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Posted: 01 Oct 2009, 21:14
by shrubb face
Shes a reasonably attractive girl as well. Rather weird.

Posted: 01 Oct 2009, 22:51
by mikesbytes

Posted: 01 Oct 2009, 23:43
by T-Bone
I don't know what to think about it... :?

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 07:20
by jimmy
Burst out laughing at the last line in that by the male off camera.


Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 15:21
by Toff
I've been looking for that link for ages. Thanks for finding it for me again.

Posted: 03 Oct 2009, 07:49
by mikesbytes
Burst out laughing at the last line in that by the male off camera.

Here's the real instructions

Posted: 03 Oct 2009, 10:19
by Stuart
The first one is just plain gross and the 2nd one is pretty damn hot ....

Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 10:52
by mikesbytes

Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 12:33
by mikesbytes

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 06:22
by simon.sharwood
Bike with collapsible everything ... even wheels!

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 04:24
by timyone
man that thing must be aero!

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 20:51
by mikesbytes

Posted: 10 Oct 2009, 09:58
by Toff
That's easy.
Mouse over picture - ctrl+c;
Mouse over microsoft paint - ctrl+v.

Done. :lol:

Posted: 11 Oct 2009, 19:42
by Stuart

Posted: 12 Oct 2009, 14:37
by Toff
The statement should say "Burn energy", or better yet, "burn food" or some other fuel. Calories are a unit of measurement of energy, and in Australia we use the Joule, or, more commonly the kilojoule anyway.

Now, onto the irony of the statement. Substantially more energy is used to drive a car than to pedal a bicycle. Whether you measure the energy consumed in kilojoules or calories, the amount will be higher if you use a car. Therefore, if you want to "burn calories", you should use a car.

Next, for correct grammatical construction, commas should not be substituted for full stops without a conjunction after each comma.

Perhaps the slogan should read something like this.

Burn less energy. Save cash. Get there on time.

Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 10:54
by Toff
Bike with collapsible everything ... even wheels!
Just remembered where I'd seen something similar...

Still just a one-off concept wheel, I believe.

Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 12:17
by Julio
Burn Fat Not Oil

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 06:34
by mikesbytes
"The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community."
Ann Strong, Minneapolis Tribune, 1895

Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 14:17
by Toff

Posted: 17 Oct 2009, 18:25
by mikesbytes
I bet he doesn't have any problems commuting


Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:12
by timyone
im sitting in front of my laptop, and the computer, at 11 on tuesday night, eating food from the fridge that simon and Jess made, and its really nice! i had no one to tell, so im typing it here.

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:23
by mikesbytes
Excellent timing Tim, I signed up to Calorie King today and I'm feeling real hungry

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:25
by timyone

your trying to lose weight?

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:26
by shrubb face
im sitting in front of the TV watching 'the boat that rocked' and eating pasta. Thought about doing rollers, did some sit ups instead. Working from 5.30 am till 5.00pm kind of killed me.

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 22:28
by timyone
far out! thats early work!
i did 3 heart rates tonight at about 58km an hour, then down to 54.
then my bikes weird noises started worrying me too much, then i went off and did two dance classes. Up at 6 n morning, seriously will need motivation tomorrow and even more the next day!

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 23:12
by mikesbytes

your trying to lose weight?
Yeh, shouldn't take long

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 08:22
by timyone
Alex are you doing these shifts every day?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 08:29
by mikesbytes
Alex are you doing these shifts every day?
He's getting extra hours in so he can buy a disk wheel

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 08:34
by orphic
Excellent timing Tim, I signed up to Calorie King today and I'm feeling real hungry
Wow, you eat a lot. That's awesome. You're eating three times what I should be on and you are calling that a diet? I would hate to see a normal food diary in your world.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 08:41
by mikesbytes
Wow, you eat a lot. That's awesome. You're eating three times what I should be on and you are calling that a diet? I would hate to see a normal food diary in your world.
It's killing me, my exercise calories exceeded my total intake. Today should be a little better.

