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Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 09:33
by FAswad

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 11:30
by weiyun

Actually, I made a comment on another forum that doping rumours may flow on Vino's come back and his vastly varying performances on sequential stages. Little did I expect it to be real. Just shows that dramatic improvements are not possible.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 13:18
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey how does this pay the years wages back thing work? Is it back to the team? To the UCI? Charity? Because i would think it was the team who was supplying the blood transfusion, so it doesn't make sense for them to get reimbersed for their actions...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 13:24
by weiyun
Kazakastan's PM/Minister visit to the Tour may have something to do with it. There may have been pressure on the management to provide a showing for the dignitary in return for a promise of a further 10 years of sponsorship. Well, who knows. Whatever it was that led to the decision to enhance performance, the method chosen was dumb.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 15:50
by timyone
ripped as hey!!
so they some how worked out that there were two types of red cells in there, interesting hey, so to get past that is it possible to find a person with exactly the same type of red cells and blood type etc?
(lol i probably should be asking the doctors at work instead hey

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 16:16
by weiyun
so they some how worked out that there were two types of red cells in there, interesting hey, so to get past that is it possible to find a person with exactly the same type of red cells and blood type etc?
Definitely. Cell marker/DNA match can easily confirm who the donor was, but only if suspects' blood could be provided to the lab.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 17:23
by T-Bone
Well, the way to get past that is to use your own blood for the transfer, which is a bit of what was involved with operation puerto, though this can also be detected due to an unusually high red blood cell count, which is why they have a Hematocrit level that is not allowed to be exceeded.

All up it's a big dissapointment, and unfortunate for Kloden that he too has to suffer the team withdrawing from the tour.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 17:29
by mikesbytes
Using your own blood was suspected amongst runners in the 70's but I don't think they caught.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 17:38
by weiyun
Well, the way to get past that is to use your own blood for the transfer, which is a bit of what was involved with operation puerto, though this can also be detected due to an unusually high red blood cell count, which is why they have a Hematocrit level that is not allowed to be exceeded.
That's why I think Vino was so dumb to do the way he did. But yet again, it could have been management's decision given Astana is a national team where he may not have acted as an individual.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 18:02
by T-Bone
It's irrelevant if it's the managements decision, as he is responsible and could have refused and quit the team, there are plenty of teams that would sign him.

If he is found to be guilty, then he is a disgrace and his career is over.

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 18:09
by weiyun
It's irrelevant if it's the managements decision, as he is responsible and could have refused and quit the team, there are plenty of teams that would sign him.
Not sure about these national teams. There are funny forces that goes into play in these teams.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 19:06
by Damian

All up it's a big dissapointment, and unfortunate for Kloden that he too has to suffer the team withdrawing from the tour.
That's what everyone said about Vino last year.
You don't think Kloden is doing it as well ?

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 23:21
by T-Bone
Until he tests positive i don't have any reason to suspect him. Last year with operation peurto it was a bit of a farce, and what i heard from the media seemed to be 99% speculation 1% fact. It really should have been kept quiet until there was proof.

I prefer concentrating on the race, and if someone is cheating they have to go!!!

Posted: 27 Jul 2007, 13:36
by lindsay
That's why I think Vino was so dumb to do the way he did
Well I've heard some gossip that it was an unintended mistake... They put the wrong blood into him, screwed up the bags. So he got someone else's blood instead of his own, hence the extra DNA.

And to further to the gossip I heard, that is what happened to last year's winner only this time the wrong bag came from somebody who had the traces of synthetic testosterone which then was passed on to him. So that's how he can put this hand on his heart and say he didn't take the testerone.

It's sad.. proves the shocking medical standards of these secret clinics they use.

Posted: 27 Jul 2007, 13:57
by weiyun
It's sad.. proves the shocking medical standards of these secret clinics they use.
At least it's not a secret amputation clinic... Ooops, took the wrong leg off. :D