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Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 11:37
by Simon Llewellyn
Well I"m trying to increase my facebook friends to over 200 so I can be one of those 'popular people' but I just don't have that many friends? Do you have any suggestions on how to make more friends? I only need 5 more...

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 11:39
by mikesbytes
There's a field where you can look at friend's of friend's in facebook. Have a browse for anyone you may recognise.

Also you could have a look in Owned for people who brought you and put a friends request in for them.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 12:18
by christian
I'll add you when I get home, that'll get you a little closer.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 12:22
by mikesbytes
I'll add you when I get home, that'll get you a little closer.
What's your facebook name?

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 12:50
by williamd
Timmyone wrote

23% of what?


I think they were refering to the increase number of people commuting by bicycle.
The increase was surveyed from 2001 to 2006.

From 2006 to now there would probably be even a greater increase as petrol price goes up. There would be a corresponding decline in the sale of 4 wheel drives as well.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 13:10
by Toff

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 13:26
by weiyun
About time! It's so ridiculous that people are allowed to waste so much resources just to drive 1 or 2 people around in those monsters on a regular basis.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 16:27
by timyone
Do they actually use that much more petrol than normal cars?

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 16:31
by mikesbytes
Do they actually use that much more petrol than normal cars? ... fuelguide/

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 16:35
by timyone
far out this place is amazing for finding out info?! you lot are fast too!!

Hey mike, that motor bike forum im off, thats advertised all over my bike is called

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 18:18
by timyone
UTRECHT, Netherlands - Utrecht police say a 21-year-old Dutch man is recovering after a "mooning" that went horribly wrong.

A police statement says the man and two others had run down a street in Utrecht with their pants pulled down in the back "for a joke".

It says that at one point the 21-year-old "pushed his behind against the window of a restaurant" that broke and resulted in "deep wounds to his derriere".

The statement released today says police detained the three men after the incident Sunday morning. But the cafe owner decided not to press charges after the men agreed to pay for the broken window.

The injured man was treated for his injuries at a nearby hospital.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 19:43
by mikesbytes
mmm.... his genetics won't be making it to the next generation.

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 20:25
by williamd
Timmyone wrote

do 4 wheel drives use much more fuel than a car.

4 wheel drives use substantially more fuel than your average car
and in some cases twice as much.

Some were using 17 litres per 100 klm in normal city driving.

I use about 2 lites of water to do waterfall.

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 15:05
by timyone
17 litres per hundred is pretty crazy, im just under that on my motor bike though :P well i used to be :S i think i had it fixed a bit

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 15:09
by mikesbytes
Petrol was cheap at the sutherland servo this morning

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 18:42
by timyone
llol did u buy any?

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 18:55
by mikesbytes
Should of taken a couple of jerry cans with me.

Might of been a bit slow rinding home with 40ltrs of petrol though.

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 23:02
by timyone
Nuclear powererd car :D
Made by ford

Posted: 09 Jun 2008, 23:21
by weiyun
Should of taken a couple of jerry cans with me.
Might of been a bit slow rinding home with 40ltrs of petrol though.
Can't believe that you would balk at a training opportunity! It's a sure way to increase your leg power. Just what you've been asking for! :lol:

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 09:36
by timyone
man need the touring bike for that!

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 12:10
by Adrian E
With petrol prices the way the are, we must all wonder how we'll afford to travel to distant bike races in the future.

Here is one good idea... ... 564784770/

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 12:22
by weiyun
With petrol prices the way the are, we must all wonder how we'll afford to travel to distant bike races in the future.
Internet virtual racing to the rescue!

You need 3 42" flat panel monitor screens, a computer controlled trainer setup, a high speed internet connection and a Wii box. Race away at home... ;)

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 12:57
by williamd
You could also have a virtual holiday also.

I have a Council Vehicle and don't pay for petrol so if anyone is feeling the pinch I will take them at no cost.

I will become a virtual sponsor.

Don't finish Horizontal.

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 15:39
by Toff

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 15:47
by mikesbytes
Supposedly people are leaving their cars at home and catching public transport. But I haven't noticed any differences in traffic levels. Have you?