How much is basal calories?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 08:55
by orphic
There are a few methods for determining this. The second is the most accurate, apparently, but you need to know your body fat percentage

Method 1 -
(for men): 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)
(for women): 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

Method 2-
370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

You are then supposed to times that by your activity factor, but if you are calculating exercise calories manually on your own then I would times the BMR by 1.2 (which is for no exercise and a desk job) and then work out your own calorie expenditure for exercise on top of that.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:00
by mikesbytes
Wow that's complicated I need a nerd to work it out for me

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:18
by simon.sharwood
Excellent timing Tim, I signed up to Calorie King today and I'm feeling real hungry
Dude, that profile raises two very important questions:

* When do you find time to sleep or work?

* Nescafe? WTF? Do you wanna get banned from the club or something? Take that off your profile ASAP before word gets out we have an instant coffee drinker in the club. We'll be a laughing stock :wink:

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:18
by timyone
Far out! You lads do this stuff a lot more accurately than me!
The only things I reallY about are how many milk shakes I drink, and getting my self motivated for heart rate training!
Well I guess I worry about what I will wear to dancing! Those girls put so much effort in?!

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:26
by mikesbytes
Nescafe? WTF? Do you wanna get banned from the club or something? Take that off your profile ASAP before word gets out we have an instant coffee drinker in the club. We'll be a laughing stock :wink:
Going down to the coffee shop would be a waste of valuable training time :)

you know the cyclist motto;

Sleep -> Ride -> Eat -> Repeat

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:36
by orphic
Wow that's complicated I need a nerd to work it out for me
Oh come on it's not that hard. Do you know your body fat %?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:39
by mikesbytes
I haven't had it measured, but based on historical measurements and the aid of a mirror (it ain't a pretty sight) I'd say 15%, so that gives me a lean body mass of 71kg

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:56
by othy
Sleep -> Ride -> Eat -> Repeat
It really should be

Sleep -> eat -> ride -> eat while riding -> eat again -> nap -> eat more -> repeat

Perhaps I'm doing it wrong.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 10:03
by orphic
I haven't had it measured, but based on historical measurements and the aid of a mirror (it ain't a pretty sight) I'd say 15%, so that gives me a lean body mass of 71kg
Ok then, so say your maintenance without exercise (but taking into account your daily activity of sitting at a desk and working, or being bored…) is 2284 calories

Then on a day like yesterday you go and burn what - about 2500 calories in exercise? That's a total of 4784 burnt for the day. You ate 4112, so you had a deficit of 762, which I would say is pretty healthy. If you go over a deficit of 1000 you will start to get problems, not be mention be a starving mess. All of that depends on the accuracy of the calorie counting tool for exercise - which I would be very skeptical of. I would NOT be relying on Calorie King as it grossly over estimates.

Anyway, I'm no expert so don't take this as gospel. Perhaps Othy should be giving us the advice - we've seen the before and after pics!

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 10:10
by mikesbytes
3023 calories, I made a mistake and corrected it, but I noticed today that the correction wasn't there, so I've corrected again

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 10:42
by timyone
I have cafe's under the list of what makes me a cyclist and why I like it :D

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 15:18
by mikesbytes
Ok then, so say your maintenance without exercise (but taking into account your daily activity of sitting at a desk and working, or being bored…) is 2284 calories

Then on a day like yesterday you go and burn what - about 2500 calories in exercise? That's a total of 4784 burnt for the day. You ate 4112, so you had a deficit of 762, which I would say is pretty healthy. If you go over a deficit of 1000 you will start to get problems, not be mention be a starving mess. All of that depends on the accuracy of the calorie counting tool for exercise - which I would be very skeptical of. I would NOT be relying on Calorie King as it grossly over estimates.

Anyway, I'm no expert so don't take this as gospel. Perhaps Othy should be giving us the advice - we've seen the before and after pics!
I dug up some data on indoor spinning for the format I do (RPM)

For a 45 minute class;
The Females ranged 379 thru 470 with an average of 412
The Males ranged 511 thru 782 with an average of 707

I'd say that I'd be the 782 [excuse the ego trip]

Calorie King as defaulted to 731 so I'm happy with that. Not so sure on the calorie burn on the bike commuting

So based on the calorie king figures, be they right or wrong;
2284 + 3393 = 5677 - 3023 = 2654 deficit

Even allowing for inaccuracy I seriously under ate yesterday

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 15:35
by orphic
All I know is that this all sounds very unfair!

