Another drug cheat caught

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Postby weiyun » 25 Jul 2007, 22:19

Live report says that there's a third drug cheat who got caught at the TdF. Name hasn't been released yet.

Who can it be? :shock:

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Postby geoff m » 25 Jul 2007, 23:30

Hmmmm, maybe the guys coming 1st and 2nd!......

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Postby geoff m » 25 Jul 2007, 23:43

L'Equipe reported Wednesday afternoon that one sample from stage 11 has tested positive for testosterone.

Stage 11 was won by Barloworld's Robert Hunter while Rabobank's Michael Rasmussen wore the yellow jersey. Both riders and several random riders would have been controlled after the stage.

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Postby weiyun » 26 Jul 2007, 01:55

Still awaiting for the bombshell.

The SBS guest commentary was pretty blunt. Basically slammed Rasmussen for his multiple disappearances and missed tests.

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Postby weiyun » 26 Jul 2007, 09:39

Well, the news is out. Cofidis rider Cristian Moreni tested positive and the whole team is out. Shame, I liked their jersey.

The true bomb shell is obviously Rasmussen. Kicked out of the tour by Rabobank for the dodgy story he gave over his missed out of competition tests. I would think the team sponsor Rabobank (banking institution) as well TdF organizers would both have put on some pressure.

Credibility is back for the Tour. 3 cheers!

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Postby mcrkennedy » 26 Jul 2007, 11:48

Credibility is back for the Tour. 3 cheers!
I agree that is does restore credibilitiy. It would have been better if the UCI and the Danes had acted sooner and told ASO about it at the time. In the end Russmussen is being kicked out for lying nor doping.

Cycling is going through a lot of pain at the moment, Iam sure in the long run the reward will be great.

Go Cadel!!!

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Postby T-Bone » 26 Jul 2007, 12:26

Just think, now Cadel Evans only needs to beat Contador by 1.53 in the time trial and he'll get the Win!!!!

There really is too much chaos in this years tour, but hopefully if they get rid of the dodgy riders this year, next year will be a much better race. We can only wait and see though.

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Postby weiyun » 26 Jul 2007, 13:00

Chaos? Drama I call it. Love it!

The other rider I really enjoyed watching was Soler of Barloworld. Love an underdog win, especially an under privileged one from Columbia.

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Postby T-Bone » 26 Jul 2007, 14:23

That's right, Soler has been riding well. It's always good to see someone new come into the spotlight, just hoping he maintains his performances in the future unlike Rujano (don't think he could handle the pressure).

As for the chaos, i prefer to see the action in the race itself, not on the sidelines as it detracts from everyone else. I'm expecting another protest on the startline tonight.

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Postby weiyun » 26 Jul 2007, 14:56

Does anyone know Soler's role in the team prior to the Tour? Was he always planned to contest the KOM title? Or can a domestic/supporting rider suddenly find his legs and switch role? Guess there would be suspicion of doping if the performance jump was too great.

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Postby mikesbytes » 26 Jul 2007, 16:17

My guess is that Cadel will reel in much of that gap in the TT and then its going to be a close race all the way back to Paris

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 26 Jul 2007, 16:56

You know this whole trying to 'clean up the sport' thing is starting to replicate the 40km walk in the olympics where they get disqualified if their technique no longer resembles walking. You know just when you think your country is going to get a medal, the race referee shows them the red card & they're out. & you sit there & feel ripped off because your walker's techniques looks no different from anybody else's?

& it's a joke because we're getting headlines in the common media like 'the tour de France is becoming a farce, cycling just can't shake this drug problem', when every sport in the world has a drug problem, even golfers are now admitting to doping & their sport is more about precision than athleticism. THere has to be a better way of getting rid of the cheats that doesn't detract from the race, because we won't have a winner if they keep going the way they are. Using links to remove riders is problematic because Contador should be next to go, he was part of the Liberty Segeuros team who were shamed for the number of riders doping. They have to target the managers rather than the teams because that's where it all stems from & managers can use riders as cannon fodder. Dope them up till they get caught, fire them & then dope up the next rider. In common society we don't punish the users much, we punish the dealers....

There's just too much money in sport...

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Postby weiyun » 26 Jul 2007, 17:07

even golfers are now admitting to doping & their sport is more about precision than athleticism...

There's just too much money in sport...
Actually, as long as human are involved, there'll always be drugs that can improve certain aspect of the physiology that can give you the winning edge. Those medical researchers are not there for nothing.

As for money. Well, it's no NBA in the US, yet. :wink:

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 26 Jul 2007, 18:43

It may not be the NBA in the amount of viewers yet but what about the amount of bikes that are ridden/sold? & the overall level of consumerism? That's where all the money is made....

But hey maybe someday it will be bigger than the NBA...