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 17:07
by Camilla
Or there is the combined option. I almost got taken out this morning by a guy on an electric bike who was coming around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road. Although he didn't in the end manage to knock me down, the fumes from his 2-stroke just about killed me instead.

He wasn't wearing a helmet. After he laughed and putted off, I almost turned back to punch him in the head.

Dangerous, slow, no exercise & environmentally unsound. Not to mention stupid looking. What, I ask, is the point?

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 17:13
by mikesbytes
Camilla, if he had been wearing a helmet, then you would have to punch him somewhere else.

Was it an electric bike or a 2-stroke?

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 17:20
by weiyun
Given the amount of hills we have in Sydney, I wouldn't be surprised if those power assisted bikes would take off here. Look at the number of scooters on the road these days, it reflects the thinking of the populace. I also recall two or three weeks ago we had one of those doing loops in Centennial Park. I can't remember if it was on a Sat or Sun.

The question is, how should these power assisted bikes be classified and whether they should be allowed on shared bike paths?

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 17:26
by Camilla
Fair point Mike. It was fuming, and sounded like a ride-on mower, so I'm guessing 2-stroke. "Electric bike" just slipped out. Is there an accepted word for "petrol-driven bike"?

The other point is also good, but although he wasn't wearing a helmet he was still sitting down.

Posted: 10 Jun 2008, 21:08
by T-Bone
With petrol prices the way the are, we must all wonder how we'll afford to travel to distant bike races in the future.
My dad emailed me this link Looks like a nice car, but we still need more mileage, and there might be issues finding a place to recharge, but at least it's heading in the right direction!!

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 09:15
by mikesbytes
The problem with alternative car's is that the sale price negates the fuel savings. This will change as fuel gets more expensive.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 09:24
by weiyun
The problem with alternative car's is that the sale price negates the fuel savings. This will change as fuel gets more expensive.
And a catch-22 situation where because of the lower volume, there isn't the price advantage of mass production. Things WILL change though. Hybrid cars are quiet, extremely quiet and is an absolute pleasure to drive.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 09:33
by mikesbytes
I hear that in London there's a zone where you are permitted to drive if you have a hybrid car but not if you have a conventional car. Don't know if it's true or not?

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 11:18
by christian
The problem with current hybrids is they are full of lead as they use lead acid batteries. Li-Ion batteries don't seem to be used in current hybrids, they would make the car way too expensive, no one would buy them. The Tesla roadster uses Li-Ion but have you seen the price tag. The other issue with the Prius is that it can't be charged from the grid without modification, voiding your warranty no doubt. I think it'll be another couple of years before we see a commercial electric car, once the battery price drops or the technology improves. Its legal to convert your car to electric now, it just costs a lot, I doubt you'd get much change from 30k if you do it properly.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 11:24
by mikesbytes
I'll keep riding my bike to work

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 11:42
by jimmy
Mike, you are talking about the London Congestion Charge. It is possible for anyone to drive there, but, it costs private vehicles to do so. This toll is waived for hybrid cars.


Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 11:44
by mikesbytes
Must be.

I heard there is a luxury car, possibly a Toyota that has some tiny hybrid motor in it, so you can get around the congestion charge.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 15:19
by T-Bone
Just saw a police chase starting, just like in the movies. Car turned to try and lose the cops (unmarked car), cops followed, i followed (it was my street) and saw the cops put the siren on the roof. Then in the next 30-60sec i hear siens coming from everywhere. A nice bit of action to liven up the day.

Guess i'll have to watch the news to try and find out what it was about.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 15:37
by weiyun
Guess i'll have to watch the news to try and find out what it was about.
It was to catch a suspect on a German sounding named red bike who somehow vanished in the vicinity and a suspicious vehicle that appeared soon after. The mystery deepens and TinTin and Snowy are on the case...