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 15:37
by mikesbytes
Born with too many X chromosomes ah :), those with Y chromosomes burn almost double the calories according to that study

BTW did I under eat, or is the deficit OK ?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 16:03
by orphic
I believe you under ate, but you don't know if those guesstimates of expenditure are correct. I suppose if you wore a HRM you would be able to guesstimate a bit better. It seems excessive, considering you need to shed 7000 calories to lose a kilo - at this rate you will be losing about 2.5kg's a week, which sounds impossible to me. And if you were to do that it certainly wouldn't be just fat you were losing.

The recommendation for a deficit is either minus 500, or 20% of your maintenance level. The upper limit is 1000 - that doesn't mean it's what you should be aiming for.

Given the confusion here, maybe you should try and remember a pre-diet days eating habits and punch the data into your diary. I mean you haven't put on that much weight, so you were probably eating close to maintenance before anyway.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 16:13
by mikesbytes
Thanks V

Tuesday is a bit of a dodgy day to base typical calorie expenditure as I spent 3h20m on bikes (indoor and outdoor combined). Wednesday will be more representable.

Building towards the world master games and uci world masters track championships I was deliberately over eating to build strength so I need to look further back. I do recall trying to eat 4,000 healthy calories, but its hard going, easier to eat junk to get to 4,000.

I think I'm low on Protein, will analyse the data.

If I get it right, I'm targeting a mini cut, bulk, cut, bulk etc cycle, perhaps using 3 - 4kg in the cycle.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 21:52
by T-Bone
I can send you what we used at uni when we were calculating this stuff. The equation Victoria gave you for Resting Metabolic Rate was basically right (though rounded off):

Harris-Benedict (1919) (Kcal)
Males: RMR = 66.47 + 13.75 (wt) + 5(ht) - 6.76 (age)

Then used a physical activity record to calculate total daily energy expenditure.
Used foodworks to calculate energy expenditure.

My average daily intake was 16235.9kJ and average expenditure 15733.9kJ/day. So seemed to work out close enough.

Anyway, i believe all your numbers are in kcal. I also think your food record is under reported. Looking at tuesday, you only had a drink with breakfast, what about the rest of the day? any snacks? You have to be really accurate to get a good report. And i'd try using a physical activity record for calculating your energy expenditure, finding numbers around the place doesn't take everything into account.

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 22:59
by mikesbytes
Tuesday is accurate, there were no unreported snacks.

Wednesday complete now. I went to dinner at a Mexican and have included the food, but there would be a degree of inaccuracy in it. Haven't analysed it.

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 09:09
by orphic
I can send you what we used at uni when we were calculating this stuff. The equation Victoria gave you for Resting Metabolic Rate was basically right (though rounded off):

Harris-Benedict (1919) (Kcal)
Males: RMR = 66.47 + 13.75 (wt) + 5(ht) - 6.76 (age)

Then used a physical activity record to calculate total daily energy expenditure.
Used foodworks to calculate energy expenditure.

My average daily intake was 16235.9kJ and average expenditure 15733.9kJ/day. So seemed to work out close enough.
It would be interesting to compare what Foodworks and CalorieKing have to say...

Maybe Foodworks would better justify the block of chocolate I ate last night.

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 09:18
by mikesbytes
According to Calorie King your 333 monkey bike time trail burnt 24 calories

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 10:56
by timyone
Seriously not keeping up with this stuff?! I seem to be losing weight at the moment, just add some swing dancing into the mix people!

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 16:50
by Michael Chidgey
not sure where to post this so i put it here.

and i thought Thomas could track stand well

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 07:58
by Rainbow

Posted: 11 Nov 2009, 16:47
by yewenyi
that's what happens when you give people fixies! :-P

Posted: 15 Nov 2009, 11:04
by timyone ... re=related

these lads are tough! i think they are wearing padding too!!

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 10:41
by orphic
Mike, I think you might have a problem


COMPULSIVE EXERCISE (A.K.A. Exercise anorexia)

Exercise anorexia involves low food intake with compulsive exercise behaviors. The person with this eating disorder often goes undetected due to the lack of information about the harmful effects of over exercise behaviors. Furthermore, the compulsive exerciser may eat an average amount of food, disregarding others from being alarmed. However, compulsive exercise behaviors cause bodily harm much like anorexic and bulimic consequences and likewise, exercise anorexia can be fatal.

