiyun » 08 Jun 2008, 09:28

I don't think the radar is good at picking up really light rain
That's called water vapour...

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Adrian E
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Postby Adrian E » 08 Jun 2008, 10:01

Well it doesn't look like light rain from my window at the moment. Perhaps there is some micro-climatic tempest over Redfern this morning.

Did anyone head out?

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Postby Camilla » 08 Jun 2008, 10:32

The micro-climate extends to Lewisham. I'm on coffee number 3 staring morosely at the rain & hoping it'll clear for tomorrow's ride.

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Postby weiyun » 08 Jun 2008, 11:09


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Postby Toff » 08 Jun 2008, 11:40

I think this is a Sunday morning ritual around these parts.

I also woke to the sound of rain over Stanmore, which was heavier than drizzle. I looked out of the window and observed dense cloud cover too.

I then checked BOM radar and saw virtually nothing. I assumed my browser wasn't refreshing, so I went to the 4-image loop. Still no clouds!

After an hour of listening to the rain, I decided to stay in too. Fresher legs for tomorrow I suppose.

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 Jun 2008, 11:46
Forecast for Monday
Cloudy. Few showers/drizzle. Light west to northwest winds early, becoming light to moderate northeast.

Precis: Cloudy. Few showers/drizzle.

City: Min: 13 Max: 19
West: Min: 7 Max: 17
Could go either way

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Postby weiyun » 08 Jun 2008, 12:55

Could go either way
It's the morning shower that kills. :twisted:

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Postby williamd » 08 Jun 2008, 14:48

I went out in the car at 8am to check out the extent of the rain.

Along Brighton Le Sands there were large volumes of water ponding on the inside lane which would have been very dangerous for bicycles.
Some cars were going through without slowing sending water everywhere.

Only saw one rider.

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Postby weiyun » 08 Jun 2008, 15:43

I went out in the car at 8am to check out the extent of the rain.
Is that a hobby that we should pick up? :wink:

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Postby fenn_paddler » 08 Jun 2008, 16:06

If it's like this tomorrow morning I can't see myself doing rnp. Hope the forecast is wrong...

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Postby Adrian E » 08 Jun 2008, 16:31

I ended up heading out at 10am. Rode to Waterfall then out to Bundena then back via Audley. There were three light showers that hit me but nothing bad.I really don't mind riding with a bit of rain. I'm quiet happy to ride if its similar weather tomorrow. I just don't like riding when its wet and very cold.

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Postby Camilla » 08 Jun 2008, 18:07

I'd have to agree Adrian. If tomorrow's like today I'll happily go - all this sitting around watching the BoM and looking out the windows is driving me mad. Plus I need to work the all-you can-eat MSG-fueled Chinese buffet lunch out of my system that I had for my great aunt's 92th birthday today. Scary stuff.

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Postby othy » 08 Jun 2008, 18:40

I ended up heading out at 10am. Rode to Waterfall then out to Bundena then back via Audley. There were three light showers that hit me but nothing bad.I really don't mind riding with a bit of rain. I'm quiet happy to ride if its similar weather tomorrow. I just don't like riding when its wet and very cold.
I was that fool waving at you on King street. I spent the morning eating breakfast in Newtown then shopping.

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Postby williamd » 08 Jun 2008, 22:22

I was caught in the rain about a month ago and it was fun until I went down a hill and had to try and stop at the intersection with wet brakes.

Bike riders are like drug addicts they keep peddling rain or shine. :shock:

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Postby micklan » 09 Jun 2008, 05:39

the bom is right

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