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 16:10
by T-Bone
Luckily not me today, i was in a German sounding named Red Car, driving back from the shops.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 23:28
by timyone
ok i dont know why im posting this, but its one of those bikes that is covered in all the airo dynamic plastic, i think they are recumbant bikes, and they are on a veledrome.
It says its a race, but yeah... ... re=related

Posted: 27 Jun 2008, 16:17
by timyone
"Another thing they used to practice, was tactics on the track, and learning how to accelerate fast on the seat in order to ctach out their opponents...that was a strength, as the like of Huebner and Hesslich would be flying at the opponent, but because they were doing it seated, the opponent wouldnt realise that they were flying at them and by the time they responded, Huebner and Hesslich were long gone. " ... c&start=30

Terry Gyde (no idea who this ald is, but yeah, thought it could be helpful)
Champion Training Systems

Posted: 27 Jun 2008, 16:19
by timyone
"Tha reminds me of a workout we used to do. We put 20 mark bills (but you could use Euro or $) under our butt sticking halfway out while riding seated. We would then try to grab the other guys money while making sure we would stay seated and not losing our cash. Once you you lose your cash either you are out. We would use small gears for this. "

The barron, a guy off fixed gear, same thread

Posted: 27 Jun 2008, 20:17
by T-Bone
The $20 thing sounds like fun, but i think it's also a recipe for crashes....

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 11:11
by timyone
Hey i was thinking about starting a thread on who can squat the most in our club, but im guessing mike will win by a country mile, and maybe that our top squat wont be high enough to want posted, though im thinking what mike can do is still pretty impressive.

the other thing that stopped me is that im not actually trying to get a high weight in at the moment, but yeah, mike whats your record for a squat?

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 11:35
by mikesbytes
Make it deadlifts and you haven't got a chance.

Squats I'm not so good at, in deep squats I have insufficient core strength - TA's.

There's a fomula called Wilki, that provides a handicap for weightlifting, so you can compare different sized/gender/etc lifters.

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 12:28
by timyone
yeah i was talking squats, we dont go heaps far down either, so we would just about to have a day for it hey.

but yeah ive decided im not gonna lift any thing heavy for ages, so ill try it later maybe

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 13:10
by mikesbytes
Are u lifting after Track tonight? I'm not going to the track (apart from dropping my shoes off), but I will be in Tempe (suburb).

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 15:20
by timyone
nah maybe tomorrow some time

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 15:39
by mikesbytes
I'm at Tempe every night this week

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 15:41
by timyone
actually it will be day time :S im going out for tea with people, im glad you reminded me!
What are you doing in tempe?

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 15:47
by mikesbytes

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 17:58
by timyone

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 23:03
by mikesbytes
Yip renovating

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 09:29
by mikesbytes
Hey Tim, I bumped into an school mate of yours this morning Alex Christopher_something_something (long surname).

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 00:09
by timyone
not ringing bells...
alex hey...

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 00:12
by mikesbytes
Never mind, next time I bump into him, I'll take his photo

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 00:13
by timyone
wait from high school or primary school?

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 09:14
by mikesbytes
He didn't say which school.

Have a look thru your year books for someone with a long surname

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 11:03
by timyone
lol how did you find out he knew me?
was he tallish?

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 11:10
by mikesbytes
Suppose he was tallish, I didn't take a lot of notice.

He asked me if I raced and I said yes, then the conversation moved onto DHBC and he mentioned that he saw you on the web site somewhere.

Your probably kick yourself when you meet him, probably kick me for such a crap description too :)

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 11:26
by timyone
oh ok
thats probably some one i should know then...
but yeah totally cant remember properly any alex's

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 11:44
by mikesbytes
He also mentioned Simon, as the keen A grade cyclist of the two [brothers]. I should of cracked a joke along the lines that Tim was too busy chasing skirt to chase victories.

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 10:05
by mikesbytes
Why it is vitally important that you go to the coffee shop after training ... 083456.htm

Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 17:31
by williamd
Hey Micklan

How are things going with your house hunting.

Don't finish Horizontal

Posted: 26 Jul 2008, 15:43
by Toff
Why it is vitally important that you go to the coffee shop after training ... 083456.htm
Why it is vitally important that you don't have a coffee before training.

Posted: 27 Jul 2008, 00:47
by timyone
thanx for the info!
(though this sort of stuff seems to keep getting over taken by new info!

Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 13:40
by timyone




Posted: 08 Aug 2008, 15:04
by timyone
Check these out!
The top one is heaps hard to get used to, must be good for co-ordination!