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Postby weiyun » 26 Jul 2007, 19:22

But hey maybe someday it will be bigger than the NBA...
I thought this is one of the key items in DHBC's club objectives.

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Postby Huw » 27 Jul 2007, 11:19

The ongoing problems with doping and cheating in cycling are a real shame - so many teams and individuals have been caught this year during the race. Who can tell who else in the peloton is cheating? Is it only a matter of time before each hot-n-cold stage winner, like Vino, will slip up and be caught?

Actually (and the real issue I want to raise), this cynical viewpoint has led me to reflect on how great it is to be a so-so amateur cyclist. How you still get the chance to ride your bloody legs off, but winning is probably only worth a beer at the pub afterwards (and the chance to brag to Mike :wink:). Drugs, disgrace and $14K bikes seem like a strange and undesirable existence compared to the noble saddle sores I get riding with friends.

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Postby weiyun » 27 Jul 2007, 12:07

Agree with you there Huw. Riding for one's own fitness and goals is so much less stressful. It's a pleasure to suffer almost.

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Postby T-Bone » 27 Jul 2007, 12:17

I still wouldn't mind getting my saddle sores while riding a $14K bike!! 8)

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Postby mikesbytes » 27 Jul 2007, 12:17

Yeh, for us its just fun and what's the fun in cheating.

Unfortunately the problem is not just professional. I hear down the grapevine that there are 2 veteran riders in Sydney who are taking "anti aging drugs" IE testerone or the like.

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Postby weiyun » 27 Jul 2007, 12:36

Yeh, for us its just fun and what's the fun in cheating.

Unfortunately the problem is not just professional. I hear down the grapevine that there are 2 veteran riders in Sydney who are taking "anti aging drugs" IE testerone or the like.
That's an interesting issue. Male hormone replacement is starting to get popular, similar to their use in women. It does make you "younger" and stronger. Given it's not reimbursed, you only get on if you are willing to pay out of your own pocket. So from a health and anti-aging point of view, there is value in this mode of management.

The difficulty comes in mixing competitive sports with these anti-aging therapies. Putting aside the ethics of it, does it matter given amateur races are categorized by ability rather than age? I would think it's more of an issue when there's age based race classification.

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 27 Jul 2007, 13:33

There's no testing in Vets for the simple reason that they don't want to restrict medications which people need to live. A simple example is ventolin. I don't know the exact situation but if your an asthmatic as a child you can get a certificate to say it's medicinal but if you were to get lung problems in your mid thirties & just happened to be a contender for the tour de france that year you'll have alot more trouble convincing people it's medicinal & your not trying to cheat. It's not hard to get a doctors certificate so i'm sure you'd need official UCI clearance which i would a ssume is not too easy to get.

But in the Vets as the boys were saying down at the track on wednesday night alot of them are on a few medications, mainly anti cholesterol but at that age it's part of life, so everyone would need a certificate, assuming their banned substances... Your talking mainly about 40-50yr old men who can make logical decisions, if they want to kill themselves with steroids then i think they're old enough to make their own choices. THe main problem with pros is that you have older riders & managers putting pressure on youngsters, 16 y/o's to take drugs either through direct pressure or through the myth that all riders are on them & you must take drugs to compete. which is wrong because at that age kids think they're invincible & are unable to properly judge the consequences....

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Postby mikesbytes » 27 Jul 2007, 16:43

From what I hear, is that if a veteran applies for exemption for medication, it is usually turned down. One particular top ranking veteran rider was rather upset that he had to compete against someone taking anti aging drugs.

If I decide to compete as a veteran power lifter next year, I will have to provide full details of where and when I train and will be subjected to a random drug test at some point during the year. We ain't talking pro or Olympics, we are talking of an old fella who will probably come last.

BTW its exactly the same drug rules in both sports.

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Postby T-Bone » 27 Jul 2007, 22:54

I thought there would be testing, as there is for us. The reason it isn't usually done is most likely the cost of doing the test. Generally in races we do, if they're going to test it will usually only be the top 10, and for a scratch race, in A grade only.

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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 27 Jul 2007, 23:29

I've been told there is no testing for vets & i'm pretty sure it's true. Donna & the other vets down at the track who race at national level & have Aust titles is where i think i heard it & i did have to ask a few times because it sounded a bit bizarre. Whether that's they don't fund the testing or whether there is no regulations for vets i'm not sure?

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Postby T-Bone » 31 Jul 2007, 17:00

It's Mayo's turn now i guess.......... :?

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Postby mikesbytes » 31 Jul 2007, 19:03

I better start reading the ingredients on the side of the packets

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Postby weiyun » 31 Jul 2007, 20:13

With this Mayo case, it does seem that the old guard are just unable to get away from their old ways.

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