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 11:51
by christian
That's not the only person that describes Vic, lots of exercise and low food intake.

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 12:31
by orphic
I would hardly describe myself as compulsive when it comes to exercise. Training once a day (ok, sometimes twice) is pretty normal. Mike is burning off calories like he is going to waste away! (Yes, I am jealous).

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 12:35
by Toff
Mike eats over 16,800 kJ per day. That's not a low food intake.

Orphic has an advantage over others, in that she can regulate how much of the food she eats gets stored as fat. However, the long term complications can be unpleasant, to say the least.

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 12:44
by orphic
No one in their right mind would actually do that though, would they? There are short term effects too... Such as riding like crap.

Posted: 17 Nov 2009, 12:53
by mikesbytes
Mike, I think you might have a problem


COMPULSIVE EXERCISE (A.K.A. Exercise anorexia)

Exercise anorexia involves low food intake with compulsive exercise behaviors. The person with this eating disorder often goes undetected due to the lack of information about the harmful effects of over exercise behaviors. Furthermore, the compulsive exerciser may eat an average amount of food, disregarding others from being alarmed. However, compulsive exercise behaviors cause bodily harm much like anorexic and bulimic consequences and likewise, exercise anorexia can be fatal.
Ha Ha

I just checked in.... Oately Park here I come !!!!!!!!!

Posted: 24 Nov 2009, 15:14
by mikesbytes
Wow that's a long way

When asked today at work how far my commute is, I told him 8.5k, he responded with is that each way or return? He was astonished to hear me say "return"

I'm not even going to bother to report the other questions he asked

Posted: 28 Nov 2009, 09:39
by mikesbytes
Recon Tim LLL could take this baby ... .62.0.html

Scroll down to "New World Record for 4,200km"

Posted: 28 Nov 2009, 11:43
by timyone
thats about 500km a day.
I reckon that would need some training, and a touring bike.
I wonder how you would work out the food for that, and to do it unsupported would be hard, which id want to do :S

Posted: 28 Nov 2009, 16:50
by T-Bone
To do that speed, you would use a racing bike, and be supported. Unsupported would be much more of a challenge.

Posted: 28 Nov 2009, 22:40
by mikesbytes
the record is for unsupported

Posted: 01 Dec 2009, 13:00
by orphic
Welcome back forum. I almost did some work while you were gone... Almost.

Posted: 01 Dec 2009, 13:15
by weiyun
Welcome back forum. I almost did some work while you were gone... Almost.
You have a serious case of cycling addiction!

Posted: 01 Dec 2009, 21:07
by timyone
this isnt cycling, its the not cycling related thread :)
i didnt notice this post was here, i would have replied earlier :D

Posted: 02 Dec 2009, 07:38
by christian
There are several of us that don't really have lives....

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 12:55
by timyone
There are several of us that don't really have lives....
quite true, i plan on getting once i retire from cycling again in a couple of years

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 12:58
by simon.sharwood
Lives are overrated. It's always being eaten by something. Bikes. Kids. Work etc

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 12:59
by timyone
nah i think that sounds like an actual life

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 13:05
by G
Do you know a lot of people only dream to have our lifestyle?

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 13:16
by timyone
yeah true, getting hitched these days isnt as happening, (theres alot more girls than lads in sydney from what i hear :D) and then more than half of marriages go wrong!

But yeah, im pretty happy with my unenployed lifestyle which i have to end soon :P

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 13:21
by orphic
Riding bikes is life, isn't it?

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 13:22
by timyone
its mine :D (i wish states werent on, or id be doing alot more of it. Hopefully if im free for two days after the scratch race, ill ride down to canbera one day, and back to sydney the next.
Might need an mp3 player though

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 13:31
by G
Just thinking, wot can be a better lifestyle?
Some people say that it's great to be on an ocean liner cruise ship. But on a cruise, you eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep...

Some people say backpacking is fun... but cyclists do that all the time when touring iniit?

Most of the people I know are miserable because they don't have a purpose in life. I don't think that's a problem here. Everyone has a goal here and they are passionate about it.