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 14:51
by timyone
tourist caught car surfing at 130 kmph!,23599,24 ... 62,00.html

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 14:55
by timyone
chef is dead!
The voice of chef from south park has died at about the age of 65 ... 84,00.html

Posted: 11 Aug 2008, 21:36
by geoff m
The most amazing thing about the guy face planting in the rain off his bike is that after he does it, he is still holding his umbrella up. Maybe he was following the women's road race?

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 21:24
by timyone
hey you can now name your child coca cola, metallica or what ever else you like in Sweden! ... d=smh:top5

Posted: 16 Aug 2008, 11:46
by Adrian E

Posted: 16 Aug 2008, 12:17
by timyone
far out how trippy is that! i wonder how heavy it is, and how hard it would be to pedal up hills etc! im sure you could make a slightly smaller version of it though that thing looks like it could go over things just about!

Posted: 17 Aug 2008, 07:10
by mikesbytes
Cool, no more flat tyres :)

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 08:32
by mikesbytes
Tim, being a nurse, do you get special treatment from the other nurses... for your injury of course.

Jokes aside, whats the road to recovery?

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 23:00
by timyone
I actually do get some better treatment some times, actually who knows, most of the workers i seem to meet just seem to be nice etc, i sit and talk about every thing thats going on, like the girl who did my bone scan the other day. But i think i just seem to meet alot of really nice nurses etc.

I dunno what the deal is yet, i need results to my bone scan to see how many weeks, theres still a chance of one or two more Raw races :D
Not massive chance though :(

On the plus side i hopefully get to see how my collor bone is going :D they did a lot of scanning the other day in that bone scan :D i cant wait to see if i did get copies :D

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 23:34
by mikesbytes

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 22:21
by timyone
Nigerian to divorce 82 of 86 wives
Email Printer friendly version Normal font Large font September 2, 2008 - 2:20PM


An 84-year-old Nigerian man with 86 wives and 170 children has accepted a decree issued by Islamic authorities that he must divorce 82 of them.

The BBC, quoting a local emir, reported that Mohammadu Bello Abubakar agreed to the mass divorce at the weekend.

Abubakar, a former teacher and preacher, faced the death penalty under Sharia law, which was reintroduced to the Muslim-majority Niger state in northwest Nigeria in 2000.

While the death sentence was lifted, Abubakar still faced eviction from his home.

Nigerian media and the BBC interviewed Abubakar several weeks previously, when he claimed there was no punishment in the Koran for having more than four wives.

However, the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs said that Sharia law clearly limited a man to four wives.

DPA ... 06136.html

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 22:25
by timyone
McEwen leaves Evans's team
Email Printer friendly version Normal font Large font September 2, 2008 - 10:57AM


Tour de France sprint specialist Robbie McEwen is leaving Belgian cycling team Silence Lotto to join new Russian outfit Katusha.

McEwen and Russian Vladimir Karpets will join up with Italian Filippo Pozzato and Belgian sprinter Gert Steegmans, according to a spokesman for the team owned by Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov.

Karpets, 27, won the Tour of Switzerland last year with team Caisse d'Epargne while 36-year-old McEwen is ending the association he had with twice Toure de France runner-up and fellow Australian Cadel Evans.

Katusha is the mainstay of a multi-million dollar new Russian Global Cycling Project foundation which enjoys the backing of muscular sponsors including energy giant Gazprom and energy and real estate company Itera.

Already snapped up were Alexandre Botcharov from Credit Agricole, Spaniards Antonio Colom (Astana) and Joan Horrach (Caisse d'Epargne), as well as Belgians Kenny de Haes (Topsport) and Stijn Vandenbergh (AG2R).


Posted: 06 Sep 2008, 09:50
by timyone

> The CIA had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks,
> interviews and testing were done, there were 3 finalists...2 men and a
> woman. For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large
> metal door and handed him a gun. 'We must know that you will follow your
> instructions, no matter what the circumstances. Inside this room, you will
> find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill her!'
> The man said, 'You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife.' The
> agent said, 'Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife
> and go home.'
> The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went
> into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. Then the man came out
> with tears in his eyes. ' I tried, but I can't kill my wife.' The agent
> said, 'Y! ou don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.'
> Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions to
> kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were
> heard, one shot after another, eight in a row. They heard screaming,
> crashing, and banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet.
> The door opened slowly and there stood the woman. She wiped the sweat from
> her brow. 'This gun is loaded with blanks,' she said. 'I had to beat him
> to death with the chair.'
> Moral: Never put a woman to the test.

Posted: 06 Sep 2008, 23:37
by mikesbytes

Posted: 07 Sep 2008, 23:48
by timyone

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 09:36
by mikesbytes
because he is a cyclist?
Because it was there

Posted: 09 Sep 2008, 10:44
by mikesbytes

Posted: 13 Sep 2008, 21:30
by mikesbytes
What's happ'n?

Posted: 14 Sep 2008, 20:00
by timyone
not much, sorry took forever to reply i was hanging out at the snow. The snow isnt amzingly amazing when you have a stuffed shoulder though.

Posted: 23 Sep 2008, 17:12
by timyone
Driver killed by her own road rage?! ... 90715.html

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 12:09
by timyone
Jobseekers duped into getting face tattoosFrom correspondents in Jakarta

Jobseekers tattooed to secure work
Dragons tattooed across their faces
Permanent ink but no permanent jobs

TWO Indonesian jobseekers have been tricked into getting their faces tattooed by a bogus official offering government jobs.

Village chief Sawiyono - who was helping the men find jobs in Jakarta - claimed he had received a text message from a government official offering them work as intelligence officers but saying they would have to be inked first with a dragon tattoo, Antara state news agency said.

Sawiyono realised he had been tricked after checking with the subdistrict chief of the Bojonegoro district of East Java who told him there was no such requirement.

But by then it was too late and the men had already been tattooed, the report said.

"I am fully responsible for the mistake and I will do my best to help the men remove their tattoos,'' Sawiyono said.

The men have complained to police and were seeking treatment at a local hospital.,23599,24 ... 62,00.html

Posted: 14 Oct 2008, 16:44
by timyone
man i just jumped on the rollers for the first time in 7 or 8 weeks (as n no bikes, from the shoulder fracture) and instead of the planned hour at 40 km an hour, i did 20 mins?! seriously i think ive had maybe a couple too many iced coffee's...

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 11:33
by mikesbytes
Hurts doesn't it Tim, when the bod isn't use to it. Good to see your back on the bike. How is the shoulder fracture?

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 19:43
by timyone
i guess its all ok, i cant do any heavy lifting or any thing but im past week 7 now i think, im back on the motor bike etc

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 17:27
by mikesbytes
Barbie Doll Man


Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 16:55
by timyone
Hey i was chased by 2 bulls today! how crazy is that! and i wnt sky diving yesterday! as well as some mountain biking!
Seriously New Zealland rips it! who knows if ill end up here one day,. they have some good cycling stuff too!

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 09:58
by mikesbytes
Where are you in NZ ?

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 16:18
by mikesbytes
A poem about Michael Clement

Some say Michael always
Rides his bike upon the road,
Daily between 12 Helps Street
And his suburban abode !

As a cyclist he's never happier
Than when atop his bike,
In fact he's most unhappy
When he's told to take a hike !

He as been called by some a crank
Because he is a bike rider,
And some say he gets a little tipsy
When drinking apple cider !

But when he stamps on those pedals
You know he's going places,
Especially wearing those cycling shoes
The ones without any laces !

It's been often noticed that Mike likes to eat
With a sandwich or three on a plate piled high,
Morning lunchtime or afternoon
Mostly toasted with butter, so not too dry !

As he prepares to ride off into the sunset
A cooling breeze behind his back,
He's off to work elsewhere in the city
Which is better than getting the sack !

But as his race at Vodafone velodrome
Approaches the final straight,
He's overtaken Billing Verification
And already searching for the exit gate !

So it's time to bid farewell
And for the future, all the best Mike,
There isn't any other way of putting this mate
OK... on your bloody bike !!

Eddie (Banjo) Sudol

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 22:00
by timyone
it was christ church etc, ill try post some pics etc

Posted: 27 Oct 2008, 22:23
by timyone
nice poem :P

Posted: 28 Oct 2008, 09:29
by mikesbytes
I think its time to visit the beautician