Wot can be a better lifestyle?

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 14:07
by weiyun
Just thinking, wot can be a better lifestyle?
सिद्धार्थ गौतम found the answer to that question and was enlightened. One day, one day. 8)

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 14:12
by mikesbytes
The Deli Lama is in town today. A bit confusing, I've never seen Lama for sale at the Deli

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 14:20
by G
सिद्धार्थ गौतम found the answer to that question and was enlightened. One day, one day. 8)
Siddharth/Gautam, the founder of Budhism? That prince of Punjab lived far from reality until late teens. Then one day he gets out of his palace and sees an old man, a sick person, and a dead body. Since he had never seen anything like that in his palace, he thinks he's enlightened about the 'real' world. Don't know why all the Chinese got excited about his finding. Perhaps they hadn't heard of any old man or a sick person or a dead body either?!

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 14:33
by weiyun
Siddharth/Gautam, the founder of Budhism? That prince of Punjab lived far from reality until late teens. Then one day he gets out of his palace and sees an old man, a sick person, and a dead body. Since he had never seen anything like that in his palace, he thinks he's enlightened about the 'real' world. Don't know why all the Chinese got excited about his finding. Perhaps they hadn't heard of any old man or a sick person or a dead body either?!
It was four monks (one man, one monkey, one pigsy and one sandy) who went to India and spread his enlightenment to the east. I have always been a bit suspicious of their odd fellowship and what they really picked up in India. :roll:

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 14:40
by G
It was four monks (one man, one monkey, one pigsy and one sandy) who went to India and spread his enlightenment to the east. I have always been a bit suspicious of their odd fellowship and what they really picked up in India. :roll:
I can't comment about India. I is Chinese.
Wot I always struggled to understand is, that Budha had long hair like me, and is portrayed with a hair bunch on top of his head iniit. But the Budhist monks are number zero?! :shock:

Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 16:17
by weiyun
Wot I always struggled to understand is, that Budha had long hair like me, and is portrayed with a hair bunch on top of his head iniit. But the Budhist monks are number zero?! :shock:
Hair ownership is a symbol of class segregation. The ruling class, servants and common followers. :lol:

Posted: 04 Dec 2009, 10:43
by mikesbytes

Posted: 06 Dec 2009, 09:15
by timyone
Wait, what was that photo for? Who was that?

Posted: 06 Dec 2009, 09:46
by mikesbytes
check out the helmet

Posted: 06 Dec 2009, 10:03
by timyone
Lol oh ok, I warned a girl the other day about having her helmet on backwards

Posted: 06 Dec 2009, 13:18
by jimmy
and that's the reason there is a sticker in the helmet indicating which end is the front.


Posted: 06 Dec 2009, 21:30
by mikesbytes
Are we allowed to post photos of hot chicks on bikes in this thread?


Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 21:27
by yewenyi
not sure where this goes, so I popped it in here... ... 758349.htm

With a dramatic increase in cycling, comes a plethora of new safety issues on the roads. Doctors, politicians, planners and cyclists agree it will mean changing the way we design, govern and use our roads. Reporter Diane Martin.

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 09:09
by Michael Chidgey
if you think we have it hard as cyclists please read this. It will most definatly change your view of what some athletes go through. ... /index.htm

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 09:33
by timyone
lol id say that is bike related, and you can probably start a thread for it if you like, we dont have a heap of actual interesting threads, so we can do with more :D

If i was a mod id swap it into one for you, but id say you might as well just start a new one.

(im at work, so went into the link, but didnt actually listen to it)

Posted: 11 Dec 2009, 11:45
by timyone
far out that was inspirational chidgey!! ive been reading it between taking peoples blood and giving swine flu vaccinations! almost brought me to tears!

Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 17:26
by yewenyi

Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 20:57
by mikesbytes
I got away with it this time

Posted: 14 Dec 2009, 06:22
by shrubb face
the guy on the escalator behind looks like his spine has broken.

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 22:53
by mikesbytes

Posted: 16 Dec 2009, 23:24
by yewenyi
that's great mike! where are your tan lines? :-P

Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 08:52
by simon.sharwood
Here's one for the geeks: a vid that pisstakes Macs AND fixies: ... r_embedded